The Castle (IC) [M] {04}

Started by Prof B Hunnydew, August 05, 2007, 11:00:41 PM

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Aisha deCabre

Back in her dreams, Aisha felt the sensation of the tears that were streaming down her face in the living world.  No longer was she in the dark atmosphere, but the growing light had enveloped everything.  Though it could not be seen, she could hear muted voices in the background that brought back happier memories.  It was almost as if the village of Soldeluna had been rebuilt, including all of its lives, and brought into being.  It was like a glimpse of paradise...and she still kept in the warm presence of her parents, though it was what she had been told that made those tears.

"There's a reason I kept saying you were named after your grandmother, you know," Mara's ethereal voice seemed to say as she stroked her daughter's face.  "In her situation and time there was none braver.  You are very well justified in hating the demons for what they are and what they have done."

Aisha had so many questions.  But more likely than not, her parents wouldn't provide them, however much she wished they would.  She just shook her head with disbelief and distraught tears.  "It was true?  Everything that monster said...?"

"Es verdadero, mi hija (It's true, my daughter)," Luc interjected with a soft voice.  "It will be something not to believe when you awaken.  To get used to when you live.  To be of use when it's done.  There will be more fights...they will look for you.  And by then you will be strong.  We have faith.  And it will be a hero's welcome when you join us.  But not now."  He smiled.  "Someone right now very much wishes for you to live."

It was then that the light started to fade, and Aisha felt like she was being tugged back...out of their grasp, away from the warmth.  She didn't wish to leave, ever...but perhaps there were still things to do, and still more questions unanswered.  Her eyes widened.  "At least tell me one more thing!" she pleaded as their outlines started to vanish behind the light.  "Where is Ayan?  I didn't see him!"

"Tu hermano vives (your brother lives)..." Luc's voice came as she was tugged back into darkness.  The warmth faded.  "But he should be with us..."

*     *     *

Rynkura sighed quietly as she looked around the room, partially keeping an ear to where Mel had taken Keaton to get herself washed up.  Still the injured were asleep, still the hellish energies pervaded the rooms and felt like making her skin crawl.  It was beginning to look more and more like a good idea to put a ward over the rooms.

But as she readied the appropriate spell, suddenly she heard a sound from Gareeku's room.  The wolf had awakened quite abruptly from what she supposed was quite the nightmare, now making his way into the room despite the fact that his injuries still somewhat lingered.

"Sir Manoko!  Do you need help?  You probably shouldn't be up so quickly..." Rynkura started and turned around, but her argument settled as she took note of the wolf's resolve.  Hearing what he said, his eyes locked on the comatose Aisha, it took the tigress aback somewhat.  Her head tilted slightly, a light and thoughtful smile on her face.  He worried for the panther...perhaps as much as the healer had, if not more.  It was easy to see he wouldn't stop trying to move to her.

She simply stepped out of his way, heading towards the door to place the ward and sense what was happening outside.  "If you need help, just say so.  I fear we may not be staying for much longer."

On the bed, which was still glowing with healing energy, Aisha's breathing had started to turn from shallow to the normal, deep breathing that comes with sleep.  The feeling had only just started to come back to her body as her eyes twitched, dark face still glimmering with those tears.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Upon Mel's gentle coaxing Keaton took her seat on the outer rim of the bathtub, still vigorously rubbing away the vestigial traces of blood present on her face with the clean side of her towel. Examining her reflection from afar in the mirror, she realized that there wasn't much she could do regarding her facial appearance until Mel healed her cut--fortunately, the dragon took care of it with a swipe of her finger, the laceration disappearing. The cool sensation faded, and Keaton observed her reflection again, happily cleaning the rest of the blood she was unable to reach previously, then starting on the blood which had branched down the length of her arm from her gash while Mel began work on that injury.

Keaton stared numbly at the dragon, then forced a slight smile. "It's that obvious?" she asked. She decided there was no use in concealing her emotions, not when they were painfully apparent.

