Hero's League (OOC) - Last Call for Sign-Ups

Started by techmaster-glitch, August 23, 2007, 11:34:36 PM

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Finally! The Heroes are starting up again!


Heh, you know, I just thought of something funny. You guys have seen the Force Lightning attack the Sith use, right?


Yes, your character can do that, we know. He is the embodiment of electricity, that would be a standard attack in his arsenal :rolleyes


Yes, I know. But I just thought of that. Heh, I can see it now. He can go off with random Star Wars quotes while elecrocuting someone.

llearch n'n'daCorna

"You have no idea of the power of the Dark Side of the Force!"
"Luke... I am your father."
"Always there are two, a master and an apprentice."
"Meesa come too?"
"Luke, I am your father... AND your uncle."

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Oy, Hissy, a notice for you: I need a highly expanded description of your character, particularly his abilities, or I can't let you in! Come on man, need more info!


yaay we started again *sucks and licks my fingers* god, I love tacos my fingers still taste like them

lucas marcone

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 04, 2007, 04:19:50 AM
"You have no idea of the power of the Dark Side of the Force!"
"Luke... I am your father."
"Always there are two, a master and an apprentice."
"Meesa come too?"
"Luke, I am your father... AND your uncle."


*Gasp* you forgot a GOOD one! "your lack of faith is troubleing"

llearch n'n'daCorna

"I find your lack of faith... disturbing." you mean?

Yes, I did miss that one. I thought Jar-Jar and Redneck Jedi were disturbing enough.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Ah, there you are , Lucas. I was wondering where you'd disappeared off to...


"The Ordo Malleus has sent us to aid you."

It has nothing to do with Star Wars, but it's still an awesome quote. I love the Grey Knights.

lucas marcone


I don't know if I should keep waiting for Fex, but a responce at this moment wouldn't mean much. I'll just go ahead and reveal the base now.


Sorry 'bout this you two, but the reason it took me so long to get a reply in was your reactions were a little less than what I was expecting. Especially since neither of you asked how this was hidden...So, I had to improvise :B Please don't hate me too much... :<


Fex, Lucas, you guys gonna reply anytime soon?

lucas marcone

not much to reply to. what's going on are you takeing us in the base or letting us dangle?


Both, he is floating everyone toward the base, but he's still got Anvil and Gentan by their feet. I was just thinking that'd you'd put up some sort of a reply saying exactly what your characters would be thinking when Quaddle let them fall, then what they say when he grabbed both of them by their ankles. I'm certain that anyone would have a few -choice- words to say if this happened to them :rolleyes

lucas marcone

nah red's just a little annoied but thats about it. hardly worth a whole post.


It is to me, but meh, whatever. I'll move it up in a little while, I'm a bit busy at the moment.


i don't recall if i said i was interested in making a hero or not but hero is a concept character  i created a few years back but never really used much. He looks a lot like a spider but was once a human for and different society where they have concurred much of life's problems and where man lived peacefully. Magic and since exists side by side. if you need me let me know

Name: William  Eric Boureave (the name form final fantasy tactics)
Age  (62)true age unknown as he spent several decades in suspend animation
Gender male
Race/Species living nanotech cluster/ electrical mystic
Appearance more often then not Will am or webs as he is calls  is in the appears of very large spider

Background/Origin for anther dimension another time and space a parallel universe where man lived peacefully in space he came form a family of high acclaim. Each of his relatives have shown ability's for magic in the elements. When he was young he was  for each had there place

Powers. his nanotech powers are similar to those of hardcase form the ultra verse but he is a lot weaker then hardcase or prime even when he's in his human form. his nanites are part of him and because of his electric and digitals powers, powers that he's long suppressed but that show up in his skill with technology of any short

Weaknesses. Emps and non conductive materials can weaker him or knock him out. Trapping him in glass would be a waste of time as his nanotech body strength and abilities to rearrange nanites ( about half are organic made of his body materials)  would let him cut his way of  most materials. Stone, glass and ice will take time to cut through (but it he's trapped they he has that time to spend) is he's too weak to simply shatter it. His digital power are under developed and he is unable to take controls of living programs or other nanotech entitles such as Wily's demons. While able to exiles in space for a short time  Zero gravity can slow his ability change his form and inhabit his propulsion / speed and strength. His nanotech body builds many of the things that he needs are stored within his external memory this includes plans for several weapons and vehicle modes.  His rocket flight mode is energy intensive and speeds in excess of mach 3 puts heavy stress on his body

Behavior despite his Age Webs is still a very much a child in his culture where age 50 is the legal drinking and average life expectancy is 2500 years.

Motivations Webs is running trying to escape his families shadow. He does not want to become an electrical energy mancer or a weather wizard like so many of his family members who have combined mystic energy and since. He spent his years after age 20 attempting to suppress or eliminate his mystic powers. His fleeing led him to build a machine that he hopped would send him to a time that would let him save himself from his cybernetic fate.

Misc. webs arrived on this earth trying to jump back in time in an attempt to prevent the accident that led him to being trapped in a ship with very little power and failing life support. He had begun to use his suppress mystic power to keep the ship charged but it drained him to much and in the end as he passed out he was  absorbed by the ships nanotech repair nanites as the ships AI attempted to save him by converting as much of his body into nanotech as tit to. It then placed him in status. The ship then when to low power and broadcast it's distress beacon. When the ship was rescued and powered up and revived him form his status but it was to late for the mystics to undo what the ship had done in it's effort to save it's beloved engineers. Not he lives hit life as part life form part tech entity. He nanotech remembers this and reacts to his will fast as thought in many cases when speed is all that stands betweens life and death.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


So this is why I've been catching you checking out our thread... But we're not really open anymore. For you, two reasons.

Well, E, you're already a Villain. That's kind of makes Heroes off-limits for you. The only reason Lucas has both was because when he was putting in his Hero char, he was about the only person doing so. Now, we have about 4 Heroes (one hasn't appeared yet, but only because I haven't gotten to him), versus the 11 Villains (though a few may have dropped out by now, making it maybe 7-9). This, by necessity, has made all the Heroes high-powered. As in, any of the Heroes should be able to take on two Villains simultaneously and come out on top. With everyone-vs-everyone, it should be fairly evenly matched. Additions to the Villains won't upset the balance much, but a Hero addition probably will, unless there's some Villain additions to counteract it.

Those are the two reasons. You're already a Villain, and we don't need any new Heroes at the presant time. Sorry :<


no worries. as i sad he's just a concept charter. on top of that this thread makes and interesting read. have fun and feel free to deal with my expendable nameless spies as you encounter them( they only know who their contacts are and only 3 level or above are protected form mental probes or corruption. it's what kept the mutates spies of mine sane and it's biases on natural biological slightly enhanced so they aren't the only ones of the good doctor's victims to maintain there sanity.)  i haven't managed to slip any into you base as i don't know where it i but I'll have the satellites working on it before the hour is out.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

lucas marcone

reason number three with al due respect, comprehending your character's "powers" was makeing my head hurt :P.


Have you read the PM I sent you, Voyager?


no worries. all and all he has substandard super human strength (he'd lose arm wrestling to aqua man but not batman assuming batman didn't cheat) ( or stronger then captain America but weaker then spider-man kind of thing). his body is pliable like a yellow demon or perhaps forage if you know x-men. he can attempt to control computers and machines while dead machines have a 90 to 95% success rate but if they are alive he will most likely fail. he body before he became part nano was like that of black lighting. his body  and this power of part of a blood lint trait in his family well all of them inherited mystic power of  some sort or another his simply favor control of machines and influence of the weather.

Because of this things such this the inhibit electricity or use of strength would slow him down if not stop him. he can't go techaman blade on you but he can for a while seem like a mega-man robot master class when he uses his body to form a weapon of attack. blues(protoman), forte(bass)  or rock(mega-man) preferably.  he's not human anymore but he's not completely a nano robot cluster either. 

(and no not yet but i will now before i take a nap)
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


I am SOOOOOOOOO sorry it has been a bit bussy for a while and I was so tired every day that I kinda forgot about the rp

lucas marcone


Lucas, I'm not pleading ignorance, because I did read some of it. I know what happened, I'm just saying that I'm not making it my concern, and that I'm not gonna bother with it.
Like I said, E's the one who came up with a suggestion regarding it, not me. I'm not really a part of it.
(I'm saying this here because this is where our discussion should be)

lucas marcone

what i ment was... there was a big theatrical episode right there near quaddle and he just "didn't notice"?


Not 'didn't notice', just plain couldn't see. I'm taking it as pretty much something only your char saw. As for Quaddle wondering about the hammer she got, well, with magic comes hammerspace :P