Villain's League (OOC) - Open

Started by Miaka, June 10, 2007, 09:23:09 AM

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lucas marcone

Quote from: Arcalane on June 24, 2007, 02:47:21 PM
There's an edit button. Use it. :rolleyes Your attitude also seems unnecessary, as if responding to a post that no longer exists.

i copy pasted directly from the other rp. the one this is supposed to be related to. besides my character is ALL attitude  well 30%attitude 50% muscle 20% brains

lucas marcone

name: If you know he's probably digesting parts of you already
alias: Croc
age: one can never tell but his mother if she were alive would say 23
Gender: male
race/spicies: Mutated human-crocodile
Type: strong man. tank basicly
organization: say what? i leave cleaning to Dile lass!
motto: if you stand in my way, remember you are squishy and good with mayo.
appearance: A large humanoid crocodile dresses in what ever rags he has.
Notes: Stay on his good side if you know what's best
Behaviour: Large and in charge. Play by his rules and you're ok in his book
specialty: breaking things, war tactics
motivs: Greed and revenge
Flaws: He may be big but he's stupid. With his limited knowledge and abundant muscle comes a stubborn personality. With out Dile lass he is for the most part useless.
name: Lucy Mcantr....I mean oh shoot.....if you know Croc is probably oh darn what was it?
age: I'm allowed to answer this one right? ok 20
gender: *looks down* Female if it isnt too obvious.
race/species: Human
Type:ummm He'd say lacky but I'm more a ranged fighter like a blaster
organization:oh yes I LOVE to clean
motto: I'm the brain you're the brawn....if that's not too much trouble?
appearnce: Young, shapely, pretty face, red hair. normally sporting a crocodillian type cotton costume(gotta keep with the theme :3).
notes: i stopped passing those in 8th grade.
behaviour: bubbly and precotious she can be naive. she may look innocent but she's out to make enough money to live comfortably while funding national parks across the US and africa by ANY means possible
specialties: knowedge, sex appeal, lock picking, pick pocketing,
motive: She wants all the animals to live in happy safety
flaws: She can be naive. Though incredably smart she can come up with the idea but normally has to rely on Croc to carry it out or risk catastrophic failure. utterly useless without anyone who has the power to carry out her plans.


Might want to post my own character, hm?

Name: Kate
Age: 27
Gender: female
Race/Species: human
Type: Mastermind
Motto: Oh- hell, you'll screw this up. Let me get this one.
Appearance: Kate is physically small, with nothing suggesting at the power in the little frame. Her hair is short, mousey, and, despite her constantly brushing at it, falls over her right eye at just about a constant. She has somewhat of a pretty face, though with that glare on it all the time, it's hard to tell. Her skin is pale, and her eyes are a bright, vibrant green.
Her attire usually consists of a black leather vest and green tank underneath it, black motorcycle pants, and black biker gloves.
At her command, she grows sets of wolverine-like claws on each hand. (not an x-men ripoff. sure.)
Notes: She's never successfully been able to hold on to minions. They all seem to end up murdered.
Behaviour: She has a very short temper, and very rarely find people that don't aggravate her. However, if you can match her intellectualy, she won't mind you much at all. She speaks quickly, gets to business fatser than most anyone would like, and has a very no-nonsense attitude.
Specialties: technology(mainly computers and hacking) though she'd much rather be out in the feild, putting those claws to work.
Motivations: Money. Power. Fame. You name it, she's thought of it. Her main motivation, however, is a simple, pure hate of laws and those that uphold them.
Flaws: Short tempered. Elitist.