Just as Mel was about to commence the recovery on that injury, Keaton's ears pivoted upright at the hissing sound, her hand jerking upright and removing Catastrophe swiftly from its holster. She stood up, opposite, dirtied hand still clutching the bloodstained towel, and directed her gaze towards where the sibilant hissing sound had originated. "Fuck. Playtime's over," she said hoarsely.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Listening to what Rynkura said, Gareeku did not look at her. He couldn't take his eyes off of Aisha; lying there motionless, save for her breathing, and what look like tears running down her face.

"Thank you..." the wolf replied in what was almost a mutter as the tigress made for the door. Slowly he approached, worry and what could only be described as fear, fear for Aisha, on his face. As he stepped nearer the comatose Aisha, Gareeku then noticed, despite the fact that healing energy surrounded her and the bed that she was lying on, the pantheress' injuries, especially that of her arm.

"No..." the wolf whispered, his head slightly shaking from side to side as he spoke. He then saw that there were indeed tears running down her face. Hesitating at first, the wolf gently reached and, with the tips of his fingers, softly wiped away the tears from her face. As he did so, he could feel tears of his own welling up in his eyes. "I should have been your side..."


Jeremiah grabbed the offered hand gratefully, letting Stygian help him up. The frog's hand felt odd, curiously dry, but there wasn't much time to contemplate that. Said hand was quickly snatched away as the frog continued to flee. It took him a sec to realize that he didn't know where he was running to.
"Cog, you know where the others are? Aisha's probably in no shape to be on the move, we gotta get to her!"
Bal pulled another mental strand into place, shoving the Lunacy aside as it tried to mess with his designs. Just gotta hold it a little longer...


Stygian merely shook his head, then grasped Cogidubnus and literally threw the wolf over the gap in the broken stairway. Next, he pulled Jeremiah to him and then leapt up, landing clumsily but steadily a few steps up from the broken precipice.
   'Just get a bloody move on!' the bat growled, and then dashed past. One of the tangles of silk stuck on Jeremiah attached to him as well, and a part of his shirt that had been ruined by demon's blood was ripped loose, but he didn't pay it any heed. Charging ahead, Stygian formed up darkness into a blade as long as a man was tall and swept away one of the few remaining demons, hurrying toward the corridor where the others were.

- -

If Rynkura and Mel had thought they would be able to avoid the demons' attention, they had been dead wrong. A few shuffling scrapes along the floor and coarse breaths signified the passing of perhaps one or two of the creatures. Then one set of claws stopped outside, and they heard sniffing. Sniffing that turned into a low, hostile growl. They could almost feel the tension of the thing, readying to lunge through the door.


Keaton lifted Catastrophe again and edged her way out of the bathroom, remaining on-guard in case one of their hidden antagonists decided to lunge unexpectedly. Outside the bathroom, Aisha was still unconscious, although with noticeable damp trails running down her cheeks, but an anguished Gareeku had awoken and was lamenting her condition. Normally Keaton would've been concerned about being seen by two of Aisha's closest companions when she felt so personally and irrationally responsible for her dismembering injury, but in her heightened sense of anxiety these emotions were lost. Undoubtedly, they would be back to haunt her later.

Keaton squinted, ocher-gold gaze locking onto the door. Behind it she could hear muffled shuffling and scraping sounds, perhaps originating from claws grazing the floor. Sniffing followed, then turned into a low and threatening growl. Keaton shifted into an appropriate battle posture, then, twisting open the doorknob, she flung open the door. The snarling visage of a mutated, demented demon--a mutilated enhancement of the brethren they had encountered earlier--leering in her face was the first glance she was blessed with, accompanied by the swishing of claws. Keaton ducked backwards just in time, the edges of the creature's acute claws brushing past her chest, then lunged, swinging Catastrophe around. The spiked head smashed right into the creature's cranium, sending it flying with a shrieking exclamation as the spikes lodged into its head briefly, then re-emerged from the force of the blow.

