Introducin' myself (again...)

Started by Jigsaw Forte, November 23, 2006, 12:02:20 PM

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Jigsaw Forte

Yeah, it's probably bad form to do this four months or so after you start the account here, but hey, if you've managed to forget the password, it's probably not a bad idea anyway.

My name's Rachel, though from here on in I'll be answering to 'Jigsaw', since that's the character I've named the account with. I've been following DMFA since... oh..  the low #100's. I actually remember when Amber had a VCL account and everything. ^_^

I've only recently gotten back into the whole 'furry' swing since I've been working on my webcomic (I don't have it hosted anywhere special yet, but I've got the first few strips up at my deviantArt account,, and since this is the only real 'furry' forum I know of... it seemed like the best place to go and say Hi all over again.

So, hello!


To the villa!

[EDIT] And now that we are in the correct forum... Greetings. :)
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llearch n'n'daCorna

Indeed. Welcome, but you should be standing over there...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


yay, it's another of the ancients! unless "following DMFA since the low 100s" isn't ancient enough to be an ancient...



*wanders over to deviant account *

awesome stuff


*Waves.* Hello! :)  Beware of squirrels handing out exploding muffins and the the one called 'BillBuckner.'  (They're both mods. :O)


Watch out for exploding dark entities as well. They should be around here, somewhere... *peers*


Teehee... >:3  *Reaches for the button labled, "Da Bomb!"*


Hello  :)

welcome to these forums, I hope you'll enjoy yourself here, you're a welcome addition to the many great furry artists this forum has.  :)


He means "addition". You might want to make a welcome post too. I don't think making a pointless one word post like that constitutes as one.

Anyways, welcome to the forums, Jigsaw! It's good to see yet another big fan of the comics such as yourself. :)


It's an addition of the limited edition, that requires some tuition for correct pronounciation...


EEEE! I can see my house from here...



Quote from: Gareeku on November 23, 2006, 01:18:50 PM
He means "addition". You might want to make a welcome post too. I don't think making a pointless one word post like that constitutes as one.

Anyways, welcome to the forums, Jigsaw! It's good to see yet another big fan of the comics such as yourself. :)

Thanks for correcting me on that one  :)


yes we all thank a proof of great dictionary master and spelling master and POSTER master do you have something else to add for us here master?

be welcome jigsaw, i didn't say it before before i concentrate to pick on Aiyno so much >:3 that i forgot! D:

also thank you haz for the cool smile i didn't know yet! ;)


Welcome back.  [Can't think of anything else to add]

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Welcome aboard! I predict that soon you will be trembling in fear, if you're not already. Enjoy your stay >:3


Quote from: God-Beast on November 23, 2006, 02:23:10 PM
yes we all thank a proof of great dictionary master and spelling master and POSTER master do you have something else to add for us here master?

I was merely pointing out that it was a bit unfair to Jigsaw for you to come into her thread but not even welcome her.

Now kindly refrain from being a pathetic trolling idiot.

Sorry about that, everyone.

Jigsaw Forte

Now this, I appreciate :) Thanks guys!

llearch n'n'daCorna

Don't thank us. You'll learn what's wrong with us, sooner or later. *grin*
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Roureem Egas

Heyo and welcome Jigsaw!

Newbie bonus for you from the vault of odd stuff I have is a pebble.


Welcome new me-I mean new person....Its good to see you here...Sides I hope you watch yourself now...Alot people want to huggle till you scream Jehova


J-Je-no-va... Jen-n-no-va... *drags his feet, Chosen of the Planet plays in the background*


Hehe, hi! :)

As a sign of friendship, please accept this basket of muffins I baked! I'm sure you'll get a bang out of them   :giggle


Alan Garou

Quote from: RJ on November 23, 2006, 09:37:49 PM
Hehe, hi! :)

As a sign of friendship, please accept this basket of muffins I baked! I'm sure you'll get a bang out of them   :giggle

For the love of god, RUN! They're filled with plutonium, and gunpowder, and nitroglycerin! Anyway, hi. I hope you have a good time here. My advice? Don't touch anything. You'd be amazed at how many ways you can die around here. But, to get things off on the right foot, here's some free karma.


Onoes, yet another old member everyone knows but me.  :<

Hi.  :)


....who gave the first smite!!??

*delivers not-as-important second smite*

:bat welcome :bat

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Is it just me or is that cat's eyes facing subtly different directions?