Brotherhood of the Machine (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Ryudo Lee, June 08, 2007, 09:33:20 AM

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Mister simply nodded, his mild surprise in no way showing in his cast iron face, "Any way I may be of service young sir. Ah, madam!" The golem turned around at the sound of the resident medic's only mildly clumsy rush through the foliage, "Jexx was simply feeling a bit poorly, I'm certain he's doing better now. However," Mister paused. On the one hand, a condition that causes one to lose control of their firearms could be a serious hazard indeed. On the other... "If it recurs or takes a turn for the worse, then I'm quite certain you'll be the first to know about it," another thing he learned as a servant was how to do what's best for someone when they object to the idea of you knowing what's best for them, "Jexx, will you need any assistance in getting back?"


Morgan nodded to the lead soldier's comment, "that would have been my choice as well.  I can take you there when you are ready, but I suggest the team you will send should be inconspicuous and professional.  I expect that the Brotherhood has stepped up its defense of this location as one of their teams has already been neutralized."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


   Jexx answered to Sally, "It's all right, I think I'm fine now. I don't think it will happen again, either.", while still not actually telling Sally what it was that happened.
   To Mister, Jexx replied, "If by assistance, you mean carrying me, no I'm fine. But if you mean just walking back with me, yeah, that's all right."


"Do you mind if I borrow this?"  Dorcan asked one of the techs, picking up a spare multimeter and heading off in the direction of the toilets.

Locking himself in, he removed his shirt and placed his hand against his left ribcage.  There was a certain soft-spot each finger had to go in, but he knew them by heart.  As he pressed them simultaneously there was a faint click and the panel was unlocked.  Moments later, Dorcan was staring down at his own insides.

Now, the main electronics bus runs off 5v... he thought, gingerly attaching the probes to it.  The multimeter read -6.83.  Dorcan took a few more measurements against the 12v and 24v actuator buses to confirm, and then - carefully double-checking the seals that kept him waterproof - he closed himself back up and returned to the lab.  Now he knew what the equivalent unit of voltage was.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

The lead soldier nods and looks around, he was already formulating a team.
"Alright then.  We'll be prepared soon.  Just let me know when you guys are ready." He said.
He snapped a quick salute and went off to talk with some othe soldiers he had brought with him.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Mister silently walked back to the rest of the group with Jexx, keeping an eye out in case the young man had a relapse. The gentlemanly thing would be to escort Sally back, yes, but he believed the good doctor would understand. Again, as unobtrusive as possible, the construct sat back down over by the others. For a six and a half foot tall antique, he was fairly good at keeping inconspicuous. He simply listened in, familiarizing himself with the plan and waiting until his services were necesary.

lucas marcone

Josh sat down beside the steam bot when he saw he had returned. "All this genocide bull makes ya long for the old days don't it?" Josh sighed. "Nothing will ever be the same will it?"


   Jexx got back to the camp with Mister. When he did, he took Mister's advice and headed for the food crates. He got to them and rifled through for the freeze-dried and a another chunk of meat. To his dismay, there wasn't much freeze-dried left. It seems the Rebellion wasn't as big on it as the Brotherhood. He would have to conserve them. As for the meat, there was plenty of. He 'cooked' it the same way he did before, he dropped it on the ground and gave it one good plasma burst. With that, he began eating his small meal.
   If anyone watched him closely, they would notice that he seemed to avoid looking directly at anyone with a Rebellion uniform...

Prof B Hunnydew

"Thanks Mister for your help....But we are back at camp.... I will have to talk to Dr Stern and the other researchers about the ... our guests." says Sally   She takes a fruit and eat it on the lab. 

She finds Chad awake, but weak.  She touching him, she see he is on the mend, but he will need a few days of rest.   The security guard Bill is also awake and answering questions, but he is getting worried about the doctors, his family, and about the fact that is he in a wood being questioned by "government officials"

Bill: "The Brotherhood is okay, I guess.  They help me with my epilepsy, I got a little chip inside my neck.  But I am sure they are not running the city governement"

"So, how are you feel, Chad?" ask Sally
"Sally!  Oh I am feel better but I am worried about my patients.  These guys don't seem to want me to go. back to the Hospital." says Dr Chad Westling.



"The hospital?" said Dorcan, overhearing the tail end of the conversation as he made his way back to the electronics lab.
"What would he want to go back there for...?"
He trailed off as it occurred to him that Chad didn't yet know what they'd done to it.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Morgan checked his light suit and the ammo in his two guns, he retrieved all the spare ammo he could from the security guard's effects. 

"I'm ready to go anytime you all are."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

lucas marcone

"Where are we going again?" Josh asked. "What's the plan? because I have a date that could land me in jail if things go too well."

Prof B Hunnydew

"What the kidnapping part or loving with a minor?" asks Doctor Sally.  "I wouldn't be too worried.  I'm going with you to pickup Babs.  We can double date, if Chad is feeling better."

*Groan*" Sally give the Kid a break he doesn't look like he needs a chaperon" moans Chad. 

"Well, No maybe not but we do.." giggles Sally


lucas marcone

"Poor girl. brother hood probably have her beliveing magic is a sin when she has no idea the blessing within her." Josh said in a quiet rare moment of seriousness.

Prof B Hunnydew

"I think I will stay here with the research team, Do the Recon thing, you guys." says Sally, "It seem we have a good many hours before the sundown and your date, Josh.  So I can stay here, just don't get hurt, Okay?"



