Brotherhood of the Machine (OOC) [PG/14] - Open - New players welcome!

Started by Ryudo Lee, June 07, 2007, 02:18:39 PM

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Nah, Crush will gently squeeze them between two slabs. Not too hard, but not too soft either. :B

llearch n'n'daCorna

You've been reading SuperMegaTopia, haven't you, Arc?
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

lucas marcone

prof honnydew maid references to anthros are there? i thought this was a human story. anyway if it is an anthro story my character is a wolf.


prof honnydew maid references to anthros are there? i thought this was a human story. anyway if it is an anthro story my character is a wolf.
From Ryudo Lee:
Of course furs are allowed.  I wouldn't do that to you guys. 
Next time, read at least the WHOLE first page of an OOC thread, boy.  :giggle

lucas marcone

 :B sorry i normmaly try to get the jist of the rp from the first podst and play by those rules....ahwell im better prepared for the future.



Lucas, please....for the love of all that is unholy, start checking your spelling in your posts. At least go back to edit them when you are done....please? :B

lucas marcone

Why glitch, im hurt by your stining tongue. i know i'm not the best speller here but i am by no means the worst. ill start trying to catch myself but you best check yo self for manners son!


GHAAA. Why must text be so ambiguous? I didn't mean it in that tone. When I DON"T want to offend, I try to lighten up my posts with smiles. see? :cry But the problem is, people seem to misunderstand me quite often. *sigh* I suppose I should be used to it by now... :baghead

Either way, I apologize.

lucas marcone

it seems we have both been victim of the ambiguous tone of text. my sarcasticity, if that's even a word, was lost in translation.


Damn, that's crazy. Even I screwed up with that? Let's just forget this happened, forgive all spelling errors, and explain misunderstandings as they come up. Sound all right?

lucas marcone

so long as there is text there will be misunderstanding so yeah all is forgiven/prevented,i hope.


BTW, prof B Hunnydew, how did Dr. Joywaves know Jexx's name? Unless Phoenix told it to her, she shouldn't know. Jexx has spent the last two years on the move, fighting the Brotherhood, and not actually "coversing" with anyone, except for whatever Brotherhood members he managed to get his hands on. Literally. No one in the Rebellion (should) have known my name until Jexx said it to them. That's why I made an OOC post a little while back realizing Jexx hadn't said his name yet, so I went back and edited two posts so that Jexx did say his name aloud.
Having Dr. Joywaves calling Jexx "The nice jet-black-furred hedgehog with cannons for arms" would be nice :3

EDIT: I just read Tapewolf IC post. The Rebellion would have a file on Jexx (they have been watching him for awhile) crap, but even so they still shouldn't know my name.

Ahh...let's just say Phoenix mentioned it to Joywaves, and we all forget this entire rambling post.


J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

lucas, not to sound rude or anything, but reading your posts are giving me a headache.  Do you think that you could use capitalization, and double check your posts for grammar and spelling?  I know you're making an effort, but I'd like it if you'd put more effort into your posting. :animesweat

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Quick question, has Jackson interrupted the medicals?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 19, 2007, 08:19:29 PMThe Rebellion would have a file on Jexx (they have been watching him for awhile) crap, but even so they still shouldn't know my name.

We gather our information from a thousand secret sources through space and time, and our charge for revealing even one of these sources would leave you in debt to us for several... thousand... millenia. >:3

Ryudo Lee

Quote from: Tapewolf on June 20, 2007, 09:53:31 AM
Quick question, has Jackson interrupted the medicals?

No, Sally can keep working while he's talking. :)

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 20, 2007, 11:02:23 AM
No, Sally can keep working while he's talking. :)

Cool.  What about Victor?  Paladin was saying that he might be away for a bit - although I've seen him online since - so you might have to move his character for a bit.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Dorcan's wings fluffed out again and he took a step back as Jexx laid into him. 
"For the one who was telling me to calm down, you are not exactly helping," he snapped, and then noticed that he had assumed a defensive posture.  With a sigh he relaxed and leaned back against the wall.
Jexx didn't say it in that tone. He said it in the same tone as he did when he first saying the skin/fur get's replaced with everything else. The kind of 'Duh!' tone, half amused, half annoyed. He wasn't making any agressive verbal advances on Dorcan.

EDIT: the edit you just made to the post, about Dorcan's race being highly emotional, was that in response to this?


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on June 20, 2007, 12:47:57 PM
Jexx didn't say it in that tone. He said it in the same tone as he did when he first saying the skin/fur get's replaced with everything else. The kind of 'Duh!' tone, half amused, half annoyed. He wasn't making any agressive verbal advances on Dorcan.

Ah, right.  That's how I read it, though.    I'll fix it.

Dorcan's wings fluffed out again and he took a step back as Jexx laid into him. 
"For the one who was telling me to calm down, you are not exactly helping," he snapped, and then noticed that he had assumed a defensive posture.  With a sigh he relaxed and leaned back against the wall.
"Look, I'm sorry.  My race has a tendency to be highly emotional and I've been through a lot today."

Well, we seem to have beat them in terms of synthetics, he thought to himself.  Perhaps they won't notice just yet.  If I can persuade the doctor to keep quiet about it...

EDIT: the edit you just made to the post, about Dorcan's race being highly emotional, was that in response to this?

Yes, it was.  I've completely reworked it though.  I've kept a copy of the 'angry' version here for posterity.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

Quote from: Tapewolf on June 20, 2007, 12:06:33 PM
Quote from: Ryudo Lee on June 20, 2007, 11:02:23 AM
No, Sally can keep working while he's talking. :)

Cool.  What about Victor?  Paladin was saying that he might be away for a bit - although I've seen him online since - so you might have to move his character for a bit.

Victor will be staying with the rebels until Pal actually makes a comeback.  He's there, just not doing anything.  An old DnD trick. :)

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Josh nodded to the leader. "good to meet ya. i didn't quite ctach your name though." josh sat there watching him. intent on what he had to say about this "mission". 
Lucas, EVERYONE knows Jackson Phoenix's name. Did you read the very first post in the IC thread, by Ryudo? Jackson's face is on wanted posters plastered on every wall in every city by the Brotherhood.

lucas marcone

My character comes from a VERY secretive village of magi. They were undiscovered for twohundred or so years on some dense forest in a climate like the Phillipans<SP. So no, we didn't get the memo.


But like I said, Phoenix's face is LITERALLY on every wall in every city, even the one you were just walking through to get here. Josh must be blind if he didn't see any of them.

lucas marcone


Oh, come on. You've GOT to be kidding me.
If the 'tunnel vision' makes it so he can't read a poster aboveground, how the hell can he see anything at all?

lucas marcone

Ok,calm down. You don't know so i'm going to explain the "alternitive" meaning of tunnel vison. Tunnel vision means he is so focused on doing something he dosn't take notice of some things. Like he dosn't care about wanted posters. In his mind what good is it to know what laws some insignifignt person broke.


Ah. Ok. Still, someone in character has to respond accordingly.  :P

[insignificant update]
I have edited the my last post on page 4 of the IC
[/insignificant update]

Ryudo Lee

Lucas, keep in mind that the Brotherhood hasn't actually killed any magic users.  They've destroyed buildings and killed non-magic users, but they've only hauled away magic users.  This goes for your character's hometown too.  It's their MO.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!