Eternal Rains (IC) [M] - Closed

Started by Cogidubnus, December 28, 2007, 06:17:11 PM

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No-one actually saw the ominously looming figure, his shape vague and hard to visualise, approach the table. He was just suddenly there, looking down at the jackal as she sat with a faint smirk on her muzzle. For a moment there was a tense feeling in the air, almost as if the island's eternal drizzle had suddenly become an impending thunderstorm.

"Who knows, indeed, what you might run into," he said, his voice deep but quite soft. "I do not think you have a mage in your party yet. Some Creatures with impressive abilities of their own, yes, but what if your... objective... employs his own mages? Or perhaps he is a mage himself?"

The optical illusion, if that's what it was, gradually reversed itself. The looming figure didn't really shrink, he just always seemed to have been short and stout. His voice slid up the scale to a higher pitch, with an odd accent, and now his pastel yellow raincoat could be seen clearly. The mole smiled thinly at Keaton. "To a degree, we have a common purpose. I am Fal'taq. I offer my services as a mage."
ENGLISH: A language that lurks in dark alleys, beats up other languages
and rifles through their pockets for spare vocabulary.

Mel Dragonkitty

Penny flattened her ears against her head trying to shut the voices out. The wolf kept repeating that tempting word; artifacts.  It was like he knew what would get a response from her. She tried to talk herself out of it. They wanted assassins and fighters, she was neither. Art redistribution relied on sneaking, not attacking. She was unsuited for what basically amounted to a clan war. But in the end she found herself not living up to her given name by hopping off her barstool and starting back across the room. She blamed her boss for leaving her stranded on this stupid island with nothing to do but grow mold. She wiggled her way through the growing crowd to where the scruffy wolf sat. "You just looking for fighter types or do you need other skills? I'm more of an object retrieval specialist." Before she could finish her pitch the mage put on his show. She couldn't help but wonder if she was the only normal one in the bar?
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Aisha deCabre

Aisha had been in her own corner near the jackal and wolf with a mysterious grin on her face, watching as they called out for newcomers to aid them in the quest other than the few who spoke up quite immediately.  And from the looks of it they were getting some good talents; several fighters who were much like her in terms of either job title or ruthlessness, the hints that in fact, there were other 'Cubi in the group (a child of all things among them), and now a mage and...well the last one quite actively put it in better words than she could, what she was.

Thinking back on what she overheard the wolf Pettersohn say about there being quite a few more Creatures than there were Beings, Aisha couldn't help but was like a weight had been driven away.  So perhaps it wouldn't be so bad if at one point she had to reveal her demonic nature, unless somebody had a secret hatred for her kind.  Really, who could blame one, though.  I'll still keep it under wraps for now.

"Hmh, Creatures don't bug me," she did chuckle, however.  "All everyone's made of is flesh, blood, bone, and tongue.  Somehow I think the lot of us might get along quite well."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Cog glanced to the side, looking into the interior of the Tavern. "It is a port town. We get a lot of different folks through here." he said, his face painted in a neutral expression. He seemed to look around the room calmly for a moment, eyes passing over the various subjects sitting down, before looking back at the wolf with a questioning glance.
"Anyone in particular strike your attention?"

He was about to inquire further when a dark brown and very sleek mustelid slunk her way through the bar and appeared without warning right in front of him. Cog blinked. And tilted his head.
"Object retrieval...?" Cog stated, a little distracted by trying to figure out where she'd come from. "I'm not quite sure...ah. Well." he paused, looking over at Keaton, and then back at the Fisher. He seemed to smile faintly. "We could use someone who can get in tight spaces. And places that people don't necessarily want us in. I'm fairly certain the Sabanethei family hasn't lost anything in a long time, though."
He was about to smile at the mustelid again when he coughed, almost a retch that didn't sound healthy at all. Penny couldn't be sure, but it almost looked like blood on his hand before the appendage disappeared into a pocket.
"Your name?" he rasped out, keeping an ear open at Johan.


