Love in DMFA

Started by gothtk14, January 11, 2007, 05:23:08 PM

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Because they don't make any sense?

Jack McSlay

I'm surprised with the lack of shonen-ai couple speculations in this thread >:3
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llearch n'n'daCorna

But.. shonen-ai couples would make sense, there, Jack. We can't have that. :-)
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I'm a long-time Dan/Wildy fan (even though that pairing is very unlikely, I'm realistic enough to admit that).

Jyrras/Kria would be one of the most interesting choices out of the pool of canon-backed potential pairings (Sure, it's highly one-sided, but it's a start!), at least in my eyes. Then again, basically all of Jyrras' romantic connections have the potential to be interesting :P

In the male/male corner, I'm all for Devin/Xander (*holds up shirt reading "I ship dead people"*) and Abel/Jyrras.

And don't ask me about crack pairings. I've got way too much imagination.


Quote from: Sid on January 16, 2007, 01:44:36 PM
I'm a long-time Dan/Wildy fan (even though that pairing is very unlikely, I'm realistic enough to admit that).

Jyrras/Kria would be one of the most interesting choices out of the pool of canon-backed potential pairings (Sure, it's highly one-sided, but it's a start!), at least in my eyes. Then again, basically all of Jyrras' romantic connections have the potential to be interesting :P

In the male/male corner, I'm all for Devin/Xander (*holds up shirt reading "I ship dead people"*) and Abel/Jyrras.

And don't ask me about crack pairings. I've got way too much imagination.

Okay I should put my 2 cents on the male on male pairings like Dan and Pyroduck or Abel with Merlitz he has the hots for him. How about this Biggs and Jyrass okay that's from left field what do you expect.


Quote from: Sid on January 16, 2007, 01:44:36 PMJyrras/Kria would be one of the most interesting choices out of the pool of canon-backed potential pairings (Sure, it's highly one-sided, but it's a start!), at least in my eyes. Then again, basically all of Jyrras' romantic connections have the potential to be interesting :P

I've said before that Jyrras is probably the only character that could hold his own against an enraged Kria.  Just let Kria get on the wrong side of the Warmech.

Quote from: Sid on January 16, 2007, 01:44:36 PM(*holds up shirt reading "I ship dead people"*)

I want that shirt.  It would go great with the Goofus/Gallant fic I found out there.

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?



...What? I didn't say anything.

Okay, but seriously. If we're talking about canon pairings, I still worship Pyroduck/Alexsi. The two are a cute couple, even if we haven't seen much of them. Then again, I'm a bit biased, since I love both characters.

~Keaton the Black Jackal

Alan Garou

I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned my favorite couple, Dan and Matilda. They seem positively made for eachother.


Quote from: Alan Garou on January 16, 2007, 04:25:49 PM
I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned my favorite couple, Dan and Matilda. They seem positively made for eachother.

D'oh, I forgot all about them. I, too, actually think that Matilda is rather perfect for Dan--out of all of the possible Dan pairings, I find this one to be the most realistic. And absolutely adorable.

Even though I'm also a Dan/Abel fan.

...then again, Abel probably doesn't really have the tolerance for Dan to end up in bed with him.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Quote from: Alan Garou on January 16, 2007, 04:25:49 PMI'm surprised that nobody has mentioned my favorite couple, Dan and Matilda. They seem positively made for eachother.

Am I the only person who thinks that Matilda has all the personality of an oak yacht, and that the two of them seem rather bland together?

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?

llearch n'n'daCorna

I think she has more personality than that - we just haven't had a chance to see much of it, yet.

After all, a lot of what we -have- see has been in the way of winks and nudges, and facial expressions, rather than actual content.

(and, let's face it - Amber is -excellent- at facial expressions :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Jack McSlay

regardless, the idea of Pyroduck X Abel seems ridiculously amusing
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Quote from: Jack McSlay on January 16, 2007, 08:34:44 PM
regardless, the idea of Pyroduck X Abel seems ridiculously amusing

This ain't no Romeo & Juliet.


Did anyone else see sparks flying between Dan and HT? Of course, that could have just been the ale hitting the robot's circuits.
Yap by Silver.


Plz don't mute me i was not my self at the moment so don't mute plz


My favorite couple would be Jyrras and Wildy.

