Villain's League (OOC) - Open

Started by Miaka, June 10, 2007, 09:23:09 AM

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Dissappeared? Well, where the hell is he now? I though he was just going down the streets, sending out blasts with his sword.


He was for a few seconds until Liz showed up, then the tornado disappearing act occured. I'm going to assume that Boogey's character didn't see this because she was trying to get her van out of the building when this happened.


I thought the tornado thing only engulfed the two kids...oh well.

And no matter whatb you're doing, a giant tornado of black magic is pretty hard to miss >:3


Well yeah clearly.  :mwaha

Unless it's dark out... D:


Not neccessarily the darkness, but all the shockwaves and gusts and atmospheric disturbances caused by it. That would be noticable


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on September 13, 2007, 09:43:33 PM
Not neccessarily the darkness, but all the shockwaves and gusts and atmospheric disturbances caused by it. That would be noticable

Yes....yes...of course it would be. Now if you don't mind I'd like to administer a free eye exam for you.

[/Memory Wipe]



What the heck...I'm watching that movie right now!


Hurray very unlikely but amazing coincidence/ESP?  :U

(ive been watching comedy central for the past 4 hours so I didn't know it would be on.)


Yeah, Lucas? Liz jumped off the building he was crawling on a few posts ago. He's been running on the street this whole time.

And, not that I'm complaining, but THE HEROES ARE TOO FRICKIN' STRONG!  :help
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Well, we kind of have to be, as it seems we are only going to have three heroes against nine villains. And one is still yet to show up.

Like I said in the Hero's OOC, when we get into real fighting (though Lucas is getting pretty damn close), I'm gonna talk with Miaka and see about setting up a dice-roll or coin-flip system to see who's attacks hit. If Lucas and Red Anvil keep this up though, I'm gonn have to improvise and do something until I see Miaka again.

And, not that I'm complaining, but THE HEROES ARE TOO FRICKIN' STRONG! :help
But I will say that Lucas might already be going a bit too far. He basically said your attack did nil damage, then had R-A grab you and throw you into the ground. Not even Quaddle can do that directly.
However, I'm hesitant to talk to him about this. I'm not the GM, I'm only co-GM, if even that. Miaka hasn't actually officially asserted that I am. I really don't want to take any chances with overstepping authority if I have none.

lucas marcone

i direct your attention to red anvils character sheet. she is impervious. liz will figure this out(he's a smart boy) and try something a bit more.....ouch worthy if i might say so. but it isn't impossible to hurt her. infact it's rather easy. you just need to find the right way.


yeah just say she's fat. go for the emotional blows.  :3

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Xeksue on September 14, 2007, 11:07:54 PM
yeah just say she's fat. go for the emotional blows.  :3

She's not fat, she's just big boned! ;-]

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Ah, crap, i need to pay more attention to this. ><
Yeah, T-G, I'm glad to have you be co-GM. If it'd even out the odds a bit, I'd gladly throw in a couple of heroes.

Actually, if I did, since we all have seen my wonderful ability to disapear off of the face of the earth, have heroes I'd create be controlled by either GM(maybe until/unless someone else is interested in playing them?) So they exist more often.
I dunno.

If I start to disapear again, feel free to bother me over IM if you can, that'll probably get me to post/adress any issues you might have.


Ouch. Second time I've been bitten in the ass for this...
I don't have IMs :<

Would E-Mails or PMs work?

As for the heroes, I'm thinking that once the third guy has come in, we just might, just might be strong enough to oppose the Villain's League on our own.
(And please don't give me any flak, Lucas, I do remember everything I told you earlier, but I've had to rethink it. Consider it all null and void)
Direct combat against all nine Villains at once is probably still out, but we might just stick to hit-and-run tactics against their dastardly plans when they're split up. Doesn't mean it will always work, of course, but that's the game.

On the note of IC, holy hell, the 'boss' already knows about Quaddle and Red Anvil? :eek He's even more powerful than I thought... he better not be able to find Quaddle's hideout, that's probably gonna be Hero's League HQ, and it is very well hidden and protected. And he's leaving his own hideout? (presumably to come to us?) Shee-it...


e-mail would be fine, and I think that's in my profile. Actually, so would PMs, since that shows up in my e-mail anyways.

I should probably write up a profile for him, eh?

Really, i'm still experimenting with what i want him to be able to do. I don't even have a name for him. He won't be doing much unless it comes to some big confrontation, most likely with Quaddle, and not for a damn long time.
As for how powerful he is... I, honestly, have no idea what he can do.
I'm experimenting with a kind of magic I don't entirely know how it works with him... Technomagic, if I can get it to work right. >>

I'll get working on a profile for him, it'd probably be a good idea.


Well, I don't have anything for names, but Quaddle's already dubbed him the 'Shrouded One', because Quaddle couldn't see him with his scry-spell.



