The Castle (OOC) - Open

Started by Stygian, February 14, 2007, 05:22:38 PM

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Considering that it's Furrae, I really do think that being a member of some certain Furraean species is required. But if you do enjoy a human form, I suppose you could always be a were. It's not like we place any restrictions other than that we stay true to the Furrae universe.

Tiny crested flint

It's a tad long, but I'm introducing a new charater I hope to use elsewhere later on.

Name: RasticChkSckTk VI
Nicknames: Rastic (rah steek') for short
Sex: Male
Race: Insectis
Species: Chinese Mantis
Age: 56 (still young)
Height- 6' 11" Weight- 180lb
   Profession: Owner/President, Chief Broker, and secondary loan officer of the bank of Rsxksxksxksxksxksxk Savings and Loan (pronounced as a series of rapid clicks in various pitches) Translation: Underworld-Wide Savings and Loan
   Family/Associations: Great, great, great grandfather Rastic I, notable as the Bank founder and the one who first started the Bank's business with the Caerule family over 800 years ago.
   Appearance: A rather tall and skinny figure, he has stretched limbs which offer a long reach. Each hand has 3 multi-jointed digits. Upon both feet are 3 clawed toes, two in front and one as the rear facing hallux. Most of his exoskeleton is a leaf green in color with two thin brown stripes running down his back to a stinger-less abdomen. Rastic has two large, black and pupil-less eyes and he is proud of the single vertical blue tripe on each eye, a feature considered very handsome among his species. The long antennae protruding from the mantis's head are waist length and segmented with brown tips. Along the backside of each hand are five recurved hooks formed of exoskeleton with razor edges (like the gauntlet TMNT's Shredder wears). Let's just say you wouldn't want a back-handed smack upside the head but you can still shake on a deal. Rastic's posture is kept proud and upright with a business man's purpose in his stride.
   History-(this history contains no plot that I plan to pursue. It may seem like it here and in-game at first but I'm not)
   A typical Insectis upbringing in his family and colony, Rastic was imbedded with the values of efficiency and sharing the workload. After adolescence he began in the family business. Through his work he was able to travel farther from home to meet with clients. Because of his job he has also taken up a collecting "hobby" to put it mildly.
   When word that activity had been noticed in Caerule Atri again, Rastic jumped at the chance to resume business with the bank's most profitable clients or any new owners/residence of the Castle. Long ago when the business had previously died-out with the family, Rastic's grandfather-Rastic IV- had been told by the last known owner that "If a chance to resume their business ever presented itself, then he should return to the castle and seek out one who goes by The Don to inquire about any transactions. The man is bound to still be around at the time and if anyone will know anything about this place's state of affairs, it will be him. However, I can't be certain of whether or not he will be as pleased or eager to as you... aah yes, not very pleased indeed. Be wary... I nevertheless encourage your bank to pursue a deal of some kind, for it should be well worth your time." Rastic VI recalls as a hatchling how whenever grandfather retold this story he would comment on the strange way the owner had paused and chuckled to himself while describing The Don.
   Both grandfather and Rastic's dad had passed away since then, leaving our friend as the sole keeper of the tale in the family business. But now he has news from the Castle, now he has his mission, now he is on his way.
   Personality: Life within a workaholic Insectis hive can raise a creature to be very goal oriented. Also because the race is very isolated, Insectis are new to many things from above ground culture especially etiquette. This leaves Rastic completely lacking of any sense of tact. He cannot recognize sarcasm and most other nonverbal cues. He has difficulty being subtle himself and comes across as blunt and uncaring.
Quote from: AbelInsightful... Brutally honest... same thing. Let's get sodas!
He doesn't mean to be frustrating, he's just socially awkward. Except for business negotiations, don't expect him to handle emotional situations delicately. Rastic is an easily influenced character. This is because in an Insectis hive, when someone tells you to work you do not question the work or motive and just assume it is for the good of the colony. In the past Rastic was tricked into being a client's little errand boy. (This also allows him to be controlled in minor ways by other RPers cause his player is a slow poster) To a more positive affect this makes Rastic a very determined and hard working man. He likes to continue doing things even in his leisure time.
   Strengths: He has the common strengths of the Insectis race- high endurance of temp, lack of air, pressure, ect. Earth-oriented magic. The bladed claws of exoskeleton on his hands. Basic training in Praying Mantis style martial arts. Rastic can exert a crushing, almost unbreakable grip. This, coupled with his long reach makes him an adept climber, a common Insectis talent. The shell on the back of his thorax and abdomen is thicker than everywhere else.
   Weaknesses: Except for his grip, Rastic has little upper body strength. He is capable of magic but has minimal skill. Lacks knowledge of armed combat. Extended periods of direct sunlight can affect his vision. Cold temperatures can make him drowsy or fatigued. Easily Influenced/Gullibility.
   Trivia: Rastic is a fan of the culinary arts and has cooking as a second hobby though he is still vegetarian. He is most active at night. One of his most unique collections is a number a random amulets.