Prof B Hunnydew

Quote from: Jack McSlay on January 16, 2007, 01:09:56 PM
I'm surprised with the lack of shonen-ai couple speculations in this thread >:3

Ink and Abel  maybe? but you have that Teacher /Student thing...
Dan and Abel  ah?  that Teacher /Student thing...

Jyrras and any male character( that seem to be the going trend here.)  But I like JyJy, he maybe a cuddle-waggle to ever female he mets, yet he is still Bi-sexual.. Yea he is still in the game for love.
Merlitz and Azlan with Neni watching (mmm wonder, if she'll sell tickets)  NO NO Merlitz don't kill me.  *Flash booom*  AAAH I am on fire...*jump into Lost Lake*

What about shojo-ai couples...?

Mab and  ?  ( you know.. Expect for Mabs, who is Bi, we know of only hetero females for the most part)  Wildy seem a bit of question mark, but she likes Dan too much to be into girls.

There is
Bonny                       (Fortune teller Bunny)
Photophie  Maybe?  ( Living with all those males and only one is your real bro, who knows what is going on)
Kria                          (well, she was married once, and we know how that turn out.  Burger anyone?)
Aliyka                       (who we have not seen very much of to sure) It does seem she would be open minded about things.



QuoteInk and Abel  maybe? but you have that Teacher/Student thing...

You realize, it's not plausible for Abel to like someone he hates with every fibre of his being, no matter how funny/ironic that would be in contribution to the comic.
True Magic does not bow down to rules like mana or sacrifice. True Magic bends all rules. I have seen the truth. I am now free forever. (I used to be Doctor Ink. Now stop asking.)


Quote from: Ink on January 17, 2007, 09:31:10 PM
You realize, it's not plausible for Abel to like someone he hates with every fibre of his being, no matter how funny/ironic that would be in contribution to the comic.

As of #525 it looked rather more like grudging respect to me.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


ok. now im up to date im missed that part some how.

Prof B Hunnydew

Quote from: Tapewolf on January 18, 2007, 04:27:30 AM
Quote from: Ink on January 17, 2007, 09:31:10 PM
You realize, it's not plausible for Abel to like someone he hates with every fibre of his being, no matter how funny/ironic that would be in contribution to the comic.

As of #525 it looked rather more like grudging respect to me.

Really, Ink?  It seems to me, more a playful teasing on Ink's part about a young Abel's crush on the teacher... Now, that Abel can able to see into Prof Ink's motives.. He is down right angry at Ink for playing with his feelings.

But who knows? the depths of hatred from the heights of a love crushed.



Quote from: Ink on January 17, 2007, 09:31:10 PM
QuoteInk and Abel  maybe? but you have that Teacher/Student thing...

You realize, it's not plausible for Abel to like someone he hates with every fibre of his being, no matter how funny/ironic that would be in contribution to the comic.

Although it could always be that the current feelings stem from a time when the teacher was young and innocent and the teacher took advantage of the students feelings...

perhapseseducing him to make a point to the rest of the class, or exchanginf favors for grades...


What... I've got a thing for teacher student stories...


Hey now Ink, just cuz your the most evil thing Abel can think of, doesnt mean he hates you. Besides, opposites attract?

Oh man, I so need to go write a fanfic for that now.

"Oh Dr. Ink, my infinite hatred for you was just a cover to hide my feelings. I love you AND your giant needle of love"  :mwaha


I will love to see that pairing of Abel with Ink hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. If Amber will draw this out and I will be happy.  :mowmeep


Quote from: Alan Garou on January 16, 2007, 04:25:49 PM
I'm surprised that nobody has mentioned my favorite couple, Dan and Matilda. They seem positively made for eachother.
Exactly, and that is why there wasn't any need to mention it.
Matilda is mature, patient, polite, tlerant and experienced, and and the same time has a kind of childlike innocence. She is pretty much the best that could happen to Dan.
And that is the problem: No matter how much we would like it, and ignoring anatomic difficulities, a serious Dan/Matilda relationship would be too "normal" for this series.
I mean, this series thrives on weirdness, and this wouldn't be weird.


has no one thought of Jyrras and Wildly.


Could you stop saying that over and over?


Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on January 18, 2007, 04:43:20 PM
Could you stop saying that over and over?

Sorry My bad i thought every one forgot.


Meh, you had your opinion, it's not like we're obligated to respond to everyone's posts.


Yea you got a point there