Name: "The Boss" (will be eidted once he has a name)
Age: questionable
Gender: Male
Race/Species: Korin (might get explained eventually)
Type: Mastermind/technomage.
Organization: his own.
Motto: Why bother when you can trick others into doing your work for you?
Appearance: The Boss is far from the intimidating figure one would expect from his meetings, where he keeps himself shrouded, and for a very good reason- his first few attempts at villainy, so many years ago, he was laughed out of. Not like you could blame them, he's somewhat pathetic-looking. He barely even reaches 4 feet, and has a frail build. His skin seems to be tanned, despite the fact that he rarely leaves his building. He has very sharp features, and almond eyes which are usually narrowed. His face gives the impression of age, but maybe only in his fourties. He is more humanoid than most seem to be, despite a long, brown tufted tail, and pointed ears pointing out from his hair. Normally, even if no-one will be seeing him, he wears a beige business suit and gloves, though on the rare occaision he does his own dirty work, he abandons this for a simple t-shirt and jeans. When not wearing the gloves or long sleeves, both of his forearms and hands are shows to be fashioned from metal. He has other implants like this, though most are simple enhancements, and wouldn't be used as an offensive like these.
Notes: Very condescending. He acts as if everyone is below him, and finds the "antics" of most very amusing.
Even with people he'd rather splattered all over the walls, he will speak with utmost respect, and will be as polite as he can be, with the possible exception of Roulette.
Behaviour: The Boss has gotten very good at ignoring how he actually feels about a situation, and just pulling strings where he can until the situation is in his favor. Dislikes having to do his own work, but will when he needs to, or when none of his minions can do it correctly.
Specialties: Technomagic and tricking others into beleiving that his best interests, are, in fact, theirs.
Motivations: Power.
Flaws: physically very weak. Korin's bones are hollow, so he's very light, but it also means that most of his bones will break very easily, past all of the metal and enhancements.


I knew it. He is a manipulator... Quaddle's already been planning to use this to his advantage...

Aw man, how can you do a mwahahah laugh with a good overtone instead of evil? :<

Oh, and on another note... Wow Lucas, you've got a dedicated good and dedicated evil paragraph in one post, that's damn trippy...


The briefcase was left back on the road where the car crashed, along with the rest of Daemon's armor outside the city. (he only took his gauntlets)

None of it is there now though.


Quote from: Xeksue on September 16, 2007, 02:10:24 PM
The briefcase was left back on the road where the car crashed, along with the rest of Daemon's armor outside the city. (he only took his gauntlets)

None of it is there now though.

Oh, I thought the whole reason of pulling the briefcase out from the crushed wreakage of the car was to take it with you. If it was left behind, Quaddle's spell can't reach that far. I'll edit.


No he just pulled it out to make sure it wasn't crushed by the boulder. Then he basically left everything there except his sword, gauntlets and Liz when he did his Yoshimitsu impression to reach the city.




Um. Techmaster, sorry if this was your goal, but Liz won't be affected by Quaddle's spell either. I mentioned it in a previous post; biologically speaking, he's a normal gecko.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...



Where did I say that Liz was affected? This spell is only grabbing gems, crystals, the like. Last I checked, Liz was a living organism, not a shiny jewel.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on September 16, 2007, 05:45:05 PM

Where did I say that Liz was affected? This spell is only grabbing gems, crystals, the like. Last I checked, Liz was a living organism, not a shiny jewel.

Well, since he's associated with shiny jewels so often (particularly by his coworkers  :tumbleweed ) that I thought that might've been your goal. I was just maing sure you knew. Glad to see you did.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


If he makes any new gems while the spell is going on, they will be whisked away as well. But he won't be.

And I doubt he'd make more jewels when a river of them fly right past his face :P

Besides, with what Quaddle's planning with all the gems, a bloody body that's been made into mincemeat by a carnival of crystals won't mix well with a giant composite gemstone :tongue :tongue :tongue  it'll just soil the compound and give Quaddle an impure crystal


Ah, Boogy? Anastasia seems to be acting awfully and unatturally calm for the situation, seeing as Liz is currently fighting Red Anvil, Liz just did his uber-porcupine-shooter attack (which probably got a bunch of darts stuck in The Van), and there is now a flurry of gemstones flying through the streets.
I'm not directly saing there's a problem, per se, just that Anastasia seems a bit...too calm...
That and I doubt red's gonna just let you two drive away...I don't even think she'll let Liz get in The Van.


Red's exactly the reason. She's been in this business a while, and one rule for when you're worried is that you don't let anyone know, least of all allies or immediate enemies. As for the Van... nothing a good paint job wont fix. She's not worried about red because she just doesn't think some overmuscled pyro chick's really worth the trouble.