
Started by Sirius Griffon, December 30, 2006, 09:59:08 PM

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Total Members Voted: 9

Sirius Griffon

*smiles* Well, Ive been a longtime follower of DMFA but finally decided to come out of my lurker hole and interact with folks. Lets see, what do I need to say?

Alright, Im an artist, roleplayer, and dabble in writing. I go by the name Sirius Griffon in the artist/furry realms. Some call me Siri or Sirius the Curious. *Grins* I doubt anyones ever seen my avatar, but shes a silver lupogryph of sorts. Tufted black ears, light blue eyes, purple lions tail and hair, and bright rainbow wings. *grins* Which she meticulously dyes mind you :P

Anyways, in actuality Im a 24 year old cashier in southern USA, down in the boonies.  I love anime, wolves and animals in general, and mashed potatoes. Yes. Potatoes.

Ahem! It is nice to meet all of you and I hope to well, find a sort of home here. *nods*  :mowhappy



Sorry, that's just the first thing that popped into my head when I read Sirius

Have fun :3

Sirius Griffon

*laughs* Oh man, its a shame I dont have an icon of that quite yet to reply with. *smiles* Ah, Im going to try! Currently Im browsing through the rp section but I might have to wait for a new one to open up. ><;


Mmm, mashed potatoes are great, I can see why you would like them.  But Idahoan instant mashed potatoes have the real stuff beat hands down.

Anyway, nice to see yet another n00b newbie.  They've been showing up a lot, recently.  Or maybe I just never noticed before...

Sirius Griffon

That they do, especially the flavored ones with garlic or cheese or... *drooools* Darn it, look what you just started! *laughs*

Ah, good to know Im not alone! *smiles*


Hello there. You haven't been warned by anyone yet. This appears to be a first. Have some brownie points.

Reese Tora

*manfully attempts to avoid any jokes regaurding a goth Sirius Griffin / Sirius Black connection*

*fails* :blush

welcome anyway  :stalk
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation

Sirius Griffon

Brownie points? Ah, thank you! *blushes*

Sirius Black hmmm? Ah yes, *smiles* Although Ive had this name for years after Harry Potter came out it was pretty incredible how mnay folks asked me if I was a Harry Potter fan! Which I am, but thats besides the point! ><;

Something tells me I dont want to ask what the joke would have been do I? :P


Methinks that was the joke.

Hmm, this must be a new record.  You haven't been here for an hour, and already you have +7 karma.  Which leaves me to wonder how you picked up a yappity on such short notice.


Nah, I've spammed someone up to about 10 before. Forgot who.


Quote from: BillBuckner on December 30, 2006, 10:34:27 PM
Hello there. You haven't been warned by anyone yet. This appears to be a first. Have some brownie points.

Okay then, watch out for anybody who isn't warning you about anything.
Crazy people don't wonder if they are crazy or not; they have better things to do.


That's... everyone. Which is rather correct, actually.


Quote from: BillBuckner on December 30, 2006, 10:45:58 PM
Nah, I've spammed someone up to about 10 before. Forgot who.
Are you sure that wasn't -Karma?

Reese Tora

Quote from: HaZ×MaT on December 30, 2006, 10:45:00 PM
Methinks that was the joke.

Afraid so.

I didn't say it was any good.  :animesweat
<-Reese yaps by Silverfox and Animation by Tiger_T->
correlation =/= causation


Quote from: HaZ×MaT on December 30, 2006, 10:51:07 PM
Quote from: BillBuckner on December 30, 2006, 10:45:58 PM
Nah, I've spammed someone up to about 10 before. Forgot who.
Are you sure that wasn't -Karma?
Haz, why would I ever spam someone negative karma? Wait...

Sirius Griffon

Well, theres a good reason for my having a yap already. *blushes* As I said, I tend to be a lurker in areas. Ive read Furfire and DMFA for ages, and I watch Silver on DeviantArt. One day there was a free request in her journal and well, I certainly couldnt pass the chance up and asked if I might have one of my avatar.

A record? Really? Well, thats nice to hear. Things seem to be going really well here so far anyways. *smiles*


Have fun, and be sure to visit the music threads in the Arena. [/advertising]

Sirius Griffon

I shall have to do that, although Im afraid I am still on dialup so it takes well, a long time for me to download anything musicwise. On a random note, Bill, I have to say that your playlist there literally rocks. *smiles*


Well, thanks, though, apart from the King Crimson, it's not my usual stuff. Rush, Crimson, and Dream Theater are usually what I have.

Sirius Griffon

Dream Theatre... I have heard the name but I havent heard their music as of yet. Are there any bands they are comparable to? *tilts head*


Think Iron Maiden with more keyboards.


*Smites Sirius and Bill*




C'mon, Bill, you can't let 'im get away with that! :dface  Temp-ban 'im!


Hey! :dface

...Temp-ban me for five minutes! :3 Do it, do it, do it, do it!

Edit: *Smites Hazzy* >:3

Sirius Griffon

Oh my, guess there goes my perfect record already! *laughs* Nice while it lasted though ;)


Hey, it's Sirius. Howzit goin? I'd tell you to leave sanity at the door over there but you might have figured it out by now. Either way. Welcome and hope you enjoy your stay.

*back to lurking*

Sirius Griffon

Now theres a screenname I know! *Wavies* Hey there Ronin, hope you're doing well! Thank you, Im quite happy here so far, it seems like this will definitly be a good place to bide my time. Oh yes, I did notice a bit on the sanity part but, well, sanity's overrated anyways right? ;)


Sanity is for the weak. Great people think outside the... I'd say box but I have an idea as to where it will lead with this forum. Whatever.


Only my monkies think inside the box.  They also do everything else inside the box.  That must be why he smells so bad. :/


Welcome to the forum.
*yawn*  Watch out for...  :sleep