Right now, I fail, but things will be better.

Started by Stygian, October 17, 2006, 06:16:17 PM

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Greetings. As you can see from the title and the less than adequate 5-minute avatar, I fail. With mouintains of schoolwork, training and my 18th birthday around the corner, I have run a... stressful schedule lately. This will hopefully be over quickly enough, as I hope to soon have scanner settings, tablet and editing program up and running. Until then though... I am forced to suck a little, so please bear with me.

A short summary; I am Stygian. I've read the comic, found it good and Amber's artistical development just marvellous. Me, I'm a junior artist. Only been at it for a couple of months now, and I've never drawn furries before, but I am slowly achieving results. Hopefully you'll get to see progress as we go. Hopefully...

Now; who else here thinks Abel rocks?


Welcome and yes, Abel is definitely one of my fav characters :) He's sooooo cute :3

Roureem Egas

Heya, new guy. Have a possessed book's bookmark.


Greetings and salutations!

Stressful schedules suck muchly. And I'm quite sure you can become a great artist if you put your mind to it!



Hey there! I'm not seeing any avatar - inadequate or not...

Stygian... reminds me of the guild with the same name from World of Warcraft. No relation?


Absolutely none. Were I to exist in the world of Warcraft, that place would probably have fallen apart.

Oh, and thanks for the bookmark. Though are you sure that it is not the bookmarks themselves that are possessed? This one seems to have a very firm grip of my hand... *background sound of gnashing teeth*


No. Avatar is still firmly attatched to my face. *tugs* Can't get it off...


Hiya, Stygian, welcome to the insanity! Pull up a chair, relax, and enjoy your stay!


If that avatar's inadequate, I can't wait to see good.

Welcome to the Clockwork Mansion! I'd warn you about the artists, but I'm sure you know about our methods of punishments already.
If not, then you poor, poor bastard.

Have an acorn!

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Everyone here is insane, except me. :paranoid

Alone in the herd.  Unless, of course, you have some sanity left...?


Why even ask? *hands over a muffin* Here, have a taste of this- it's explode-in-your-mouth goodness!  :)

llearch n'n'daCorna

Well, mostly because you hadn't offered the plate around yet, and I figured you might have forgotten. :-)

... Fire in the hole!
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


RJ? Muffins? Pwease? *attempts to look cute, fails mainly due to huge silver teeth and claws*

Jim Halisstrad

Awesome Screen name *Thumbs up*
Welcome to the boards :3


Welcome. Others will be along with gifts shortly, so I'll just leave you with a bit of advise. Don't eat the muffins, play nice with the forumites, trust noone age 14 or younger (or who smiles at you a lot), and don't irritate any of our four mods. Hope you enjoy yer time here!

*Dances to Amish Paradise, for no reason than to test out the new emore*  :ipod


*begs that at least 98% of your posts make sense, the forum's on a losing streak*


Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on October 17, 2006, 08:31:27 PM
*begs that at least 98% of your posts make sense, the forum's on a losing streak*

Fear not, for I sense that this young man will be our savior!

... Okay, maybe not that extreme, but he's got perfect grammar and spelling. That counts for a lot.


Hello there..Names Zedd...Pleased to meet you...*holds out his red paw for shaking and I am red huskie cubi...And here have some wine..I made it myself..My tribe is noted for that




Welcome to the forum, act like you find appropriate don´t make them force you to be formal all the time  :3

I´m Aiyno Wolf, debateable sanity and such are my grounds. Most people here are just insane, though. Watch your step.  ;)


*his face exploded, Stygian turns to face people in order*

Hanfh fr he wrnhngh ahod eh mffnhs... (Translation: Thanks for the warning about the muffins)

*Stygian puts his hand across his face which... slides... back into place. He looks at the muffin*

Was good though. Did you pilfer these from Fa'lina? Ah, never mind. I suppose they make for a nice way to end a life in a pleasant manner.

I regretfully have to admit that I have very little sanity left in my... system. But I try my best to make do with what little I have. As for me, I'm a... bat. Yes. That fits. Prominent canines, long arms. Ribbed ears. A bat.

By the way, the wine smells like a nice vintage. No exploding, I presume? *He sips it without waiting for an answer*

Oh, and the reason for my liking of Abel is not cuteness. Rather, I see quite a few similarities between him and myself. Though admittedly we differ at as many points... And thanks for the critique, Aridas. I appreciate that.


Heh... It's just that I want to actually be able to understand what someone's saying, and that's difficult with some people here. I guess there won't be a problem with you though, you seem sorted out enough... I hope... >.>


Sorted out? By nightmares, no! That would be a metaphysical impossibility. Though that goes for everyone.

Then again, if you account for extra dimensions in a linear fasion and possible parallel existences, I am sure you would reach a point of positive incidence where all is still and sorted out at some time. Well, not a time, but a point. Which is nowhere, if you get my idea. Anyhow, if all was sorted out, that would mean a stillness, which implies that all energy in an existence is focused and still at one point in time, which is impossible since that would imply that you have an inverse energy form or perhaps a singularity that held all the energy together, but a singularity cannot exist without the gravity to bend, and that implies there is energy left to attract. So your point in stillness would be the single vibration of a superstring before the existence of a universe, where the energy is perfectly attuned and about to destabilize and that... Oh dear.

*Stygian stares intently at his palm*

Ehm... I seem to have created a small cosmos with my argumentation. Does anyone have a place to put it? No? Pity.

*Stygian smudges out the little universe with his thumb. He then looks up with a slightly confused expression on his face*

Did... did someone hear a kitten scream just now?


By "sorted out" I think he means ye put the letters in the right order.

Beyond that, it is clear that you are completely "nucking futs," as my friend would say. Glad to have you here!



Oh dear! Haz has arrived late to the Rotating Avatar of DEATH DEATH DEATHHHH!!!!! party!  D:



What's more fun to say, "Cute", or "DEATH DEATH DEATHHHHH!!!!!!"?


Oh... so it was that simple all along? Guess you're not sorted out then. Und hier dachte ich, dass ich wirklich auf etwas war... But all that mumbo-jumbo actually comes from experience, beleive it or not. Now, if you want madness...

Nah. Have some brownies instead.