Big whoop: Sony makes another idiotic mistake and then attempts to cover up.

Started by Aridas, April 29, 2007, 05:56:23 AM

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Not so much offended, as thinking who had the bright idea to go with the goat sacrifice.  Seriously, how is this a good idea.  Topless drink girls, good idea, everyone loves naked boobies.  Putting a dead animal on display...yeah, why didn't anyone think this might click badly with some groups, especially some very loud and annoying people who are like "OMG, Murder!" everytime they see a dead animal.

Sony keeps shooting itself in the foot, and whoever thought this was a good idea needs to get fired.


I'm expecting PETA will do something stupid in response as well now.


Quote from: RJ on April 29, 2007, 10:08:54 PM
I'm expecting PETA will do something stupid in response as well now.

FINALLY!  I'm not the only one that sees the self-perpetuating wheel of stupidy!
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Valynth on April 30, 2007, 12:02:09 AM
FINALLY!  I'm not the only one that sees the self-perpetuating wheel of stupidy!

You never were. I just can't see the point in providing them with attention. Either party.
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Ken Kutaragi says: "Animal cruelty doesn't begin until we say it does!"


Quote from: Jigsaw Forte on April 29, 2007, 07:46:44 PM

Vore is one thing. Vore while your food is masturbating is quite another.

(Thank you FurAffinity . . .)

You're welcome.   >:3 
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


I don't see the problem in anything Sony really did there.

Has nobody ever seen pigs over a spit? Has nobody ever eaten a hamburger and wondered how they treat the carcasses and how bloody the whole cutting up a cow really is?

Really. . . It's just hypocritical biggots that have a problem with cooking meat over a fire :<
Help! I'm gay!


Quote from: Drathorin on April 30, 2007, 06:24:24 PM
Has nobody ever seen pigs over a spit? Has nobody ever eaten a hamburger and wondered how they treat the carcasses and how bloody the whole cutting up a cow really is?
But those were for an actual purpose. And the corpses' pictures don't really get put in game magazines either. But that's beside the point. They should've known it wouldn't go well with people, especially with jack thompson running around. He'll end up declaring the PS3 satanic or something.


I thought all game consols these days were imbued with the power of the devil...   :confused
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Alondro on April 30, 2007, 06:35:47 PM
I thought all game consols these days were imbued with the power of the devil...   :confused

Only the good ones...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 30, 2007, 06:38:10 PM
Quote from: Alondro on April 30, 2007, 06:35:47 PM
I thought all game consols these days were imbued with the power of the devil...   :confused

Only the good ones...

Oh thou gamecube..Bring me the invisblity code..oohhhmm....oohhhmmm...


*Cracks up* Yes! Brilliant! Lets recreate the debauchery of ancient Greece to promote our game that includes the like, and then invite the press! That probably went about as well as selling crack at a press release for Grand Theft Auto. I'm sorry, but isn't "Don't let the press know that your game includes icky things" sort of basic? I mean, Jack Thompson, upset parents, Fox News... Do I really have to say it?

lucas marcone

i think if this topic goes any further we'll all be beating a dead horse. everyone has said their say or someone already said it for them.


I think some Greeks used to beat dead horses for fun... there wasn't much to do back in those days.   ;)
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.

King Of Hearts

What, they killed the goat and DIDNT eat the flesh?

If that was the case the only thing I can say is that are a wasteful bunch. Other than that, I hardly find it offensive, distasteful perhaps, but not offensive. It may be going for realism, but its just not appropriate.

I guess I got used to it. my grandfather was a butcher, he taught me how to kill animals. Bleeding a goat to death trough its neck was just another way of getting the meal on the table.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: King Of Hearts on May 01, 2007, 06:00:29 AM
I guess I got used to it. my grandfather was a butcher, he taught me how to kill animals. Bleeding a goat to death trough its neck was just another way of getting the meal on the table.

The only critical bit is to do it -right- - otherwise the goat doesn't die quickly, and you've got to go get it from whatever corner it dragged itself into...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


*pretends to be a Jack Thompson follower*  IT R SATAN IMAGRY!!  ZOMG!!!   Ban TEH INTERNETS!  :U

It's prolly a crappy game and they're trying to stir up hype to sell more copies.  That's my hypothesis.
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.