The Imp-like demon went sprawling on the ground, ichorous blood streaming in great gouts from its perforated head. Despite this injury it remained functional, lurching back to its feet and snarling. Its two other companions took this opportunity to run at Keaton, where she dove upon them, preparing for another swing while the nearby demon swaggered on its heels and recuperated.

~Keaton the Black Jackal

Aisha deCabre

Rynkura would find that she would have no time at all to put up that ward.  Her hand was frozen at the point of the door upon hearing the noises from the outside.  Shadows and growls passed their door, pausing to regard it and the things the beasts surely smelled within...and meanwhile, the adventurers had their interlude.

At first, Aisha felt like she was going to remain in that void of nothing...but she started to feel things coming back to her.

An actual, physical warmth coursed softly through her nerves, blocking the bits of pain that were also starting to register, and went very well with those horrid memories.  Feelings of being wrapped up, and too stiff to move; too afraid to bring those wounds back.  Then, voices...familiar ones, including one that was close and speaking softly.  Lines of moisture on her face...and the feeling of it being dried by a gentle sweep of fingers.

Slowly, as if the process of doing so was a memory lost, the panthress willed herself to open her eyes.  The view was blurry.  A darkened room, lit by several bits of light, the strongest of which was the glowing point of a staff down at the end of the bed she lay in.  The owner of the staff was frozen in front of the door...and as things cleared, her eyes found the white wolf standing near...the one whose hand was brushing her tears, and who had tears of his own.

Gareeku...  She thought, trying to process what was going on.  What was he so sad about...?  Me...right...  The tears kept flowing on its own, seeing him so sad...and as she remembered the reason she was there in the first place.  Brought back from the brink of death.  It was hard to imagine at the time...but she was alive...they were alive.  It was all real.  Including the hellish feeling of the room.  But the sight of the wolf, the thought that he was watching over her, gave her tired and aching feelings much peace as she pondered trying to wake up.

"...Hey..." Aisha breathed, her voice soft and cracking a slight bit as she tried to smile toward her companion.  Her crimson gaze however still looked somewhat pained as her hand rested gently over his own.  "What's...going on...?"

But that was when something appeared at the corner of her vision, a shimmering dome that covered the wolf and herself.  It was a barrier made by Rynkura, the tigress casting it after stepping away.  Keaton then rushed to fling it open and dispatch of the impish demons that had been at their door.

"Mel, Gareeku, we had better be prepared to move when the others return!" the tigress could be heard advising as her dart spell zapped the creature nearest the door.  While the succubus went after the creatures, she tried to defend the room.

More trouble, already...didn't it ever end?

A part of Aisha felt like trying to help, whatever was going on...but another part of her wanted to stay, and try to rest.  Against the urgency, the panthress obeyed the latter instinct and could only close her eyes again.  "I'm sorry," she murmured.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Jeremiah staggered away from Stygian as they landed, and was then off running again. He didn't know where Aisha and the others were, but he figured if he just followed the screams...
Bal pulled more strings. For a brief second there was a black spark at the back of the frog's neck.


With snarls and cracking jaws, the vile things erupted at Keaton, the first one taking Catastrophe to its leg and then its neck for its transgression, the second falling upon the jackal. It felt like being hit with at least two hundred pounds of coiled springs, hard and tense. The jackal herself was strong, if only somewhat with her limited age as a cubi, but these creatures... She managed to shake it off though, courtesy of the weight of her mace and tentacles. The thing stumbled back, and prepared to lunge again.
   Something rushed down the hallway and struck the ill-prepared demon like a freight train. Keaton only caught a glimpse of a nearly humanoid, utterly black shape, snarling as it passed. Then her assailant was swept away and torn apart. One of its arms flew off and fell disintegrating to the floor.
   Running down the corridor, not minding to cover his back as he hoped Cog and Jeremiah had it covered, Stygian's expression was one of rage and distress. He stopped by Keaton, looking at her quickly. 'We have to get out of here. Find a choke point. And fast!' he said, his words whiplash sharp and quick. 'Anyone who stays behind gets left behind!'