The obsidian feline set his empty glass down on the counter and stood. His deep purple silk tie had been pulled loose with the top button of his shirt open. He straightened it, ran fingers through his blond hair, and made himself look presentable. Even in dive like the Verdant Cuff, appearance mattered. He was, after all, a professional.

He strode over to the motley gathering. His dark blue eyes travelled across each of the would-be assassins once and then settled on the freshly painted "ADVENTURERS WANTED" sign. The corner of his mouth raised in a wry grin, flashing a single white fang.

"You're very free with other people's money. Do you have a plan for getting away with the Family's wealth, or will we have to rifle through pockets for our vast rewards?"

Parking his hands in the pockets of his tailored leather coat, he cocked his head and fixed his deep blue eyes on the jackal. They sparkled even brighter than the gold rings in his left ear. His thoughts rose above the din of the bar, but his emotions remained calm, unreadable.

Surely you don't expect the world's most powerful criminal organization to roll over for you just by cutting off its head.

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

Paladin Sheppard

"I'm not sure I can show you much really it just comes down to practice...Well for me at least" Paige replied to Epyon before taking a seat at the table next to the wolf and jackal.


"The blond jaguar and the wolf," Cross murmured softly.  "Not Beings.  Got mind-shields like 'Cubi.  What're the chances of that?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


"then you are quite adept my friend" Epyon said to Page his voice dropping as he though about what she said. He knew there were some with talents for spells that he himself lacked not that he'd been the strictest student in his magic classes when he was younger. He only really worked on healing for two reasons. One he saw it as useful and two that time he screwed up in class he nearly killed the test subject a livestock bovine that had been gashed to test the skills of the students. That near death told him that healing wasn't as easy as he thought it would be. "Perhaps practice is part of it but i'm sure there is more for complex spells. it can't just be about how much power you put into it." hey said kind of muttering to himself as much as he was talking to page. "it just can't be"

Epyon is soon lost in his muddy thoughts in which only a few skilled mind readers could hope to make sense of them.
Epyon thinks about his healing spells. it true that there were many special steps  to healing as you couldn't just pour you magic in and say be well. you have to fix the damage piece by piece in many cases. this was especially true when dealing with organ injuries. and his few stressing the though few attempts at lighting  magic ended with his lighting arching every which way but where he wanted it. he'd done better with fire and ice they were not power spells that he'd learned. taking a seat he resolved to keep practicing but still a skilled eye could tell him what he was doing wrong when trying to cast the ice prison spell on his scroll. it designed to capture the enemy with out killing them every rock or try he tried it on usually wound up frozen half solid not something he wanted to try one someone he need to keep alive. on in a town that he might have to visit again such as this port town that was the main way on and off this island.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

lucas marcone

Dani was makeing his rounds when he noticed a sign in the window of one of the marco "run" bars. That shouldn't be there. better take care of it. He opened the doors to the bar, and strode up to the group. "Hey, who's advertiseing here?" He said in a none too friendly voice.


The jaguar's ears, perked up and alert, flicked briefly towards the two wolves beside him. He raised an eyebrow, but his gaze remained fixed on the jackal in front of him.

We're standing right here. Who does this guy think he is?

He evidently had very good hearing.

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


Sheabus put up a hand and looks at Dani.
"Calm down Dani,  these people are just looking for some help with a problem they have. They ain't hurting anybody at the moment. They'll be moving out once they get what they need"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


"I...see. Not high, huh?" Cog said, swallowing and looking from right to left, taking in the female wolf and the suddenly very interested blond-haired jaguar. He raised his eyebrows at Paige, his eyes lingering perhaps a bit longer than they should have, and shaking his head slightly he adjusted his hat to look at the blond-haired jaguar questioning Keaton, smiling with a single-fanged grin.
"Both of them?"

