Brotherhood of the Machine (OOC) [PG/14] - Open - New players welcome!

Started by Ryudo Lee, June 07, 2007, 02:18:39 PM

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But last I checked, you can't really re-insert new posts in between old ones...


Well technically you could. I mean you could strip out the bad posts, then remove the good old ones, smooth over the time between the split with normal RP and the replacement of the good old ones, and remerge the threads.


Isn't that over-complicating the solution?

Keep It Simple Stupid!


Well yes, but it could still be done if necessary. :B

Though in that scenario it would probably be better to cut the entire thing off and rewrite because things rarely ever run in the same order as normal when replayed. :U


Quote from: Arcalane on July 10, 2007, 03:56:00 PM
Though in that scenario it would probably be better to cut the entire thing off and rewrite because things rarely ever run in the same order as normal when replayed. :U
That's exactly what I was suggesting. :<


But anyway, rolling back over the previous posts to where you handily and quickly identified the source of the intrusion, as well as turned the van into a comm post and all that jazz.

Tell me, just how much experience does Jexx have with computer systems? I figure he's not your Average Joe, but not exactly the most tech-savvy of the group either. I also figure only Baiye would be able to recognise the 'patterns' left by an AI out of all of the group - if AI even left distinctive 'patterns' (I expect they would, different methods of going about things than meatbag hackers) - Exo thinks fast but knows little and hasn't got any comparable data to match it up with, only having been 'alive' a year or two compared to Baiye who owns and maintains her very own AI (Gidget in this case) so Exo wouldn't be able to recognise it. :B

Top that off with amnesia Jexx would have from his little operation (and thus no memory from his former life) and I'm seriously doubting he's had the time to study and compare meatbag hackers v wirehead hackers whilst hunting the Brotherhood.


First off, Jexx is extreamly adaptable, and a very fast learner as I've said. You can't survive fighting the Brotherhood on you own for two years if you're not. He is able to moderatly falimiarize himself with a lot of things by just checking them over. But he can't instantly make himself a pro with everything, or learn the finer aspects to something.

Second, I've never stated all of the diferent things Jexx has been doing to try to get the information he wants out of the Botherhood. He has tried his hand at hacking before, (unsuccessfully), but has been able to learn and memorize all kinds of different things, and tell the difference between them. But that's why he got Baiye into the command console to try to fight off Omega's hack (even though all that now seems moot), becuase, while he can just familiarize himself with something enough to use it, he can't really modify it, or go into programming mode. that's why he's failed at hacking before. He also can't just take something apart to see how it works, and the put it back together. If he were to try that, he'd end up frustrated with a smoking pile of scrap.

As for how he is able to memorize things, he has an almost completely empty head, with an adult's phsyche. He doesn't have 21 years worth of childhood memories to cluter up his mind, greatly increasing his ability to retain information.

Ryudo Lee

I'm going to side with Azlan on this.  Catf needs to change his posts and find some other way into the party.

In the future, if you are going to get information discreetly from another character you need to coordinate with that player.  Doing otherwise is considered powergaming.  End of story.

Also, Azlan, are you cutting off the signal as it comes into the chip?

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Quote from: Ryudo Lee on July 10, 2007, 04:41:13 PM
Also, Azlan, are you cutting off the signal as it comes into the chip?

Not right now, I do not know what affect that might have without accessing the actual program and IC implant.  It could fry his brain if disconnected from the signal or many other issues. It could tip off the Brotherhood and spell trouble for the poor innocent police chief (he may not be, but I have to err on this side until I know better).  For as long as the nanites remain, I will reserve that option once we know more though.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


K, I'm back and read what you all had to type... I appologize for any godmodding or powergaming I might have done, It's just that I thought that, since an AI can get the upper hand of a living creature in computers near any day (in my oppinion), I thought it would be immenent. O well.

Is it ok if I have Gerald get the wrong IP address instead?


But then how are we gonna get you into the party? You need to work this out before making a post, yet. The entire thirteenth page looks like it's gonna get deleted anyway. (Or at least, that's what Arcalane and I have said is probably going to happen. It's really up to Ryudo.)


Easy, the "by chance" method.
When he reaches the area Morgan changed the IP adress to, he'll see Botherhood guards, panic, and later on, pick up an EMF signal (the van).


Though, like I said, it is very likely the entire thirteenth page will get scrapped so we can start over again. Ryudo is really the only one who can figure all this out, and, unfortunately, he's only online in between 6:00 AM and 2:00 PM (forum time) so all this is probably going to have to be put on hold until tomorrow. Hopefully you can be on as the same time as Ryudo, and figure something out.

Also, if Gerald is able to pick up the van, then so would the Brotherhood, and we would be screwed. That's out.