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel crept out of the bathroom behind Keaton, her eyes searching for the source of the sound as she began pulling up light magic. Keaton had reached the door and she saw Rynkura was there as well, providing magical backup to the cubi's mostly physical attack. Gareeku was standing over Aisha's bed and Mel was relieved to see him up, until it reminded her of the fact that there were two ways in. She whirled on the other door just in time to see it rattle, then slam open.  She let fly with a brilliant lance of light.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


When the two remaining creatures, the third and final hindered by its debilitating blow, leapt at Keaton, the jackal wasted no time in swinging and swiping Catastrophe with all of her might, not even stopping to savor the satisfaction in injuring one of them when it dared to get too close. One of them had been thrown off to the side, but the second pinned her to the ground as it pounced upon her, landing in a heap on top. Keaton grit her teeth and let out a hissing snarl as she glared up into its vile visage, shaking off the intimidation which had resulted from staring into the depths of its bloodied rictus-smile. No matter how mush she flailed she couldn't seem to get it off of her initially, but fortunately, upon kneeing it in its gut and taking advantage of the fluctuation in the grip of its arm, she was able to use Catastrophe to pry the demon off of her, stabbing the diamond-shaped blade on the end of its pommel into the beast's side.

Just as it was about to lunge at her again, the demon was gone, almost as though an enormous truck had barreled right into it and splattered its innards all over the floor. A black shape was all Keaton had been granted with in terms of sight, followed by its arm as it cartwheeled off to the side and dissolved in mid-air. From off to the side, Stygian snarled a command at the group, one Keaton knew better than to disobey. She gathered up her mace and leapt to her feet, running after him.

~Keaton the Black Jackal

Prof B Hunnydew

 Bambi flies around the music hall, but she sees nothing beyond Gina crying.  She landings near Gina, who is near the stage.  "Oh Gina Are you alright?" asks Bam



 Cog managed to keep himself from yelling as Stygian suddenly tossed the hapless wolf across the broken staircase, the iaidoka just barely managing to keep himself from falling on his sword as he landed on the other side. Cog rolled a few times, his head making a nice thumping sound on the marble floor, and finally came to a skittering stop right before he slammed into the marble wall.

Cog cursed, sliding to his feet quickly and putting himself into a guarded stance, getting the sharp edge of his sword between himself and whatever else might be lurking. He saw Jeremiah fly up and over as well, landing a bit more gracefully than Cog had managed to, and then Sebastian practically leap across the chasm and start running for the corridor. Jeremiah followed him shortly, and Cog let his sword hang at his side as he joined them, booted feet clacking on the marble floors.

As he ran behind the bat, however, a hiss and a few quick footfalls drew the wolf's attention behind him. The same hideous thing that had assaulted them in the hallway below was scrabbling towards them, a demon made of black claws and black eyes. Cog stopped quickly, not even bothering to turn all the way, and paused for just a moment, letting the thing catch up and leap at him while he brought his right hand subtly down and across.
Turning his hips and using his shoulders as a rail and brace, the wolf slid the blunt edge of his sword across his body, aiming the keen tip at the maw of the flying demon and catching the thing full in the throat. Cog managed to keep the thing in the air for a moment, the hilt of his blade couched securely under his forearm.

It didn't stay there for long. Cog took a step back, and using the heel of one of his boots pushed the crying, gurgling thing off his sword. He continued to move backwards, keeping his back to the path that Sebastian was clearing in behind him, even as he kept his eyes facing the corridor in front.


Tears were now running freely down the wolf's face as he watched over the pantheress. He hadn't been there for her when she needed someone there. He had failed her. "I'm so sorry..."

