
Started by thetire, July 08, 2006, 06:45:14 PM

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What I find funny is that I seem to have an equal karma rating, through and through.  One can't help but wonder where the positive karma is coming from.  I boggle at the thought that some people might actually be entertained by my assinine posts.

Karma is a fascinating thing, it'll be interesting to see how mine goes.  So far I almost have a harmonious balance.  What will happen next?  Only time will tell.

Sketchy boy

Karma dosn't really do anyhtin with me.  I think it ignors me.  that or I do too many good things.


I already seem to have people out for me.  This system is way too easy to abuse.


I don't think it's meant to be taken too seriously though.  After all, if I had my way I'd have -10,000 karma and that would be bandied around as a badge of pride.  At the moment though, I'm 8 for 8.  Which I suppose means I've attained some zen-like level of balance and does little for my dreams of becoming the karmic version of good ol' Lennisher.

It's the good karma that worries me, people are actually applauding my incessant ramblings.  And I have no idea why!  Either that or there are simply folks who're randomly clicking on the applaud and smite buttons, I find this easier to believe.

Anyway, if the negative karma bothers ya.  I'll wing a positive point your way.


I heard something in passing about karma balancing itself out. Meaning, if you get bad karma now, you're bound to have good karma later and vice versa. I don't know if this is "true" ("accepted" is more the word) or not.


Note, Karma does not apply to video game AI.


Quote from: Rowne on July 12, 2006, 07:10:04 PM
I don't think it's meant to be taken too seriously though. 

What I find funny is that I've only said that about thirty different times in five days.


You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


I have to level with you Damaris, the reason I think this is simply because I trust the denizens of this board.  With a few rare possible exceptions, I just don't think people here would actually take a vendetta against a person seriously.  Most of them are either too silly or just too nice.  That's what Amber gets for creating a comic that largely promotes a goodwill atmosphere though.  So I blame her.  Probably.

For me, it's not so much that I know the karma system isn't meant to be taken seriously but more that I really do know that nobody here is going to take it seriously, I also know that this is your intent too.  So I have absolutely no reason to take it seriously myself and I still want my -10,000 karma.  How can I talk about being hit by a karma nuke if I only have -9 karma?  I'm a karma weenie.

Anyway, yeah, I think everyone's going to warm up to it being silly in time because nobody here has the capacity to take it seriously.  Still, if you really want to host something that's completely pointless, you should host a variant of Legend of the Green Dragon.  *Cough.*


There is a point when the horse is so dead that hitting it with the whip is just pointless...
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Well, unless you have some kind of fe-- okay, nevermind.


Then there's the opposite way of looking at things that sometimes, there's absolutely no point in pointing out a dead Horse until everyone else realizes that, thus the best way to combat a Horse necropsy is to just jump in there and over-exaggerate the heck out of it until everyone else realizes it was a dead Horse.

Was I doing that?  I'm not saying.


See, what karma does, is everytime it's mentioned, god kills a kitten. I ask you to stop killing my cat brethren. Please? We're running out of kitties.

James StarRunner

I'm sure people are around to make sure everybody has some negative karma. I already seem to have some probably just because my record was too clean or something. That or someone is very upset at my long absence. Looking at some people though, it's obvious that it's not always an accurate representation of their personality.


Quote from: James StarRunner on July 14, 2006, 06:16:53 PM
I'm sure people are around to make sure everybody has some negative karma. I already seem to have some probably just because my record was too clean or something. That or someone is very upset at my long absence. Looking at some people though, it's obvious that it's not always an accurate representation of their personality.

True, Karma is given wenn someone feels like it. It isn't reallt usefull at all.  :mowdizzy But about the bad karma you received, I apologize but that was me.   :mowwink I feel like it's my duty to give everyone a bad karma point that gives about thier useless postcount.  :mowsad Basicly because postcounts are bad karma you get bad karma for requesting it  :mowninja Altough I've only given out few bad Karma points on this forum
(it's really not something I like to do)

in addition I already gave you three positive Karma points because I like you James  :mowtongue Aslo I wouldn't worry to much about bad karma, Everyone has gotten some for some reason. Some Karma junkies are going around smite'ing everyone.


Quote from: James StarRunner on July 14, 2006, 06:16:53 PM
I'm sure people are around to make sure everybody has some negative karma. That or someone is very upset at my long absence.

It wasn't me :)  Welcome aboard, James, glad you could make it.  As you may have noticed your 7 posts rated you as a lump of slime.  If this does not appeal to you, you can apply at the 'Post count reinstatement' thread and get your post count from The Nice transferred across.
*EDIT* : Oh, you did.  I'm sure I checked before writing.  Duh.