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 10, 2007, 05:55:26 PM
Also, if Gerald is able to pick up the van, then so would the Brotherhood, and we would be screwed. That's out.

Well, I doubt they would be actively scanning for Electromagnetic Fields...

Meh, nonetheless... I'll find a way  :3


Exo, on the other hand, can probably pick up the van. Literally.

Go go gadget hydraulically-assisted myomer muscle structure! :U


The idea of you getting our signal and our location, though, does sound pretty good. The only problem is you didn't make sure with Azlan that Omega really is better than Morgan at cyberspace (I hold out for Omega, mainly because, as I understand, morgan's just supposed to be a genetically-enhanced cyber-grafted super-soldier, not a hacker/anti-hacker. That's Baiyes job)

Maybe, instead of hacking Morgan, you can just try to intercept the signal. No powerplaying, no godmodding. Just as long as you clear it with the other players out of character, first.


Quote<...tap into the outgoing signal, copy everything, I want to know if it's for reinforcements.>

That's basicly what I ment here... kind of like a phone tap, that and to have her come back if the key word "reinforcements" was in the signal.


As for non-tech methods, may I remind ya'll that you're cooking up a stew, and whilst the townies might not notice the smell, I'm sure a lone wanderer passing through the forest wouldn't be able to resist going to see what the smell was. ;)


In that case, Caffinated, did you ever get those messages I sent you, right before/after you introduced your character?


Yah, I did, but did you save a copy? I was an idiot and deleted them...  :[


Yes! I do! I've still got the copy in my outbox. I'll re-send it to you, you forward it to Ryudo, see what he thinks, and then all we have to do is delete all post back to where you first started, then re-start from there. No problem.

Attempting to re-send now...

EDIT: Message sent.

EDIT EDIT: A new introduction for Gerald has been drafted. If Ryudo is ok with it, then most, but not all, posts starting from Gerald's original intro will need to be deleted by a mod/admin. So, if any mod/admin is reading this, in an attempt to be helpful and make things easier, I have a list of all the posts.
The ones with a == next to them need to be deleted.
The ones with nothing next to them are fine.
I will list posts by poster name, starting from Caff's first post.

==Ryudo Lee
==Ryudo Lee
==Ryudo Lee
     lucas marcone
==Ryudo Lee
     Paladin Sheppard
     Ryudo Lee
     Paladin Sheppard
     Ryudo Lee

There. I try to be helpful, and I thought a list might help a mod to go through the posts quicker, rather than the mod reading the posts themselves. I do hope this helps/makes it slightly easier.

But this only happens if Ryudo says so, of course.


Gerald's inventory:
Items on-hand: "Chameleon" Ion Pistol,  and laptop

"Chameleon" Ion Pistol: This is an ordinary Ion pistol equipped with photon manipulators which allow it to appear as any weapon Gerald sees fit. (Normally disguised as either a hunting knife or an archaic Colt revolver.)

Faux ID: A well-made fake ID, states Renald Gin

Laptop: A beat-up, wi-fi enabled computer with mix-and-match Brotherhood parts. Specially made for hacking and programming.


...And now you're back to powerplaying, Caff. Seriously, Gerald/Omega/Mars were just fine the way they were. I would be shocked if Ryudo approves this.


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 10, 2007, 09:12:21 PM
...And now you're back to powerplaying, Caff. Seriously, Gerald/Omega/Mars were just fine the way they were. I would be shocked if Ryudo approves this.

Yah... your right...  I'll take out most of it then.

EDIT: done  :)

Ryudo Lee

Okay, what I'm gonna do is to request that Catf's posts and our replies to them removed (to the mine with ye!), and then Catf can PM his newest draft of his character to me, and then he can come in some other way.  As was said before, he can detect the signals from the van, or be wandering through the forest and smell the food being cooked, or heck even run into Victor in town.  If this is okay, let me know so I can start building a proper list of what needs removing.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

llearch n'n'daCorna

Works for me. :-]

Sing out when you want me to start deleting.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


But I already put together a list of posts that need deleting for you guys, six posts ago. :<

And caff's character isn't what has been revised, only his introduction. He should have already sent it to you, Ryudo, but
or be wandering through the forest
if that works, he probably doesn't need to.

Ryudo Lee

Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 11, 2007, 10:40:41 AM
But I already put together a list of posts that need deleting for you guys, six posts ago. :<

I know you did, but I'm going to double check it.  Wouldn't want anyone's post getting accidentally deleted.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

llearch n'n'daCorna

... and when he's done, I'll double-check it before deleting anything.

But that's just because I'm an over-achiever. :-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


And that is a good thing to be. No, no, seriously. It's what I would do; double check everything.