Just then, however, he heard her voice; soft and slightly croaky, but it was her voice. His eyes snapping open, the wolf saw her face looking up at him. She was awake.
A wave of a mixture of relief and sadness then swept over him as he saw her face. The tears continued to run down his cheeks, staining his white fur a slightly darker shade as they did so.
"'s ok..." the wolf replied, his voice soft and reassuring as he gently held her hand in his own.

Nothing else mattered now...the hellish feeling of the room...the demons this moment it just didn't matter. Aisha was awake. She was going to be ok. That was all that he cared about.

Noticing the protective dome barrier that had been placed around them by Rynkura, Gareeku listened to the tigress' words and nodded his head in acknowledgment.
"Sssh...don't talk, just rest..." the wolf replied to Aisha softly, ready to gently pick her up into his arms when the time came.


Flickers of light flew past Stygian as he stopped at the door, craning his neck and looking in while keeping half of his attention still on the corridor. Gareeku was by Aisha's bed, and the panthress didn't seem quite awake yet. Not that it would have mattered too much. Taking another few seconds to help Rynkura dispatch an incoming ragged, snarling thing, Stygian then looked back and saw Gareeku move to lift Aisha up. 'You've taken hits. Don't be...' he started, but the wolf ignored him. Not that I can blame him, the bat throught. Then he snarled through his teeth and turned down the corridor again.
   'I trust them to you, Ryn,' Stygian said, before taking a quick look to see Keaton at his back and then setting off at a hurried pace down the path the other group had come from earlier.

- -

For the longest time, it had seemed like it had been Gina weeping on the stage. But this close, Bam could notice the differences. The figure, like the ferret, was small as a child and had a sort of pallid, glowing sheen to its figure, as if moonlight congregated to its form. But its voice was too light, too childlike. And unlike the ferret, this weeping little girl seemed clothed in some old-fashioned, elaborate dress, pale and thin in its many-layered composition. It looked as if she were wearing a few layers of mist over her doll-like form. Her crying was silent, hopeless and heartbreaking.


Ketefe grimaced as Ian's body protested to the rat standing up. "Yeouch. I'm not sure which way she went, but we can find out." She tapped the little commlink butterfly in her hand. "I don't know if the others are with her, but once she and Gina are with us, we can look for them. And if that sound happens again, I'll be nervous about you going any farther."

That being said, she held the butterfly about six inches from her mouth and spoke. "Bam? Can you still hear me? Ian woke up. We want to help out if we can. Are the others with you?"
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

Aisha deCabre

According to Rynkura, it was insanity that started to unfold in the corridor...where she thought it would be safe.  But the Angel in truth was quite exasperated...there was indeed no rest for the weary under her guard, nor on Mel's side.  Not until the castle was free of these spirits and the gate to Hell closed.

And the one who had opened it in the first place destroyed.

She watched from the door as the jackal was confronted by an onslaught of impish demons, each one stronger than it seemed to look.  Any others that had attempted to bypass the tigress was met with a face full of darts, or had their systems rendered paralyzed by her electricity, all while she kept watch for the rest of the group to arrive.  But it was then that Stygian appeared with such urgency, shredding the beasts in his path in a harried effort to get everyone moving.

"I will keep them," Rynkura nodded toward his statement, after witnessing the adventurers, while watching the bat rush off with Keaton at his back.  She turned back to where Gareeku sat with Aisha, the wolf poised to carry the panthress.  The tigress smiled briefly, quite appreciative of his dedication towards her student.

"The barrier will move with you," she informed Gareeku as she took her staff from the end of the bed, the healing glow leaving it...more than likely, being exposed to the magic would have given the wolf much of his strength back.  "We must hurry...I will watch your back.  Mel!" she called after the dragon, starting to move toward the door.  "After Sebastian!"