Amber Williams

Firstly: Jack Thompson tries to declare everything videogames is Satanic.  He recently tried to pin the VTech shooting on games and said the kid used the Columbine mockumentary game as practice...despite the Columbine game being done in a Final-Fantasy RPG tactic format.

Secondly:  Yeah. Bad PR stunt, and odds are the person responsible is going to lose their job.  Not that that is going to make the news because really no one actually cares over the potential drama and "THINK OF TEH CHILDREEEENZ"

Thirdly:  There is little to no details about the goat in how it was killed, what was done afterwards.  There was mention that they were doing a fear-factor style meal where you were to reach in and take something from inside the goat to eat...but outside of that I doubt anyone is going to get info out of "oh my it was bloody and it was icky and it was soooo terrible."

Fourthly: God of War two is supposed to be an epic game. All reviews so far seem to point that it is impressive...though insanely gory and mature themed.  And really if anything this stunt will likely just get people who were fans of the game to be even more eager to buy it and people who werent goign to buy it to begin with not wanting to buy it.  So stalemate.


Should i say something stupid here please tell me but...

I've played and beaten both god of war and god of war 2 it had some similarities to greek legends but they twisted alot of it to attract fans nowadays people like violent games and they were made to appeal to that sense...

The greeks were in some ways ahead of there time and they put alot of effort into enforcing thier beleifs i dont think sony nessisarily did anything wrong but they probobly shouldn't have done what they did in going off history books and past knowledge you wouldn't nessisarily know what they actually did in thier little rituals but i do agree with most of what you've already said if the animal was killed quickly and painlessly and the remains were used as much as they could be then there's really no harm done besides with the large ammount of goats in the world im sure that one is happy being released from the evils of this world...

and also the devil or lucefur if you want to get technical was the angel of music he played the music in heaven and later on invented rock he probobly has been blamed for the video games and movies but really it's the peoples choice not his he wants them to make them yes but he can't force them to it even says that man kind has power over him but he will attempt to decieve the fragile minds of the mortal realm...

i am against the killing of the goat but honestly i dont think they would care if i threw my opinion at them...
When this world does finally come to an end judgement will be passed and that will be the end of it...


Quote from: crimson_wolf on May 03, 2007, 07:35:09 PMand also the devil or lucefur if you want to get technical was the angel of music he played the music in heaven and later on invented rock he probobly has been blamed for the video games and movies but really it's the peoples choice not his he wants them to make them yes but he can't force them to it even says that man kind has power over him but he will attempt to decieve the fragile minds of the mortal realm...
...Please get off the forum before you infect everyone with your fatal case of stupid.


im not the sharpist tool in the shed i know...but i do know some things and biblical events is one of them...mainly because my family never leaves me alone with their little quotes and such telling me i could be better...


Quote from: crimson_wolf on May 03, 2007, 08:32:52 PMim not the sharpist tool in the shed i know...but i do know some things and biblical events is one of them...mainly because my family never leaves me alone with their little quotes and such telling me i could be better...

Er...I've read the Bible.  You'll have to point out to me where it says anything about the Devil having anything to do with music.

Or Lucifer being anything other than a title for a Babylonian king, for that matter.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


oh my you know how long it would take me to find a specific story in that family are crazy church people i am not but should i ever speak with them again i'll ask for the page...


Biblical debates aside, it's general knowledge that satan was the angel of music. You could ask anyone at my old church and they would have told you that. Whether or not that is valid, whether satan exists, whether god exists, whether the bible is better off as toilet paper, is a moot point. The actual part of the bible that mentions it is, as usual, very vague and isn't as simple as "Hey guys, Satan was totally into Rock."


Thank you Netami for explaining what i probobly would have screwed up.


And as such, is total BS. Never say satan invented rock and video games and movies and all that crap just because your parents or whoever you're around are a bunch of whackos who don't like it. Funny how you say nothing about senseless animal killing though.


hmm your right... I shouldn't have spoken.


I understand that it's not really a logical thing to just repeat what your parents told you and it's good to question your surroundings and life itself, but on the flipside you don't need to spit hot flames at someone like that Aridas. Some people haven't reached the age or period in the life EVER where they sit back and become disillusioned with sunday school teachings.

What it boils down to is that I am telling you not to do something on the grounds that you have no right to do so. Same applies for me but I am trying to be scary and perhaps maybe you wont realize :)


I'm just really not thrilled about people who say things like that.