
Started by TheGreyRonin, October 17, 2006, 05:34:29 PM

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I get the feeling even asking this will make me look like an idiot, but hey all I can wound is my pride...

...And I have none.

So! Exactly how does karma work? I was under the original impression that it was like a popularity index, showing how well-favored you were among the forum. Then I saw people handing out smites like candy...

I realize the final answer will most likely be "Karma only matters if you care about it", but can someone please kindly explain to the poor, confused Humaseeri what it's good for?


Karma only matters if you care about it.


Seriously, though, it doesn't do anything, and it means nothing.


That's rather what I thought, but I wasn't 100% sure. I prefer to ask before stepping on toes and such.

...Not that it stops me from stepping on toes and such; I'm just more aware of the possible consequences. *grins*


Allegedly it means nothing... but I take it way too seriously. Because it's what I do.

*hands out applauses*


If this were a popularity contest then... Some people need more applause :D

llearch n'n'daCorna

Some aren't interested in applause, and some have been, uh, "applauded" by the mods. Who don't have to wait 15 minutes between clicks.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I rarely pay attention to Karma, and if I dom it's just a "huh.... okay then, move on"
Though I will occaisionally applaud people if I like them. because I'm strange like that.
I usually forget though.


I've been handing out applause to helpful or friendly folks on here myself, just to show my thanks. I can't see me handing out any smites, though, unless asked to.

Jim Halisstrad

For no good reason I display a picture.

I figure Creativity would get a kick out of this.


/kicks the internet over


*hands out another round of applause*

Hey, who keeps smiting Haz? It's a struggle to just keep his levels even!


Quote from: DigitalMan on October 17, 2006, 09:04:12 PM
*hands out another round of applause*

Hey, who keeps smiting Haz? It's a struggle to just keep his levels even!
Oh, fine, I'll fix it.

Oops, slipped.  :<


Amber Williams

Applause/smite is something I often forget exists until someone makes a comment about it.   Considering the mods/admins use it mostly to bap eachother with smites...it is definately not a judge of character for the people on the forum.  (If anyone was actually seriously bad, they'd get a lecture or a warning from the admins)

Sometimes when the mood strikes me I'll go off into am applaus or smite-fest at random people. But those are primarily just me being silly and not an act of actual favour/aggression.


*puts on a sandwich board that reads "Randomly choose me for an applause-fest, Amber!"*


*hands out more applause*

*notices Haz's levels*

I just can't win :< Well technically I guess it means he just can't win... *whistles innocently*


My karma moves... very... slowly...
Of course, my posts are lame and not really karma worthy.

I did give Darkmoon his 2000th smite though.
His karma had been sitting at -1999 for a day or so, so I just gently nudged it over.


I like to just randomly smite people for a few hundred at a time... tis nice...

In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


I applause people when they do something good...

and I smite them hard when they annoy me.  It's cathartic. >)


You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


I have never smited anyone, and I never intend to.

*hands out more applause, thereby evening out Eibbor's karma* Another victory for all that is good, righteous, and/or cheese-flavored!

Hey, even without a 15-minute wait, wouldn't a hundred or more smites take a rather long time?


I think mods have uber-smiting powers. They can smite with thousands of points at a time. Remember: mod and God differ only by a single letter. Fear the mods, and tremble in their presence.

Also, applaud teh moogle! :moogle
\^.^/ \O.O/ \¬.¬/ \O.^/ \o.o/ \-.-/' \O.o/ \0.0/ \>.</


Yes, but I don't think anyone's every heard of a Goderator. :|


but mods suck. admins are the ones you have to fear.



Quote from: ×HaZ×MaT× on October 18, 2006, 02:47:36 AM
Yes, but I don't think anyone's every heard of a Goderator. :|

... Until now...

Actually, you may have just helped me with a very difficult naming task... The Goderator... That might just work...

*applauds the moogle, as well as everyone else, again* 'Cuz I've got too much time on my hands, it's ticking away with my sanity... :ipod

I fear neither mods nor admins, for I obey the rules! :mwaha ... Mostly... >.>;


Like Master Yadder say...The power of the Karma....Matters...It does not young padiawan


if you have a lot of Bad Karma, you probably either ticked a lot of people off, or you did something really stupid to one of the mods. Say like Goosing RJ or Amber, or by challenging Darkmoon to get RSI.


Quote from: je.saist on October 18, 2006, 04:10:41 AM
if you have a lot of Bad Karma, you probably either ticked a lot of people off, or you did something really stupid to one of the mods. Say like Goosing RJ or Amber, or by challenging Darkmoon to get RSI.

Or someone else who was handing out applause ticked off a mod and they took it out on you.

What's RSI, anyways?

Hey, another 15 minutes went by, time for another round!


Quote from: DigitalMan on October 18, 2006, 05:28:38 AM
What's RSI, anyways?

Repetitive Strain Injury.  It's permanent damage to your hands caused by using a mouse too much.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I have a feeling it isn't permanant. I think I had it when I was little (like 8) from using my dad's computer at a funny angle and it dissapeared. Still, temporarily putting a mod out of action could be interesting... I wonder how many smites/applauses it would take...