Meanwhile, Aisha's body was tensing.  It was hard to rest with so much going much conflict and anger and darkness...but as she held Gareeku's hand, heard his reassuring voice, and felt his warmth, she felt quite restful...and there was no question of it.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Mel Dragonkitty

Hearing the signal to retreat Mel threw a giant blast of light into the bedroom Gareeku had vacated, driving the monsters back long enough to slam the door shut. Not that it would stop them for more than maybe a quarter second but at least she didn't have their eyes upon her as she dashed across the room. If Rynkura was watching Gareeku's back someone had to be in front.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Not taking his eyes off of Aisha, Gareeku heard Rynkura explain that the barrier would move with him and the pantheress. That made things a hell of a lot easier. Trying to cause as little pain to Aisha as possible, the wolf gently picked her up in his arms, holding her close to him as her head rested against his neck. He had sworn to protect here, and by God, even if he had to walk into the heart of hell itself, he would do it.

Being exposed to the magic from the staff had indeed strengthened Gareeku. He felt more energy surging through his body than before, and this would definitely come in handy as he began to carry Aisha with him. Following Rynkura and Mel, Gareeku continually looked down at the pantheress in his arms, while also keeping a lookout for any demons who wanted to try their luck at attacking. He may have been carrying Aisha, but that sure as hell didn't mean he was defenseless.


Jeremiah moved to follow the others, staggering drunkenly at this point as he fled. His head was KILLING him...
"Ketefe? Ian?" Bam was a fae, nothing was going to seriously damage her short of a direct meteor strike, but in all this they'd lost track of the college student and the young adventuress. "Guys, where...?" Mel, Aisha (oh my god, she's down an arm, oh my-), Gareeku (real noble type, that guy. Carrying the nice lady. Knight in shining... Shining something...). Rynkura, clever old bird... Cog's still fighting, why don't I fight? Besides the whole incompetance thing... Oh gods, his HEAD. Everyone was moving, and at this point everyTHING was moving. Demons practically coming out of the woodwork. And he was so TIRED...
Bal laughed. Jeremiah tripped. Another demon, like a grossly overgrown version of the imps from earlier, advanced upon the frog slowly.
My head...
No! MY head!

A black flame it at the back of what had a couple seconds ago been the artists neck, and slowly spread down his spine. The flame went everywhere, taking. That was what Bal did. He decayed. Time stole everything.
Jeremiah's- no, Bal's- hand lashed out, grabbed the Demon's ankle. These things didn't age, but they had time to lose. Slowly, it's disgusting bulk sagged and creaked, eventually rotting off the bone.
"My gods, but I needed that."


Running down the hallways, the party led by Stygian came farther and farther away from the screeches and the growls of the demons at their heels. However, telling by the pressing darkness and the almost tangible change of the environment to the more grim and sinister, the bat was leading them closer to the source of the evil. They descended stairs and ran through rooms, until finally the bat stopped in a hall to the side of the castle, and turned. The only exits were in front and behind. And no hideous things approached anywhere except from behind them. They couldn't run much longer, or they would draw too many things out and reach the chapel at the same time. They had to make a stand.
   Sweeping his huge black wings out behind him, Stygian turned toward the arched gateway behind him and watched his companions run, eyes glinting in the darkness behind him. He shouted.
   'Get in! We have to fight!'


Darkness swarmed upon the party as they dashed relentlessly through the Castle, Gar generously carting Aisha's body despite his condition so that way they wouldn't be forced to leave her behind, while all the others kept their weapons out. Keaton was among those who were prepared for combat even with her arm not healed, something she would have to tend to after this whole situation had smoldered--that is, if they survived the current carnage raging throughout the structure.

Keaton restricted the use of any of her magic abilities, as most of her magical inclinations rested in darkness, something which was probably useless against creatures born of that element. Stygian had been able to manipulate it to his advantage, why wouldn't these barbaric beasts be able to do the same thing? So for now, she relied on brute strength and Catastrophe, keeping her guard up and her offensive abilities heightened as the throng of demons flared. They were approaching the heart of it all, where the monsters were thriving. The precipice of Hell itself.

They were at the gateway. Snarling, Keaton lifted Catastrophe and prepared herself, closing in on her target. Now was the time for vengeance.