Name: Sebastian Hart
Age: ?
Gender: Male
Race/Species: Human?
Type: Assassin
Organization: Dolch (freelancer military cell)
Appearance: A finger's breadth over six feet tall, Sebastian is long-limbed and slender, but athletic and muscled. With a balanced, straight-lined face, long pallid blond hair and well-shaped features he is very handsome, though he also has an unmistakably predatory look to him. Also, he possesses a certain few oddities to his appearance, such as black veins showing slightly at his temples, tiny pupils, fangs and clawlike nails. He has two straight, thin scars in his face, one from the jawline and up his right cheek, and one over the right side of his lips. He also has a tattoo on his right arm of some sort of dragon or hydra that stretches up onto his back. He usually wears white and black clothes, round glasses and a simple golden earring in his right ear.
Notes: He personally is only known as a messenger and representative, the only known contact to an infamous hitman called Stygian.
Behaviour: Calm, calculating, charming but with a hidden edge to him. While normally a pleasant man, being verbal, loyal, honest and intelligent, he is a terrible, vicious foe, an expert manipulator, dissembler and spy. Also, what could be taken for humility or devotion in him, is actually the other side of self-loathing and passion. He has a borderline personality, with his darker self being callous, sinister, sly and fiery in contrast to his normal cool and thoughtfulness.
Specialties: Assassination, weaponry and practical technology and applications. As Stygian he is known as the only "assassin without a trace", possessing extraordinary powers primarily affiliated with darkness that allow him a considerable edge in his profession. Apart from that, he is a very skilled martial artist and marksman, as well as a very apt driver, and an experienced and skilled engineer.
Motivations: Pain. Self-loathing, hatred, revenge, money, prestige and neccessity are all things that drive him to a great extent, however mostly it is the agony of his own being, his pain from never having been loved and having been used and hated his whole life. His highest wish is to be able to escape his life and find some sort of solace, and if not that, to die in a "good way".
Flaws: Pained and tormented, antisocial if this is used against him. Has a tendency toward secrecy and deception, even toward his allies. Very good adviser and lone operator, but a poor leader. Is still vulnerable to many forms of attack, despite his power. Weaker in bright and open environments.

lucas marcone


Umm... Perhaps a little more patience?


Almost forgot this.

Name: Dr. Anastasia Etnacio
Age: About thirty
Species: Rabbit beastfolk (anthromorph)
Type: Mad scientist
Commonly used phrase: ARGH! Don't touch anything, you utter TWIT! That's a month's worth of- Hey, it's not supposed to do that...

Appearance: 4 1/2 feet in height, grey fur. Typically wears a lab coat with a collar pulled up to hide the lower half of her face. Whether that's because some lab accident left her terribly scarred or because she accidentally super glued it to her nose nobody knows. Her hair is usually swept back along with her ears, she has an almost permanent glaring look to her, and she's usually holding some project she's still working on.

Behavior: Like put upon geniuses everywhere, Anastasia is often frustrated with the stupidity of those around her and is resigned to have to rely on said stupid people for funding. This and a paranoid and conniving streak a mile wide should probably characterize her interactions with the other characters. In short, usually grouchy and bad-tempered.

Specialties: Anastasia is used to working for villains. Her best work is usually either something that goes boom, or something alive with a worse temper than her. Her best work, though, is accidental. While she's just as capable of cobbling together a death ray as any other genius, only she could be trying to repair her computer and get the same result. While she recognizes this tendency toward inadvertent masterpieces, it doesn't shake her unwavering faith in her own abilities. She also usually carries a few of her more easily concealed creations for self defense (creations such as quasi-intelligent robotic limbs, supersteriods, and of course guns).

Motivations: Money, more specifically funding, and somewhere to work on her own projects (one of the biggest of which involves a dragon and a large amount of hardware) free of little things like "laws".

Flaws: Without her hardware or other creations, she's rather weak on her own. Sometimes overestimates her own abilities, and at times the desire to complete her projects overrides her common sense.

Notes: Accustomed to various methods of manipulating her employers for more funding. Sometimes strikes one as working more like a college science major than a proper mad scientist, but gets results.

lucas marcone

very colorful and creative! i wouldn't expect anything less from you boogey.


I think five is just about enough to start us off.
I'll make the thread in a moment.


Wait a sec! I can still post my bio, right?

