BOOM! I mean hello.

Started by Nelix, April 02, 2008, 12:57:06 PM

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Hi, I'm Nelix Kharisma, I found the forum after meeting someone ("DannyhearsaNOO", He wrote his login name on his folder, and neither of us noticed at the time.)
who found out that I'm a furry and suggested I join.Also I've read DMFA for two years and never noticed the forum button.

I'm willing to answer any personal questions or give my opinion if asked, as I'm sure I suck* at introductions.

*I've read the rules, but I'm sure "Suck" INS'Tthat offensive, if used to poke fun at oneself.

EDIT: I fail at proof-reading...  :mowdizzy

llearch n'n'daCorna

You're right, suck -is- that offensive.

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


There he is!

I was about to make a topic calling you out of hiding!

It really looks like you wrote 'Hharisma' on the piece of paper you gave me. I got really confuddled.

Anyway, hello!


Danny told me about you.  He said you were a jerk, and I believed him.

Hello, jerk.


Nelix, Don't listen to him. This is Haz, our resident crossdresser.

You'll probably be calling him/her Shaz if you go on the IRC.


That is entirely Ink and llearch's fault.


 Two years and didn't join the forum? Sounds like me. You read the rules, good. Don't tick off the mods, that'll help. Be wary of people who warn you and especially wary of boxes. Best of luck!

Welcome to the Mansion.
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


But Haz, you play the part so well....




Darnit, The faster posters have struck again, but no one warned you for the fire which you caught the moment you walked it.

It musta be hurtin'


Haz, I think he was trying to say I was a dork.

Also Danny, I think it's worth meaning that I'm Dyslexic so any slips of paper with information first need to be corrected and/or decoded by a professional. [Which is why I love the Mansion spell checker.]
* Nelix loves spell checker. ^^  [And the Warning stating there been a new post, while I was typing, it helps soothe my paranoia for some reason.]

And as for cardboard, I'm not too fond of their dry, bland taste anyway...


You should tottally hang out with us in the place that shall not be named but actually is in llearches sig and stuff.

It's totally hectic there.


Quote from: Nelix on April 02, 2008, 01:24:59 PM
Haz, I think he was trying to say I was a dork.

Nope, he said, and I quote, "he is a grade-A asshole".  Not as much as Bill, of course, but you might give him a run for his money with some practice.

...That's what he said in my head, anyway.


Nel, Haz was just making stuff up.  It's all the rage these days, doncha' know.

Also, llearch would happen to be our resident evil box.  Driven to evilness by the stupidity of the guys he works for at the moment.


Nelix, Listen to Jadian. I didn't say squat about you.

Haz just did that because he's insecure about his sexuality.


Danny's lying!  He said you were a furry! :U  That's much worse than calling someone an asshole!


Haz is insecure about his sexuality...Shaz, on the other hand, isn't   :U


Quote from: xHaZxMaTx on April 02, 2008, 01:33:26 PM
Danny's lying!  He said you were a furry! :U  That's much worse than calling someone an asshole!

Oh, I'm sure it is!


Quote from: xHaZxMaTx on April 02, 2008, 01:33:26 PM
Danny's lying!  He said you were a furry! :U  That's much worse than calling someone an asshole!

*GASP* Danny is this true?!



None of this is true.

Do you choose the red pill, or the blue pill?


Quote from: Jadian on April 02, 2008, 01:40:14 PM

None of this is true.

Do you choose the red pill, or the blue pill?

Red pill, the further I get away from the Matrix's dial-up and switch to RL Boardband the better.


*gives Nelix the red jellybe--pill, and a glass of water*


Neo's so lame.  He actually needs a glass of water to take a pill?  What a wimp! :U


That depends, man.  Ever tried 800mg Ibuprofen?  That's a hard pill to swallow, even with water.

And that's just to help with headaches and swelling.  Getting ejected from a virtual world and back into a harsh reality?


I've just realised something about the matrix refence...Danny have you told ANYONE my name?


He doesn't know your name.  Some friend he is. :B


Quote from: Nelix on April 02, 2008, 02:07:11 PM
I've just realised something about the matrix refence...Danny have you told ANYONE my name?

For the first time ever, Haz is right! You never told me your name!


We're having fun in the IRC, come join us. It's crazy.
After a long time, some things change. Some things don't. And I still love Regina!


Quote from: Pagan on April 02, 2008, 02:11:05 PM
We're having fun in the IRC, come join us. It's crazy.

Dammit, I can't my laptop's internet card keeps disconnecting.
And I'm still learning to navigate the sight on my drawingpad.


The crazy is infectious though, watch when when you can drop by.

Hope to see you there soon  :<