Sweeping Darkness (OoC)

Started by Darkmoon, December 31, 2007, 02:55:29 PM

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Quote from: Darkmoon on January 31, 2008, 12:38:33 PM
You would just have to realize that you'd be missing out on a different way to play it. Your call, really.
What are my options?

Also, llearch n'n'daCorna. You'r chacarter reminds me of this one Nobilis game that I took part a while ago. With out the god like powers that is.


In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Name: Aeo Dall

Age: 20

Race: Tiefling

Gender: Male

Occupation: Warlock (D&D type)/ Treasure hunter

Appearance: Roughly 5 foot 10 weighing almost 140 lbs.  Aeo wears a bright red shirt with  yellow sleeves, under neath he wears a chain shirt.  Blue pants and black boots are often  his choice ion lower wear.  He is tanned, but still has a light skin tone with two small  horns coming out of his head.  He has fire red hair and pointed ears.  He often give off a  feeling of perversion.

Personality: A liver of life and all it's joys Aeo rarely spends a moment moping or  depressed.  He is quick to jump at the call to adventure and often finds himself in over  his head.  While Aeo is cheerful and pleasant he does have a few lines that when crossed  can turn him into a raging beast of infernal power.  He's not quick on the uptake (See  Idot).

Powers: As a warlock Aeo has powerful infernal connections and is able to limitlessly use  them.  He can produce the infernal "Edlritch Blast" and is well versed in manipulating it  to his please, often imbuing it with the essence of Fire, Cold, acid and the power to sap  his enemies.  He can manipulate the powers to jump to other random enemies as well.  He  also has the ability to shape shift into a powerful demonic form, however he must be in  extreme durres (about to die) or under extreme emotional stress and he looses control of  himself during these times.  To protect himself from wandering thieves he has trained  himself to use a mace which he has enchanted with a moderate fire enchantment.  He calls it  his Matchstick.

Strengths: His infernal powers almost never exhaust and are incredibly formidable.  They  can cause horrible deformities if they do not kill.  Aeo is also naturally charismatic,  though he finds it hard to gain peoples trust.  He doesn't really know why though.   Despite his aura though he is capable of making friends quickly if people let him.  He  tends to protect such friends and often regards them in high esteem.  They are however,  not spared his lechery if female.  Despite his fair sized ego Aeo often finds himself helping out more than a few "underdogs", it never bothers him as he has a great sense of charity.

Weaknesses: While he's not a real idiot, Aeo is not exactly book smart and tends to trust  to much and if betrayed rarely trusts the person again.  Physically he is barely strong  enough to use his mace and can tire quickly if he doesn't pace himself and like most magic  users he can't take much damage.  Also if he snaps into his demonic form he looses control  and predictably wake up with little to no memory of what has happened.  As a tiefling he  has a particularly weird aura that surrounds him and usually scares women off and ticks  off most guys, an aura of perversion.  It doesn't help that he's a bit of a lech and will  hit on most females.  Aeo also does not know how to behave around dwarves, gnomes and  other short statured races, he is usually chased out of such towns very quickly and only  recently has begun to understand that such races do not like being compared to children  (it took a gnome wizard running a lightning bolt through his horns for that to get through)  and of course it should be obvious that he is DENSE.  While he is quick to understand  things in life threatening situations, the wheels tend to slow and even grind to a stop in  most other situations.  If he's in a bar expect lechery like you've not seen.  Did I  mention he couldn't find his way out of a tunnel?

History: Aeo grew up in a small town and was raised by the local priestess as he was found  on the door step of the local church.  Thankfully Aeo was left in the hands of a caring  and compassionate person.  Unfortunately Aeo grew up to embrace the "lesser" part of his  nature as his adoptive mother calls it.  When he came of age he set out on a small  adventure to a nearby town and nearly got drug head first into a weird conspiracy, if  hadn't been for the fact that a local heor solved the problem he probably would have ended  up dead.  Since then he has been honing his skills and traveling the country side in  search of treasure and a great "Awesome-mind-bogglingly-cool" adventure.

Often times he's found himself in adventuring groups that have simply abandoned him due to  his highly grating and overly cheery personality.  In fact in his last group the  necromancer almost strangled him because he wouldn't stop smiling.  He ended up being  forced to leave he heard news of a grand adventure forming in a small town.  Yeah, he  headed the wrong way for an entire day.

Notes: Aeo is based of a D&D character of mine.  I've tried my best to translate him to  this RP, but if anything needs changing let me know.  I've also playfully embellished some  aspects of his personality.  Except for the lechery... yeah...