Cog's voice was not without a hint of uncertainty. He'd been raised as a being, and had most of the being prejudices ingrained into him from a very young age. But staying on the Island had softened a few of those, and he'd mostly found that as long as you left most creatures alone, they left you alone.
He glanced at Keaton. It was apparent by his demenour that he was a little nervous. His eyes drifted from Cross, to Keaton, and then to the black jaguar and the Paige. His hand emerged from his pocket, and he scratched at his thigh. He suddenly interrupted the Jaguar's inquiry, trying his best to sound like he knew what he was talking about.
If there was one thing being a junkie would do to you, it was teach you how to lie convincingly.

"If you want to rifle through pockets, we wouldn't stop you. But...well. Men like Kytharion don't put money in a bank somewhere. He lives in a stronghold." Cog smiled. "I'm sure...well. Kytharion Sabanethei does not trust anyone, and especially not with his money. Even were he to use a banker, all mobsters keep large amounts of cash near them, in case things go bad. And....well. It's not like he just reinvests what he doesn't hoard entirely back into the business. Bring a bag. It's an opulent place. Right, Keaton?"
Cog looked over at the yellow succubus, adjusting his hat enough so the jaguar probably wouldn't be able to see his eyes. It wasn't as though he was lying, really. It made sense to him.

As he was looking at Keaton, however, a very large bear suddenly walked inside and demanded to know who was advertising there. He didn't seem to happy about it. Despite himself, Cog raised an eyebrow, looking at the gathering of assorted creatures around him, and wondered what the bear planned to do if he was unhappy.

* * *

Garret finished cleaning another glass out, and setting it down with a clunk ticked off another minute on the tally. Only about three left, now, and he'd have to start shooting. He didn't really like having to break out the gun, but he'd clearly told them ten minutes. He contemplated which patch of roof he should fire a warning shot at first, and began to absently polish down the bar.
He sighed. Roof repairs here were horrendously expensive, being that people knew you couldn't live without them for even a short while.

As he was musing, he looked over again at the large, dinosaur looking fellow drinking out of the bowl-like cup. He paused, a light flashing through his eyes.
"The drink's free if you get that lot out of here." he said.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Witt rolled his eyes at the extended conversation on all sides, shrugged, downed the last of his pint, and put the mug back on the table.

"Right. Well, then. Let's go."

And with that, he cracked both sets of knuckles, shook his shoulders, turned, and forded through the crowd, heading for the door.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Ty blinked in surprise, setting down the bowl. I admit, they have been rowdy. Never expected myself to be implicated as a means to their removal though... Then again, why not? He'd do some good for the bar, and coincidentally not have to pay for his drink. Besides, he was certain that the group over there could be reasonable.
Sometimes Ty's understanding of Reasonable could be tricky too; in his mind, it essentially meant that they did what they did for a reason. So, he simply had to give them reasons to leave. Best start with plan A.
Tyrannus finished off his drink and stood up to his full intimidating height, not crouching to keep his brow from nearly brushing the ceiling. He strode over to the other table and looked down at those around it, coincidentally coming in from the appropriate angle to block the light to the entire gathering.
Now then, what came next-? Ah, right...
"Excuse me," He said, his fittingly deep voice restrained to a mere polite rumble, "But I've been asked to escort you all out. Is this a problem?"

lucas marcone

 "Kytharion Sabanethei?! What do you know of him?!" Dani spun fast on Cog completely ignoring the man who apparently knew his name, which he figured someone had to. "What exactly are these 'skilled adventurers for? What are you planning?" Dani knew if John caught wind of him dealing with people who hadn't paid for the advertising he could be "punished" but if he could get a lead on Kytharion his personal agenda would be MUCH easier.

Aisha deCabre

The panthress blinked, regarding the next one to come and speak up about joining the party on the adventure.  Another of her species, but more than likely still not of her race.  But mostly, she noticed that the bartender was getting edgy about the large gathering.  It was like he wasn't used to the sort of thing happening, adventurers gathering in a bar like this, but then again it was probably the notion that so many were Creatures.

That was when someone else spoke up, a large bear, who was worried about the advertising.  What, he owns the damn place?  She wondered.  Still, like the others had done, he was met with a bit of ignorance...especially when an apparent friend had assured them that they were to be leaving soon...and for Aisha, that was a godsend of a notion.  She was just ready to get moving.

