Villain's League (OOC) - Open

Started by Miaka, June 10, 2007, 09:23:09 AM

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lucas marcone

i'm all on board a seperate thread for heros but i would like to see only one action thread... that's what youre saying right?

oh man now i have to find my character sheets and add to them a hero. curse you glitch a thousand curses for makeing me play for the good guys! :P


You don't have to. In fact, you're not supposed to. I'm gonna put out a call for other players to be heroes, not you guys.

I'm gonna see if I can get started on all this later today, when I get home and get my personal crap out of the way.

lucas marcone don't see....i play city of heros. the hero creation is the biggist attraction for us! now i feel like i ave to make a hero just to make the most badass hero i can.


Sorrys, but I would rather not have anyone already on the Villains list to sign up as a Hero. It would be too strange. Not to mention when combat happens, if you make you're own characters fight each other, I'll have to smite you >:3

Player vs Player combat, in any RP or Dungeons and Dragons, is usually not tolerated becaus it usually means the players aren't getting along. However, that is going to be the name of the game once the Hero's League is started up, so it will be alright here. But having a player fight himself is just pushing it too far :rolleyes

lucas marcone

Quote from: lucas marcone on August 21, 2007, 03:12:56 PM

should the need araise i could whip up a hero if you need one....however he or she will never face my own characters. if left to my devices and control over two opposeing parties more often than not an epic battle and death occurs early.



Ok, I missed that. Still, I'd really rather not have someone playing both the Villains and the Heros simultaneously. part of the whole point of making separate threads is so that you don't go to the other thread.

lucas marcone

....and what's there to hide in the heros ooc?


The only value in having a seperate OOC thread is to organize character sheets better. There's nothing stopping me or anyone else for that matter from looking through it, and you really can't trust people to be faithful, because lets face it we are all human.

lucas marcone

besides we need to know what the heros look like if we are to actually use them in the rp.


To Xeksue: Yes, I realize that. That's what I was talking to llearch about earlier, but we'll just have to go as is.

To Lucas: Their appearances will be described to you when they actually meet you in the action thread that it seems will be made. At that point, you shouldn't yet know their powers or weaknesses.

Also, Miaka agreed to what I proposed earlier, with a slight modification. There is going to be a separate OOC and IC thread for the Heroes, but instead of a fifth mutual OOC thread, there will be a fifth IC thread for times when the two groups clash, because you won't alwyas be fighting each other. Most of the time you will be chasing each other or trying to enact your dastardly plans. That is what I will be doing once I get organized enough to start the three threads, hopefully tonight.
Yes, Miaka's the GM of the Villains, and I will be the GM of the Heroes.


Though the two DM's, I think, need to know what's going on in the other thread.
Might just be a given, but.... You can trust me to be completely oblivious when posting as Roulette or the Boss, or if you'd rather something else, that's fine by me. >>


I never said I was expecting us to not share information, quite the opposite. Like you said, we are the two GM's we need to know all the angles. That's exactly what I figured.

EDIT: I'm gonna start getting the Vs thread and the Hero's OOC started up. The VS thread becasue my chararacter's first actions, while not actually getting to you guys, is something the players might wanna know.

EDIT EDIT: The Hero's OOC is up now, as well as my charcater. You guys actually probably should check that out at least. But from there on it's off-limits >:3

lucas marcone

i am sorry i cant do this anymore then... when you do things like this it gets too complicated. like say what happens when a villain turns good or a hero corrupted? anyway two action threads? i like to read my rps like a story. if some narritive is missing from that story then i don't follow (when reading through for pleasure) and i lose interest. sorry guys im out. so who wants to help me find a way to write croc and dile lass out of the story?


You could have the moon crash into the earth.....

To be honest that was my entire plan from the start.  :sweatdrop

As I said before I really don't believe its necessary for THREE seperate IC threads. You can not stop people from looking at them all. If the whole point of them was to estabilish the premise for the scene of a current event you could do what people do in other RP threads and have a big bold message at the top of your post that says something relevent to the situation. FOR EXAMPLE:

QuoteMeanwhile at an undisclosed location. (If i knew what the code was for enlarging text I would have done it there.)

For labeling purposes Miaka can just rename the IC thread to "Heroes/Villians League IC Thread".  Then you would just continue on at said situation from the point of view of whoever your suppose to be RPing....If your so worried about people "staying in character" that you feel the urge to follow through with said idea then the purpose of all of this "RPing" has already been defeated.


Ugh. I said that the no-looking was only a SMALL part of the reason, not the main one.

Ah, you know what? Screw it. I'll just have the separate OOC thread for Heroes just for the character sheets, and the villain's thread for all the action like Lucas said.

EDIT: Allright, edited the Hero's thread.

lucas marcone

thats acceptable... so i still can't make a hero or did you lax that too? i'm back in either way. the multi thread thing was the major stick in the mud thanks for accomodateing.


Nope, No-He-Ro-4-U, capiche? >:3 >:3 >:3

lucas marcone

What ever hero may be paired off with Croc and Dile Lass might fing the local opposeing militia a useful tool unless they are killed off imprisoned or disbanded before then.


Grrrmph...what with all the stuff's been going on, I really want to get at least my character in. But I can't do that until i have garuntee that there will be other heroes to back me up. Why is barely anyone even reading the topic?

lucas marcone

well.... you could let some villians make heros and see if it attracts more...but you don't have to. you see i would like to throw black angel and xek some action because we all know working out financial aid can be boreing. i'm thinking of throwing a few expendable heros at some people who are more or less doing nothing other than being bored before i make someone worth their time. .....but you don't have to let me.


sorry i've been offline for so long but even when i was here there was really nothing for me to do to any effect in the thread.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


For some reason he couldn't help but think that he was being watched by an unseen eye.

That actually works perfectly with what I've been planning for my character. I'm thinking that now, I should just get Quaddle to pop in, one confrontation to "gauge" each others powers, then he will go back into hiding until he can gather enough heroes. If you already had something specifically planned for that line, I'll PM you and tell you exactly what I've been thinking, then you can decide if it's alright.


Actually I did that line on purpose so you could bring your character in at some point tech. I was thinking, hey lets go blow stuff up! That'll probably attract some attention.


Alright, I'll just say it; Quaddle has indeed been watching everyone with his magecraft, waiting for the right time to act. And this whole business of you guys getting ready to go blow up bulidingsd...he sat still for the other stuff before, but this would be the last straw.

I'll get to brining him in ASAP.

I just need to know one thing, how much time has passed IC since the beginning of the RP?


Well it seems like a few weeks IC since the start.


I'll just put it at a month, then. That's what it seemed like.


Quaddle's intro up. Apologies for the excessive length. This is probably the longest intro I'll ever write. If you want me to, I can cut off the entire first half of it.


And Roulette and DL need something more interesting to do than just go shopping. ><

I see it getting boring fast.


If I can finish with Daemon and Liz fast enough, Quaddle could liven it up for you >:3