Good then, Density. I'll see where I can squeeze you into the plot. You just see if you can find any openings, and we'll be helping you in.

On another note, bats eat mantids. And larger mantids eat some frogs. >:3


Quote from: Density D. on March 24, 2007, 05:07:34 PM

I ain't the first.

EDIT: crap, e_voyager was a player.

lol. i was but i couldn't really keep up with the speed the Rp was moving at. no worries though i fear my departure will care many a sniker for a time to come.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Quote from: Stygian on March 29, 2007, 08:51:36 AM
Good then, Density. I'll see where I can squeeze you into the plot. You just see if you can find any openings, and we'll be helping you in.

On another note, bats eat mantids. And larger mantids eat some frogs. >:3
In the immortal words of Tom from the Decline of Video Gaming series, "Oh now I really don't approve of this." It's all fun and games until someone gets digested.


Quite. Which is why vore parties need strict control. And a quick way to the hospital.

No, seriously. Why are you here? You should be waking up and doing something confusedly so I can kill you!

Ehm, I mean... "so I can find something for you to do too". Yes.



*Bows* If you insist. Funny how our characters always end up annoying the hell out of each other.


It makes for good drama. That's why! :veryevil

No. Really. I am going to try and get this all moving. Please bear with me.

Tiny crested flint

Quote from: Boogeyman on March 29, 2007, 04:41:01 PM
Quote from: Stygian on March 29, 2007, 08:51:36 AM
Good then, Density. I'll see where I can squeeze you into the plot. You just see if you can find any openings, and we'll be helping you in.

On another note, bats eat mantids. And larger mantids eat some frogs. >:3
In the immortal words of Tom from the Decline of Video Gaming series, "Oh now I really don't approve of this." It's all fun and games until someone gets digested.

No worries, vegetarian remember?


Wow...uh...PBH....what the hell are you doing?

Prof B Hunnydew

Trying to get some sleep.


Very funny. Ha ha. I'm pretty sure Styg doesn't appreciate you having your way with his character without his permission like that.


If he does, he'll say something. Both of you, down. *holds spritz bottle menacingly*

Prof B Hunnydew

 :mowmeep :mowmeep,  well I quoted Stygain's last two posts with the ferret with my last two posts... So I don't think I was misreading the girl... And I am a little I will re-write my post LittLe. if I must. 



You didn't misread her reactions, Bam. But I would rather not have this whole thing getting too explicit. It should be like a good movie - suggestive and serious enough that anyone who's of the right age gets it, but not overly open or explicit. I think that only the violence has permission to be like that.

Prof B Hunnydew

No Gareeku did stop me from going too detail, and I'm not going into any more detail then I have..



My char has a spell that it not a very safe spell but it a well guarded secret of the clan he is in  i don't plan on my char using it but for future reference

the spell summons a dragonic creature  the summoner is bounded to the dragon and the dragon to the summoner if the dragon dies so does the summoner and vis versa the soul is used instead of magic so it take some one of great strength of spirit instead of magic. usly the summoner lose sight and must really on the dragon to see around him. Even after the dragonic is summon it takes the summoner at the lest 2 or 3 weeks to recover. The dragonic differs from person to person including the magic the dragon posses. The summoner must teach the dragon as when it summon it knows nothing not even a language.