I wouldn't pay too much notice to the karma - if you had to log the reason for the karma change, like in Home Recording, it would be rather more useful.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Aiyno Wolf on July 14, 2006, 06:20:00 PM
I feel like it's my duty to give everyone a bad karma point that gives about thier useless postcount.  :mowsad Basicly because postcounts are bad karma you get bad karma for requesting it  :mowninja Altough I've only given out few bad Karma points on this forum
(it's really not something I like to do)
hey, I requested a negative post count :<

anyway jokes aside, those who actually care about getting bad karma maybe know they deserve it and are annoyed that random people point it out anonymously. Because really, it's just a toy option, get over it  :dribble


Some of us are consciencious of what other think, and unfortunately those who do it because they simply don't care have they affect the feelings of others throw off the system.  Toys aren't meant to be abused and used to hurt others.


Quote from: Manawolf on July 14, 2006, 09:40:41 PM
Some of us are consciencious of what other think, and unfortunately those who do it because they simply don't care have they affect the feelings of others throw off the system.  Toys aren't meant to be abused and used to hurt others.
welcome on the internet? :bunny


Isn't it to?  I'm just Lawful that way, I'm even serious about playing my games.  Gotta get it right, because getting it wrong means you just wasted a bunch of time.


i love being able to hit a button labeled 'smite' and it actually does something(not that i have>.>) And Mr. Manawolf, I applaud you because your sig makes me smile.


They are the best quotes I have ever heard.  Maybe I should include "ALL ABOARD THE PORN STAR EXPRESS" sometime.


If you do that, I'd have to kill you.


They are funny quotes, no doubt about it.

As for the karma, the thing is, you have to count on the fact that there are always invisible aliens (or trolls) who'll vote with negative karma no matter what, so it can never be a true representation of how people feel about you.

Personally, I don't think anyone really dislikes anyone on these boards.  I happen to like you mana because yes, you have a funny sig but most importantly, you're honest about how you feel on any given topic and I respect that.

Lots of people I like here for myriad reasons, actually.

Though I admit, I've been slightly negative here and there to rile up the invisible aliens to see whether I can rack up my goal of having a negative score of 50,000 karma.  Apparently it wasn't working, so I gave up.  It seems that I shall forever have a near zen-like balance to my karma.  For I am the internet equivalent of a bonsai tree.

Anyway, in my personal opinion, nullus anxietas in regards to the karma.  It can't be a true representation of how people feel if people who don't give a damn about how they feel are allowed to vote.  So it's all just silly.

Now just watch as people raise mine up to +20/-20 [relevant at the time of posting] just to taunt me.  My karma will forever be a font of mediocrity!

---- Edit

Today on karma-watch:

See?  It's exactly as I said!  My karma is already evening out.

The karma-controllers are out there, turning my board presence into a delicate balance between good and evil.  I feel like a true neutral character from D&D.  I could explode civilizations or give birth the new forms of life.  Or something.


Quote from: Rowne on July 17, 2006, 06:29:17 PM
Now just watch as people raise mine up to +20/-20 [relevant at the time of posting] just to taunt me.  My karma will forever be a font of mediocrity!

Bwahahahah  :mwaha

You will also note that some other people seem to have neutral karma too  :mowninja
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


To paraphrase Claw: I'll get you next time, Malakin.  Next time!


Karma karma karma karma karma chameleon?

I have yet to find out who of the people giving me negative karma are doing it just for fun, and which are doing it because they still haven't dropped the past. Not even sherlock himself could probably figure that one out.


I have one thing to say.



Tis important to keep as many forumites karma levels neutral! if too many are unbalanced then the forum will implode into a blackhole, for reason i will not go into at this time!
"The only limit to my freedom is the inevitable closure of the
universe, as inevitable as your own last breath. And yet,
there remains time to create, to create, and escape.

Escape will make me God.


in that case, we'll have to kill amber and damaris to save the world, cause that's where the big imbalances are, and i'm afraid it may be too late to right it...

edit: holy crap, never mind that, i just realized darkmoon is the cause of it! just look at that karma count!  >_>


Karma appears to be a toy to most people, who use it religiously for the slightest feeling of passion or hatred towards the person.

People either applaud me for taking initiative or they just like how my name looks on the screen, or they smite me for spelling something wrong on purpose. I think people use the modifier out of context, and yields incorrect results. From what I can tell already on this board, no one should have more negative points then positive on the modifier.

I personally try to post only important and relevant posts to the subject or thread. I do not like to post small little sentences unless it carries a strong message, so for the rest I write paragraphs or something similar. That is one of the main reasons why I will not be that active in the community unless I have something to say, agree with, or disagree with. This may help or hinder me, some people thinking I'm self-centered, or even shy. Its all on the person's perspective.

As of now, I believe most people's karma display will be inaccurate to their personality and over-all being. I can gladly look at mine and feel happy that my karma is positive or feel a tad saddened by the negatives being the stronger of the two. Either way, I know it does not reflect who I am with complete accuracy.

So, in my opinion, the modifier is a tool that you can choose to heed and like all tools, it has its downsides.