"There's another mission?" asked Dorcan.  He looked torn.  Better find out what it is, then decide, he thought and headed off to Exo.

"Excuse me, sir," he began, "I understand there's a followup mission being planned.  Would you mind outlining it?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


   Jexx, after finishing his meal, then simply wandered and paced around the camp, always looking down at the ground. He passed near one of the vans, and heard several people talking about a new mission. Another mission? Maybe I can actually kill me some Brotherhood bastards, I need to get my head cleared.
   He wandered over to the group talking about the new mission.
   "I understand there's a followup mission being planned.  Would you mind outlining it?"
   Followup? Excellent. Going straight into the storm.
   Jexx stopped nearby, still looking either down at the ground or up in the sky.

Ryudo Lee

The leader of the soliders got five of the other soldiers together.  They checked their weaponry, each armed with a light plasma rifle and a standard issue pistol as a sidearm.  One soldier appeared to be a tech specialist, complete with a small laptop, a set of various tools, and an overly obvious neural implant.  One of the other soldiers had a portable cutting torch, and some tools that were obviously made for breaking and entering.  Another one of the soldiers was obviously a demolitionist, his backpack was loaded with special explosive charges.  The other two didn't appear to be any kind of specialists.  These guys were ready to go.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


"I see we are going special ops.  I guess I'll need this then..."  Morgan retrieved his case and checked its contents, the very large rifle was still neatly packed and ready to be used.  A silent friend who had yet to be put in the game.

"I'm definitely going to be going, but we need to see who from our team will want to accompany us.  I hope you lads are planning on avoiding any confrontations."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Dorcan waited politely for the robot to speak.  After a minute or so he became somewhat concerned.  Glancing back he saw Jexx, apparently waiting for the same elucidation.

"I don't think Exo is listening," he said.  "I'm gonna ask the leader of the reinforcements."
First Sally, now Exo, he thought irritably.  I assume I'm really here, not just dreaming...

"Excuse me, sir," he said, this time to the sergeant, "I understand there's a followup mission being planned.  Would you mind outlining it, sir?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

The lead soldier turned to face Dorcan as he asked about the mission.
"Well, what was planned was to go back to that smaller structure you guys located and investigate it further.  If it's related to whatever it is that's controlling these people, then we should see about shutting it down.  Whether or not it's safe to shut it down entirely will be up to the white coats." He said, jabbing a thumb towards the mobile lab.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


"Presumably this will be done by stealth?" Dorcan asked.  "If so, I would be interested in joining the mission."  For one, I'd like to get my hands on that armour if it hasn't been removed... he added mentally.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


   Jexx very visibly jumped when Dorcan spoke to him. He didn't say anything, just moved in closer with everyone else, just listening to what was being said. When Dorcan asked, "Presumably this will be done by stealth?" Jexx finally spoke up, albiet somewhat quietly, which is very odd for him.
   "I think a demo man would suggest otherwise, Dorcan." To the rebellion leader, he said, 'Will I be able to kill me some Brotherhood bastards?"
   If anyone looked at Jexx, it was almost impossible to miss that he was very clearly averting his gaze from everyone.


"I don't know," Dorcan began.  "A small blast-radius in the tunnels beneath the town, perhaps.  Depending on the yield, a set of charges like that could destroy vital equipment, while being barely noticeable to the folks above-ground.
"Or you could use stealth to plant a larger explosive undetected.  Indeed, for such a mission, going in and out guns blazing would tip them off that we had performed some kind of sabotage, with the result that they could neutralise the device."

He gave a quick look at Jexx, and frowned slightly.  "Are you sure you're okay?" 

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

"Stealth is a definite must in this situation." The lead soldier spoke up. "The last thing we need is to be spotted and the Brotherhood alerted to our presence in this town.  Right now, I don't think they have any idea that we're operating here, but I'm sure they have their suspicions.  Your team can take these guys with you to that small structure and investigate it.  I will stay here with the rest of the men to protect your base and our white coats.  But yeah, if you run into any Brotherhood toadies, the faster they can be taken out, the better."

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

lucas marcone

"I don't think we'll be at all as obvious as last night at any point in this city untill we can get the citizens unzombified. If we blow up the tunnel and damage something that controls the signal the chips could have a tamper relese and kill the person carrying it. I don't think the professor could have tripped it because like we've been talking about the residual signal. If it disappears entirely say a week from now those we havent gotten around to could die, so we would have to prioritize who we save and that is just out of the question." Josh said, then he spat. "Decideing who lives and who dies, it's fucking wrong!"

Ryudo Lee

The lead soldier looked over at Josh.
"That's what the lab is for.  The eggheads are in there studying the chip the doc pulled out of one of those folks you brought back from town.  Hopefully they'll have a definitive answer soon enough." He said.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

lucas marcone

"Let's hope for good news." Josh looked down. the whole situation was starting to get to him. He's in it till the end now, but the brotherhood seemed to entrenched into normalcy to do much about it. "Do ya think we'll EVER win?" He said stareing blankly ahead.

Ryudo Lee

The soldier shrugged.
"Jackson says he's got a long term plan to take the Brotherhood out.  We're all inclined to believe him, so we follow him.  A lot of us have lost a lot to those freaks.  Homes, friends, family... We all gotta do our part, 'n Jackson's the man to make it all happen." He says.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

lucas marcone

"everything sounds god on paper, but I trust him enough." Josh still looked depressed. "It all just seems overwhelming."