Well, I will do my best to put him into the system. Some bits, however, will have to be toned down.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...



In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


On a note, I am deliberately and temporarily referring to both of them as 'it'. This will discontinue when someone else refers to them as 'he' (or 'she', if you somehow interpret that :B). Likewise, I'll refer to BRT as whatever name everyone else decides to call him. DFX, however, will want to remain DFX until he can find a name that he personally likes.


While the smaller humanoid next looked to his left...

Under the somewhat bemused gaze of the humanoid...
Just for clarity, are you referring to DFX?


For those curious, there's nothing wrong with the box. It is a big glass and metal box full of water.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


If this is still open then, I submit the below for approval.  If the game is closed to new applicants, then disregard this.

Name: Aireluin Silithiel

Age: 120

Race: Fiana Sidhe (child of a faerie and an elf)

Gender: Female

Profession/Occupation: Light Dragoon (also called a Knight Gunner)

Description: She stands roughly 1.82 meters (~6ft) in height and weights a deceptive 73 kg (~162lbs).  Due to faerie heritage, her form is lithe and built like a gymnast.  Her tone is pale like that of cream, smooth and supple, for she carries no scars.  The eyes are a sparkling emerald green and her hair is short in length and the color of fresh Japanese cherry blossoms.  Her lithe form also means her chest size is small, and she can easily be mistaken for a male, albeit a very feminine one.

Personality and demeanor: Aire is a conflicted one, she wishes to be determined and steadfast, but can be very unsure of herself if venturing into things she has little experience in.  She possess patience and is soft spoken, but stands firm on things she is sure about (like the sanctity of life and the protection of her friends).

History and story: Aire comes from a land of unusual contrasts.  The city she hails from is one of heavy magic use and more "modern" technologies mixed into a hybrid of form and function.  She was raised among a lower tier noble class and was squired (in reality pushed off and away by her father) into the guardian knighthood at the earliest possible age.  She was fostered under general tutelage and mentored by a knight generalist until she was old enough to choose her path.  For some reason she always found herself enamored with light guns and those that used them.  She choose the path of the dragoon and worked to master her path.  After her time of appointment to knight, she approached her father, hoping to finally earn his acceptance.  He turned and walked away from her without a word.  On that day she left the knighthood and sought her own path, disillusioned by this rejection.  Her leaving was not necessarily an authorized act, but she is not considered a deserter, merely errant.

Powers and abilities:

Affinity to Light magic - her elven ancestry grants her an affinity with light magics.  The Knight Gunner/Light Dragoon profession is also a Light magic specialist, though it focuses on the damaging aspects of the element and secondaries the healing aspect.  Because she is faerie elven, her best healing magics are partially empathic, drawing it within herself and purifying it internally.  She is very strong against Light attacks and magical abilities/affects.

Martial training - as a knighthood, her profession's strengths are martial weapons.  She is not as skilled as a dedicated warrior because of a split focus on light magic, nor is she a versatile as an archer as her weapon is magical based and has a lower rate of fire generally.  It is, however, more powerful then a bow or crossbow and out ranges them.

Magical training - as a Light user, she has the full spectrum of abilities, but is far more limited then a mage due to the split focus with martial training and a focus on damaging aspects of the element.  Her healing and protection abilities are secondary, and her ability to deal with undead and dark magics is very limited.  However, she inflicts a lot of damage to undead.

Weakness and limitations: most of her factors are story based, but her species and element affinities carry a few drawbacks.

Dark sensitivity - a reliance on Light makes her a bit weak against Dark magical attacks and influence.  It is not an glaring vulnerability, just as Light is not a massive strength, but it balances her equation nicely.

Material vulnerability - her half faerie blood gives her a weakness to lodestone, highly magnetized iron (known as magnetite - iron II and iron III oxides).  As this is relatively uncommon, it rarely provides her much of a problem.  The only affect of the material causes her magics to suffer penalties and her wounds to hurt and bleed more then normal.

Additional notes: She is a user of light plate armor, light guns (rifle and pistol), one-handed swords and shields.  As a knight she can ride a horse, read and understands heraldry as well as etiquette and fashion.   

Specific notes:  light guns are really little more then stylized wands and rods.  They developed handles and a loading mechanism (a firing hammer that must be cocked in order to work) as ritual in their use.  They do not specifically use any ammo, other then magic, but they have a low fire rate.  The weapon fires a single searing blast of light energy with a reasonable impact and high damage, but also a high amount of flash/fire and relatively loud as it is coughed forth from the barrel.  The weapons are nicknamed dragon guns, as they roar and spit fire, hence the term dragoon for the class. 

