Villain's League (OOC) - Open

Started by Miaka, June 10, 2007, 09:23:09 AM

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Aw, dammit Anvil! Quaddle needs you to keep them off him for just a few more minutes! :O Nuuuuuuuuu!
Ah well, time to improvise and speed.


I am posting again here because I don't think I can apologize enough for the length of my latest post. I am terribly, terribly sorry, and I'll try to keep it from happening again. *feels guilty*


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on September 16, 2007, 08:21:18 PM
Ah, Boogy? Anastasia seems to be acting awfully and unatturally calm for the situation, seeing as Liz is currently fighting Red Anvil, [and] Liz just did his uber-porcupine-shooter attack (which probably got a bunch of darts stuck in The Van).

I just wanted to mention how awesome the phrase "uber-porcupine-shooter attack" is. Crystal would approve.  :giggle
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Quote from: Black_angel on September 17, 2007, 08:49:10 AM
Quote from: techmaster-glitch on September 16, 2007, 08:21:18 PM
Ah, Boogy? Anastasia seems to be acting awfully and unatturally calm for the situation, seeing as Liz is currently fighting Red Anvil, [and] Liz just did his uber-porcupine-shooter attack (which probably got a bunch of darts stuck in The Van).

I just wanted to mention how awesome the phrase "uber-porcupine-shooter attack" is. Crystal would approve.  :giggle
Why, thank you *bows* :)

lucas marcone

anyone see that clip of a ufc fight when the kick boxer kicked the guy and cam back down and his shin broke in half on impact? yeah that just happened to red only her shin is gone completely.


Y'know, I'm very glad that The Boss is outside the limits of the city.
'cause otherwise, he'd have open wounds for arms right about now.
And quite possibly a few missing bones.

Ouch, Red, ouch.

lucas marcone

yes even satan's minions get injured from time to time and to keep his fighting force strong... he has a medical staff. they are delicate and nice like ours when they replaced her shin they just rippede the bone out and oured pig iron into it all without anestetics. to answer and still hanging questions yes it is weaker than steel and yes it did start to rust before it disappeared.

hell isn't a nice place to go for a doctors appointment.


A note, Lucas, and all others, the spell only removed toxins and foriegn substances. I actually specifically imagined it not taking out any implants or surgical things or whatnot. And even if it did, it would have been painless.
But, everyone seems to have gone with the removal of stuff. For Red Anvil, it would have actually felt proactivly good, and she would regrow her shin and flesh with the expulsion of the metal plate.

EDIT: But, I guess I did say that the mutants were in agony. Oh well, disregard this whole post.

lucas marcone

well you never said anything about regrowing anything. but post disregaurded.


Miaka, if that little robot's gonna find Quaddle, it better do that soon. Quaddle's only gonna need about thirty seconds of charging, then he's gonna grab Red and be gone.


No, the little robot's probably gonna fail at life.
It's no fun if he finds him right away.


Quaddle just flew a giant crystal into the air, shot a giant beam at it, made the thing into a beacon, and then flooded the city with gold light. That's a pretty damn hard thing to miss, even for a robot, which, by the way, would be completely unaffected by everything that happened. "Move towards the big beam". It's not that hard :P

lucas marcone

how big is the city and how fast can the robot move are big factors considering you only have a thirty second turnaround time.


Just a heads-up Miaka, my activity is going to be short and sporadic, if at all, for the next week. I may not be able to post much.


Ah, yeah, gotcha.

See you when you're able to, I guess. ^^


Are character's still being accepted?  if so I'd like to sign up with one of my chief villains.

Name: Alan "Release" Quad
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race/Species: Human
Type: Psionic Sadist
Organization: N/A
Motto: *sadistic grin* Oh look, target practice...
Appearance: Release is one of those guys you could see walking down the street on any given day.  Normally sporting a combed back hair style and dark sun glasses along with sports coats or other jackets, he blends in with most people.  Without the glasses his eyes are an obvious give away as they glow purple.  He's about six feet five inches with a slightly athletic build and almost always sports a superior grin.  Depending on the time of year he is usually sporting a slight tan, but is generally somewhat pale.

