Brotherhood of the Machine (OOC) [PG/14] - Open - New players welcome!

Started by Ryudo Lee, June 07, 2007, 02:18:39 PM

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I think this is actually due to slight misunderstanding in posts. My opinion, Tapewolf, is that this:
"It doesn't explain why the doctor was talking about contraceptives, though,"
should be changed to this:
"It doesn't explain why the doctor offered you contraceptives, though,"
All misunderstanding gone, because Prof is right, Sally never even mentioned the contras to Dorcan, only Baiye.


Baiye has a tendency to blurt out things when she's under stress or thinking. That's what happened when she spilled the "contraceptive" thing to Dorcan.

Baiye also didn't that she and Dorcan would get together, either. She just blurted it out as she was trying to think, and Dorcan probably misunderstood.

As of right now, Baiye has -some- romantic attitudes towards Dorcan, probably because she thought he also had an interest in robotics and he was being rather nice. But because of the robot "issues", she feels a little stupid and embarrassed about the whole subject. I think she'd rather just try to forget about it at the moment, though she'll still think of him "as a friend".

Baiye, Baiye, Baiye. She's a weird character.  :B


I was talking about Prof misunderstanding and thinking that Tape was saying that Sally had talked to Dorcan about the contras. Not the "relationship" thing sparking between Dorcan and Baiye.
Man, people in this thead are misunderstanding left and right....and something tells me I've already made the same mistake somewhere o_0?


Quote from: Kryptic on July 01, 2007, 06:53:05 PM
Baiye also didn't that she and Dorcan would get together, either. She just blurted it out as she was trying to think, and Dorcan probably misunderstood.

Dorcan's been given a confused fragment of a confused conversation.  He has no clue what the Doctor was talking about and is trying to figure it out like a riddle.  So am I  >:3

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Prof, your post is a little confusing, as it implies that we are at the site, but no one said that yet. If you could edit your post with an arrival sentance like, "Prof got ready to exit the van as they all pulled into the clearing. She really had to go." , that would make a bit more sense.

And Boogey, what exactly is wrong with Jexx's method of alerting the third van that they have arrived, aside from the volume problem? He didn't know the speaker on their end was turned to full blast, therefore, Mister wouldn't know either. Right now, Jexx is thinking Gidget's a grumpy, grouchy, stingy little bastard of a robot dog.


Wow. Um. Jeez, Arcalane. Exo almost explodes at a simple comment that's more of a scarcastic joke than anything?


It's a bot. You forget it doesn't know what "sarcasm" is.


Oh great. That means Exo's gonna shoot me when I ask, "Jeez, man. Haven't you ever heard of 'sarcasm' before?" :< :gun2

Arcy, is there any possible way you can downtone Exo's response just a little? there's still some equipment that he is supposed to pass out, and he'll feel too depressed at this.




EDIT: What I mean is, one of my personal rules I always follow is that I never edit a post if someone's already responded.


Well, now that Gid's gone along with it, I have to go along with the newly-formed 'anti-Jexx' club. Oh well.


Yay Arcy! :)

Don't give into temptation. Exo and Gidget's Anti-Jexx club will prevail!

Ha. Ha ha.

You know I'm just kidding, right Tech?  ;)


Sort of, but I'm actually thinking it's, for the moment, best if it actually seems 'true' to Jexx. Sure he'll know they're not serious serious, but he's gonna be walking around the woods in a state of depression probably :B


Besides, somebody's got to jump up and down on the new recruit's spirit. War is hell, all that. :B May as well be the heavy-weight mech.

llearch n'n'daCorna

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Ryudo Lee

Sorry for my silence guys.  I got sick recently.  You don't want to know the details.

I want to comment on what's going on with Jexx right now.  I think that it can still be spun into a party-bonding experience for you all, and give Jexx a good lesson in team-play mechanics.  tech, don't go completely emo and try to separate yourself from the party.  You need to work with the party, not against it.  Tape, you could probably say something encouraging to get him back into working with the group as a team.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


I know. I've actually sort of set up Tape for the teamwork talk. The only reason Jexx has gone all 'emo' is because that is really how his character is; someone with a completely unstable, almost random personality, because he has no idea who he is, or who he is supposed to be. But I haven't made it irreparable. Don't worry, we're thinking on the same wavelength, Ryudo ;) In fact, I'm actually intending for this to be the start of Jexx's permanant personality change for the better.


Quote from: Ryudo Lee on July 02, 2007, 10:45:01 AM
Sorry for my silence guys.  I got sick recently.  You don't want to know the details.
Fair enough.  Hope you get over it soon...

QuoteTape, you could probably say something encouraging to get him back into working with the group as a team.
Either that or it will drive him off completely.  I'm not very good at full-blown pep talks, and Dorcan would generally rely on the empathic ability which he no longer has.  But hopefully that's not too ham-fisted.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

Quote from: Tapewolf on July 02, 2007, 11:30:50 AM
Torn out their soul and used it to light your desk-lamp? 

