The DMFA Radio Project

Started by Tezkat, July 08, 2006, 04:22:11 PM

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Okay, got'cha. Will get to work on it as soon as I relocate the mac to my room.


Well, redid those ones you asked for. I hope I got thigns better this time >> I don't think 526 and 530 came out great, so I might try those again. 531 I just added a small bit in at the end that you're free to cut >> Very small bit, but...

I also fail at varying my voice enough. Sounded too much like Abel while trying an Ink, ah well.

My mic isn't good enough to handle a scream of rage, so I'll keep tryign and get that to ya when I can *Hopefully soon*

Will upload the files soon, just going to do a couple new comics since I have time >> Maybe start on Abel's Story <<


Quote"Warrior For Hire" is the only complete broadcast-length episode, but there are lots and lots of shorter test segments, including the individual segments that I compiled into "Warrior For Hire".

The link is the one in my signature,
James also has a site here:
Ok, thanks, I'll check as soon is I can!  :)

Damien Holtz


I double posted? I could'a sworn there was a post between the two, sorry.

*WTB Post deletion option*

Transfering the mass of recordings right now, will have them uploaded later tonight hopefully

Bam. Finished the main storyline, up to where Amber is in it at least :P

Damien Holtz

I don't really mind, but the Fun Police™ will get you if you double post D:


I actually like Ink's reverse reverb effect... I love how evil it sounds. The 'big shiny buttons' line made me crack up.


Quote from: insanekaosx on August 02, 2006, 06:13:49 PM
Transfering the mass of recordings right now, will have them uploaded later tonight hopefully
Bam. Finished the main storyline, up to where Amber is in it at least :P

That's pretty good.  #625 could do with a bit more whimpering, but overall I like them.  Thanks.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Okay, here's an experimental clip from the SAIA#3 segment, with a score.  I'd like some feedback on whether it works, hence the DP.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on August 03, 2006, 05:13:01 PM
Okay, here's an experimental clip from the SAIA#3 segment, with a score.  I'd like some feedback on whether it works, hence the DP.
I think it sounds great. The music is different from what I've been hearing-- more playful than the fight scene scores. It's perfect for the situation.

James, I can't even begin to express how well your voice fits Dan's character. It's just... wow.


Quote from: Hilary on August 03, 2006, 07:23:25 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on August 03, 2006, 05:13:01 PM
Okay, here's an experimental clip from the SAIA#3 segment, with a score.  I'd like some feedback on whether it works, hence the DP.
I think it sounds great. The music is different from what I've been hearing-- more playful than the fight scene scores. It's perfect for the situation.

It has a sort of carnival feel to it IMHO, which may or may not be appropriate.  Tonight I also wrote the darker section following it, which reminds me of the FM organ prelude in Monkey Island.  Last night, I only had the carnival bit which gets boring after a while.  I might also add another bit specifically for Ink, if I can devise one.

I'd already decided that for the in-SAIA scenes, I wanted to do everything on organ where possible.  This one is using the 'Church C#' patch on the Hammond XM*.  In the earlier SAIA segment, it uses a custom set, and I brought in synthesizers for the horrific section (including one pretending to be a Hammond, bizarrely enough).
In my head, I've already decided on the music for Dan's tour.  I'll need to make some squeaking sounds, though.  And we still need Nirfy.

James, I can't even begin to express how well your voice fits Dan's character. It's just... wow.
Yes.  Some of the new parts are incredible.

* 005320000 on the upper manual, 004545440 on lower, and 06 on pedals.  As if anyone actually cares.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I rather like that Ink voice as well, it just.... fits so well to how i imagined it.

And is much better than I could do.