Now was the time for success.

~Keaton the Black Jackal

Prof B Hunnydew

The Music Hall
" Little Kit little kit little Kit, where have you been?  Do you wish a song? Can we sing a long?" asks Bambi  The Fae walks slowly down the aile to stop in front of the stage.....

"What is name are you, little kit?" asks Bambi 

lucas marcone

Ian looked to Ketefe and said. "I'm useless without my guns. They're on the second floor near my room. ....I think, that's where I was knocked out right? I should be able to do some damage with my UV bullets. That is if you wouldn't mind a detour?" Ian started for the door to the hallway that lead to the stairwell. "Though, time might be more important right now."

OOC: If I break technology limets let me know and I'll adjust accordingly


Following the others down the corridors and hallways, Gareeku could not help but wonder if Stygian was leading them further into the hellish depths. The wolf wasn't exactly comfortable with this idea at all, but at this point in time, he had to trust the bat.

Looking down at Aisha in his arms again, the wolf was trying not to jolt her about too much as he ran. His concern for her was always the biggest thing on his mind at that point in time.

It was then, however, that Gareeku heard Stygian say that they had to make a stand and fight.
"I'm not making a stand until I know Aisha will be safe!" the wolf replied, his voice assertive as he spoke. "Only then will I fight. Until then, I'm making sure that Aisha will not be harmed, and considering the situation we're in, I consider that pretty damn important."

Aisha deCabre

The labyrinthine corridors that they had passed had turned into one long blur after another.  Rynkura hadn't recalled a time when she had to move so quickly, yet still it was hard to keep her winded.  She kept the bat far ahead of them in sight, along with Keaton and Mel.  And of course, Gareeku and Aisha were never out of her line of vision either, for she had sworn to watch them.

And as they dashed from high point to low, it was evident that the castle's character was changing gradually.  The Angel tried to keep her light magic strong, though the very feeling of malice and darkness crept upon them as they ran to meet it.  She wanted to question where Stygian was leading them, for it was a sickening atmosphere...and taking Aisha and the battle-weary to essentially the very heart of Hell...

While they traveled, Rynkura had noticed that the demons were none and few, far behind...and one point took the time to stray just momentarily away, pinpointing the scattered bits of magic enchantment that she felt...all too difficult as she couldn't do that and keep up with the group...yet, she was marginally successful in her quick search.  The healer rejoined them just as they stopped under the arch of one long corridor, front and back and nowhere but there to go.  On her person, held in the sash about her waist, was a recognizable sword: her Dragonblade...if the panther indeed was expected to fight again soon, it was made sure she'd have the benefit of something to hold.

And that was when Stygian told the group what she feared, as he ordered the others to move behind him and take a stand against the creatures that came for them.  The tiger grimaced, before quirking an ear as Gareeku spoke up against it as well.  The healer shook her head, trying to figure out if she would run, or stay...and listening for the reactions of Keaton and Mel.

Then her eyes set on Aisha, who had her eyes open again, just slightly, shivering in Gareeku's grasp as she felt the atmosphere too.  "Don't want to...go to this..." she was murmuring, not entirely livid yet...but getting there.

There was a hum from the tigress.  "The barrier should keep you both safe," Rynkura reassured, bringing her staff up and turning her eyes briefly to the opposite end.  "Trust me, I'm not fond of taking a chance.  I will see to her protection just as well."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


After he had spoken, Gareeku looked down to see Aisha's eyes slightly open. Listening to her speak, the look of concern reappeared on his face.
"I won't let anything harm you." the wolf replied in a soft voice that held a tone of finality about it. "I swear it."

It was then that, listening to Rynkura explain about the magical barrier that was currently surrounding him and Aisha, Gareeku seemed to think about something for a second, before moving to set Aisha softly down on a chair a safe distance from where the stand would take place, so that the group would be between her and the demons. Once he had done so, the wolf then removed his hooded cloak, before gently wrapping it around the injured pantheress.
"I will be back for you. I promise." Gareeku whispered softly to her, before standing up and facing Rynkura, his hand resting on the sheathed katana at his side. "Remove the barrier from me. I wish to fight."


