Started by topher chee, January 18, 2007, 08:10:44 PM

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topher chee

UPDATE--It seems global warming is nearing.  It snowed in Iraq

Aisha deCabre

That's not global warming, that's global freezing. :erk

It's a snow day here now...even the university is closed.  On an exam day.  Huzzah.   :3
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Global Warming Climate Change :nod


I have to drag myself to school at far too early in the morning through freezing cold that I don't even seem to own enough clothes for keeping out effectively with slight little patterns of frost on the pavement, and you get snow. And they don't make you go to school on snow days down in Texas, do they? *snarls*

Quote from: HaZ×MaT on February 07, 2007, 05:36:02 PM
Global Warming Climate Change :nod
...And if you get enough to people keep repeating that, George, magic validation fairies will show up in the night and make it so you were never wrong about anything, ever. Now good night, and sweet dreams.



Dubya. Which other George helps circulate that sort of thing?


I don't know, I thought you were talking to me, calling me George.

And is 'Global Warming Climate Change' a bad thing?


It's probably too late to do anything about it anyways, so party on!


Hey, we got lots of snow here.  Not enough to cause any problems, although it's probably chaos further up north.  It's still snowing even.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Well, today was definitely snow-day.  I've only been in Wales for 2.5 years but I've never seen anything this bad, not in the southeast anyway.  At about 1:30 PM it became apparent that our firm was the only one crazy enough to not have fled the building, so we belatedly decided to follow suite.  Most people wanted to get home before 1:30 AM, after all.

After a rather surreal scene in the parking lot (culminating in my first snowball fight in about ten years), it took me about an hour to get home on foot (usually about 20 minutes) and I very nearly didn't get in since the snow had drifted against the gate, preventing me from entering.

Anyone else got some good snow stories?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


No. :cry  The last time I got more than a few inches of snow was when I lived in Denver, Colorado, but that was like 10 years ago.  And it's only snowed once here since then.

llearch n'n'daCorna

It snowed. Then it rained on it. And the snow never really lasts in London, anyway, since there are people walking on it.

On the other hand, there were still drifts of it around this morning, over 24 hours after it fell....
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Massive snowstorm right now. I approve.  :boogie


right where i am now, i'd settle for a cold day.

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


yeah, we up in Boston(or at least where I'm at) have got school off today, too.

It's not too, too bad though. >>


I've had the last two days off work due to the storm (yay!)

We haven't been able to keep up with shoveling it, unfortunately.  We only shoveled about four times in twelve hours yesterday.  I probably should go give it a try again.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


I could give you my snowsotrm story it happened in jan or feb in 1975 when I was going to catholic school there was blizzard so bad that it covered all the cars parked in the street completly we had about 14ft of snow that day man that was the good old days in NYC.


Fook, it's really coming down hard now. Wind's picked up too, so shoveling the driveway looks to be a tad useless at this point.

Aisha deCabre

It's snowing right now, after a warm day where it's been sleeting and raining.  So the roads are all ice, and I missed another exam today because of it.   :rolleyes

Hm, a snow story...well, I used to live in Nevada, and of course it's pretty much a desert.  In the winter it gets only about as low as 40-something degrees F...snow is rare except on the mountains.  But one day while I was in third grade, we had some snow flakes coming down.  So our entire class took a pause to go outside and see it.   x3

It's so funny to look back on now though as precipitation is a semi-regular occurance.  Strange though that it significantly snows the hardest in February.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


I gots no school today. :U Yay.

:dface That's good. 'Cuz I forgot to do most of my homework last night. And I didn't finish that one project that's s'pose to be due today. :dface And I had a test today.

I need to do what single people're s'pose to do on Valentines' day anyway. :dface Eat junk food and watch stuff and be all angsty.

*Eats candy and watches Law And Order (Edit: Okay, it's LAO SVU. Whutever. Same thing. :dface )* :U


I had school today, but I ended up not going anyway.  I blame my alarm clock. :<

No snow, just some rain. :<