The cause of all computer problems/viruses.

Started by Madmann135, September 21, 2007, 12:09:09 PM

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People have been wondering why there are so many computer problems, viruses on the internet and why computers 'die.'  It will be explained today but in short I just have to say two words, "Bill Gates."

Bill Gates the president of Microsoft is both evil and brilliant.  He's virtually destroyed many of his serous competitors and virtually cornered the market.  The reason we have so many computer problems is because Bill Gates finds them beneficial.  A Mac is said to have a life of 5 years before it becomes obsolete, a PC is said to have a life of 1 year (max) before it becomes obsolete.  By having such a short life PC's are quickly updated or thrown out, therefore you have to buy new hardware/software in order to keep up with the modern movements.

Bill Gates sells the masses incomplete software so that our computer's hard drives get corrupted, wear out and/or become destroyed over use.  Microsoft's operating programs are full of bugs that invite computer viruses on in so that they may mess with your system.  Anti-Virus programs only help slow the process but it is still a vicious cycle, where viruses eat away at your computer from the inside out.

The origin of viruses may sound like a conspiracy theory but it's true.  Bill Gates secretly developed, released and mass produced viruses so that people's PC's would quickly burn out and need to be updated which brings money to his pockets.

It is no conspiracy theory that Bill Gates is the culprit behind all our computer problems, because his products are quickly outdated, worn out, burn out, etc he ensures that people will keep coming back for updates, upgrades and new systems, therefore you line his pockets with money.

Macs are a little different, they do their best to give you quality systems that last a long time and are more difficult to infest.  Thus when a MAC is outdated you are more willing to pay for a new, more up to date one.

This post has been brought to you by Boredom.
Yes boredom, that event of inactivity that has been known to cause wars. 
Yes Boredom, that moment where you realise, "my life sucks."

Yes, I do post just to see my own words on the screen.


My only real problem with Microsoft is Vista, because I'm stuck using it until I can get ahold of a copy of XP (I know a guy).   There's also Internet Explorer, but no one who knows anything about security touches that piece of crap these days, anyway.

Reese Tora

Viruses existed before windows, viruses will exist long after microsoft corporation colapses under it's own incompetence.

The problem is that windows has always been rather haphazard and spal-dash in it's construction, becasue Microsoft finds a good OS, buys it and the rights to it, and produces thier own flavor, upgrading it with patches of functionality.  Vista is XP with a new coat of paint and more "functionality", just as is XP an upgrade of windows 2000, which is an upgrade of NT.

Windows 3.1 evolved from MS-DOS, which was bought as Q DOS, and evolved through windows 95, 98, and ME.

In both product lineages, I'd say the second to last was the pinacle of the evolution, and the final was a complete waste of space.

As for virii on PCs, of course PCs are targeted most, the majority of computers are PCs, and those running windows.  There are virii for the other platforms, but they don't get the press because those platforms are not as wide spread.  The first self replicating virus was programmed on an Apple, and targetted apple computers

I think your numbers for the years to obsolecence for PCs and Macs don't sound very accurate.  source please?

Goatmon: you chould be able to find a copy of XP from brick & moarter shops like PC Club and frys, and Newegg is also still selling OEM coppies.
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation

lucas marcone

as quoted from MADDOX on the greatist web page in the world.

one think pc users know how to do that mac users don't:

not ment to be an attack. i just found it humorous and relevent


This thread is full of fail. :<

Something about outdated computers, etc.-  Ever heard of Moore's Law?  Anyway, my desktop PC is admittedly old, but it's far from obsolete.  I've been using the same hard drive for probably five years, now, most other parts for over a year, and I've had XP installed for about 2 years.  I don't have anti-virus software installed, either, and I don't have any problems, because I know how to maintain my computer.

Not entirely related, but I found it funny - A friend of mine who is one of those people that lucas mentioned (doesn't know how to shut the fuck up about Macs) actually told me that Macs are for people who aren't smart enough to use PCs/Windows. :giggle



All I have to say is: He can go ahead and just try to make my windows-based PC outdated in under a year, and further more he can go ahead just try to make me buy useless software.

And you can go ahead just try to get me to buy a Mac =D I'll finally learn Linux and switch to that before I'd go anywhere near a Mac.


Quote from: The DXM on September 21, 2007, 05:59:53 PM
And you can go ahead just try to get me to buy a Mac =D I'll finally learn Linux and switch to that before I'd go anywhere near a Mac.

Well, as someone who uses all three, the Mac mini makes a nice, compact UNIX box, and the ability to get stuff like Photoshop is a handy bonus.  U5 Lazarus has a Mac version too, although no Morrowind :(
On the command-line, Linux is more user-friendly though.  The inability of the Mac to run multiple fullscreen terminals sucks, and the different GUI conventions can be highly annoying at times.  It doesn't seem to have a way to get to the desktop either.  But I'm going to stick with it.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I've had Windows on my laptop for 4 years.  My laptop itself is 5 years old.  We've had two Macs in our lab crash and burn in the past two years.   On the other hand, the lab's old PC just keeps chugging along with crappy ol Windows.  ;)

And the bulk of the viruses come from Taiwan and Nigeria.   :P

The whole debate is pointless.  Hardware and software are constantly obsolete.  Just look at cell phones, CDs, iPODs... etc.  New stuff with more capacity, faster speed, and the ability to make toast on the side, come out every year. 
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.