telruya art like things

Started by telruya, April 13, 2006, 07:08:01 AM

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i'm using photobucket to get this onto the post so it may not look so good, well i edited these
a while ago but i'll never use them so you can have them or something i remember reading in cvrpg something about him wanting to use gnoll's again.


Those're some good sprite edits.

Jorge D. Fuentes

Hee, that's super-cute.  Love the extra 'wooden' looking Harvesting Scythe.


Yeah, my only gripe with the scythe is that the pixels sizing is wrong...


really, their the same size as the rest of the sprites, it might be that i use ms paint or it could be that i use .bmp with sprites not .jpg.


It;s just the black edging around the white. The edges are 1 pixel wide (as is the yellow) while the rest of the scythe is two pixel wide blocks.


i know what it is in order to get the pictures on this i have to put it on photobucket but that distorts the picture so you can't see them after you save them, i had redone the scythe for the gnoll but whats the point :meh the additional option attach image dosen't let me put in the gnoll because it's to big.


Well... hrmmm... I got the original image at least for now. You can always email me the new sprites if you want. I'll upload whantever I can prolly next week into the Fan Made Sprites section ;)


OR i put them on my own forum and give you a link to get them, like below.


p.s i made a new sprite also i've done a fan art of alec.


i don't know if your allowed to doulbe post or not but since i'm updating the post i should be o.k.

this is zackry i don't want him in the fan sprites but i've been working on a bad guy for my comic i might give him other sprites but this is only a first draft sprite i'm looking for advice on the sprite to make it look more original.

to see him you need to go here  |
                                             \  /


Well, firstly he is going to look like Death nol matter what until you give him feet. Also, the eyes don't thrill me.


o.k ehm when i was on your sprite section you said that you didn't want people using the main characters but i don't know if that includes the cameo characters like below, because i have edited a fairly large amount of sprites for them to be used in my comic. if you're alright with it.


The main characters are the big 5. Darkmoon, Katrina, Alec, Princess, and Angel. They can be used as cameos, but not major plot characters. Sindra falls under that same heading. Everyone else is free to use, since they aren't characters that originated in CVRPG.


i'm going to take that as a yes.


I alright with you using any of the characters that aren't the Big Five.


hmp,me too have edited sprites,and looking good,they´re edited from death and alec,rigth?


You mean this sprite?

It is a death edit but it wasn't an alex one it was a differnt cameo character for the head.


no,I mean the sprite of Alec and Death,not a fusion of the two


o.k :redrum , hey darkmoon you always have great backgrounds does jorge make them or do you get them from somewhere?


A couple of them are custom, but for the most part I get them from sites. The Online Game Atlas is great, as is BGHQ.


Thanks, that has some great earthbound bg's in it.


well i've got this robot i've been working I shall never again work from scratch, i've made a new avatar after a friend acused it of looking "dodgey" apart from that i'm working on a computer in my local libray after an incedent with a virus and an axe but apart from that everything normal here.

Nimrods Son

The robot looks cool, and so the computer incident sounds.


The robot is very cool indeed.



hey darkmoon, or jorge, how do you sprite backgrounds? :help


I just steal from other people. Making backgrounds is a longer process than just making character sprites. best thing, if you really wanna do your own, is study and steal other backgrounds to make your own.



i've found out how to do the backgrounds so thats alright but now i've found out that photoshop 8.0 dosn't run on win 98 so i've got to save up for XP i'll start the comics sometime around august.


Vaati (the author of Zap Fantasy), was run over by a drunk driver. To show support there's a comic called "Get Well Vaati" on drunk duck that has been made to submit get well soon comics. Quite a few people have submitted their own already.  :help

I've already sent a comic  :yeahthat