Ryudo Lee's Legacy: OOC Topic

Started by Aisha deCabre, December 22, 2006, 02:53:44 PM

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Aisha deCabre

Whoa!  Whoa...Azlan, calm down.  Nobody knew that.  Deep breath, okay?

Honestly, everyone kinda thought you created him as just another plot character.  You sound like you had plans for him later...otherwise we thought he was abandoned.  In all honesty you can't blame us for being confused.  ^^;  And if it makes you feel better, the kid might as well REALLY be safe.

And as the creator of this OOC thread I must kindly ask that you don't use caps.  Everyone's posts are read and considered.  There's no need to grab at attention like that.  We're quite sorry that this was such a big deal.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

topher chee


Speak your intentions beforehand. In nearly any other case I would not have resorted to this action. I am prepared to rectify it if it should prove better, but... Well, let's say that I have felt rather forced to move this on due to a few certain people (not you, Az) not picking up on hints and proceeding with events much against what I had expected.
   I apologize if I have indeed disrupted some sort of "plan" on your part, Azlan, but to me it seemed that you were simply handing us characters without specifying any sort of purpouse or safeguard, therefore leaving them at our leniency.
   I would also like to express a general discontent with some people's actions. Just generally, not specifically. It stems mostly from the way some behave as if they had no regard for what might be considered normal at all.

   As for your comment on my torturous existence, Az... You're an asshole. You're being clumsy, inconsiderate and childish. I have not insulted you personally at one time, and you call me torturous? Your behaviour has angered and disrupted participants of this RP on several occasions. Now, I am willing to just swipe this under the rug and pretend like it never happened. But I will not have that sort of idiocy, and certainly not such an insult to me personally! As I said not too long ago, tread very carefully. You are acting like a fool, and it is apparrent to everyone who just considers this the slightest.


The complete and utter lack of the common courtesy of consultation or request for permission is unacceptable.  I allowed the control and use of the child because it was at least the only thing anyone had actually acknowledged for more then an offhand mention and because it was difficult to split post effectively.  The rest of you moved so fast in comparison to my schedule that I did not think it would be fair to the rest of you to tie things down waiting for me to post and because of my own fear that you would cast him aside if I took over before he became integrated enough that you'd have to interact with him.  Make no mistake, I had a use for the child, albeit a minor one.

Now that whole thing just seems so sour, I don't feel like doing it anymore.  Keep him.  I overreact, but that is my nature... such is Italian temperment @ 0.25 concentration.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Aisha deCabre

Well, honestly, everyone was wanting a bit of a different schedule out of this RP.  Some of us didn't want the "post-per-day" thing, and there wasn't a big complaint.  If things were moving too fast, you could have said something.  Gareeku asked before whether or not the schedule could be changed.  No comment.

And besides, the other group was taking quite a long time with gravedigging, when it's been said several times that the meteor only hit near a farmhouse.  There couldn't have been that many people to take up nearly three pages of that one little event.

That being said, I know that any RPers from the older plot expected a bit more.  But you can't expect people to ALWAYS acknowledge your character's actions.  I know I don't.  We're all just trying our best here.  No more tension, okay?
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Sorry for the frequent posts, but I thought things should be sped along. If anybody wanted to do something before the teleportation (which I highly doubt), I can change my last post.


No, don't, if you don't want to. I am going to have to find a way to evade the party's reaction though. Are you placing them in the inn, or outside it? In one case, I could react, in one other...


Outside sounds logical.

Or I could go with Mel. In it is.


Fine, no more tension... but relenting to this speaks badly of what the future holds, it sets a precedent for a lack of regard for others or I should say, certain others.  I feel like Marcel in Top Chef. 

This would be better if we, maybe communicated better... but that's asking for a stretch as most only seem to stick to certain circles.  We do need a GM, someone whom will be respected and obeyed.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


topher chee

I thik Cheese already said he didn't wanna do that, but its his call


I agree with Styg that you didn't specify you wanted to use him as another Character, Az.

However, I am quite disappointed to find the child basically gone. I thought he could stay around. Besides, I was rather hoping noone else would be possessed for a while...


Who says the child is gone? Stygian had time to do a switch in the doctor's office. And who is to say that there even was a child in the first place? Trust me, there are many leeways, and I am prepared to use them all, if you will just settle down...


Um, I'm not really upset or anything, i was just saying. You should take your own advice. :P

topher chee

*nods in agreement then quickly disapears again*


And the very antithesis of irritable asks a silly question.


I've experience with people like Rynkura (or, at least what I imagine her to be like), and all of them have that same calm, somewhat disregardful tone and approach to strangers, and sometimes even close ones. There's no use in feeling indignant, if that's what you're asking. All one can do is respond in kind.
   If you want an example of this kind of person, then... Have you read Robert Jordan's the Tale of The Dragon Reborn? One name: Cadsuane Melhiandrin.


Sylva isn’t trying to be indignant at all.


Robert Jordan... *shakes his head and laughs*
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Aisha deCabre

Haha...well, I haven't read the book, but you still do Rynkura's personality quite well.   :)

Just try not to overdo it.  She's still my creation.   :3  I'm still debating bringing her into the picture at some later point...   >:3
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


You've mentioned that, I believe. Or have you not? I can't seem to recall... Anyhow, I'll be very careful. Thank you for your cooperation.


Did someone mention (refer to, hint at, allude to) Aes Sedai?!  D:

(Not the box! Please not the box!)


Yooouuu... Youuuuu...!  *He closes slowly on Cognidubnus, a finger raised and his posture low and threatening*

You're absolutely right! You twit! Here!  *He hands him a box. It has a stylized golden plaque in it which proudly displays: "I actually have a clue!"*


A small visit from Leon. I don’t intend for him to stay for a lengthy period of time. Just long enough for him to get introduced to some of the people there.

His appearance, by the way: Short and blond hair, green cape, red bandanna. Human. Carries a long sword with a sapphire-encrusted hilt (currently sheathed, of course).

Mel Dragonkitty

The angel portion of this RP seems to be stalled at the moment. If whomever is in charge of the storyline would like I offer Mel's map as a plot convenience to give a direction to head the adventurers in.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


I think the Angel portion is focused on finding the "core"... not sure how Gimpy plans on proceeding with that.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Well, neither do I. But I have my own agenda for finding it, so I could always insinuate and manipulate a bit...  >:3

Ryudo Lee

*Comes outta nowhere*
Hay guys!  :januscat

Seriously tho, I've gotten myself into a new job that's left me with plenty of time on my hands.  So I'm gonna take some time to read what you guys have in this RP and maybe work myself and Koji into it.  I've been developing Koji's story for a while now, but I may or may not divulge all of that in this particular RP (situation warrants, and all that).

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

Cheese Foxlee


You do know that we owe him a lot for this now?