[Art] Raist got Ink'd! (12/14/2007)

Started by Fuyudenki, September 07, 2007, 08:38:25 PM

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Let the thread die?



I was digging out my scanner, which I'd put away earlier this week, to scan in more pages for my webcomic, when I found these.  They're really, really old versions of the comic, before some very important rewrites, and before I learned a few new tricks.

this one is roughly 1 year old, now, and that sequence has been changed completely.

this one is roughly 2 years old, but the sequence it takes place in is currently pretty much unchanged from when I drew it.

Don't be surprised if you don't see anything like either of those in the comic as it stands now, because the story arcs they take place in are a long ways off.

New stuff here!

Ink'd! and colored.

Also, I'm going to go ahead and let this thread die.  I don't update often enough to justify it, and nobody really seems to care.

2D art

(this project paused, because I have to work like mad on the animated stuff.)
Version A
Version B
First step: Which style should I do: A or B?
voting over.  Result: BOTH!  Stay posted for updates.
This character was the first one developed for my comic.  Ever.  She doesn't show up for a long time, assuming I get a regular update schedule going.
Practice drawing.
Linky to drawings of wolf and fox heads.
contest entry, 100% digital work.(may be NSFW.  I'd give it a PG-13 rating.)
Alt.-color version.

character design.  I really like how the body armor and the hair turned out for this one.

2D animation

SF Guy, standing 1(links to image)
SF Guy, standing 2(links to image)
SF Guy, standing 3(links to image)
SF Guy, walking.(links to post)

I also dabble in 3D art.  Here's some of my best(and fairly old) work.
3D art
Model I've been working on for some time.  About a year now, I think.
Crimson Skies Made in Terragen(links to image)
Gliderboard.  Scenery in terragen, glider modeled in Wings, Glider and character posed and rendered in Daz Studio, Aiko 3 is a free download from the site.  Her clothing, on the other hand, cost me money.(links to image)
Light and Ladder.  I was experimenting with a new scene I downloaded.  Again, the girl, clothing, and scenery are all downloaded, I only lit and posed the scene.(links to image)
Girl with Sword.  Possibly NSFW.  Nothing shows, but only because it's not actually there.  Everything here is downloaded, I only lit and posed it.(links to image)
Trinary Planet.  Rendered in Terragen 2.(links to image)

Gliderboard and Girl with Sword are available in widescreen format, upon request.

3D animation
Here's an animation.  I use it as an avatar on some other boards.  Everything is downloaded, but I did the posing and animations.  And the floor is a primitive in the program.(links to image)

Other stuff
Imagination Cubed(something by GE, which I had nothing to do with, but it's cool.)

Sienna Maiu - M T

I simply love that character design. Facial markings are bomb.


facial markings?  what?


oh, no, that was a rendering artifact from the template.  That's her cheek.

Sienna Maiu - M T

Well then, she sucks.
No other redeeming values whatsoever. *nodnod*


well it looks good, maybe give her that marking for the effect.

i like the clothes, they're interesting and its cute how the belly pokes out
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


I'm not sure face markings would show up in her human form, given she's got dark skin.  I am toying with possibly putting a crescent moon marking on her back when she's in wolf form, though.

I found this page.  It's kindof like Artpad, kindof like a drawing/chat room.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Raist on September 08, 2007, 08:02:41 PM
I'm not sure face markings would show up in her human form, given she's got dark skin.  I am toying with possibly putting a crescent moon marking on her back when she's in wolf form, though.

If she's got markings, they'll be there. Likely result is that, with dark skin, they'll show up as light on dark, rather than dark on light...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Sienna Maiu - M T

You see, I thought of that, but simply couldn't put it into words.
After all, llearch is far more eloquent than I.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


who voted "no?"

I'm amused that so many people voted "Potato."

Think I'll make a new poll.

Sienna Maiu - M T

Sure Raist, animations are cool.

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 10, 2007, 05:27:40 AM
I is?

Wow. Thanks, Sienna. ;-]

Or perhaps you're just intelligible  >:3

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: Raist on September 10, 2007, 11:34:17 PM
I'm amused that so many people voted "Potato."

Then you have never been to starcraft.org. They've always got a poll up, and almost always, have a joke option at the end. Depending on how good it is, a sizable number of people ususally vote for it.


never said I was surprised, just amused.

Well, since there's a unanimous vote that everyone wants to see the animations, I'm just going to change the poll back to something filler.

Yes, I was taking "potato" to be a "yes" vote.

The animations in question are actually homework for my Games design class, anyway, but it's the first time I've tried to do non-CG animations in like...ever...

I've got something else to throw out there later, though.  Probably tonight or tomorrow.

Sienna Maiu - M T

yey fer pink!

I bet nobody ever guessed that was my favourite colour! Not in a hunered-billion years!


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 11, 2007, 03:42:20 AM
Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on September 11, 2007, 01:30:05 AM
Or perhaps you're just intelligible  >:3

Oh you know I love you.


I'd have thought purple, personally, but then, I just really like how women look in purple.

[edit]added some other stuff to the first post.[/edit]


I voted grey.  Neutral colour, looks good on pretty much anything.

The file extensions in the URL on 'Light and Ladder' and 'Girl With Sword' are missing.  Also, I'm confused, which of those did you model yourself and which did you download?


the girl in all of the 3D images is downloaded, as is all her clothing, and the sewer scenery in "Ladder."  When I actually model something, I tend to be very proud of my work, and take credit for it.(I have an in-progress human model, but it's very far from complete, so I'm not showing it.)

I'll fix the extensions, they're supposed to be .jpg

Also, I actually caught you "Voting in thread 'Raist thinks he's an artist'" when you voted, so I knew the gray had to be you. :)

llearch n'n'daCorna

You -may- wish to identify what in the first post is new content, when you edit it...

Just a small suggestion, is all. ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Sienna Maiu - M T

Quote from: Raist on September 11, 2007, 02:45:24 PM
I'd have thought purple, personally, but then, I just really like how women look in purple.

[edit]added some other stuff to the first post.[/edit]
A perfectly understandable supposition. It is after all my second-most favourite colour, and there is virtually no pink to be found in my avatar of choice at the moment.

Now then;
I rather like Crimson Skies as well as Trinary Planet. Gliderboard is cool and the lighting on Girl with sword seems fairly awesome. I'm not really one with a good eye, so I suppose I can really be of no help. I'm using a laptop right now so when I lean back the effect is really awesome, as though she's being lit-up by a fire. I'm not sure if you actually clothed the girl, but those leather straps seem too firm fitting. They should lift up off the skin a bit as the strap goes from her chest to the abdomin.


Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on September 11, 2007, 11:48:05 PM
I'm using a laptop right now so when I lean back the effect is really awesome, as though she's being lit-up by a fire.
That was, in fact, the idea.  Orange point light with shadows set to maximum softness.(this will make no sense if you're not a CG person.  Hazmat, I know you understand what I'm talking about.)

QuoteI'm not sure if you actually clothed the girl, but those leather straps seem too firm fitting. They should lift up off the skin a bit as the strap goes from her chest to the abdomin.
No, as with nearly everything where there's a person involved, the outfit was a download, and what's worse, in this case, there's a shirt that goes over the suspenders which I got rid of.(which the straps were intended to hide under, hence the form fittingness)  Honestly, everyone who looks at that one says the same thing.  Perhaps it's because I had a better look at the models, but what I first notice is that her nipples should actually be an inch outside the straps, instead of being hidden by them as the image would seem to indicate.

Hence why I labeled that one NSFW.

In other news, new stuff up top, and a new poll.  Black won the old one, with 3 votes.  Pink actually did as well as Red, with 2 votes, and for some reason, Blue only got 1 vote.

Sienna Maiu - M T

Well that's just because you left the poll up for too short a time.
Yes, the straps obviously don't cover, I just didn't feel the need to make mention.

Well, both are attractive, although B is more 'sisterly' Version A would only work with younger children, with one hiding behind the other.


Voted B for pretty much the same reasons Sienna mentioned.

I'd comment on your 3D stuff, but I haven't the slightest clue how to go about animating, I just model.


Quote from: Sienna Maiu - M T on September 12, 2007, 12:11:43 AM
Well, both are attractive, although B is more 'sisterly' Version A would only work with younger children, with one hiding behind the other.

Seen much Chobits art?  That was a part of the inspiration.

I should mention.  The girls are elvish, hence the extremely thin bodies and slender limbs.  My human girls are a bit more... substantial... than that.

Quote from: xTaMxZaHx
I'd comment on your 3D stuff, but I haven't the slightest clue how to go about animating, I just model.

It's easier than you might think.  The hard part is getting the model boned and rigged, which is why I can't take credit for the girl who keeps showing up.  Daz studio is a free, Poser-like program, and there are a lot of freebies on the site for you to download.  The only thing from there I've actually paid money on so far is the outfit she's wearing in Ladder and Gliderboard, which cost around $10, and was well worth it.(I've used it in nearly every scene since.)

[edit]Additional notice!

If the results are "I like both" or if A and B are closely tied, then I will finish both.  Just wanted to know what people want to see more.[/edit]

Sienna Maiu - M T


I'll stick to modeling, thanks. ;)

Also, I'm confused as to why you have an option for one, the other, or both.  If you're willing to do both, why not just do both and skip the poll?


Good question. :I

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this earlier; the reflections in the water in 'Trinary Planet' look more like static than waves.


you're more than a little bit right.

I really don't want to go back to play with TG2 and try to fix that, it's a bit of a headache.  maybe I should just replace it with the version without water.  I kinda like how that one looks better, anyway.