The Serenity "Spoilers" Topic

Started by Darkmoon, October 01, 2005, 12:10:25 AM

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I really wanna discuss this movie now, but I don't wanna kill it for people. So here we are. If you wanna keep yourself spoiler free, read no further.

Well, I have to say for starters, I didn't feel that the movie was as unbalanced as some critics said it was. Each character at least got a few moments, almost all of them got a laugh or two. It was better balanced than some of the Star Treks, that's for sure.

I did feel that Wash didn't get nearly as much screen time as he deserved, which was only complicated by the fact that he died quite suddenly.

I wasn't as shocked by Book's death, since he had pretty well grown as far as he could without a totally Book centric feature, which would have been more to show his past than anything. He was done growing, and there was no reason to force more growth on him. If they had to kill anyone, he was the most likely, really.

There were plenty of tense moments for me, especially the end space sequence with the reavers. I was hurt when they nearly killed Serenity on landing. That got me more than any of the deaths did. But hooowhee, that space sequence was killer. Very well executed.

Do I feel that River being all better was a bit too sudden? Yeah. Great that she found the notch that was making her insane, but seriously, it should have been more than one bad group memory. That was a bit strained...

I would certainly give it an 8.8 out of 10... Thoughts?


I don't think that she's "all better."  I think something just clicked, allowing her to control some aspects a little bit better, and deal with what was going through her head.  Maybe some shielding, or some such.

I was somewhat surprised we didn't get a better view of what the Reavers looked like.  Especially since they went through the trouble of all of that makeup.  I was impressed with the backstory they came up with, though.  Very believeable.

Mal, I thoguht, was the real gem of the movie.  It was such a turnaround from the series, you could see how much the departure of Inara and the last few months (or however long) had been weighing on him.

*mourns the dead*

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


Hey Dam has d'moon ever cried during a movie?

Sin Ominous

The girls among my club alumni couldn't handle Wash's death.

Jorge D. Fuentes

I don't know what you guys are talking about...
...but I smell 'geek movie' in this thread, sooooooooo...

I went to see "FlightPlan" last week, and this week I saw "The 40yr old Virgin" and "Tim Burton's Corpse Bride".

I enjoyed all of them.  The 2nd one was hilarious(ly wrong).



I wanna see 40 Year Old Virgin.

For the uninitiated, and I dunno why any of them would be in this thread, we're talkin about Serenity, the movie follow up to the short lived series Firefly, by Joss Whedon.

Sin Ominous

I still want to see 40-yr-old Virgin, as well. :(

Jorge D. Fuentes

Quote from: Darkmoon on October 03, 2005, 09:28:28 AM
I wanna see 40 Year Old Virgin.

For the uninitiated, and I dunno why any of them would be in this thread, we're talkin about Serenity, the movie follow up to the short lived series Firefly, by Joss Whedon.


Eh, I don't care for that stuff... not anymore.  Firefly, Buffy, etc.   Honestly I didn't even know a show called Firefly even existed.  Is it like them Andromeda, Earth2, Earth: Final Conflict, BattleStar Galactica, Lexx, or hmm... that other show people drool over... on SciFi... I forget... it's like... Oh yeah, Babylon5?

'cuz if it is, I truly don't care.

The 40Yr Old Virgin is a Riot.  You guys should go see that.  Worth every penny.


It's nothing like those.  It's soooo much better. :D

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


She's a firefly-whore. If it was possible for TV and woman to mate, she would.

Jorge D. Fuentes

Quote from: Damaris on October 04, 2005, 11:27:27 AM
It's nothing like those. It's soooo much better. :D

* Jorge D. Fuentes decreases Dam's Credibility.


She is a fangirl, but i do have to say, it is a good show she's gone all fannish over.


It's funny.  And pretty.  And they don't make noise in space.  And they have plastic toy dinosaurs and horses.  What more does one need in life?

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


Damn skippy. Plastic toy dinosaurs always sell me.

Sin Ominous

Great that they kept his dinos on the control panel at the end of the movie. :)


Well seriously, could they remove them? It'd be like defiling a shrine or something.