More whimpering? I'm on it! Except, not right now >> Maybe tommorow


QuoteI'll agree.
That's it, Circle gets the square!
'Tis wonderful how things are coming. The wonderful voices are synched together very nicely. That music does add an interesting touch to things. The organ seem fitting for such a place.
I'm sure I'd care about the pedals, if only I actually knew what they were.:januscat


Quote from: Lysander on August 04, 2006, 11:07:32 AM
QuoteI'll agree.
That's it, Circle gets the square!
'Tis wonderful how things are coming. The wonderful voices are synched together very nicely. That music does add an interesting touch to things. The organ seem fitting for such a place.
I'm sure I'd care about the pedals, if only I actually knew what they were.:januscat

The Hammond has three keyboards, upper, lower and a pedal board at the bottom which is played with your feet.  Each one can be set to have a different tone.
The tones are controlled by mixing harmonics together - you have 9 knobs which can be pulled out to 8 different intensities (and off).  This can be expressed as a 9-digit number.
If you took the numbers I gave above, and set the drawbars up on another Hammond organ, you should get the same sounds.  Mine was a digitally modelled, so it might not be quite the same on a proper tonewheel organ.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

May Rewanz

Quote from: Tapewolf on August 03, 2006, 05:13:01 PM
Okay, here's an experimental clip from the SAIA#3 segment, with a score.  I'd like some feedback on whether it works, hence the DP.

O_o...*falls over laughing*
I'm sorry...that "jumper cables" line is just a bit too funny for me. *wipes tears of laughter from eyes*
The music definitely works...The lines are great (especially Dan's...) and it's all around goodness.


Quote from: May Rewanz on August 05, 2006, 08:55:00 AM
Quote from: Tapewolf on August 03, 2006, 05:13:01 PM
Okay, here's an experimental clip from the SAIA#3 segment, with a score.  I'd like some feedback on whether it works, hence the DP.

O_o...*falls over laughing*
I'm sorry...that "jumper cables" line is just a bit too funny for me. *wipes tears of laughter from eyes*
The music definitely works...The lines are great (especially Dan's...) and it's all around goodness.

Catherine Willington, I presume?*  Welcome to the new forums.  I've just played with the new Mab recordings, the ones with the bedsheet trick.  That's a whole lot better.  Do you think you could redo Mab's lines for the SAIA arc in this manner?  If so, I'll use them in the next rev of the SAIA 3 arc.

* If that's not you, I'm so sorry!

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Yes, now the numbers and organ make sense. This one knows...very little, when it comes to things like synthesizers. :januscat

May Rewanz

Yes, 'tis me Mr. Morris.  I'll do the SAIA arc either tonight or tomorrow morning...that along with the May Rewanz lines perhaps?


Quote from: Catherine Willington on August 05, 2006, 07:53:46 PM
Yes, 'tis me Mr. Morris.  I'll do the SAIA arc either tonight or tomorrow morning...that along with the May Rewanz lines perhaps?

Yes, that would be excellent.  I'll have to ask Shadrok about Cid again too.
For now, goodnight.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

James StarRunner

Almost finished updating my DMFA Radio page. While I was updating though, I found a couple new out-takes I forgot to add. They are:
(I had a LOT of trouble with the phone that day)

The background music gives the perfect mood for SAIA.
Quote from: Catherine Willington on August 05, 2006, 08:55:00 AM
The lines are great (especially Dan's...)
I didn't do it, I swear! Oh... wait... you liked my lines? (Looks like I corrupted another one...)

Oh, and welcome to the forum! Hope to hear more from you!

Quote from: Hilary on August 03, 2006, 07:23:25 PMJames, I can't even begin to express how well your voice fits Dan's character. It's just... wow.
I can't believe I'm getting everyone's minds corrupted!

Actually, being serious now, thanks for the compliment! Thanks from everyone! When Miaka first suggested this project, I wondered what poor fool would have to play Dan (and yes, I do concider myself a fool ). I didn't think I'd fit him well at first, but I think I've grown into it. We've got a great team though (including yourselves), it's not just me... really!

edit> Hahaha! Looking back in the old thread it looks like I tried to get out of doing Dan a couple times!

May Rewanz

Oh gods...I have a new appreciation for the laughter medicine given by outtakes.  When you said "phone trouble" I thought microphone...took me a couple listens to figure out you meant the telephone...
I'll have to remember to save any bloopers that I happen to create...I bet in a year or so we could all have about 10 cumulative minutes of bloopers or something...

And a question for J.P., just wondering, but how do you get the "bleep" sounds?  Is it a download or a setting in Audacity or other sound program?


Quote from: Catherine Willington on August 06, 2006, 09:56:44 AM
And a question for J.P., just wondering, but how do you get the "bleep" sounds?  Is it a download or a setting in Audacity or other sound program?

James, I must remember never, never to cross you.  That growl thing scared the s___ out of me.

Catherine, for the bleep, select the word (or bit of word) you don't like, and use the 'Generate Tone' option in 'Generate'.  Use a sinewave at 1000hz and about 0.5 for the amplitude.

Now this is a first.  With apologies to Amber and B. A. Robertson,  Merlitz sings 'Kool in the Kaftan' have no idea how difficult it was to sing in-character!
I never did get the weird chunky organ bit to sound right, and I didn't want to sample the record.  If you like it, buy the original song and give Mr. Robertson some money.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Aisha deCabre

Heheheh, nice outtakes, James.  We should probably try saving our mistakes, as they come out to be quite funny.  :mowdan

And JP, that song?  Quite funky, and by funky I mean quite funny too :mowtongue  I was tempted to hum along.  XD

I think this is the first post I've made on the new Radio Project thread.  Probably about time I showed myself anyway.

I forget how many of the new Matilda recordings I've put up...but here's the one I had a bit of fun with, trying to get the fear thing down.  Pancake ferret!  :mowdizzy  (I have another one that has the same inflection but doesn't seem kinda screechy)

Probably about time for the new Moira too...

And...just something for people to laugh at for the stupidness and amateur quality of recording  :3  I was testing out my voices and came up with this sorta...very short fan-skit thing with them both.  Introducing: Moira Goes Shopping.

(It's in OGG format, hope that's okay with some of you...somehow I can't put it into an MP3 file yet, and this was the best way to compress it a little)

Anyways, great job to all of you with recordings.  Especially Dan, I agree.   :P
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

May Rewanz

O_o...Odd song...I'm afraid to say more.   ;)
Thanks for the bleep playing around with other thingies on Audacity and was wondering how to do it.

((P.S. Recordings might be a bit having to go through my closet for back-to-school stuff...))


Quote from: James StarRunner on August 06, 2006, 02:27:10 AM
(I had a LOT of trouble with the phone that day)

Hehe. I've got a couple of recordings like that, pity I didn't save them. You guys probably could have added a couple of useful words to your vocabulary... XD


Quote from: Aisha deCabre on August 06, 2006, 12:28:13 PM
And JP, that song?  Quite funky, and by funky I mean quite funny too :mowtongue  I was tempted to hum along.  XD

It's not a patch on the original - I just wanted to see what it would turn out like with Merlitz singing it.  AFAIK it is featured on the albums 'Initial Success' and 'Platinum Collection'.  You can probably get it on iTunes or something though.

It's in OGG format, hope that's okay with some of you...
It's my preference actually.  I'll comment on the recordings later on..

Quote from: Catherine Willington on August 06, 2006, 01:10:40 PM
O_o...Odd song...I'm afraid to say more.   ;)
You don't have to like it.  It was just something I put together as an amusement.

Now: here's my latest version of SAIA #3.  It has the complete organ score, which thanks to the arpeggiation is now so complex it requires three hands and a foot, and can therefore only be played by two organists, some kind of sequencer or a 'cubi with wing-tentacles.

Since we still need Nirfy, I have done her myself.  In all other respects I believe it is complete, although I could do with a higher quality recording of Mab.
**EDIT** and more 'angry Abel' sounds, done by Insane instead of me.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

May Rewanz

The song was's not like I hated it or anything.

Did you get my message saying I had uploaded the lines...J.P.?


Quote from: Catherine Willington on August 06, 2006, 07:13:25 PM
The song was's not like I hated it or anything.

Did you get my message saying I had uploaded the lines...J.P.?

I have now.  I'll deal with it tomorrow.  My current priority is to do 'the SAIA arc', although to be honest, exactly where I'll begin and end is not clear-cut.  A lot of it is going to depend on how long it is when the entire thing is complete.  It will need to be split into two episodes if it runs over about 25 minutes.  But to cover all bases I'm probably going to do everything from Aary's letter to Fa'Lina up until just before they go to the mall.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


It doesn't matter how mant times I listen, I still laugh constantly. Not even reading the comic at the same time and it's all great. The sound effects also go along great. :januscat


I'll do what I can about more whining and angry. Soon. I hope.