Kerag's dragonic

base element light.

Looks: pale white hide a large wing span some what smaller the a normal dragon with a very long tail. 2 horns facing the rear sits on the top of the head the eyes are a crest green color.

Base spells: lighting. Heal. Shape shifting.

New spell base: can not use fire water spell mostly just wind,heal and lightning. Can not breath fire.

This spell can only be used once.

-death to those that use this spell unwisely.-


Going for an old horror movie standby, are we Keaton?  :P


And how tastefully she does it too... This I really do enjoy.

Is there anyone here who has seen The Faculty?


i have and please tell me home made dope is not the answer / test in this case.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


I should go into writing horror stories! :U ...oh wait. I already want to write them. Lawl.

Thanks everyone XD Glad you all enjoyed the post.

I have not seen the Faculty, but Jon Stewart is in it, so I shall possibly watch it just to see a five-second glimpse of him. Then enjoy the rest of the movie.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Quote from: e_voyager on April 07, 2007, 08:32:02 PM
i have and please tell me home made dope is not the answer / test in this case.

You're giving me ideas here, E... Eeeeevil ideas... >:]


OK, I still have (checks) 829 posts to read, but I'd like to post my character bio now just to make sure I don't need to change anything, in case I can use her later.

Name: Ketefe Zashia Solowynd (First name pronounced keh-TEH-fay)
Nicknames: Ketefe, Teffy
Sex: Female
Age: 19
Body Build: Athletic
Height: 5'7"
Hair: Cobalt blue, straight, shoulder-length, jaggedly cut bangs
Fur color: Light blue with orchid zigzag stripes on the backs of her arms and legs
Eyes: Bright yellow
Personality: Loyal and kind to those she cares about, but quick-tempered otherwise. She has a fierce sense of justice, and enjoys a challenge. Very perceptive about the true nature of people, and is only respectful when she feels someone deserves it.
Likes: Her boyfriend Jarevei, sword fighting, Queen, acting, wearing costumes
Dislikes: Perverts, people who lust for power, injustice, doctors (almost a phobia)

Appearance: She wears a black tank top, ripped at the midriff, and matching black shorts, also with ripped edges. She'll switch to a black T-shirt and blue jeans if it's cold, but she tends to wear tight flexible clothing because it's a bit more convenient when fighting. She always wears a black mask that covers the skin around her eyes. She carries a lightning-bolt-shaped sword wrapped in a dark cloth on her back. Despite her shady, almost hostile appearance, she's really quite pretty.

History: Ketefe grew up in a small, relatively remote village. Her father, Zionu, was a law enforcer who taught Ketefe to sword-fight, and her mother, Siziel, stayed at home. Her life changed for the worse when she was eight years old. Her father discovered that one of his close friends, a feline named Gareth Transphermi, had strong ties to the mob. Zionu was a smart man, but he wanted to give Gareth a chance. So he and Gareth decided that they would settle this through an honest fight. Ketefe didn't want her father to fight, so she volunteered instead. Gareth agreed, but only if her opponent was his 13-year-old son, Khimara. Despite putting up a very good fight, Ketefe lost the battle and gained a scar over her right eye. She couldn't remember exactly how Khimara had beaten her, though...
A few nights later, Ketefe woke up to find her parents gone, and a clump of red-stained fur on the floor. Fearing the worst, she took her sword and ran. She spent the next ten years searching for her parents and learning more about how to fight from as many people as she could. She also began a career as a vigilante when she discovered just how many people were even worse than Gareth and Khimara. How she and Khimara met again and what happened when they did is a very long story, but she learned from Khimara that her parents are not dead. They escaped with their lives, but he didn't know where they went. She's continued her search as a result.

Trivia: For some reason, Ketefe really likes to cosplay.
   Ketefe's favorite kind of music is classic rock, mostly from the 80s and 90s. Following these eras, she also loves Xena, Highlander, and old-school video games.
   Ketefe's boyfriend, Jarevei, is blind. He is also a childhood friend of hers who taught her how to defend herself as accurately as most Cubi. Thanks to his training, she has very fine-tuned senses, even for a cat.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Anybody would Bam was a lost puppy the way she's following Mel around. :/

Prof B Hunnydew

Quote from: Gareeku on April 17, 2007, 01:21:57 PM
Anybody would Think   Bam was a lost puppy the way she's following Mel around. :/

Mel is my only hope for a cure to my speechless, and I look up to her and she is friend....

