The (un)Official Naruto Thread(Caution: May contain spoilers. enter at own risk)

Started by Nikki, December 03, 2006, 12:36:27 AM

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Well, if you know anything about me, you MUST know i'm a narutard. so, i decided, i'mma make a thread for Naruto since i think a few of us are Naruto fans here. i mean, i already made one for pokemon and street fighter XD so i guess here we shall discuss:

Ask around for smexy Fanart (you know it's sexy >w>)
and anything else.

Saturday's episodes: i missed the first one but the second one was Shikamaru and Temari. i was yelling at that bum XD

-NO OFF-TOPIC-NESS! it will result in your spine being chewed on by a very angry mixed-breed.
-Don't come in here just to Bash Naruto. if you don't like it, then stay away.
-Everyone likes and dislikes characters. don't be mad at someone if, say, they hate Kakashi and you adore him. Just deal with it.

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


You know I'm a Narutard... though I mostly only read the manga as it comes out week by week.

At the moment, I'm waiting patiently for my Suna headband to arrive in the mail that I ordered off eBay. *looks out the window for signs of the postman every few seconds*

Paladin Sheppard

I'm not a narutard but since I got my first 2 dvd's of the series I very happy with it.


Quote from: RJ on December 03, 2006, 08:19:15 AM
You know I'm a Narutard... though I mostly only read the manga as it comes out week by week.

At the moment, I'm waiting patiently for my Suna headband to arrive in the mail that I ordered off eBay. *looks out the window for signs of the postman every few seconds*

D: not fair! all my headbands got stolen! even my sand one ;;

Quote from: Paladin Sheppard on December 03, 2006, 08:44:21 AM
I'm not a narutard but since I got my first 2 dvd's of the series I very happy with it.
join us...

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Meh. Honestly, the anime's fandom is a bit of a turn-off for me.

I mean, I'm sure it's good, but too many rabid fangirls drooling over Sasuke, it's a bit of a pain.
Same reason why I don't really like InuYasha(that and it's predictability) and why Yu Yu Hakusho's a guity pleasure. >>

... I'll shut up now.


Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Hmm. I'd better find something to neutralize the sasuke hate... *drops Naruto on Xze's head lightly and runs*


that was just an example, the drooling fangirls over just about any character are a tad bit of a turn-off.

Most of the ones I have to put up with are just freakin' annoying.


Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on December 03, 2006, 09:10:53 AM
Hmm. I'd better find something to neutralize the sasuke hate... *drops Naruto on Xze's head lightly and runs*
Naruto: Sasuke will die! BELIVE IT!!

Xze: :bat *mauls* :bat

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


I will never understand why people love Sasuke or Itachi. I mean, I DID like Sasuke... but that was until the end of the Haku and Zabuza arc and then he became a pain in the butt.

As for Itachi- one of the most 2D personalities in the entire series! No offence to Kishimoto if he meant it to be that way, but in comparison to the other Akatsuki we've seen... Itachi is rather watery (even the unknown Leader has more personality). Still, I guess having him that way to us makes him feel more menacing. I just wish the fangirls would stop fangasming over him every single time he's mentioned.

>.< Oh well, important thing is- although I think they're both jerks (it MUST run in the family), I do appreciate them as characters who drive the plot.

BTW... Fellow Narutards:

On the profile section you'll also find a link to the 'Horrors of AIM' fic on my dA. I think I've done something right for once XD


Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Ok I like Naruto. I like Sasuke, and I hate it when people bitch about Sasuke. I mean put yourself in his shoes. Come home one day to find out everyonn in your clan is dead save your older brother. Then you find your older brother is the one that killed them all because he wanted to unlock the secrets of his clan. Then on top of that he goes and total screws up your mind. I'd say he has alittle bit of a right to act the way he does. Hell he's one of the writers favorite character. I mean he has his issued but so does Naruto. I just want to know where this Naruto saying "Believe it" all the damn time. I've never seen him say that in the Japanese version. Maybe once in a while but not like he does in the American version. It's a good series, but I prefer the Japanese over the American. I may even start downloading the fan translated mangas. They're up to like 200 something in Japanese. I really want to looking into the Kakashi Gaiden story arch in the Manga.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Aye. i see where you're at about Sasuke...he just needs to realize he needs help from his team >>

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


I've only seen much of the show, but I do have this to say: Rock Lee could have beaten anyone else in the tournament, he just got stuck with the one guy who actually had something that could defend against him.  To take a tip that any seasoned D&D player would know, you don't try to attack a person with Damage Reduction in melee unless you have the proper weapon, and I'd have to say fire would have been the kind of stuff Rock need to get through Garaa's sand armor.


More than likely the reason why Sasuke does so good against him. I still like the Naruto vs Gaara fight, that gets good. It won't happen for like a hundred episodes or so.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Demon possessed vs. demon possessed.  Yeah, they have to make that epic.


Actually the fight is kind odd. Something happens and Gaar is put to sleep. His Demon takes over, using sand to create it's self. It wrecks havoc and Naruto sets out to stop him. Tough the trick he does with Gomabunta and Henge is pretty sweet.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


If you guys really do have any questions on Naruto and the series, ask me. :P I know way too much than I should- except about the anime. I haven't seen enough of that.

I do know that the 2nd series is going to be called Naruto: Hurrican Chronicles, and is going to be out around Feb/Mar. As well, there's going to be a new Narutimate game coming out featuring all part 2 characters. And a movie featuring part 2 characters is coming out as well next year.

Quote from: Daimien on December 03, 2006, 10:23:22 AM
Ok I like Naruto. I like Sasuke, and I hate it when people bitch about Sasuke.

It's true that Sasuke is Kishimoto's "Golden Boy", and he is an interesting character in terms of the plot and such. But after you see how he acts in Naruto 2, you'll understand why I don't like him so much.

QuoteThey're up to like 200 something in Japanese. I really want to looking into the Kakashi Gaiden story arch in the Manga.

They're up to 333 chapters at the moment, and the Kakashi Gaiden starts at chapter 239.

Quote from: Manawolf on December 03, 2006, 07:26:14 PM
To take a tip that any seasoned D&D player would know, you don't try to attack a person with Damage Reduction in melee unless you have the proper weapon, and I'd have to say fire would have been the kind of stuff Rock need to get through Garaa's sand armor.

Poor Lee can't use chakra :( Though I'm wondering why he didn't try explosive tags...


Still would have been nice if he got to deliver a foot up Neji's smug ass.



Okay, Zedd's being too slow, and that's through AIM.  Who knows how Ninjutsu and Genjutsu work?


Does this explain anything at all? I didn't feel like reading it



The entire link didn't get counted. Look next time, then copy and paste.


It'd be even easier if I didn't have to do so for someone who pretends to be smart.


I am intelligent, but also possess density.  I have the tendency to take things as they are, and can be quite skilled at the things I do know about (such as video games).  But enough, no need to snap over a minor error.


Ok, sorry. I just though the missing ) in the page you were led to would've made the problem easier to spot.