Jeremiah had most definitely been left behind, somewhere in his own skull. Bal wasn't too good at keeping up either. He kept stopping to look around for a weapon. Another thing the personae possessed was a nigh-bottomless capacity for violence. Bal wasn't mad. In fact, he was probably the most rational aspect of Jeremiah's condition up to and including the frog himself. He was just a sadistic brute, who had several well thought out excuses for his actions (when he bothered to stick to a story, rather than leave a certain art teacher in the middle of whatever mess he caused). The mental fragment manuvered his hijacked body expertly, dodging claws at his heels, until finally he scrabbled around into the hall Styg had found.
There, a decorative suit of armor, holding a long-handled axe. Bal unceremoniously snatched the weapon from it, black flames along Jeremiah's spine rising briefly.
"Bring 'em on..." Bal grinned, not caring about worrying anybody with Jeremiah's altered teeth, "Bring 'em the hell on..."

Aisha deCabre

Upon hearing Gareeku's soft voice, Aisha's quivering seemed to cease.  She locked her gaze with his, feeling the sincerity behind his words, and she felt like blushing.  However it was still hard for her to calm down, now that she realized there was indeed trouble.  The panthress just tried her best to be restful, even when the wolf set her down on the chair and promised to be back for her.  And as he placed his cape around her, she felt warm again, gripping the fabric and immersing in his scent.

I'll...hold you to it, she could only think with a soft, thankful smile towards Gareeku as he turned toward her mentor.  Still waking up, it was somewhat tough even to speak.  But already her mind had about returned, the body soon to follow after...and thus the awareness of her condition.  Weaponless and...she gulped and peered down to where her right arm was supposed to be...yes, she saw with a downcast gaze.  Lamed and immobile...Aisha couldn't but feel like nothing but a helpless kitten as she tried to rest again...just watching the others fight.

Meanwhile, Rynkura watched the warrior approach as she readied her magic.  But she managed to hear the exchange between him and Aisha, and view her response...she too cared for him.  To the tigress, who had always seen the panther's rough and often insociable side, it was nearly an unbelievable development...but it was more than accepted, if for the sake of the girl's hardened heart, after having so many of those she cared for die in the past.  And though he had just come out of exhaustion himself, his impressive resilience befit his name.

After a pause, she nodded.  "As you wish, sir Manoko.  Fortune be with you."  With wave of a glowing hand, the tigress willed the shimmering barrier to fall around him and disappear altogether.  Then, she turned to where the bat was standing against the onslaught of demons that would surely befall the group.  Stygian, Mel, Gareeku, herself, and now Jeremiah, though it was strange that the frog looked more than ready to battle.

"You have your stand," the tigress growled as they came...
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


 Sword gripped tightly in his left hand and his right holding onto his hat, Cogidubnus skittered around a corner and ran towards the little safe room. The wolf ran as though the fires of hell itself licked at his ankles. Although there were no obvious flames behind him, ominous shadows cast their silhouette on the stone walls behind him.

Once making it to the room, he slid to a stop, his eyes passing over the group as he whirled to face behind him. Aisha and Rynkura seemed to have made it, and Gareeku stood off a little ways with the two of them. The other wolf seemed winded, but ready. Sebastian seemed alright as well, although Cog wondered how long the bat could last after taking as much punishment as he had. More troubling was Jeremiah's expression as he held an axe that he had gotten from somewhere, the normally timid art teacher looking as eager to take on the demons of hell as the demons themselves did to kill them. Cog frowned for a moment, troubled, but kept his eyes on the corridor ahead of him anyway.
As long as the little guy didn't start axing the wrong side, perhaps it was for the best right now.

Cog kept his back angled towards the wall and brought his sword into a simple horizontal guard, his eyes and ears on a wire trigger.