SO :mowtongue...   I'm roleplaying.....It is hard to play a character who can only do charades to talk...for someone who is very talkative 


PS.. I am sorry to Mel, if I'm too pushy...


Aaaaallright, Black_angel. Got you on that one. Welcome in. I think that we can squeeze you an entry quite soon...


Hm… Well, I think I’m coming into this. This is pretty much, in terms of story, a sequel to Character Lounge, am I correct? In that case, I will be using my same characters, adding one. They will also be slightly modified, since I am assuming this is a “time passes” sort of thing.

Here are my characters for this RP, if you choose to accept them:

- Joat Legend Delia: He is a triple-class (scientist, swordsman, and Qwertish Wizard) wolf incubus. He wields a huge sword made of modified tiberium, can hack (both with his sword and his laptop) very well, has a few inventions (most of them, however, are harmless), and is quite unskilled in magic. In the words of Valencia, “Next time you decide to cast something, don’t.” His magic, Qwertish, is one not commonly used by cubi, or anyone else, for that matter. He is quite brave, but he also has a tendancy to act be a bit reckless. Then again, just about all of my characters share those two traits.

- Sylver: “He” (technically, he has no gender, but he is commonly referred to as male) is a robotic dog created by Joat. He can breathe fire and teleport. He has true sentience. This was proven when his soul flew out of his body and attacked. He has Calica, a holy magic powered by the soul.

- Valencia Renard Young: She is a fox being news reporter. Other than her expertise with guns, she has no special powers. She is, by far, the most impulsive and reckless of my characters.

- May Cottontail: She is the daughter of the now-dead Peter Cottontail (the Easter Bunny). She wields Qwertish magic and is, in fact, the one who is teaching Joat his magic. She likes explosions, which is why her favorite spell is Fireball. Her fascination with weapons of destruction is benign, but it does get scary when she recites the history and mechanics of semtex.

- Cegio: Remember that spirit May was talking to in the car? This is him. He talks to May quite often now. He was the one who possessed May to kill her own father. He still lies within her today, though he no longer actively controls her, which actually creeps her out quite a bit. His words are marked in orange.

- Dent: A warp-aci summoned by one of the few spells cast by Joat that didn’t backfire. He is the only character of mine that is lawful good rather than chaotic good. He is quite timid and shy and will usually flee from danger unless directed otherwise. He glows white and has no clan marking, since Joat is technically an artificial cubi and thus does not technically belong to any clan.

At any rate, might I inquire as to the current in-game situation?

Note: This post has been edited to remove some redundancies.

EDIT 2 (a bit of trivia): Joat has made a habit of entering his friends’ dreams. However, he does not know how to do this while awake. Instead, he can do so in his sleep. The first time he tried this, it was on accident. The incident led to a “team lucid dream” with Sylver, where fun was had by all involved.

Aisha deCabre

First of all Joat, unless you have actually read the RP and caught it, I might comment that this isn't really a "sequel" to the Lounge.  This is a completely different RP, different timeline perhaps, non-canon to it.  Started over.

And secondly, it's Furrae-based.  You might want to think on that too, if that didn't catch you either.   :P  That was in the starting post of the OOC, and a good thing for people coming in to read.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


A complete start-over? Hadn’t counted on that one. Well, those plans are discarded.

EDIT: As for the second part, Joat is a cubi, Sylver is a robot, Valencia is a being, May is a creature (technically), and Dent is a warp-aci. I’d say that other than Sylver’s violation of the new species law, it works in fairly well.

One more note: since this is not canon to the past story, I may decide not to come here after all, since using my past characters was part of the appeal. I still have yet to decide for sure whether I will come in. Give me a moment.


Argh. Due to problems with homework, my driver's test, and after-school stuff, I won't be able to read enough to catch up and post for at least two days. I expect Wednesday to be open, though, so I'll try to catch up on reading the newer posts.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...