Name: Liz
Age: Early 20s
Gender: Male
Race/Species: Being/Gecko
Type: Rich/Fighter
Association: Independent
Motto: Doesn't have one
Appearance: Liz oozes self-confidence and power, but only hints at his wealth. He has blond, well-combed hair that he keeps rather short, blue eyes, handsome features, and emerald green scales with shiny little flecks here and there of no definite color. He's about 5'10, and wears a dark sport jacket, a white cotton t-shirt and ironed khaki pants. He wants others to know he's powerful, but he doesn't want to throw money around foolishly just for the hell of it. He's very good-looking, and his manner suggests that he knows this.
Personality: Not nearly as spoiled as people would assume. He's always polite around others, and he has a healthy sense of humor. He's even sort of kind – he tries to avoid death if he can help it. Many people who know him want to hate him, but can't because he's such a nice guy. Still, underneath all this, he's a little condescending towards other people. Although he's not garish with his money, he has a dramatic streak and likes watching hell break loose from his work. Also, if he feels like someone's threatening him, he becomes rather scary. He knows he can kill, and if someone pisses him off, he's willing to do it.
Specialties: He can produce gold and precious stones, just by thinking about it and flexing any muscle on his body. Depending on how much he moves, more or less wealth is produced. His most powerful attack is curling up in a ball and shooting gold needles in every direction. He's also pretty proficient with a blade.
Motivations: Boredom and excess wealth. Liz doesn't really see how fulfilling someone else's life can fulfill your own. But he loves watching how trouble caused by his power and money plays out. The "results of his talent" add to his boredom. Since Liz doesn't like being flashy with his money, he needs to do something else with it. He can pay his own bills pretty well, his parents are well off enough, and his girlfriend prefers to pay her own expenses. So why not give some psycho doctor enough money to build a death ray and watch it explode in his face?
Flaws: Since Liz works solely as a financial crutch for most villains, he usually doesn't have any really good friends to turn to when the chips are down. His main soft spot is his girlfriend, a light yellow-green gecko named Crystal. Crystal isn't good or bad; she's just weird and sweet and loves Liz no matter what he does. She makes shoes and can support herself, and for whatever reason, Liz loves her.
Notes: Anyone who mocks his name usually ends up with a gold spike aimed at their throat.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Of course we're still open for profiles. ^^
five would be quite the boring rp.
[edited] Nevermind, I was being entirely uncalled for.


So there's still room in the RP? Your last post is kind of sending mixed signals.  :P


Yeah, still open. Just after this point, I think your character would be a bit late to the meeting. >>


Yeah it seems like its already underway, either way I'll post his bio here.

Name: "Lord" Daemon von Vulkinstein
Nickname: Daemon
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Race/Species: Human (Angel)
Type: The Black Knight, so I guess tank?
Motto: Merely a flesh wound. (well as long as I'm going with the whole Black Knight bit.  :P)
His height is around 5ft 8in, incased in a black suit of armor. On his back he wears a dark flowing cloak, at its end it appears to be tattered hinting that he has seen alot of action in his time. If you just met him it would be clear that this guy is clearly insane to be prancing around like a knight in shining armor in this day and age. He also appears to have a large zweihandler sheathed onto his back as well and his gauntlets have hidden small arms on top of his hands. Under his helmet he appears to have black hair, white skin, a young charismatic face that appears to be in its twenties, white dimly glowing eyes, no facial hair. To be able to move around with all the armor and gear he has on with such grace it is hinted that he is pretty strong.
Daemon was frozen in a glacier until recently and has no memories of who he was prior or why he has 2 scars running down his back. His armor and other archaic gear was also frozen with him. Without purpose he quickly found his way into the darker parts of society, there he found a way to justify himself through the lives he takes, he believes that he is doing the ones he kills justice by shedding their mortal coil so that they may find true purpose in the next life.
Daemon usually keeps a calm demeanor.
He is pretty skilled with the large sword he has on his back and is somewhat of a good marksman with the guns he has in his gauntlets, although his aim is american at best. When he's enraged his hands begin to burn in pitchblack flames, he can focus the fire through his sword into a makeshift "Zelda" style attack. His armor will repair itself given time and is very durable.
He wants to do whats "right".
He wants to do whats "right", so he can usually be manipulated if the hand guiding him is convincing. For this he is a bit naive.


