Kittah Art...MA for NAKEDNESS!

Started by kittyblackrabbit, October 10, 2006, 03:49:08 PM

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Quote from: King Of Hearts on January 02, 2007, 03:55:08 AM
Nightelves get ALL the fun.

It's not colord yet but it's NOT a NE, they are gayer than gay


Quote from: Kittah on January 02, 2007, 12:32:33 PM
Quote from: King Of Hearts on January 02, 2007, 03:55:08 AM
Nightelves get ALL the fun.

It's not colord yet but it's NOT a NE, they are gayer than gay

That's pretty damn gay. :P

Kickass art as usual, Kittah. :)


Not a night elf? What else could she be? Not lanky enough to be a troll, perhaps a blood elf since the only friggin' difference is the color scheme.

Enough analysis, time for praise. I really like the patterns on the clothing, and the hair looks great, though I find myself trying to look for the other ear. It just seems like her left ear would be sticking out past the hair.
Yap by Silver.



So of couse it's a BE


Oh noes a blood elf wants my blood! *runs off screaming like a ninny* (Slient Wulf ref)


good work so far keep it up

hehe...janus in a dress...ehe


if you added a few more details and had some one color the on the witchcraft one would rock.
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.


The clothing is typical sin'dorei, but the ears suggest night elf. Blood elf ears go straight up, not laid back like night elves.


Ok so my lazy ass has taken a while just to get this far. This part i was actually taught to do cause i'm a physical media person (pens, pencils, ect) so doing things digitaly is still new to me, anyway without further ado! new inks and base colors.... face and hair only right now




SO here's an update on the image that i've been workin on. Yes I'm taking my time Want to make sure i get it all perfect and nice4 and shit.


Nice. The color scheme's pretty cool. My one critique is that the eyes look kinda weird. If she's shouting or being caught by surprise or whatever, wouldn't they be open wider?


she's casting a spell i ju havnt put the effets in


Looks great so far. :)  *Thumbs up*



Kitta is that a priest with Tier 4?


And here is another update. ALL the inks and the base colors are finally done, now i just have to do the shading and find a decent bg for it LOL

:) Priest T3 is hard to draw IMO (But best looking of all the sets IMHO)



Personally Kitta.. I think this is turning out to be one of the best things you've ever drawn. I just like it that freaking much!


I agree wholeheartedly with Wildy. That is one hell of a good piece of art. The body pose is drawn perfectly, in my opinion. Brilliant stuff. :)


Now all you have to do is sell commissions for WoW Gold. Great success.


Quote from: Wildy on January 09, 2007, 12:24:03 AM
Personally Kitta.. I think this is turning out to be one of the best things you've ever drawn. I just like it that freaking much!

Your also trying to get me to draw your night elf druid *shudder* Stupid af...


all done,
Lazy eye problem fixed because i just rememberd belves have glowing eyes

yay! and with 1 full week to go!


Never mess with a pissed bloodelf  :)


Your abilities have progressed quite a lot, that looks awesome.


Yay for colors and sparkly effects. ^-^ Your next arts better be as good. :3 Or else I'll get the Murlocs to swim in your bathtub! O:


Cool glowy effects, but the color doesn't seem to have enough contrast.  But other than that I have no critques, awesome job.


Very nice work on the glowy effects. I look forward to seeing more awesome art like this :3