The Username thread

Started by Roureem Egas, February 05, 2007, 11:58:14 AM

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Roureem Egas

It's in a bunch of places, so I thought to make one here. It's also because I don't remember having deep or intelligent thoughts lately on these forums.  :B So anyways, let's talk about out usernames. It is our online identity after all, so it probably should be fairly consistent in use and tell something about ourselves (which is why I tend to loathe cookie-cutter names).

So, I'll start with myself. I came up with the name "Roureem Egas" a few years ago, where it was just Roureem in another forum that I no longer go to. I came up with it by guessing what the romanized transliteration of mirror would be in Japanese and put it in reverse. I later found out it was wrong, and it'd be more accurate to use "Arim." Egas, as I know some of you have noticed already, is also just "sage" spelled backwards. I have a deep fascination with magic and fantasy, and I associate sages and mirrors with such.

I'll also tell you guys how I came up with another name I go by in Trickster. In that game I use the name Kayes. That one I came up with because I had Kingdom Hearts on my mind. To do that I thought about keys, wanted something short, and something that looked like it could pass as a real name. And there you have it. How about you guys?

llearch n'n'daCorna

Mine is simple.

lurk on IRC. Which was always taken, so transliterated to llearch - ll as in belly, ear as in earn, and ch as in psycho. That was back in 96, as I recall.

One you have that, llearch n'n'daCorna follows as a matter of course.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on February 05, 2007, 12:22:26 PM
Mine is simple.
lurk on IRC. Which was always taken, so transliterated to llearch.

Of course, it's pronounced something a bit like "tlee-ark" in Welsh  >:3

Mine is taken from Jakob, obviously.  When we switched forums I figured the time had come for something new, that was easy to connect to me for people who were on the old forum yet less obvious for people who know me elsewhere (since I'm still a little nervous about the whole fur thing).

As a plus, a quick search on google proved that it's rare as well (a record label and a fictional band).

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Reese Tora

ah, well... this will be simple

One day, years ago, I bought the plush kitty that is pictured in my avatar.  I had some mini Reese's cups in traditionally colored foil on my desk at the time, and the colors matched the fur enough so that I named my new plush Reese.

One day, not quite so may years ago, I bought the PC game Morrowind, and I decided to play a Khajiit (cat person).  As is a well known fact, to those that know it well, I suck at coming up with names.  Since the bodies of the khajiit race in Morrowind were all the same model, that is stripped and orange and brown and cream, I stole my plushy's name to use in the game.  Then I joined the forum over at furfire.  At thie time, I was using various names that I stole from characters in books (if you know my email and AIM names, you'll know the two names I used for online identity before this point).  I decided that, if I join this forum, I should have a furry identity to go by, and I recalled my character from morrowind (and my plush was on my desk, too).  The rest, as they say, is anthropology. >:3
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Sean Uxbridge, PERL USER.

...what did you think it meant?  :B

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


Quote from: superluser on February 05, 2007, 01:27:31 PM
Sean Uxbridge, PERL USER.

...what did you think it meant?  :B

that you were the best Luser in the world

Mines bizare... see I found this ancient tablet while visiting a isolated temple in napal,  it was covered with strange hieroglyphics after years of work translating it I found a message addressed to me.  It told me that I was to call myself TheGayHare so I could become a great warrior


I'm gay and I'm a Hare

*giggles* easy


Well its so odvious for some...No I did no make it out from MIB,MMPR,Sword of truth or a filmmaker...I made it all on my ownsome....And to some people out there...Im not the canadian letter Z


Back in the days when 2x speed CD-ROM drives were cutting-edge technology, my friends and I played a shareware game about rival gangs (kinda like a turn-based, VGA version of GTA :P), and we had to enter a nickname for it. Three characters at max.

I started to think and vaguely remembered one of the first Police Academy movies. You know, the one in which Mahoney infiltrates Zed's gang and has to use a fake name. My memory told me that that name had been "Sid", and so I used it. And since I liked it, I kept using it. It's short, memorable... and I only realized years later that (1) it's also a common name in the US and (2) Mahoney didn't actually use that name in Police Academy.

So my nickname is the direct result of me having a bad memory. Go figure. xD


My name was simple, I was just done with a calculus class so I was thinking of "the nth degree."  I then thought about the word Valiant and decided to crunch the A and the I into a Y and slap on the H.  And you get Valynth.

I have thus far never seen it used before.
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


Quote from: Sid on February 05, 2007, 02:10:20 PM
I started to think and vaguely remembered one of the first Police Academy movies. You know, the one in which Mahoney infiltrates Zed's gang and has to use a fake name. My memory told me that that name had been "Sid", and so I used it. And since I liked it, I kept using it. It's short, memorable... and I only realized years later that (1) it's also a common name in the US and (2) Mahoney didn't actually use that name in Police Academy.

That explains a lot - I was always trying to pin it to some Germanic name and failing miserably.
At the risk of drifting the thread, I've always been curious about the avatar you had before the hat thing - the one that looked almost but not quite like Wile E.Coyote...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Tapewolf thats Tech E. Coyote

he's the new yote from the lunatics cartoon

Jim Halisstrad

I like the name Jim.


Oh, and the Halisstrad comes from a drow translator I found somewhere.  I'll leave it up to the interested to figure out though.


I do have a feeling this has been done before but it was quite some time ago. Lots of new people since then. :)

Itos is a name used by a group. To specify which one you are you ad a short name that can be just about anything. Itos Jako5, Itos Jako4 and Itos Spade are some of us.

Itos itself comes from AITOS which stands for Artificial Intelligence for Tactical operations and Surveillance. The AI's name is Itos Atio.
This generic comment was brought to you by:


Hmm, well, I randomly came up with my name one day when I realized I would need a sobriquet to use for my online personality. I suppose it comes from my a love of the stuff, a fondness for the color yellow, and also from Monty from the Rescue Rangers (a show on the Disney Channel back in the early 90's), who would always have a "cheese attack" whenever he smelled the stuff. On top of that, I thought it sounded decent too, and wouldn't be too hard to spell or say.


Derived quite obviously from Bill Buckner, the infamous Boston Red Sox who made The Error in the 1986 World Series. Possibly also the most underrated Boston Red Sox of all time.


to be entirely honest i pulled 'Brunhidden' out of my butt years ago. i think i was actually trying to create a name thats hard to spell and pronounce if you only see it once.

and i used to be "Brunhidden the Wired", im not exactly sure when but eventually it became "Brunhidden the Muse- free musings, inquire damnit".

after all theese years i still am deeply concerned about anyone who calls me "Brun-Brun chan", and im slightly scared at how many people call me that.

QuoteYou call that apathy? Thats not apathy, thats barely even disintrested. Down and give me twenty and try again, and it had better be apathy this time.
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Brunhidden da Muse on February 05, 2007, 02:56:07 PM
after all theese years i still am deeply concerned about anyone who calls me "Brun-Brun chan", and im slightly scared at how many people call me that.

Expressing sentiments like that is likely to increase their number, BrunBrun-chan. :-)

Quote from: Brunhidden da Muse on February 05, 2007, 02:56:07 PM
QuoteYou call that apathy? Thats not apathy, thats barely even disintrested. Down and give me twenty and try again, and it had better be apathy this time.

I'd give you twenty, but I can't be bothered. :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Reversed the syllables of the first name of Rictor Lasanti, a character in the Game Boy Advance SRPG "Tactics Ogre: Knight of Lodis"
Yap by Silver.


Quote from: Tapewolf on February 05, 2007, 02:17:52 PM
That explains a lot - I was always trying to pin it to some Germanic name and failing miserably.
At the risk of drifting the thread, I've always been curious about the avatar you had before the hat thing - the one that looked almost but not quite like Wile E.Coyote...

The irony is that many US chat partners initially assumed that "Sid" is my real name. At the same time, it's so rare in Germany (unlike my real name, Christian) that tons of people call me "Sid" in real life since it's more unique and doesn't make ten people around me go "Mh? Me?", too. This happens to the degree of other people assuming that it actually is my real name, despite not sounding remotely German (Oh the mindgames that I accidentally play...).

(Mod note: If the following goes to far, maybe branch off the avatar posts into a new thread, but I don't think it will escalate too much)

The hat-thing is a MET hat (or Metool or whatever the official name is) from the Mega Man games (and anime). The funny thing about it is that it's COMPLETELY indestructible when it's hiding under the hat. Until it peeks out from under it, it's totally invulnerable to ANY weapon.

My previous avatar was indeed Tech E. Coyote, from the show Loonatics Unleashed (future setting, superhero team). Distant relative of Wile E. Coyote (who is, like, my total hero), too. He's the guy who invents all the cool gadgets (and since he's on the good-guy side, they actually work this time) for the team, and his powers are Magnetism and Regeneration (a pointer to the original Wile E., who obviously had this power, too).

Trivia: His fur isn't actually green, that's just part of his outfit (don't ask me how that works). Out of uniform, he looks a lot more like the good old Coyote.

Loonatics Unleashed made a major splash when they were first showcased as a more "EXTREEEM" version of the Looney Tunes, but they got toned down a good bit after the initial protest. I like it quite a bit, even though I have to rely on obscure IRC channels to get access to it since the show hasn't aired here yet (to my knowledge) *sob*


My name is genius... Aiyno wolf.. I was making a character and I dig second names yo.. So I thought hey that looks cool and used it.  Then I borrowed Kyota from hell bound as an avatar stole the second name of the formerly referred character and pasted wolf after it because Kyota's Mells Half wolf half sister  >:3

Okay actually everyone who looked at my profile page sees that Tytaj is my actual user name, this is just a merging of two of my other characters names (which I used in a *cough* IRC channel..) Tyca and Tajaka. Which I expected would mean everyone would know who I was, that didn't turn out how I expected it to :P

I was bored... Thats why I wrote my ingeniousness and school took my brain...yeah, thats my excuse...


Pronunciation: (stj-n), adj.
   a. Gloomy and dark.
   b. Infernal; hellish.
2. Of or relating to the river Styx.
   [From Latin Stygius, from Greek Stugios, from Stux, Stug-, Styx.]

Basically I just have a taste for The Divine Comedy. Then there are the overhanging features of my persona, though the gloominess is kind of ambiguous in meaning in this case. The name is also quite close to my own, why it fits perfectly.


When I was fifteen, and signing up for chat rooms, I had just read a Jannette Oke book called "A Woman Named Damaris."  It was Chrisitan fiction, the name being from the book of Acts in the Bible, and I was a fairly devout Lutheran at the time.  Eventually, I tacked on a 148 to the end of it, as Damaris was sometimes taken, and Damaris148 became my online identity.

At this point, the name no longer really reflects me as a person, but it's been my online name for so long that I hesitate to change it.  Often, on AIM, you'll see me floating around with various "148" names, but the Damaris has been a constant, even edging it's way into real life occasionally.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


Daimien...... Slimply put I got the nickname in high school. I went from Jesus to Lucifer to Daimien in the course of a year. I liked the name so it stuck. The full name is actually Daimien Darkcloud, but I didn't feel like putting the last name up. When I started showing up on that internet I was only on two forums. DMFA and TKT. TKT got Daemon and DMFA got Daimien. I also have two other names that are used for things Romulus and Sheabus, but those are unimportant at the moment.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.

Kitsune Ascendant

Started off as kitsune riftwalker back when DMFA was using that other forum. that basically came from the magic: the gathering card. changing the last part to ascendant gave it a ring that agreed with me more, I suppose. It wasn't until after the change that I found there was a kitsune ascendant card in Magic as well.
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


Hmm... let's see...

For starters, I'm a mythology buff and an avid writer. I like to pick names that present layers of historical, religious, or literary signficance in addition to just sounding cool.

As some may have guessed, Tezkat is named for Tezcatlipoca, the Aztec god of the night, sorcerers, shapeshifting, and general troublemaking. I'm a fan of pre-conquest Mesoamerican history and mythos--I've even studied it at the university level--and the old smoking mirror always seemed to resonate with me. He's also an appropriate namesake for a black jaguar, being the god of jaguars and darkness. Now, most people can't even pronounce Tezcatlipoca, let alone spell it, so I shortened it to Tezkat. For an anthro feline, that also has the additional benefit of emphasizing the "cat" sound in the word. It has a nice ring to it.

As for the somewhat unique spelling...

Tezkat was originally intended as an identity under which I could publish anthro arts and whatnot. As such, I wanted to have a very spiffy, distinctive signature--it's part of your artistic identity, after all. I filled pages and pages of sketchbooks with test logos and signatures until I came up with something that flowed well and accurately reflected my personality (sample). The z-k transition made the design work, so that's the spelling I kept. I know, I know... that's a totally backwards way of doing things. I'm weird that way.   :kittycool

Now you know. (And knowing is half the battle!)  :mowcookie

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


[!]HAZ~MAT[!] was my first universal online alias, and by universal I mean not pertaining to a certain subject such as 'cstrjoe' (coaster-joe) which was my first screen name for a roller coaster forum.  Over the years, I've experimented with alt codes and other variations such as ×HáZ×MáT×, and eventually came to my current screen name which was caused by a 7 character limit in Halo.


The name Ronin Foxtail came to mind through many things. Ronin was part of a flash game that I liked playing on newgrounds (Ronin: Spirit of the Sword). Foxtail was really just random. I was thinking of a character, wanted a fox, liked tails, and some random thing put the two together. I had the name while we were on the old forum, but as we were nearing the migration of forums, I decided to wait for it to happen before I switched out of my old name. The reason I switched names is mainly because "Draikhero" would sound like a stupid name for a fursona, dragon, fox or otherwise.

Whatever, just say randomness at the point in time.

Drake Manaweilder

My name was pretty much born out of randomness. I origionally thought of using "Mathias Armorvale" ("Mathias" came from the charactor of the same name from the Redwall series, and "Armorvale" just came to me out of the blue) .But then on impulse, I decided to change it.  "Drake" was just a random thought, and "Manaweilder" sounded magicky, and had a nice ring to it. thus "Drake Manaweilder" was born.

Dang, now y'all got me thinking of changing it to Mathias again... :B


Oh jeez, now where do I start. Originally, my name just used to be 'Black Jackal', referring to a jester, which I sort of have an affinity for their outfits. I also really like the Keatons, from Legend of Zelda, so I added that to my name. Way back when, I used to get pretty pissy when people called me 'Keaton' for some inane reason. It was also during those times that I used to resemble some sort of mutated, yellow Mewtwo... but then I decided to follow my name and make myself a Black-Backed Jackal.

A yellow one. Because yellow is a bitchin' color.

So there you have it.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Quote from: Drake Manaweilder on February 05, 2007, 07:46:37 PMDang, now y'all got me thinking of changing it to Mathias again... :B

Well, Matthias was the 13th apostle, if that fits with anything.  You could change it to Mattathias (father of the Jude the Maccabee), just to be different.

Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on February 05, 2007, 07:50:50 PMI also really like the Keatons, from Legend of Zelda, so I added that to my name.

Aww, I was hoping it was Buster Keaton.  Oddly enough, I don't even like Buster Keaton.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?