Behavior:  Release is primarily a sadist with a huge superiority complex to boot.  He usually maintains a level head about things and enjoys using his powers to mostly play tricks on everyday people, however he is always looking for a greater rush to keep entertained and enthralled.  He has on occasion been noted to help children, no one knows why, but it seems kids are Release's one soft spot.

Release has a serious superiority complex and will not hesitate to unleash his power on anyone he deems weaker than himself and who has been foolish enough to challenge him either directly or through insults.  On the flip side those stronger than him garner a great deal of respect and he might even offer his help out of a general concern, of course loosing to anyone he has deemed weaker than himself and then asking Release for help would generally be regarded as a BAD idea as your rank would immediately fall below the weaker person.

This brings up Release's world view.  Release was raised as a Catholic and now lives life as what ha calls a "Barely-There-Catholic" and tends to follow his own beliefs.  He believes very firmly that the strong have the right to boss around the weak, but he also isn't blinded by his power and knows that abusing his gifts are buying him a one way ticket to hell, he just doesn't care.  He also has a very unique way of looking at Democracy in that he believes everyone has a right to voice their opinion and beliefs, but he also believes they should expect the eventual retaliation by someone in power who disagrees.  Release has been described by a few people as the perfect example of what Nietzsche meant by Ãœbermensch, Release could honestly care less and usually just assaults people who say such things.

When Release is forced to (usually on a daily basis) face some form of superior than normal foe he takes great pleasure and pride in ripping them apart, either mentaly, physically or both.

Mental Assault: As a psionic of great power Release is capable of bringing some of the greatest minds to their breaking point just by altering their perceptions and even going so far as to alter their memories.  This is a tough skill and usually requires greater focus for more resilient foes.

Telekinetic Mastery:  Release's true power lies in his mastery over matter.  When angered he has been noted to lift over several tons and toss them hundreds of feet with out showing much drain on his focus.  His mastery is so great he can even mimic other kinetic powers, and has been known to do so when close to defeat. 

Strong Rule the Weak: Release's primary belief is also his greatest motivator.  He's a sadistic bully who likes nothing more than causing mayhem for the everyman. 

Vengeance: Release does not like loosing, and unless someone can constantly prove they're stronger than him he takes every loss to that person as a personal insult and tends to obsess over such losses.

Easily Obsessed:  When Release looses he tends to run fights over in his head to the point where his is either convinced his opponent cheated or he needs more practice.  No matter what conclusion he comes to though he always does the same thing, he stalks the person endlessly until he can prove himself the stronger.

Easily Bored:  Unless he's obsessing over a current opponent Release is usually just causing problems for people, but everyday people usually have the same responses and tend to leave him committing multiple, multiple crimes in order to stave off boredom.

Limited Focus (Telekinetic):  Release may be able to lift weights ranging into the tons, however, that much weight either requires all of his focus or an inordinate amount of anger.  He is typically capable of lifting several humans up to 200 lbs each and flinging them several hundred feet, where as several cars collapsing in on him would be nearly impossible for him to repel with a push.  Simply put, the more density an object has the greater the focus is needed to manipulate it.

Limited Focus (Telepathy): Release's mental capabilities also have a great deal of restrictions on them and he is limited to "messing" with the minds of those near his mental resistance level and even that requires focus and concentration.  However, those lower than him are fair game for multitudes of mental torture.  He has yet to master absolute mental domination and really doesn't care to (he's to into playing with people's minds.

Limited Focus (Physical Effect):  Release's psionic powers may seem limitless, but they draw upon all the same energy any other type of biological gift would and as a result Release can be exhausted rather quickly if he does not maintain his focus and use his abilities wisely.  For this reason he tries to keep battles with equals short.

Gloating:  He's trying to stop honest, but well, can you blame him for flaunting his power right when his foes are at their weakest; giving them just enought time to recover.  Yeah, he knows it's a problem.

Notes:  If this were D&D Release would be the epitome of "Chaotic Evil", he does what he wants when he wants and rarely lets others tell him what to do.

Anyone threatening kids is dealt with in a rage.  No one knows quite why Release has such a soft spot for kids, but smart people tend not to push the subject.

A guide to the rankings of mental strength: 
Since Release is a telepath he has found a way to keep tabs ion the mental strengths of any potential opponent.  Usually ranking from one to ten, he rarely awards a higher number.  To add to his odd way of life he usually address people by their "number" rather than named (IE, "That waitress is a niner... odd....")

1: Weakest of the weak, no resistance (Children, mentally disabled; never used)
2: Weak (Children to teens; Never used)
3: Still Weak (Teens and young adults; rarely used, unless he's freaking couples out)
4: Hey it's fighting back!  (Adults and advanced teens and young adults)
5: OH!  Fun!  (Mentally trained or natural telepaths.)
6: Interesting... (Trained individuals, other Telepaths)
7: Ok, now we're talking!  (Strong Willed individuals) (Green Lantern)
8: This is getting annoying... (Very Strong Willed individuals)  (Batman equivalent)  <---Where Release Really is.
9: Gah! (Telepaths with Great Skill, Iron Willed People, Alien Minds)  (Superman to us)
10:  OK... now we do it my way.  (Almost an equal) (Dr. Doom/Lex Luthor equivalent)
11+: You're good...  (Equal or higher...) (Darksied/Charles Xavier Equivalent) <---- Where he thinks he is.

(In Actuality Release is only about a 8.5 on his own scale, and usually has to focus to an insane degree to mess with minds on his own level.)

Italics= Edited info.

lucas marcone red has yet another person to dealwith... with only three heros it'll be a chalange. oh the fun ill have playing both sides of the coin!


Quote from: lucas marcone on September 26, 2007, 02:54:51 AM red has yet another person to dealwith... with only three heros it'll be a chalange. oh the fun ill have playing both sides of the coin!

I wouldn't worry if you're a hero, Release thinks hero's so low on his scale he tends to ignore them unless they present an immediate threat.  Besides, I haven't even been accepted yet; have I?


So do I just join in or do I have to wait for someone to stamp accepted on my head?

llearch n'n'daCorna

You need the GM to accept you, generally. That's Miaka and techmaster-glitch, in these threads, I believe.

Miaka is busy this month, and tech is AFK this week. Give it time. ;-]
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Hola peeps. I'm back, Miaka.

F-Ghost, I've looked at your sheet. It look interesting...but it might need a change or two, I'm not sure. I'm just the co-GM. In fact, I'm the GM of the Heroes, not the Villains. Miaka's the one who's gotta give the word. And she's the one who has to get you into the Villain's League.
I'll see if I can get ahold of her if she doesn't show up. I'll put in a good word for you.


No prob, I just realized how strong he seems so I'm gonna go ahead an elaborate on his limits...




Ooh, that looks fun.

Sure, you're in, and I've got a way to bring you into the whole thing if you don't mind going and having a little chat with the Boss.
(partially because I think it'll be fun to see the interaction, there.)


Well this could be interesting.  I'm ready when you are.


Um, Miaka, why did you change the title to "call for interest"? I think ten villains is enough, no more, no less, because I think we may be having five heroes, and they way they're powered, they should be able to take on two villains each, so it's perfect. should do a roll call, find out who's still here. i have a feeling Stygy and Arc might not be around anymore. Insteadof "Call for Interest", why not say "Roll Call"?


I didn't mean to change it to 'call for interest'.
It hasn't been that for a while now, TG.

*shrug* I dunno, and I'll set Release up for an entrance in a moment.


All stuff surrounding relevant, but this in particular;
He knows all our names - he even knew about Crystal.
Yessssss...let them fear Quaddle...let them fear his knowledge, let them fear his power, them them fear becasaue they know not what he can do... :mwaha :mwaha

Now all they have to so is discuss the golden explosion and subsequent effects to make everything that has happened so far complete :)

I'm reeealy liking this roleplay >:3


COME ON! For f**k, stop bashing around Quaddle's name! Enough already! It's not that funny! Jeeze! He's not even human, why should he have a name that makes human sense?
>:O >:O >:O D:< >( >:[ >:D :censored :cuss :rant :tantrum :boom

just kidding.

But seriously, enough is enough. You had your fun earlier.
Seriously, it's not that funny.


*shrugs* They're villains. Sensitivity isn't a big thing with them. Besides, what villain doesn't insult their foe? It's what they have to work with so far. They'll have more later.