Oi vey, gimme some time to write up a reply will you. :P

lucas marcone

comic sounding names....? thank you boogey for noticing :) that is exactly what i was going for. by the way i love how analyzing you character is... the most careful and calculateing people most often pull the strings. >:3


Maybe i can join?

character skeleton:
Name: Dark eternal. DarkE
Age: centuries
Gender: male
Race/Species: demon
Type: pseudo religious
Organization:(optional. I know I can't think of anything >>) shadow demons of the underworld.
Motto: Like it or not i am as necessary as the next breathe you hope to draw.
Appearance: time has not been kind to the dark eternal. he has become less and less like himself and take more and more the appearance of a demon lord. DarkE's  normal form left him with 4 inch curving horn his  fur has grown on his forearms and legs with a nearly burnt red  hues. his ears have a pointed almost elvish cast and his tail is spaded. his  feet are thick also cloven  resembling hoofs. wile they are not normal on the few case where he take a direct hand in thing either in his dwelling or by temporarily  setting up shop in a hide out top side he sprouts a set of  large dragon style wings to complete the illusion of demonic grace.
Notes: Dark E can shape shift but rarely does so for extended periods of time
Behavior: sadistic when  bored. known for peeling the wings off of demons one strip of flesh at a time
Specialties: corruption. fire based abilities for both harm and healing.  soul extraction. causing  anarchy and mass destruction/ unrest.
Motivations: Boredom. DarkE or As  he calls himself  the dark eternal fool. he sought power  the potential for eternal life and in the end took the role of darkness incarnate. but while dark and corruption he's not necessarily evil instead he is merely a a bored. his followers gone and nearly  DarkE no longer plays the god or devil that he once played in the past not he just tries to pass the time with out going crazy. 
Flaws: self destruction. rarely act directly wants to battles only the strongest of foes.

Include any close minions/sidekicks your character may or may not have.
Baika Nekochan: Feline angle kitten. sharpshooter by nature
Death Rue:  shape shifting gollum(doll)  that seems to be infuses with the essence of an alternate version himself. limitless potential but not limitless power. can only become something he has already defeated in battles. takes weakness along with straighted. is DarkE's right hand enforcer.
Shadow demons. : week expendable minions that seem to appear from the shadows they lurk in. often called upon to spy or  act as  pawns in battles. they are equipped with both long ranges burst attacks and short range blade / blunt force weapons
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Okay, so... I did something stupid when putting myself up as the character Kate.
I'll be completely honest, I don't know the character very well, and at the moment, I hate her just about as much as she hates just about everyone else.

Now, before I do something even more idiotic, I was thinking of withdrawing her and replacing her with a character I'm a little bit more fond of, might be a little more challenging, and would definately be a hell of a lot more fun.

So, I was just going to ask you guys if you don't mind horribly my doing this. If you think it would be too disruptive, then I'll do my best to not feel the need for Kate to die slow and painful deaths. But, for the most part, I think Roulette would just make this that much more interesting.

Voyager, if you don't mind cleaning that up a little, then i think it'd be fine.


Have Kate die a VERY slow and VERY painful and very HUMILIATING death. It makes for good evil. :bat

llearch n'n'daCorna

Now, now, tech, that's just excessively nasty.

A bullet through the back of the cranium in a quiet place, followed by a burial at sea, preferably over an active reef, and you're sorted.

Don't forget to include weights to hold the corpse down until the crabs can remove all the flesh. :-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I wasn't going to kill her at all, but... >>


I hope you don't think I was...suggesting anything, llearch. I ment humiliating as in do something personally humiliating, that utterly breaks the villain, like crushing their pride completely. Losts of villains have pride issues, so you hit them where it hurts. THAT's what I meant.

llearch n'n'daCorna

What, you mean kill her and leave the corpse on someone else's doorstep? Or boardroom table?

Yes, I spose that's another option, but it's risky - if they let the CSI guys in, you're in trouble... :-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


okay i looked through the spelling and some of the grammar how else does it need to be cleaned up?
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey

lucas marcone

i've givin you an out miaka, all you have to do is utilize it.


Dude, I had ways to get her out without anyone ending up dead.
Well... someone probably would die eventually, but not anyone that had to do with this plot. >>
Just let her go so I can use it. >>

lucas marcone

there you go.....gave me some oppertunity for character development though.

and fyi   croc and dile lass's dialog will appear in their colors

Croc speaks in green
Dile Lass in pink

if you have problems reading it or if it's just plain annoying let me know and i will stop


Voyager- perhaps a little more specific, if you don't mind. For example, what you've given for an appearance, as far as I know, could be a giant pink bunny with demon horns.

lucas marcone

you dont know how awesome that would be


yes that would be awesome but i was editing my post before you suggest it.  still it might come up but a doubt it. my character is one of those that it hard to play mostly he gives orders and his his minions running around. the shadow demons are like the creepling form Swat kats
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey