Getting content for VG Sites is a pain

Started by Michaelangelo, April 24, 2006, 06:32:09 PM

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So I've been working on a new site for Panic Restaurant and I had just finished the rips for all of the hero. Mind you I still have enemy rips to do, maps, as well as other things. Anyways, I just found out that the Japanese Panic Restaurant called Naughty Kokkun's Gourmet World has a completely different hero and some different set ups for some stages. Now this means I have to do double the amount of rips. Gah, now I know why Kurt Kalata took the lazy root and only ripped one sprite for each enemy and hero instead of making animated gifs for each one. Ah well thats ok. Eventually, the tediousness of this will be done. But in any case after playing Naughty Kokkun I've realized that Panic Restaurant, although good, really should have stuck with making a perfect translation of Naughty Kokkun. The hero sprites are more graphically polished and Hors D'eurves is a cooler name for the antagonist then OhDove.

Destina Faroda

That's probably why the backgrounds for BOFIII and IV haven't been captured yet.  :(
Sig coming...whenever...


Quote from: Sailor Steeler on April 24, 2006, 09:28:10 PM
That's probably why the backgrounds for BOFIII and IV haven't been captured yet.  :(

RPG Game Sites are even harder to make. Each Sprite has over 100 motions to capture. Not to mention making maps is alot tougher when you're not just going stage by stage but HUGE area by HUGE area. I would never want to get involved in something like that unless I actually had help with gathering content. Trying to put this together by myself is hard enough.

Destina Faroda

Sig coming...whenever...


Because I've always wanted to have my own site. This way I could make my own rules and have my own standards. And being at the head of a community for once I know I'd have a secure spot in my forum and respect from all of the members in the forum.


I really want to make a comment about you and respect... but I won't. ;)


Quote from: Darkmoon on April 25, 2006, 05:13:04 PM
I really want to make a comment about you and respect... but I won't. ;)

Dude I seriously would respect my forum members. I've adminned forums before. I know what I'm doing. I'd like to think that I know what people want. People like to be treated like human beings, not like animals. I am not superior to anyone, nor have I ever claimed to be. Even having the power of admin wouldn't make me feel that way. I also don't feel like I have to play Kindergarden teacher and chase after people for things like swearing and flaming. I would also have contests and keep things interesting from time to time. And I would NEVER ban anyone based on whether I like them or not. In this world theres plenty of people you're not gonna like. If you can't even deal with it online what does that say about your character? Also about my vicious streak its pretty much over. I want people to be able to trust me as a forum admin. At the same time I want to be looked at more along the lines as a friend to my users and not their father. I also don't want to be looked at like some tyranical dictator. I care about what my users want. I believe a lax leadership style and structure is what makes a strong community. This is not to say anyone else's way is wrong. But this is my way. And thats basically my explanation on how I would run a forum. I know I have a checkered past but I have adminned forums before and I know what works. I've never had to perma ban a user EVER in any forum I've been a part of. I pride myself on that.

Destina Faroda

It would be a very long time before I decided to ever have a forum again.

I had one once, but the problem is no one would go to it.  In part it was because it wasn't what people consider the standard board format -- it was a threaded message board.  In part it was because very few people went to my site.   I never had to ban anyone, but then again I couldn't ban anyone either.  One of the things I liked was that the IPs were visible by all users, and thus if someone impersonated someone then it was immediately recognizable by all forum members.  The sad thing is that I had circumstancial evidence that some jerk who decided to invade my board was the one who put up this crazy post saying I was someone else -- but because the mod at the other forum was friends with her, nothing was ever done.

However, if I were to have a forum, I'd have to adopt a set of rules because in the five years, I have seen the stupidity level rise on message boards to the point where you do have to tell people NOT to spam.  I'd have a few bannable offenses -- namely no "how to get illegal junk" talk, no porn/nudity, no selling of anything -- but the biggest and only petma-ban one would be that no one of any importance would be allowed to identiify oneself or plug one's site.   That means Darkmoon would have to register under some other name and never reveal his identity on my board. ;)

People don't respect you if you're the head of a forum or even a mod (or at least they shouldn't).  That's one reason why I've NEVER wanted to be a mod anywhere other than something I maintain myself.  They see you as the bad guy because you're biased,  and the truth is, they're right.  A mod is just a poster like anyone else, and just about anyone can post, which is why I don't like the idea of banning except in extreme cases.  The only way to get people to respect you is is to display your talent.  If you can do something they can't do and show it, then even if you never become popular, you will get the undying adulation and respect of at least one person.  But putting a site together?  I speak from experience -- NO ONE cares about that, no matter how hard you work at it.  People think they can do that with no problem, which is why I tend to quit making sites so easily.  All that work is for nothing if you don't get praised.
Sig coming...whenever...


I would never be able to join. I've been using the Darkmoon name for a loooooong while now, and I'm kinda partial to it.

John: I was being sarcastic. Notice the winky face...


Quote from: Darkmoon on April 26, 2006, 08:57:49 AM
I would never be able to join. I've been using the Darkmoon name for a loooooong while now, and I'm kinda partial to it.

John: I was being sarcastic. Notice the winky face...

Haha I know you were dude. No worries :). Oh yah and as for him using the Darkmoon name. He did have variations. Firelyte Warrior, Omnipotent Darkmoon, etc.


Those are all too long to type. Darkmoon I'm used to now. The rest take work.


Quote from: Darkmoon on April 26, 2006, 04:52:26 PM
Those are all too long to type. Darkmoon I'm used to now. The rest take work.

Maybe you should just shorten it to DM for Darkmoon. When in doubt, initial it out. Or just call yourself D. Like Vampire Hunter D. Although, you could have a huge really long name and only type it once and let Windows Autocomplete make it so that all you gotta do is double click on the user name box.



Meh I just gave up on my Panic Restaurant site idea. Too much work.

Destina Faroda

Smart move.   Giving up is the best thing to do.
Sig coming...whenever...