Finally the group could see to reason to do so when the large reptilian who had been involved in an earlier squabble addressed everyone.

"No complaints from me," the disguised Demon muttered, rolling her eyes as she set her blade back into her belt...having held it for a while in case there was a need to use it.  "Place was beginning to smell anyway..."

Then the aggressive bear rounded on Cogidubnus, having heard the name of their target.  Aisha quirked an eyebrow and turned toward the door...but not leaving just yet, observing the outcome.  First one to get shot in the back, I bet...
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Sheabus looks at the fellow and lizard and just shakes his head.
"I tried to get them to leave since Garret pulled out the gun. I don't know if no one heard me of just didn't care"
He then looks at the group gathered by the table.
"I don't care if you all want to get shoot or not. And trust me he will shoot you, I've seen him do it before. I'll be outside if you guys get your head on straight and figure things out"
Sheabus walked outside, picks a spot so he can keep an eye out for the others if they leave the bar and so he was out of the rain. As he gets situated he pulls out a cigar and a lighter. He leans agains a wall and lit the cigar. He looked at the rain, shook his head and took a puff of his cigar.
"Only reason why I hate the rain"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


At Sheabus's claim that he was acquainted with some of Kytharion's bodyguards, Keaton's eyebrows furrowed pensively for a moment, her fingers tugging anxiously at one another. If this reptilian hybrid was familiar with Kytharion, she wasn't aware of it. Probably because she routinely worked at the Sabanethei stronghold when she wasn't dispatched to another, faraway location. In her contemplative state, Keaton seemed to disregard her surroundings - it was the only explanation she could conjure up when the raincoat-clad mole who was formerly heckling them inexplicably appeared in front of her. Again, Keaton nearly shrieked in surprise at the mole's sudden appearance, cringing.

She hissed a little through her teeth, brain whirring, as the mole introduced himself and stated his motives. Keaton, trying to keep the agitation from her features, snarled a quick, "Don't sn-sneak up on me like that!" between her cuspids and then dusted herself off, listening attentively. A mage? Already the group seemed to be congregating a great deal of those possessing an affinity for magic, but seeing a Being who hadn't abandoned magic for firearms came as a bit of a shock to Keaton. In this day and age, Keaton always thought Beings resorted to more immediate and destructive forces instead of spending years training and perfecting their dormant magical inclinations. In terms of magic, she had assumed Beings were inferior to Creatures in that sense - but that was probably ingrained prejudices speaking. If the guy was competent despite his undisguised seediness, she didn't give a damn.

It seemed the mole had somehow fluctuated in height, although Keaton was completely uncertain of it. It made her brain hurt, trying to catch up with that sudden decrease - she ultimately attributed it to her unspoken "sickness." Reigning her confusion, Keaton sighed, then nodded her assent to the mole, Fal'taq. "Alright. Like I said before, we need all the help we can get... though seeing as you're a Being, how good are you at -"

Then the jaguar Keaton hadn't noticed before spoke up. Blinking, Keaton signaled a "one moment please" to Fal'taq, then turned around to match gazes with the jaguar. Both irritated and thrilled as she was by all these interruptions, Keaton realized the felid had a valid question. Fortunately, and once more rising to resourcefulness, Cogidubnus chimed in, wordlessly asking for her validity through eyes alone. In response, Keaton nodded. "It's true," she said, clearly recalling the ostentatious layout of Kytharion's chambers. "The bastard knows how to live. He's fucking loaded."

Once more, Keaton was interrupted, this time by the lumbering saurian approaching them. Despite his towering countenance, he was quite polite in his request - for them to leave. Keaton would have been indignant if her objective wasn't more than fulfilled. They had more than their fair share of volunteers at this point. Gnawing nervously at her fingernail, Keaton mumbled a curse under her breath. She rasped, "Fine, fine. We'll get out of your hair."

Flippantly gesturing with her hand for the others to follow her, Keaton started to turn to the door, only for the hulking presence of the bear to advance on them. He was demanding something from them in a too-loud voice, probably enough to agitate and stir the buzzing in Keaton's head again. Keaton snarled her pain and clutched at her scalp, seething visibly as the swarming sensation started to spin through her dizzied brain. As she growled deeply in her throat, she finally released her scalp and glared dangerously at Dani, her eyes venomously narrowed.

"Yes, yes, motherfucking Kytharion Sabanethei!" she nearly shouted, but managed to limit her voice to a furious growl. Last thing she needed was even more noise. "Will you KEEP QUIET? If you're interested in joining up with us, then follow us. We know where we're going."

With that, Keaton took a deep breath and started to storm out the doorway, still holding her head with one hand and using the other to push open the door. With a loud flap, the door swung in place as Keaton disappeared through it, stepping out into the pelting rain. Shivering a little under the falling dewdrops, Keaton glanced over to Sheabus, who was smoking off of his cigar against the wall. If Keaton smoked to relieve her tension, she would have been highly tempted to ask him for one. However, she had a much more thorough remedy for her frustration.

~Keaton the Black Jackal

lucas marcone

Dani ignored the irritated woman as she left in favor of a more detailed description from the wolf. he made note of her attitude toward him. He'd have to teach her some respect for the Marco family later.


 Cog let out a sigh of relief at Keaton's response, still distracted by the strange bear in the doorway. Witt gulped down his drink and stood - Cog was about to say something when a rather large shadow cast itself over the table, making the rough pine table slightly darker than it was before. Cog turned around to find himself about chest-high to somebody. Craning his neck upwards, he found himself staring at the largest person he'd ever seen.
Cog's eyes widened.  "None..." Cog coughed, his voice almost cracking. "None whatsoever. We'll just being going, then."

Reluctantly, as if this hulking entity would squash him if he let his eyes drift away from him for a single second, Cog looked over his shoulder and at the black jaguar behind him again, giving him a somewhat shaky smile. "So, as you can see, vast rewards. Perhaps you'd like to follow?"
With that, Cog began to follow Keaton out the door. He knew it was a very bad idea to try and stray away from her for too long. He walked behind her and past the rather belligerent bear, who was still standing in the doorway. Cog made a nonplussed expression.
His eyes suddenly gleamed.

"Excuse me!" he said, poking the bear on the shoulder. "That fellow over there - you see?" he said, pointing at Witt, who'd just left the bar. "He's the one who made the sign."
Cog continued walking behind the jackal, sticking his hands in his pockets. Rain began to fall over the brim and work it's way through the straw mesh of his hat.

lucas marcone

"Maybe you thought i was stupid or something." Dani said placing his hand firmly on Cog's scrawny shoulder. Cog would find Dani's grip like iron. " I heard you talking, and you will fill me in on what's going down or you can talk to John about it." Cog knew the name. It was impossible not to. A few tense seconds passed before Dani said "I'm interested."


"I have no idea what you're talking about." Cog said as the rain fell on them both. Fat droplets dripped down from beneath the brim of his hat, the rain already soaking through the cheaply made piece of straw and staples and running down his muzzle. His expression seemed to be unreadable, although there was a hint of something in those yellow eyes of his. He carefully reached up and grabbed the bear's arm. He didn't try and move it, but rather expected the bear to let go.
"She already said. We're going to kill Kytharion Sabanethei. If you want to come along, then I think you should let go of me." he said, looking down at the bear. Dani was a good six feet, but Cog was about six-two - it was obvious which one was the stronger, of course, but Cog still managed to look down at the bear's eyes.

"Unless you're blind, or really stupid, you'd notice I'm a junkie. You really don't want me to bite you. Who knows what I've got?" he said, licking his teeth. Despite the wolf's general ill-health, his fangs were disturbingly moon-white, and his bloodshot yellow eyes didn't look entirely sane. "So let go."
Cog's hand was deep in his pocket, almost to his thigh.

lucas marcone

Dani let go. "I'm in. I may be able to scrounge up some help from the rest of the family, but don't count on it. This is part of my own agenda. The name's Dani." He offered his hand for a shake. Something told Cog he could trust Dani.


Cross filed out with the others.  It had been tempting to do something vengeful like making an extra door, burning the place down as he left, or even tearing the barkeep's soul from his body, but the one thing he didn't want to do was draw any more attention to the group, or indeed, to himself.  In any case, the barkeep hadn't made a penny from him.  And for a miser like him, that may be punishment enough.

"Okay then, Keaton," he said as they began to congregate outside, "Where, roughly, are we heading to?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Anton filed out along side Cross. He liked him. It is good to have someone on this sort of thing. First thing to do,... he started to thing. was to get a fighter on my side, Always made something much... much easier. Someone that is pretty strong too. He started to look around at all of the beings and creatures around. He started to wonder who to pick then he looked up at cross when he started to talk about leaving then looked at the two leading this party for the answer.


Sheabus noticed Keatin and Cog leaveing the tavern, with the others in tow. He slow walk over to Keaton while she walked. He moved the cigar around in his mouth as he walked. He slowly watched as his cigar was slowly being put out cause of the rain. He took what puffs he could but kept the cigar in his mouth. He seemed to like to chew on it a bit as much as smoke it. Once he got near Keaton he spoke.
"So I guess that means we'll be moving on then?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


As soon as Dani took his hands off Cog, the wolf took a quick, shuffling step back, and turning began to follow the yellow succubus again. "Good. Elated. Glad to have you on the team. Now get away from me." Cog stumbled away, losing his balance for a moment on the sucking mud road beneath him. He didn't quite fall, and as he regained his balance again he looked down both sides of the road - Witt, that hedgehog fellow, seemed to be walking quite stridently down the wrong side.

Cog sighed, and called out to the hedgehog. "Hey! Where the hell are you going?" he said. "The docks are this way!" Cog punctuated with his thumb, and continued to walk slowly backwards.

* * *

Walking languorously out of the ships hold, the blue-lined jaguar took in the sight of the great port of Holiday. A massive, encircling port covered an entire side of the Island, a giant concrete framework filling inside the Island's natural harbor with dozens of larger and smaller ships busily loading and unloading different cargoes. Refueling and repairs was the Island's main attraction, however, and scattered about everywhere dockworkers scrambled to feed drums of fuel into giant, strange machines with long necks and snakelike arms that refilled the depleted reservoirs. On the edges of the harbor were older wooden docks, filled with smaller and shabbier ships and noticeably less bustle. The effect was most pronounced on the side which the Jaguar was exiting - both wooden sides of the dock were passenger loading and unloading, and this happened to be the cheap side.

His guitar was slung over his back. His steps creaking on the gray wood beneath him, he looked to the side at his companions and smiled softly. He mostly looked at a certain one, however, a certain glint somehow present in his milky eyes.
"Careful, this wood feels like it might break under you!" he said grinning.

The jaguar made his way forward, weaving deftly between other passengers and scattered detritus.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Witt paused, then turned around, arms folded, foot tapping.

"I'm goin' this way, what's it look like? Where the hell are you goin'?" Followed by, under his breath - although not quiet enough to be inaudible - the exclamation "Twit."
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Good, thought Cross, as Witt went off in the wrong direction. We could do without him anyway.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Fal'taq carefully hid his annoyance at the interruption to his conversation with Keaton. The situation was getting a little busier than the mole liked: there were too many people joining in this little venture. Well, perhaps when the bullets and magic bolts start flying, the numbers could be whittled down a little, he thought.

He followed the exodus out onto the street, turning his jacket collar up to keep the ever-present drizzle from going down the back of his neck. The jackal and wolf seemed to be heading for the docks. He followed, keeping to the side of the road to avoid the worst of the mud.
ENGLISH: A language that lurks in dark alleys, beats up other languages
and rifles through their pockets for spare vocabulary.