Sweeping Darkness (OoC)

Started by Darkmoon, December 31, 2007, 02:55:29 PM

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i think i have a copy of highlander 5 around here somewhere. having given others a chance to post first i now post with out regret!
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Wheee, finally done with the navel contemplating.

We seem to have lost Omega and Pagan, by the way. Omega hasn't been on since the end of October, and Pagan...He was logged on today, but he's hardly been making any posts anywhere recently :B



Uhh... still alive. For what's it worth, I do apologize for my absence from this whole forum. I do have a good list of perfectly usable excuses too. You see, the last time I posted in here was to say that I was leaving for a military exercise. The event itself didn't took that long, but during that time I was left behind in my school work. And by behind, I mean left to the station while the bullet train makes it way to the kingdom beyond the clouds. Ergo, I've been quite busy for these few months. After I started to catch up with my work, I noticed that you people had already continued the story to the point where my character might have some difficulties on returning. Plus there has been a bit too much computer problems for my liking along the way. Even now my machine is in the shop and I'm stuck with this lagging paperweight that I like to call "old rusty".

Now I know I probably should posted this earlier, but the more I postponed this, the harder it got. It's not that I don't like this RPG (you haven't seen me anywhere in here either, no?), I've just been forced to compromise my life a bit too much lately. Studies come first, you see.



Alas, it is not a matter of will but resources. Time and effort are what count in this case. I'll have to remain playing dead for another week and then we can discuss of Armita's return. So far it doesn't look that I'm going to have lots of time laying around, but we'll see.

Woah! No posts in here in almost a week. I guess if this pace continues, I might be able to continue  :)

Just fill me in what I've missed.


soo, out of curiosity is the open in the IC thread a mistake, or is this RP open for new characters?

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->



well then, should i post my overall character idea here, or PM it to the GM, and then go from there?

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->

llearch n'n'daCorna

Post here, is the usual way. Then wait for the GM to approve, and if approved, usually the GM will point to your next move...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Name:Baelien Shadowstrike
Race: Leopard Incubus
Weight: 180 Lbs
Height: 6'2" + 18' wingspan

Powers: Rather than fighting with weapons, he prefers to shape his wing/tentacles into bladed or pointed weapons... the largest advantage is that it allows him to attack from several directions at once, or fight several opponents...  He has some basic knowledge in fire and storm magic (Wind and lightning based spells) but uses them more for distractions than with the intent of causing any real harm.  He carries a pair of daggers which he uses both offensively and defensively... For true defense, he can harden his wings so he can use them kinda like a large shield.  Wearing no actual armor, he relies entirely on his wings and daggers for protection.  He fights fast and vicious, relying on his speed, agility and acrobatics to keep him out of relative harm.  If cornered, he has nothing against fighting dirty, he'll distract them with a fireball, or lightning spark, use the bladed tentacles to keep the attention, then run up, and either break his targets leg, or use one of his daggers if he has to.  The largest limitation to the bladed tentacles is the skill required to keep them out limits the number to 4 at most, and he prefers fighting with 2, as it gives him a much longer reach.

Appearance: Humanoid, with Leopard characteristics, Orangish/Cream overcoat, with a true cream undercoat, black splotches across his entire body, the wings take on the same appearance as his body, with the Oragish cream on the outside, wrapping around the edges slightly, the insides are cream, but the tips of the wings are black.  His eye's are a dark blue.  He has a lean, predatorial look to his body, being extremly thin and muscular. His hands are very human, except furry, and have retractable claws.  His feet are padded, and he never wares shoes.  For clothing Darkshine is often seen wearing some loose black cotton pants, and for formal occasions he's often seen wearing a midnight blue tunic, with gold trim, and matching pants.

Personality: Relatively laid back, he's not one to cause too many problems.  His pride and arrogance can get him in trouble, his emotional tastes for confusion and pain means that he tends to find problems if for no other reason than to feed.  With no real affinity for physical things, his adventuring is more a of a personal sense of wanderlust, he seeks excitement and/or fun.  Darkshine is laid back, and very go with the flow, he's a bit of a show off, and has a huge sense of pride, especially when it comes to being an incubus.  Being young, he's fairly reckless and arrogant, though also has a kinder side.  He's sharp and intuitive, with a bit of a quick whit, but his overall attention span is extremely short.   If he's not being active, he often looses interest.   In conversations, anything involving things he doesn't care about he'll usually do something goofy, or insert an awkward transition sentence to change topics(IE "We are now talking about unicorns").