That made me lawl.  :giggle

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Oh yeah just alittle somethin' somethin'...Dorcan never turned off his microtransmitters, even though Jexx removed his. So everyone on the ground heard what Dorcan was saying, but not Jexx.


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 02, 2007, 12:30:20 PM
Oh yeah just alittle somethin' somethin'...Dorcan never turned off his microtransmitters, even though Jexx removed his. So everyone on the ground heard what Dorcan was saying, but not Jexx.

Assuming of course that he put his transmitter back after the conversation with Baiye.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Ah yeah. Did Baiye ever turn off hers during your conversation?


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on July 02, 2007, 12:40:22 PM
Ah yeah. Did Baiye ever turn off hers during your conversation?

I certainly hope so.  On the other hand, if she forgot to, what she's said won't make much sense without hearing Dorcan's side.

Mind you, if everything everyone says was public property, Dorcan would have heard Baiye through the receiver in his ear.  He only turned off his transmitter.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Well then, let's ask Kryptic next time we see her. If she didn't have Baiye turn it off, she can go back and edit it so that Baiye did.


Quote from: Azlan on July 02, 2007, 01:14:26 PM
Morgan exited his van after parking it appropriately.  Though the broadcast from Jexx had been a short burst, Morgan quickly shifted vision frequencies to check for any Brotherhood traffic increases or active transmission pings.

Sighing in relief as he failed to find any, Morgan checked his gun and the appropriate credentials for his cover with the narcotics unit.

"I'm heading in on foot, don't feel like driving at the moment.  If anything comes up, let me know... my communications frequency is published to our command comm.  The channel is labelled f-o-x, foxtrot, oscar, x-ray." He sounded bored and tired.

Morgan shook his head as he left camp, Why did I get saddled with a bunch of amateurs?  Serves me right for pretending to be one.

Morgan entered the town and headed towards the local constabulary/sheriff/police station.

Ok, Azlan. Where the hell is Morgan going? We are supposed to be setting up camp.

The message Jexx sent to the third van was over the van-to-van intercom, it's broadcast range was set to just how far away the other van way, which was, at maximum, ten yards. The only way the Brotherhood could have picked it up is if they had a transmission interceptor in between the two vans, and a damn good decrypter as well.

Also, Morgan is supposed to have the microcommunicators. Once turned on, they are always on the same channel. He doesn't really need to use his own kind of communication device, if that's what you're saying. It just adds unneeded complexity.

Also, remeber that this town is supposed to be mind-controlled by the Brotherhood. The local law enforcement office is probably the last place you want to go. But you're not supposed to be going anywhere anyway, because like I said, we are setting up camp.

And if it sounds like I'm trying to be the GM, it's not supposed to, but apologies anyway. I'm just trying to pointing out how your IC post really seems to break the continuity.


I am not part of your soul-searching, group personality thing... he is going off to get some work done.  As was stated in this post:

Quote from: Arcalane on July 01, 2007, 11:06:04 PM
Exo, meanwhile, parks the first van under the foliage and climbs out, shooing everyone else out of the van as it opens it up and starts getting out equipment for setting up camp. Tents, sleeping bags, so on and so forth.

"Unit suggests others make maximum use of available light hours whilst they can. It would be inadviseable to get caught out around town in the middle of the night."

Morgan took this to mean get to work in town.  As for everything else, you do not need to know.  The GM and the other important parties are receiving an PM with the needed specifics. 

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Okey dokey.

Though there is still the part where we are supposed to be setting up camp. Jexx ain't gonna pitch your tent for ya. :P

Quote from: Azlan on July 02, 2007, 03:00:55 PM
I am not part of your soul-searching, group personality thing...
Funny thing about that. Jexx was never supposed to be like that, either. But that's what's so awsome and cool about RPs. It's like you're writing a story, but you're not the only one writing it. Things often end up going in directions you never intended, directions even better than what one originally plans.

Ryudo Lee

Remember what I said before, you all need to work with each other.  Since Morgan has decided to go into town... why doesn't someone go with him?

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Quote from: Ryudo Lee on July 02, 2007, 03:20:35 PM
Remember what I said before, you all need to work with each other.  Since Morgan has decided to go into town... why doesn't someone go with him?

I suppose someone could, but Morgan works alone for personal reasons... but I'm not going to stick around until someone says they are going with me so I can do an emo scene about how he works alone because everyone has always let him down or everyone who ever went with him died or something... those didn't happen, just examples :P
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Quote from: Azlan on July 02, 2007, 03:00:55 PM
Morgan took this to mean get to work in town.  As for everything else, you do not need to know.  The GM and the other important parties are receiving an PM with the needed specifics. 

It's always fun when the others break your plan because they are ignorant of it.  It happened a lot in the FCRP - made Gareeku really angry.

What you're saying makes sense, but my initial impression was that Morgan was going to betray us all to the Brotherhood.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E