[Art] Alex's art thread part the third (22 July 2008)

Started by Faerie Alex, June 23, 2008, 07:02:41 PM

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Faerie Alex

Art thread part the second: here

As a slight note to that thread, all of my website is working now, although I haven't updated it recently.

And now to the arts.

Miranda sculpture #2~The legs were a pain in the tail, but this one represents Miranda's most current character design (outfit & all).

Depth of Field thingy~Actually, an assignment to demonstrate depth of field from my photography class.

MET heads~Not to be confused with the Mets' heads (baseball reference, kinda), found in the Greek & Roman gallery at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Rock (in) my world~Found in Central Park behind the MET somewhere.

Bet you're gonna think this is older than it actually is~Cuz it's been treated in sepia.

Sun-less solar print~Which is kinda cool none the less.

BEWARE-large file: Anthrocon badge WIP~Large because I scanned at 300 pixels & was too lazy to size it down to 72 pixels. If I can get this finished, I'll be wearing this at Anthrocon. I'm thinking I'll try to color it in colored pencil. The "modelincard" lettering is supposed to look like this old sign that Penn Station (New York City) used to have for the Long Island Railroad (which I ride, periodically) that had these little flippy bits it used to show where trains were going. (It's since been replaced with a digital sign.)
Jeez I need to update this thing.


Neat.  "Alex" on the badge is plenty big enough, though 'modelincard' is a little small, given that that is what most of us here know you as.

Also, the weapon placement strikes me as being rather odd.  Assuming it's sheathed, it's going to be extremely awkward.  If it's not sheathed, it's going to be extremely painful (and might damage his throat if he trips).

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

llearch n'n'daCorna

I believe that's a strap across the front, there, Tapewolf. Standard back/shoulder -sheathed sword placement - barring the one oddity, which is that it's set up for left-handed strikes...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 23, 2008, 07:26:21 PM
I believe that's a strap across the front, there, Tapewolf. Standard back/shoulder -sheathed sword placement - barring the one oddity, which is that it's set up for left-handed strikes...
I thought it might be, but I just couldn't see it that way.  Unless the pommel is actually going behind him, which is a little confused by the line branching off to his shirt.  The blade on the right hand side doesn't seem to be going behind his arm, which gives the impression it is going under it.

Actually, colour would probably make it click into place.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Faerie Alex

@Tape- Partly, I drew Alex (the character) first, intending to go with about the placement I used. I know it's a bit small, but I was mainly just working on fitting it.

As far as the weapon placement, that was something I wasn't so sure about. Do you mean it should be about on his hip, or at a different angle on his back? Also, it is supposed to be sheathed, but it -could- be painful either way from that position (considering the placement of his ear :<).

@box- Yes, that is a strap, it just may now have been clear in the pencil drawing. As far as handiness, I don't really have any experience with this sort of thing :sweatdrop, but that could be an interesting character trait to add on to Alex. I dunno.

@Tape #2- Not quite sure what you mean, it's going behind his right shoulder/neck but you're probably right that the color will help it.

Quit ninja-ing me, dangit! 2 times!
Jeez I need to update this thing.

llearch n'n'daCorna

I thought it was perfectly clear, but obviously Tapewolf isn't seeing what I'm seeing. Such is the subjective nature of art...

You two do have a point about the ear and the arm, though. From what it looks like, either the sword is very bent, or the poor fellow is going to be short a half an ear once he draws... ;-]

The handed-ness thing is merely... if it's hung for a right-handed person, it'll be over the left shoulder. Try lifting your right hand up behind your right shoulder; it's doable, but it's a stretch. Now throw in a big shoulder-guard, as you'd usually have on the arm you fight with (it's the one most likely to get poked by the other guy's sword, after all, so putting _something_ on it to stop them poking holes in your skin is only sensible) and it becomes almost impossible to reach back far enough to catch it. Not only that, if you have the sword handle behind your right shoulder, and reach your right hand back to it... the handle moves back as your hand moves back, meaning you have to reach further. If you reach over your right shoulder with your _left_ hand, though, you naturally move the shoulder forwards, making it _easier_ to reach.

I mention all this because I figure it might help you to think this out before you draw the next one. ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Faerie Alex

Well, let's see here. I totally meant to do this earlier, but then I put it off. A lot. :U But now we have...

The colored Anthrocon con-badge in all it's (albeit perhaps limited) glory and...

Another sculpture of Alex wearing a shirt that I made up based on another group that I'm a member of.

I feel like I ought to say something more...but I can't think of anything else. :<
Jeez I need to update this thing.