Ryudo Lee's Legacy: OOC Topic

Started by Aisha deCabre, December 22, 2006, 02:53:44 PM

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Carran is as he always has been.  Ryudo had no problem with it, it seems to be the case of the capability exceeds the challenges presented.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


...and then I'd like to know just what kind of power this evil does possess. Moreover, I'd like us to actually get together and exchange information. I for one have no idea just what kind of thing we're facing here, and I would appreciate some feedback on that.

Furthermore, if one keeps "raising the roof" for power, so to speak, on either side, it is likely to end in a sort of redundancy effect. Cold war style. Or, for better comparison, Dragonball Z, a series which should never so much as have been thought of.


I would love to play with you guys. If i get to it i will do some posts but i will try my best


Sylva and Pan are back in this dimension. None of you read the post where I said that, did you?


Uh, Cogi, Clarissa already left after you spoke to her. >_>;


....you're kidding me. :<

Editing Ahoy!

*edit: I blame the voices in my head. And the fact I have to wash my car.  :paranoid*


Hehe. It's quite allright. Anywho, please don't post so many poems... I'm having trouble coming up with original ones meself. I think it gets tiresome after a while. But I would very much like it if you could pitch in a nice quote or some lyrics if you see a particularly good opportunity.

Thank you beforehand!


Goes without saying, good sir. It has been a bit much, I will certainly say...though it has been somewhat amusing trading verse with a voice in my head...
I'll say a line or two if I think it fitting, but most certainly, now that the duel of poets is concluded discretion shall be the name of the game.


Snuggles; Gareeku's already taken the boy back into town. ^^;

Mel Dragonkitty

Hi everyone. Cheese has given me permission to join your RP. Mel will be jumping in when she sees an opening. She's an illusionist so what you see is not what you get. So for right now go with the parts in red and ignore the rest.

Name:  Melissa Madison/P. Melodie Icewing and she's not telling what the P stands for)
Race:  red squirrel/dragon (ice)
Sex:  female
Age:  35/not quite 150,000
Height:  5'3"/ranges from 22' to 22" but generally around 5'0"
Weight:  120 lb/ranges from 1 1/4 ton to 10lb, depending on current height
Coloration:  dark red/pearly white scales
Eye color:  shiney black/bright blue
Occupation:  Illusionist/Mage/General Tinkerer and not particularly successful at any of them/Gatherer although she occasionally takes a century or two off to work as a jeweler
Personality:  Friendly, curious (or nosy depending on whom you ask) a tiny bit timid. Very mild tempered it takes a lot to tick her off but you don't want to be the one to hit that point.
Skills:  ice magic, illusionist, sizeshifting, odd bits of just about every type of magic picked up over the years. touch telepath/memory reading]
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Yay Mel! *hugs* good to see you in this rp. ^^

topher chee


Gratz Mel, and welcome to you! I'm looking forward to playing with you... *gives her a knowing wink*


Not to be unseemly, Az, but Cog did make you a nice crater there :3


Quote from: Cogidubnus on January 24, 2007, 12:47:20 AM
Not to be unseemly, Az, but Cog did make you a nice crater there :3

Yes, but I had already wasted the time writing that when you posted... and I had not done anything at that point. 

No worries though, no one will notice anyways... someone would actually have to read what I post and most don't anyways.  :P

The post right after mine is paramount proof of that.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Azlan, I would prefer it if you did not resort to childish tactics and insult myself and others in your rp post. We are not "self appointed stars" that you seem so eager to describe us as. The child was injured and needed seeing to by a doctor, if one were to think clearly. Forgive me if the insult was not intended, but from my perspective the writing seemed too well-worded for it not to be.

Cheese Foxlee


No, I'm sorry, but I will not stand being insulted like that and being treated like I am trying to take over the rp and trying to be the main star of the show, because I am not.

Aisha deCabre

I just read that myself.  Yeah, nobody's trying to be the "star" or anything like that...it's what our characters would have done.  We're just trying to stay true to ourselves, the RP, and we find that you get a little more variation and pathways made in such plots instead of the monotonous things like, say, standing around and digging graves, and talking.   :3

And, one more thing...you all keep asking where the rest of us are, when those of us that went back to town and the inn SAID we were...like, many times.

So unless Winger and Rei weren't in earshot, I daresay your characters should already know where we are.   :rolleyes
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Well Rei was still blinking about so she wouldn't have heard it... thats why i ask  :3

topher chee

As far as I'm concerned, nobody is the star.  As a matter o' fact, the title makes it seem like Ryudo is the star, but he isn't.  It was named that simply for the purpose of gathering those who were involved in the previous RP, and of course, to recruit some more people.


Good, someone actually read it.  That was a good tactical recommendation, Carran's views do not reflect my own, he's peeved about being left to do the dirty worked and he has told me so. 
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


It still seemed blunt enough a statement to upset some, I see. I will not feel a target, nor respond directly, since it would probably quickly become... clumsy. However I will say this; neither Aisha nor Gareeku have acted out of character, and both their posts, like yours Azlan, are well formulated and descriptive. Losing their support, have no doubt that it is in fact just that, and the aid of someone who was in the original story, would most likely be very detrimental to the thread.
   I will say no further. Just tread carefully.


Indeed, I seem to remember being in that original story, something that has been missed to the point of insult.  I am however past that, but it is surprising to note how large a reaction that garnered.  Behavioral Psychologists would have an opinion on that matter I dare say.  I agree however, one must tread lightly.


I'm editing to clarify, I'm sorry if my character being angry at your characters has somehow offended you... I'm sorry I have to explain this...

Carran is based off of a half-elf from the Rolemaster system of MERP.  In this game system his class is Bard, as it best mixes magic and sorcery within the scope of that system.  Why does this matter?  For this simple reason, as he was based largely off the concept of the old Bard, he is a dabbler in areas musical, lyrical and theatric, with a flare of a writer at times.  He possess a anachronistic flaw, that brings elements from other times into a situation where they are out of context.

*Sigh*  If you have read this far then here is where I tie this together, "popular kids" is the best anachronistic term I could come up with in 15 minutes... the other portions are literary or theatrical based.  So it indeed seems like a shot at the players, but it was not meant as such.  Trust me, if I have a problem with you "trying to be the star" I'm either going to be really peeved and drop a bomb in this OOC or one in your PM about how dissatisfied I am about your grandstanding or what have you.  I am not going to resort to dumb quips in the story.  I put my IMs in my freaking profile for a reason, use it to yell at me.

I can not believe I had to post that... man, people are just too uptight. 

Now I'm offended this offended so easily, can we just call it even and move on... yaar!
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

topher chee

Now that I hope we are all on good terms shall we move on?

Cheese Foxlee

Az, makesa good point.  nothing in the RP should be taken personally.


Then I apologise for being suspicious. Past experiences in RP'ing tend to stick around in one's thoughts.

topher chee

Aisha deCabre

Good, we all make up.   :3

And also, I'm sorry if the post about the angel body part locations are vague...I didn't do much more than scan through the first RP and we haven't finished it anyway.  I forget where all we found them and WHAT we found.   :rolleyes
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


I did not mind taking over the child for the purposes of getting him to a doctor, naming him and selecting a species I did not mind either, but I did not provide the child for stygian's possession and complete usurpation of control.  now I am indeed complaining about this situation, find someone else to abuse with your torturous existence and correct it immediately.

Edit: reduced the case and removed bold/underlining.  Original text posted at high level of anger.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"