Magic/Ninja Battle

Started by gothtk14, January 22, 2007, 11:52:48 AM

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The white orb seeing Dens run away and moves closer to him. This time the light that it gives off gets a little brighter. "I wouldn't move very far if i were you." The voice rings out from before from everywhere in the room.


gothtk: Know thats creepy.
? ? ?: Yep I'll try to find out where it is coming from gothtk.


? ? ?: Man where is snuggles.
gothtk14: Keep trying.


The white orb grows a little more. "Snuggles isn't here right now but you shouldn't be worrying about him."


gothtk14: then who should I be worring about.


? ? ?: Found Him *Throws Shuriken at Snuggles*


The Shuriken refect on ???.
The white orb speaks again: "Good try... I told you he wasn't here right now" The white orb grows a little and the light coming from it grows brighter and bigger


Quote from: Snuggles on February 28, 2007, 01:08:37 PM
The Shuriken refect on ???.
The white orb speaks again: "Good try... I told you he wasn't here right now" The white orb grows a little and the light coming from it grows brighter and bigger

? ? ?: Well the shuriken missed me. hmm? I wonder what this is?
gothtk14:*thinking* ahh I know what to do. *begins hand signs*


"So what are you doing now... i hope nothing to try and destroy something. You'll just destroy yourself."


Quote from: Snuggles on March 01, 2007, 10:26:37 AM
"So what are you doing now... i hope nothing to try and destroy something. You'll just destroy yourself."

gothtk14:*hands signs end* You will find out. *Grins then disapperes*
? ? ?: You are in for it now snuggles your but is as good as dead now.

Tiny crested flint

*begins his own hand signs*

I don't like the fact that all possible outcomes from this point now seem to lack me getting to destroy someone.  But at least I can find comfort in the fact that I don't have to try and protect anyone.  I'll just play my favorite game in the mean time... it's called "wait and watch".  The game ends when I finish watching your destruction at your own hand :evil :veryevil!

*hands signs end and Dens strikes to earth below to perfom Donton: Doroku Gaeshi, a jutsu which raises thick, defensive walls of earth to surround and protect Dens.*

"I'm not running away at all, I'll still be right here to get you at your moment of weakness"


Quote from: Density D. on March 01, 2007, 06:02:04 PM
*begins his own hand signs*

I don't like the fact that all possible outcomes from this point now seem to lack me getting to destroy someone.  But at least I can find comfort in the fact that I don't have to try and protect anyone.  I'll just play my favorite game in the mean time... it's called "wait and watch".  The game ends when I finish watching your destruction at your own hand :evil :veryevil!

*hands signs end and Dens strikes to earth below to perfom Donton: Doroku Gaeshi, a jutsu which raises thick, defensive walls of earth to surround and protect Dens.*

"I'm not running away at all, I'll still be right here to get you at your moment of weakness"

? ? ?: so whose moment of weakness are you going to attack gothtk's or snuggles?


The Orb grows one last time. "oooo I think you guys are going to be in trouble soon... i think you should wait for it. hehehehe"


Quote from: Snuggles on March 02, 2007, 11:03:56 AM
The Orb grows one last time. "oooo I think you guys are going to be in trouble soon... i think you should wait for it. hehehehe"

? ? ?: I guess that is my cue. Bye. *Grins and disappers like gothtk*


"hmmmm... now where did you guys go?" The Floating orb moves around a little bit.


A voice in the distance: They are just waiting for the right moment to do what they need to do.


Voice: Times running out you better hurry before it is too late to save your selfs.
        :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha
        :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha :mwaha

Tiny crested flint

Quote from: Density D. on February 12, 2007, 11:22:35 PM
    Dens suddenly shouts to his left "I'll kill you yet! Sleeper, now! It's time!" Standing stiff and ready for the arrival, Dens notices...... that nothing happens.
OOC: remember that Sleeper thing I was talking about? It's time for the big unveiling!

*Peeks through a crack in the rock walls he created, Dens says to himself...*
     "Drat, that orb is still there and I've got no idea..."
*Suddenly, a large figure wrapped in a shredded black cloak runs in towards the barrier protecting Dens and smashes through it.*
   Figure:"Brother are you alright? Did you kill them yet? You promised some for me."
   Dens:"No, they're not dead yet, they're all much stronger than predicted.  And does it look like I'm alright!?! Look at my leg‼ Where were you when I called for you earlier?  Once again, Sleeper, you've proven your idiocy. Now think, dear brother :rolleyes, what did I teach you was always first priority?"
   Figure (now Sleeper):*struggling with answer* "ummmmm, your survival over mine?"
   Dens: "That's right, and you see that white orb coming towards me?  It's potentialy life threatening and I can't move, so what do we doooooo?" *leading his brother to the answer like a child*
   Sleeper: "uhhhh, Oh I know, I sacrifice myself right?
   Dens: Good Boy! That's right, that's what I taught you, now go do your job.
*Sleeper hurls himself at the orb, slashing at it and trying to smother it not caring if it vaporizes him. Dens thinks to himself, always was a dimwit. Oh well, two birds with one stone; I've saved myself with his sacrifice and now he'll finally shut up... :evil*


The white orb puts out a shockwave after shockwave to keep the thing back if it keeps getting up and attack the orb. "I can do this all day buddy and sit down and shut up"


gothtk14,? ? ?, & voice in unison: Man this just keeps getting better and better but you need to hurry you have only 1 week left to finish this fight. Oh and Dens I wouldn't keep that sand (or rock) up during the attack it won't work not even garra's absolute defense worked against this attack.