Castlevania - the Thread

Started by Nimrods Son, June 18, 2008, 01:56:50 PM

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Nimrods Son

Hi all,

since we haven't had much Cv conversation going on in here lately, I thought I'd just open a "open" Cv-specific thread. I assume one single thread should be able to handle all Cv-related talk at the moment, and still (hopefully) will not get flushed down as fast as was the case with Cv specific one-question-threads in the past.

It'd be, perhabs, a nice idea to stickify this thread, or to excempt it from thread necromancy rules as long as it's needed to establish a nominal Cv presence in this very .... CV-rpg-centered forum; but I'll leave that up to the admins, of course.

I did'nt feel a need to talk Cv in the last one and a half year myself, I admit;  :B and would like to check whether there's still anyone Cv in herrre..

Me, I'm really looking forward to the next DS installment, still hoping that the promised world map will deliver us from annoying backtracking orgies.
The concept of the Order of Etcetera seems a nice new side-story-arc-option. Plus, there's a certain continuity between the looks and "uniforms" of the new heroine and my beloved Charlotte Aulin, so that I don't have to assume Charlotte is another Belnades descendant. Yes!  :eager

Castle Pokemetroid

As long as it's better than Portrait of Ruin, I'll be happy with the new one. Can be about the backstory of Balore for all I care, as long as it's better than PoR, I'll be set until the next one.

Nimrods Son

hmm, PoR did suck  :kirby Mjomm.
There was more real-world-story in Bloodlines, more action, and more CastleVania.
There's a reason Cv's my favourite series, not Metroid, and PoR ist THAT Metroid with it's setting completely isolated from the real world that I can't even really call it a Cv game.
And the paintings were a great idea, had they been used as "warp" portals to London, America, the bombed-out Hamburg etc. But they were just flat and empty paintings. The locations meant nothing because they aren't meant to be real locations (e.g., for example with just two or three NPCs standing around in confusion, being rushed at by nazi skeletons, hiding in the cellars from German aircraft or whatever, and the whole game felt hollow due to that.

King Of Hearts

I liked portrait of ruin from a gameplay standpoint, not so much with the story but hey...

Im also really looking forward to Order of Ecclesia... though I have no idea how they will fit this in the CV timeline.

Nimrods Son

I know I'm a negative creep, but I'm sure IGa will fit it in somehow.

As far as I know, OoE takes place in mid-nineteenth century, huh huh, and seems to serve as a placeholder for the retconned CastleVania 64 gaiden games.

Although technically, OoE is a new gaiden in itself, since it's Belmont-free and features no direct connection to the main series or the X series, respectively.

King Of Hearts

First Final Fantasy Dissidia... now this... could this be a new trend?

Castle Pokemetroid

Quote from: Angantyr on June 23, 2008, 06:08:38 AM
hmm, PoR did suck  :kirby Mjomm.
There was more real-world-story in Bloodlines, more action, and more CastleVania.
There's a reason Cv's my favourite series, not Metroid, and PoR ist THAT Metroid with it's setting completely isolated from the real world that I can't even really call it a Cv game.
And the paintings were a great idea, had they been used as "warp" portals to London, America, the bombed-out Hamburg etc. But they were just flat and empty paintings. The locations meant nothing because they aren't meant to be real locations (e.g., for example with just two or three NPCs standing around in confusion, being rushed at by nazi skeletons, hiding in the cellars from German aircraft or whatever, and the whole game felt hollow due to that.

I loved the idea that it was WWII. I loved the idea that they had a opportunity to create tanks as monsters to fight, and bombs falling from the sky to dodge. I loved that they had a chance to make a reason why the castle actually regerated by itself from all the dead souls roaming about.

But I absolutely hated it when no such ideas were placed into the game, and even when the paintings litterly had unlimited poteintal they did little stuff with them. I am not kidding. They could of done anything they had ever wanted with the paintings, anything. They could of said the paintings lead to another universe all together if they wanted.

But they didn't even so much as to add more than one room of water into the game. Unlimited potential, and they give us this. And that is why I think what ever OoE is, as long as it's better than PoR, I'm set until the next one.

I just wonder what potential OoE has. (Do NOT give spoilers, I dosen't wants anys)

Nimrods Son