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

llearch n'n'daCorna

tech, two points:

1) Bocks isn't made out of cardboard. He's made out of wood. Read the appearance segment of my post.

2) The box that the mime is in? It doesn't exist, except for the monkeys and the mime. Admittedly this one is one to play with, if you wish, but that's the way -I'm- playing it. It's Darkmoon's call as to what happens with it from there.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 03, 2008, 08:38:44 PM
1) Bocks isn't made out of cardboard. He's made out of wood. Read the appearance segment of my post.
Whoops. My bad, I missed that. I'll edit ASAP.

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 03, 2008, 08:38:44 PM
2) The box that the mime is in? It doesn't exist, except for the monkeys and the mime. Admittedly this one is one to play with, if you wish, but that's the way -I'm- playing it. It's Darkmoon's call as to what happens with it from there.
DFX has never seen anything like this, so he can't tell it's all a show :B
Normally he would test it himself, but that would mean swiping his own hand through it. He was built to polite for that :3


I was letting people play it their way. llearch, however, established that the mime-box was, in fact, real enough, just invisible.

Azlan, so long as the game is in the town, it's open. Even after they leave, I may still allow limited sections where new characters could join. I'll check out your character in a bit and get it approved.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Since you've NPCed my Mime, can I steal her if they manage to pry her out of the box?

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


Of course. She was your character to begin with.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Quote from: Damaris on February 04, 2008, 12:16:25 AM
if they manage to pry her out of the box?
To that end, I don't think my characters will be able to do anything. Unless, of course, BRT tries to smash it with his greathammer. But he tries that, he'll squash the mime into strawberry jam, too :<


I don't know... it's a pretty good box.  She's not one of those crappy mimes. ;)

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


I did think of that. What I said was in the hypothetical situation that the mime-box wasn't absolutely impenetrable. Unless you have the right silly mind to crack it, of which niether me nor my characters have :rolleyes


I'm sure llearch can find a way.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


are the magic of light and dark completely exclusive? if not is it possible for someone who traffic's in magical aids to use them both.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

llearch n'n'daCorna

See, here I figured if anyone else tried to touch the box, it wouldn't exist.

It's just the mime (who is "trapped") and the monkeys (who aren't bright enough to figure it's a joke)

It's the whole magic trick thing. Anyone else touches the box, it's not there. And yet there's a monkey standing on it.

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


llearch: Well that would be the case, if it weren't for the fact that you stumbled onto a Mime that actually is able to make the things she's performing. ;)

e-voyager: Unless you decide to specialize in a magic type, you can use all magic types. Specializing gives you somewhat of a bonus when I create the character, but not everyone feels the need for that bonus.

In other words, if you wanna play someone that uses both light and dark, be my guest.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Darkmoon on February 04, 2008, 11:42:49 AM
llearch: Well that would be the case, if it weren't for the fact that you stumbled onto a Mime that actually is able to make the things she's performing. ;)

Ah. Nuts. I kinda like the idea of a monkey standing on nothing... ;-]

I'll see if I can pry the Mime loose later. I'm sure we'll get on well. *grin*
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I'm going to let the game coast for a few "round" as you guys get acclimated. Once enough time has stretched on, I'll start up the town hall meeting.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


DFX just needs someone to talk to! :B Instead I get stuck with a mime and a monkey box xD

EDIT: And now both of my chars are completely alone! :C (I'm not even bothering to count the mime at this point)

llearch n'n'daCorna

Feel free to sit down next to the box and talk to the monkeys. I'm sure they'll be happy to listen.

They're not really great conversationalists, though, I'm afraid...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I thought the box wasn't there anymore;
QuoteWhen she looks up, Bocks is gone again.


Come to the drunken Dragon then.  Nothing like chatting it up with a tiefling.   :)


DFX only went into the town looking for a blacksmith as an excuse to interact with the townspeople, whether they be hostile or not. At this point, it seems that no one has even noticed them, which leaves DFX at a total loss of anything to do. And as a general rule, BRT doesn't walk anywhere on his own.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: techmaster-glitch on February 04, 2008, 08:12:36 PM
I thought the box wasn't there anymore;

He isn't. He's somewhere else, probably somewhere where the monkeys can get more beer.

I just figured it was time someone else posted...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears