The Sources (Signup) {2} -Open

Started by familyghost, December 16, 2007, 03:15:01 PM

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The Sources
Almost fifty years have gone by since the day of the release.  A day that left this world marked and cursed by a twisted form of sorcery.  The world was sundered when the spirit realm sundered the reality of our world.

From the day the world of spirit and man fused this world has been set ablaze by the youth who seek to use the power of the spirits.  The spirits you see have taken refuge in most of this world's most creative endeavors.  Painting, comic books and novels; anything that bore an ounce of creativity would be latched on upon to serve as home and safe harbor.  Yet the spirits, in their panic to find a safe place to stay had unintentionally made a way for man to control them; for when they inhabited the works of art man found they could call forth the spirit and the spirit would take the form of the work of art. 

From then on man split itself in twain. Men who sought to use magic and the power of the spirits were pitted against those who saw the spirits and their resulting magic as a twisted demonic power.  A civil war broke out and the western half of the world bordered itself up in a show of defense.  The Americas became a bastion for those against the spirits and the magic users.  While the eastern continents quickly formed into nations that almost immediately went to war. 

Fifty years.  The Americas have now struck.  The "United Alliance" they call themselves.  What was once Spain is now their foothold in our land and they do not intend to let go.  They have allied to wipe our use of Magick out.  So we too have made the necessary and fragile alliances to safe guard OUR way of life.  We must band together and strike back at our enemies, drive them from our lands, but we will not stop there.  We WILL secure peace for our lands.  We are now a Nation of Balance!


The Laws of Summoning

1: NEVER summon past your strength level.  You may succeed in summoning a powerful spirit, but chances are you'll end up dead before you finish.

2: A powerful summon is not a tool.  It is a living spirit with its own mind.  Respect it.

3: Never try to summon your opposing element.   This could result in a humorous but deadly situation.

4: If you are not properly trained, you are likely to die.  We're at war.  Get trained or be dead.

5: If you cannot hold a summon release it and use whatever means to escape.  You're more valuable alive and slightly cowardly then brave and dead.

6: DO NOT engage platoons of soldiers by yourself.  Our magic may be strong but a .50 caliber rifle can still bore through your living armor's body and right through you. 

7: Be sure you are willing to expend a magic based summon before using it, the spirit will escape and destroy its source if it is used.

8: Remember, just as you influence you spirits, your spirits influence your own soul.  The closer you get to your summons the stronger they get and the more like them you become. 

9: Your spirits feed on Mana, finding a font in nature may provide the power needed to make a weak summon more powerful.

10:  Never let the source's of your spirits be destroyed or your spirits will die.

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Rules of the RP

1:  Your typical RP rules, don't cheat, god mod, blah, blah, blah.  If I have to list them all I might go nuts.

2:  I will provide for one or two "spies" from the Alliance as PCs.  The bio had better rock my socks though.

3: The same goes for anyone who wants a permanent summon that is bound to them.  This is a familiar and the bio for your character had better rock my socks x2.

4: I reserve the right to refuse characters without stating in a post.  I will notify anyone by PM as to why they are refused.

5: I reserve the right to amend any rules as I might see fit. 

6: I will select 2 officers who are on at various times to handle any problems. 

7: You may mix the various cards from the various games to make your own custom deck.

8: All PCs will start with 30-40 card type summons (Type1).  These include spell type summons.   All PCs start off 2 (Type 2) summons (Graphic novels, Comic books, individual tattoos and any art work under 12 inches in size, or 1 Type 3 (Artwork over 12 inches in size or full body tattoo [this requires approval])

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Sources are where the spirits of the world dwell to be summoned; each summon has a source, every source has its limits in use however.  Below is a list of the most common types and an explanation of their range of power.

Type 1: Small –Medium spirits.  These spirits often inhabit the many, many cards from the world's supply of Trading Card Games; as a result they are often used as foot soldiers and minions of summoners.  Most are mindless, but strictly abide by their elemental alignment.  However they feed off of all sources of mana and can quickly become aware and powerful.  Compared to most humans these spirits are quite powerful, but are still vulnerable to modern day weapons.  Some inhabit small statuettes and figurines, these however, are rare.

   Type 1: Suptype- Spell: Some spirits possess cards that normally function as magical aid.  For some reason the spirits find easy escape from these cards once used.  However they remain attracted to the summoner and wait for more cards to inhabit.  It is assumed these spirits enjoy releasing the energy needed to create the magickal effect and thusly destroy the card.  Summoners refer to spell spirits as "Scrollies" and the smarter the summoner the more they attract.

Type 2: Medium – Large Spirits.  These spirits are often aware enough to command some sort respect from their summoner.  Most even engage in conversations with their summoner and often have behavioral similarities with their source.  These spirits tend to inhabit anything from larger cards to small paintings, Comics and cover artwork for various movies.   *Tattoo types of the type 2 variety can speak to their user at all times.  These summoners often display odd personality quirks.  A spirit must be invited to live in a tattoo.

   Type 2 subtype- Guardian:  These specifically summoned spirits are fully sentient and sapient.  They often choose to serve their summoner regardless of alignment or element.  A large number of these spirits are often Type 1 summons that have served their summoner for a long time and have feed off so many forms of mana that they have become aware and are a force to be reckoned with.

Type 3: Large to gargantuan:  These spirits are naturally powerful, aware and dangerous.  Chances are they only WORK with the summoner due to some odd arrangement, usually involving the protection of their source.  A type 3 spirit in a full body tattoo is often referred to as a "fused" or "possessed" as the spirits and person have fully melded into one personality.

Type  4: Familiar:  Familiar's are spirits bound to the soul of the summoner that created them.  Their source is their summoner.  They are also fully aware of themselves and often behave as young children do.  For this reason familiar's are a rare type of summon as it require s disciplined summoner to not only make one, but to tolerate and raise the young spirit given flesh.  If a familiar dies, so too does it's summoner and vice versa, however; a familiar can obtain spontaneous strength from seemingly nowhere and quickly become a force to be reckoned with.  Summoners often refer to them as "Magimon" and make a great deal of digimon references.  Familiar's are loyal to a fault and will obey their master, even if they question the orders.  Summoners who mistreat these rare beauties often find themselves dead when the poor spirit either dies of malnourishment (They require normal food) or commit suicide (remember they're sensitive!).  As a result all summoners attempting to make a familiar are required to have special training by their government.

** A note on the Abstract:  Abstract art cannot support a spirit as a spirit is already abstract.  Spirits that attempt to hide in abstract art usually end up both insane and exceptionally powerful or are destroyed.  **

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Elemental Alignments
The Spirits are aligned by the elements of lore...

(Ice falls here) Water opposes Fire (anything related to fire)

(Lava falls here) Earth opposes Wind (electricity falls here)

Light opposes Dark

Order Opposes Chaos

When a summoner starts their training they possess no special elemental alignment.  This is called "Null", however; as they grow in power and training and find where their strengths lie they slowly acclimate to their elemental station.  This can cause problems when they attempt to summon type one spirits that oppose their element.  These spirits will actually attack the summoner in a violent fury (comedians use this to great effect by summoning practically harmless monsters to chase them around).  The elements of order and chaos are subtypes however and usually are used only by country officials to keep track of trouble makers, angel summons though prefer to serve orderly summoners as demon types prefer chaotic.  And yes there are light aligned who use demon types because of this loophole.

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The leaders

The City of Paris was bustling with the life of man and spirits alike.  It was a natural mana font of epic proportions and it served as the Nation of Balance's capital.  The city almost always gave off the faint green glow of a mana font, and that was because of the discoveries made only ten years after the spirits breached our realm.  Power plants were now run by gargantuan spirits of electricity that ceaselessly powered the city and smaller cities beyond.  The city was almost literally alive with power.

At the head of that power in a rather quaint sized building guarded by a small army of spirits were the leaders of the Nation.  Representatives from each of the elements and the chancellor, a null summoner, each one sat at the table discussing important issues of security.

For the fire elements was the youngest member of the council, Choronus Illadae a summoner so smart and so charismatic he attracted his own fair share of scrollies.  He was renowned for his odd usage of faeries and fire summons.  His only guardian was in fact a powerful null element faerie.  His odd appearance of light blue hair and golden eyes is often attributed to his use of faeries.  He often wore jackets and other clothes marked with ancient Egyptian and Chinese symbols to show the pride of both his parents.

For the element of water was a mysterious man only know as Markát.  His skin and eyes were tinted blue by his constant use of elemental cards.  His body often showed no signs of age and so people often assumed he was ageless, but in truth he was an old man who relied on the spirits of his cards to keep him breathing.  He was renowned for being the first water user to grow gills.

Earth was represented by the strong armed Kallia, a female kitsune of such cunning she was often known as the warrior tactician.  She never tipped her hand in ritual or battle, often relying on surprise and sudden attacks from her earth base creatures to take on her enemies.  She was often noted as the first non-human to join the council and for being ruthless enough to publicly kill her opposition in a legal duel.

Wind... Wind was represented by a man so scatter brained and unimposing, that enemy soldiers would often consider him mad and harmless.  Ambrose P. Poindexter was none of those things, except scatterbrained.  Like most people born in Paris and has been exposed to mana and spirits since birth, unlike most however, he has adapted a special relationship with them, especially those of air and is often seen chatting with nothing.  Despite this seemingly mad behavior though his wisdom was what helped form the council.  Rumors say his power is as limitless as the air we breathe and that he has even more scrollies than Choronus.

Light was represented by Astral Lefreigh, another man of France who has taken to the element of light with such fervor and passion that he actually grew his own wings.  Though they came in raven black and he now hides them from embarrassment.  He is often at odds with his opposing councilor, though he is not foolish enough to take anything his opposition says seriously.

Lycus Nedale, the man of Dark, a practitioner of magick since before the spirits.  His power is so immense that he could topple the council in one swoop and take command of the nation.  However, Lycus is both a man of power and compassion, a man who fully believes in the power of democracy and the right of the people.  He is known to be one of the few people who lives near the border of Spain and remains unbothered by the Alliance.  His guardian is a simple shade that cannot be harmed, but also cannot harm others; it functions more as a personal assistant and confidant.  It is reputed that a second more powerful spirit follows him as well, but the only reports of this one are sketchy and often describe a formless mass with glowing blue and angry eyes. 

Skalla Nerea, an older lady and dragon so renowned for her neutrality of the elements that all the members of the council supported her fully as the first chancellor. She is known to have only a few scrollies, but like Ambrose her wisdom is what gives her the strength to lead.  She is called "The Silver Lady" due to her shining scales.

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The Story... 5 years ago

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"MOVE!"  The guards shouted as he moved the soldier's forward into the large room. 

The soldiers then stood before the leaders of the Nation of Balance.  The soldiers however, were from the Alliance and were quite angry.

"Captain?" The Shining Lady asked.

"Spies, Lady Chancellor." The Captain said as he took off his helm.  "They killed Royal, the renowned scryer and were about to make off with his latest prophecy."

"Let me see it." Skalla said.  The guard handed the paper to the Chancellor and watched as he face paled, a rare sight on the dragoness.  "Soldiers of the Alliance; are your people building such a weapon?"

The soldiers remained silent. 

"Please speak, you may be prisoners of war, but even we have ways around the old rules." Skalla said as a man in black clothing rose and walked forward.  When none of the soldier's spoke Skalla nodded with a grim look of dissatisfaction.  "Begin Lycus."

The pale man pulled one card forward from an old pouch on his side.  "This card in the old game would force a person to show me their deck.  Now, it allows me to drag pertinent pieces of information from your very minds."  The soldiers shifted.  "It is painful, but brief, not a torture, an interrogation method."

"You're sick." A female lion spat.

"And you're first..." Lycus smiled as the card exploded in energy and vanished.  Then a dark cloud floated towards the woman and slid in her nostrils and ears.  Soon she screamed and collapsed, then she shook and the cloud returned to Lyus and did the same thing only there was no pain for him.  "Well no relevant information on her; although I did get a nice recipe for a ginger salad."

The soldier stood back up with a look of fear and pain in her eyes.  Just then a man who obviously wore a cloak over his own wings approached her with his own card that glowed white and took the form of a doctor.  "Care to them after Lycus has finished."

"Yes, master." The spirit said crisply as it looked the young woman over.

"Who's next?" Lycus smiled.

= = = =

An hour later

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"Down to you young man..." Lycus glared at the last soldier, a young man quaking in his boots.  "Know anything?"

The young man looked at his fellow solider's and then gulped.  "Y-yes."

"Really?"  Lycus let a full smile form.  "What do you know?"

"Only rumors." He gulped again.  "They say some doctors have a way to poison mana fonts.  They can't try them in the America's though."

"That would be because your idiot leader's collapsed them." Choronus spoke up as a scrollie flitted along his fingers. 

"Yes." The soldier spoke.

"So they came here to claim one of our lands rich in mana..." Skalla sighed.

"Like a skull in the water bed, these are they ways of our lives..." Ambrose smiled and looked at the young man.

"What?" Kallia asked.

"It's like with munchkins and the path of golden roses." He continued to smile.

"How does he make sense to anyone?" Kallia asked.

"Most of the time he doesn't." Astral admitted, "But every now and then a nugget of wisdom comes pouring out." 

"Well now..." Markát spoke up.  "We have what we wanted; guards you may take them and prepare them for court."

Before the guard could move the prisoners the young man dashed forward.  "Wait, I want to help!"

The room fell silent as the other soldiers turned to him.

"Are you insane?" The leader, a young wolf, shouted.  "You've seen how they treated us!"

"Yeah!" A young red headed woman shouted.  "I can see spilling some rumors out of fear, but are you mad?"   The room descended into a shouting match between the soldiers and the young man trying to speak up.

"SILENCE!" Skalla bellowed.  "Speak young man."

"They aren't monsters." He said.  "They're people just like us, just trying to live in this world.  They just us spirits and magick to do it instead of technology and machines."

"THEY INVADED OUR MINDS!"  The lioness shrieked.

"We do worse things in interrogations." The young man said.  "The Mark 4 brain scanner, ever had one used on you?  I have it leaves your mind on fire for weeks."

"How nice." Lycus scoffed. 

"Take them, leave the young man." Skalla ordered.

"Well now, this is a bit of a first..." Choronus blinked.  "Here take this."  Choronus handed the young man a glowing red card.  "It's a guardian, but we tend to not get along, maybe he'll like you."

"You're going to trust him just like that?" Kallia asked.

"I've had a truth reader in effect the whole time." Choronus said.  "Kid's torn, but he does want to help."

"Hmmm... "Ambrose smoke.  "Like Janus he is, only male.  Imagine that.  Do we call him January then?"

"Ugh..." Kallia groaned.  "What's that mean?"

Astral spoke up. "It means dear Kallia, we might have a someone who can spy for us..."

"What's your name boy?" Markát asked.

"Um... Sumner Alberts." Sumner blushed.

"Sumner..." Choronus giggled.  "Oh come on he was born to join us."

"Before we decide on this course of action, we must vote."  Skalla said.  "All in Opposed  of instituting Sumner Alberts as a double agent?"

No one raised their hand. 

"So it is decided." Skalla smiled.  "Lycus, could you take him to the SpecTran and have him instructed in the ways of summoning."

"Of course Lady Chancellor." Lycus made a sweeping bow.  "Come along young man..."

"Wait..." Kallia said, "He's the first Double Agent, he's gonna need a way for us to keep an eye on him..."

"Indeed." Skalla said as she pulled out a card and handed it to him.  "This golem is powerful, but it cannot hold itself here for long."

"Here, take this little guy.  Not strong, but clever and you'll need clever."  Kallia smiled

"Here take this one.  Clay pigeon's are always fun!"  Ambrose smiled.

"You got mine kiddo." Choronus said.

"Take this..." Markát said.  "Use it to escape when near water."

"Take the doc..." Astral said as he tossed Sumner his card. 

"Take this..." Lycus handed him another card.  "They'll serve you well as a team."

"Ninja rats?" Sumner blinked.  "And I thought the clay pigeon was odd."

"You may go now." Skalla said.  "Remember though, these cards will attack you if you betray us."

"I won't." Sumner said with a determined look.

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Sumner raced through the Spanish hills, he had been spying for the Nation for a year and in that time he had used his deck successfully without detection.  He had been the perfect spy, but now he was making a full on break for the border.  What he feared had been confirmed; the Alliance's Scientist's had found away to poison spirits.  Thankfully he managed to snag all the research on it before he was discovered.  Now all he had to do was make it back to Paris in one piece. 

However, he did not have to run long, for as he ran to the foot of the largest hill a summoned dragon swopped in and picked him up.  He looked up to see the face of his old teacher smiling down on him.

"They got the message!" He shouted down.

"Great."  Sumner said as he shifted in the dragon's claws.  "Now let's get back; this news is important!"

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The Sheet

Name: (Take a guess!)

Age: (Obvious)

Gender: (Duh!)

Race: (I don't discriminate, Furs are welcome to join!)

Alignment: (Elemental Alignment, if applying for a spy position note that here)

Description: (Dur!)

Bio: (At least a paragraph on the youth and one on current life)

Focus Strength: (Low can only maintain a few (3 – 5) Type 1's for a few minutes.  Medium can maintain slightly more (6-8)  for a half hour each.  Large can maintain almost 10 for an hour.  Natural can maintain a small army of 12-15 for almost half a day, but require a great deal of rest to do so)

Deck:  List your Deck, 30-40 Type 1 Summons.  You may mix the sources, but please provide the sources if you can.  Statuettes and Figurines take slightly more room and strength to carry so there is a 3:1 ratio, one figure is worth 3 cards.

Fetishes: Type 2 or 3 summons


Other: (Note any personality quirks and any other miscellaneous info here)

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Here is my signup, feel free to use it as sample
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Name: Sumner Alberts

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Alignment: Null

Description: Sumner is a fairly short young man, only 5'9" and fairly skinny.  He usually wears his old Alliance uniform unless he's in Paris in which case he switches to his SpecTran uniform which consist of a grey jacket, shirt and pants with only an odd logo of all the elements in a circle.  He has long dark brown hair, usually combed back, slightly tinted red as he is somewhat favoring his fire based elements, he has green eyes and usually smiles when meeting new people.


Sumner was born in the America's and as such he was raised in the belief that magic was a source of evil.  As he grew older he realized he had almost no marketable talent and eventually signed up for the military where he was trained in maintain equipment and spying.  Eventually he was shipped over to Spain and placed in the unit that was captured in Paris.

While in Paris Sumner was the only member of his team to actually take an interest in the spirits.  Most of his team ignored this and he was allowed to wander off and talk to people as they had almost no use for him since random spirits in the city often repaired anything of theirs that broke.  This lead to their capture when an Alliance transponder broke while he was out; this caused the repairing spirit to alert the proper authorities.

Due to his strange attraction to the magicks and open minded approach to the world Sumner ended up defecting to the Nation of Balance and was the first person trained as a Double Agent.  After his training he was "released" as a part of a prisoner trade with the alliance he began siphoning information to the council through special cards specifically made to function like spies.  His two guardians were also careful to keep the prescience low.  Eventually though he was discovered and most of his sources were destroyed in the resulting escape, as of his return he has been given more sources to replace his old ones, but he still misses his old friends.

Focus Strength: Medium, he can hold 7 summons for almost twenty minutes.

Deck:  (25 Summons, 10 scrollies)

Okiba-Gang Shinobi  (
Kitsune Diviner (
Orochi Leafcaller x2 (
Moss Kami (
Wispmare (
Dawnfluke (
Ashen Monstrosity (
Isao, Enlightened Bushi (
Boggart Forager (
Kithkin Healer (
Wort, Boggart Auntie (
Blizzard Specter (
Rimbebound Dead x3 (
Frost Raptor (
Rimefeather Owl (
Drift of the Dead (
Putrid Warrior (
Silver Drake (
Razorfoot Griffin (
Ridgeline Rager (
Anaba Bodyguard (
Ember Beast (


Snow Devil (
Broken Ambitions x 2 (
Distress (
Lignify  (
Terashi's Grasp (
Consuming Bonfire (
Hurly-Burly (
Captivating Glance (
Kirtar's Desire (

Facevaulter Card: Spring-Step  (
Raging Goblin Card (Gift from Chroronus): Boko   (

Other: Sumner has a great deal of privilege in the Nation's military, but seldom uses it.  Sumner is trained in technological repair, but has a bizarre grudge against most scientists in the Alliance.  Sumner favors the use of "Magic: The Gathering" sources.


If you're trying to find some cards her are some places that can help you make your own deck.   
Magic the Gathering
Duel Masters
Digimon (Works mainly for the actual Digimon, no support cards as it's a list of Digimon)

Any other suggestions welcome

lucas marcone

im interested but it may be a few days before i submit a character...i have to get all my brain children on paper... also are there humans in this one?


Humans and furs, like I said I don't discriminate.


Le sigh...

Looks like no one's interested...


I am, and I've been working on a profile, but it's coming slowly...that and it's the holidays. Everyone's busy.
Just keep it up, people should join eventually.


Oh yeah, duh stupid me.  I tend to forget the holidays eat up peoples time like mad.


indeed  they do. as for me i've decided the name and origins of my character but the details. his mother his alignment (other then digital) need work. after all digimon cards are not quite the same as other cords. of have you visited the digidex?
for more info check here

following the alignments me recovery cards and digivice cards are under the scrolling right?
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


For your alignment, since you're using Digimon, it's based on their prevalent element that would fall into one of the Six (eight if you count Chaos and order) I've mentioned.  Scrollies are simple "Spell" cards that have one before they need to be reestablished in another card.  So anything that would be used to enhance your digimon would be a scrollie.

And thanks for the Digimon card sites, I'll add them now.


I'll be out of town and with out a computer for a few days so anyone who does join; I won't be able to respond till about  Monday.


i have the charter picked out and a backstory but i'm having trouble building a deck as i've never plaid the game before. i don't know how my experience with the computer version of the card game can help me as i've never seen those cards in the real game and vise versa.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Well it's really made to let you choose your favorites as their is almost no real measure of how strong they are, so you don't have to make a strategy with your deck at all if you don't want to.