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Just to warn you, this RP isn't set in the DMFA universe.. Cubi are a bit of an oddball here. :D


Fair game, i just had the insperation the other day, and felt like trying it out since where i was going to try the idea out got stalled for a little while, figure i'd see how it goes here

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Nooooo....  D:
Not another incubus furry. Why are those things so damn popular?!?


because people like letting out their sadistic side, and only a demon or a incubus can really do that without giving a long, and usually angst filled backstory... at least, that's the major reason for me... well that and after playing a stint in marrowind for the last few weeks as a khajiit it just kinda seemed like the right kinda character

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Quote from: Basilisk2150 on January 19, 2009, 04:06:28 PM
well that and after playing a stint in marrowind for the last few weeks as a khajiit it just kinda seemed like the right kinda character

That's Morrowind, fetcher... anyways, could we not have more furry cubi from Furrae?  One is quite enough.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


well then, if you'd prefer a non incubus character, i can do a quick dark-elf assassin, or if you'd prefer someone more magical, i can do a female human mage, with a speicalty as a pyromancer

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


Our current furry cubi, who is indeed more than enough for one party, is a pyromancer. ;)

Dark elf assassin it is then, I suppose? We are lacking a bit of finesse in this party..


I think our mage quote is quite filled already.


alrighty then... i guess i'll go with the darkelf assassin

Thalien Ti'sani
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 115 pounds
Sex: Male
Appearance:  Tall and slender, Thalien has gray eyes , short cut bluish gray hair, and tends to keep himself clean shaved.  His more angular facial structure give away that he's an elf, but otherwise appears to be human.  His skin tone would be described as a light pinkish(caucasian) with a slight hint of light gray tones.  He has dark blue tattoos running across his arms from the wrist up, across his entire back as well as the front, top and back of the shoulders.  The left side of his face is also tattooed, and that tattoo looks like a blue flame, starting at his jaw line, and working its way up around his eye, sweeping across his forehead towards the outside of his face, and ending in a jagged pattern around his temple.  He wears black, form fitting, leather armor and normally has that covered with a black hooded cloak.  When traveling, he carries a backpack on top of everything that he can drop when he needs to, and come back for later as the pack has his poisons, food, water, and other things not needed for immediate combat.

Powers: Thalien isn't truely magical, but is a master of the night, being trained by his master in the arts of absolute stealth, his has the unnerving ability to disappear when someone turns their back, and then reveal himself to have moved behind them without them having noticed. His darkelf heritage means he has natural low light vision, and through his training, he's extremely fast, agile and acrobatic. He prefers to fight with poisoned weapons, and carries a small collection of poisons with him in a wooden case.  His personal favorite type is the natural venoms of creatures, as they tend to work fast, and be extremely effective at killing a target.  For combat, Thalien carries a light crossbow with a small box of bolts clipped to his left hip, a pair of curved short swords which he wears sheathed across his back, he fights both under and overhand style, and is willing to go toe to toe with larger foes, knowing they can't keep up.  He also carries 20 throwing knives semi-hidden across his armor.  The swords are soaked in a light, nearly instantly acting poison, that while not lethal, causes muscle cramps, weakness and dizziness when it reaches the bloodstream.  The crossbow bolt tips are coated in a natural venom, and if they pierce the skin, there's a roughly 50 percent chance of death within a few minutes, it the target survives beyond that point, they will be incapacitated for several hours.  The throwing knives are coated in a similar poison to the swords, and are mainly used for slowing targets down, long enough to get a lethal sword strike in.  (all venom and poison effects based on use against a human of standard height and weight)  He is also fairly skilled in hand to hand combat, though he rarely uses the skill.

Personality: he tends to be a bit of a two face, when around strangers he acts cold and distant, but once he gets to know people, he's actually a fairly nice guy.  He's naturally quite charismatic, and it's helped in several of his past killings while sneaking into, or out of formal occasions, or just convincing people he is someone he's not.  Although he kills professionally, outside of the job he tends to be non-confrontational and will usually try and talk someone down, rather than take them out to a back alley and end the problem permanently.  He tends to enjoy messing with people he knows, and his stealth makes it exceedingly easy to do at night.

Edit: Soo, critiques, comments, concerns?

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


*looks around*

Where'd everybody go? Especially Darkmoon?


I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Me finks he forgot about this thread again.


Oh jeeze, I knew I've been forgetting somethin.  I've had some issues  (need a second job  X_X) come up so I'll be posting sparingly.


reboot i'm waiting on post to get posting again.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


I'm gonna poke darkmoon, see if I can't wake em. :D


Use the pitchfork! We can't continue the game without the GameMaster.



Honestly, once again I kept up with it for a while, and then the thread died for a few days, and no one seemed like they were doing anything, so I wandered away.

However, Ghostwish had the right idea. He sent me a PM, and I'm back again with renewed interest.

So... I'm going to PM our new player, and if they're still interested, I'll work them in some how.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


yea, i'm still up for joining in... it's more an issue of how to get me in

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->