Smokers, Assemble!

Started by Jim Halisstrad, October 04, 2006, 05:17:35 PM

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oh noes, smoking at 13. or, god forbid, 17!

I'm sorry, but do you know anythign that goes on in school systems these days? I can't go a day in my school withotu passing at least one person that was just smoking. *The smell kinda gives them away* Every morning on my way in, I see this group of sophmores smoking not far from the school.

Kids smoke. I don't condone it, but it happens and there's really nothign that can be done. You can tell them its bad, you can try and convince them not to, but its their choice, and they do what they want.

Sorry if I seem rude, but.... yeah.


I just don't see the point.  It's expensive, and all it does is kill you.  Well, shorten life expectancy, anyway.

Jim Halisstrad

W00t, I get to sound like a hypocrite now!  If you decide to smoke don't start because your friends do.
It's bad, and wrong, it's badong.

(And if your curious, I started because I needed something to reduce stress.)

Amber Williams

The issue insanekaosx isn't so much that they are smoking, so much that they are advocating/admitting it on a forum...where as its been shown many times that things people confess in public domains such as these have a tendency to bite either the poster or the forum-owners in the butt.

I did not tell Xze she shouldn't do something, so much that she shouldn't be going to a public forum to say she's doing something illigal. It is like if someone comes around asking for torrent sites.  I could care less if people are downloading illigal files, but the forum is not the place to discuss things on.


Aheh, that wasn't aimed at you Amber, sorry >> I should'a quoted.

Was more towards Slaveki, but it could be in general as well I guess.

You are right though, this really isn't the place to discuss illegal matters *shoves bag under a couch with his foot >>*


Quote from: Jim Halisstrad on October 07, 2006, 03:31:44 AM
W00t, I get to sound like a hypocrite now!  If you decide to smoke don't start because your friends do.
It's bad, and wrong, it's badong.

(And if your curious, I started because I needed something to reduce stress.)
I guess 99% of all smokers started that way, kids that wanted to be "cool", "rebelz", "go with the flow" and end up like sheeps, see any irony there?  :3

I've always been the black sheep anyway, bwahaha  :kruger


I'm pretty sure that underage smoking is legal. Underage purchasing of cigarettes, or purchasing cigarettes to give to underage citizens is not.


The only place I mind smokers is in restaurants. That smell doesn't mix with food. But other than that, I really don't care. Probably the only reason I don't smoke is that I don't have the money for it and that my parents would freak (and I really don't need that right now. They already think I'm turning into some depressed wierdo just because I got bored in algebra and sharpied little black stars on my nails. o_O)

To tell the truth, I couldn't care less about my health. It's just that my uncle, a lifelong smoker, just got lung cancer, and he's definitely one of the greatest people I know. It makes me sad that I'm going to get to spend less time with him because of cigarettes.


No smoking or drinking for me. I'm strictly never touching the stuff- not just because of my religious beliefs, but after the people I had to hang out with last year at TAFE. Each day I went, I was bombarded with second-hand smoke... because EVERYONE smokes at TAFE, even the teachers. >.<

Not to mention I'm sensitive to the stuff... I do hate having the smell of cigarettes in my lungs all day D:

As much as I wish people would stop abusing their bodies that way, I guess I don't have much of a say in it. -.-


Quote from: Slavkei on October 07, 2006, 01:03:00 AM
Quote from: Xze-Xze on October 07, 2006, 12:27:51 AM
>> I'm considering going with a few of my friend and trying out a bit of what they smoke.. >>

YOU'RE THIRTEEN. Wait a few years. Jesus Christ.

I had ONE puff when I was 7.  Cured for life after that.


My sensei smoked but when he got married last month his wife forced him to stop. The poor guy went cold turkey and got really sick for a few days before starting to recover. Unfortunately he's feeling much better now and has a lot more energy which means that we all have to work twice as hard at training :U. Seriously though, I'm glad he quit and it's really great to see him doing so well :)


QuoteCan Anybody Tell Us Why Smoking Isn't Stupid?

    * Girls who smoke are 7 times more likely to grow excess facial hair.
    * Teens who smoke produce twice as much phlegm as teens who don't.
    * Smoking causes "hairy tongues" from the tar.
    * Teenage smokers see shrinks more than other teens.
    * Cigarettes contain formaldehyde - the same stuff used to preserve dead frogs.
    * Teens who smoke are more likely to catch a cold than people who don't-and their symptoms will probably be worse and last longer.
    * Studies find nonsmoking women to be more physically attractive.
    * Smoking is known to cause impotence in men.
    * The Marlboro man died from emphysema.
    * Teen smokers are more likely to gain belly fat.
    * Male smokers are more likely to have mutated sperm.
    * Puppies can die from eating 2 cigarette butts.
    * Cigarette smoke causes asthma in cats.
    * Smokers earn 10% less money than non-smokers.
    * Over 7,000 companies do not hire smokers
    * Kids who smoke 2 or 3 cigarettes a day can get hooked in as short as two weeks.
    * Once they get hooked, the average smoker smokes for seventeen years.
    * A Canadian dies every 12 minutes from tobacco use.
    * 72% of high school seniors consider smoking a dirty habit, and say they'd rather date someone who doesn't smoke.
    * Smoking is more common among individuals with less education and lower income.
    * Smokers run slower and can't run as far as non-smokers.
    * Cigars and spit tobacco are not safe alternatives to smoking.
    * Even short-term use of spit tobacco can cause cracked lips, white spots, sores, and bleeding in your mouth.
    * Many kids start smoking (even though they know it's stupid) because they don't know how to say no to tobacco.
    * Smoking is the major cause of heart disease.
    * Operations to remove oral cancers caused by tobacco can permanently change the shape of your face.
    * People who try to quit chewing tobacco have the same symptoms as people trying to quit cigarettes.
    * Spit tobacco diminishes your sense of taste, so food doesn't taste as good.
    * Spit tobacco can cause tooth decay.
    * Smoking can lead to diseases that make your hair fall out.
    * Smokers are 1 1/2 times more likely than non-smokers to lose their teeth.
    * Cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide, the same poisonous gas in car exhaust.
    * Smoking a pack a day for a whole year will cost you about $1200.
    * Quitting smoking now can boost your energy and stamina within just a few days.
    * Secondhand smoke fills the air with many of the same poisons found in the air around toxic waste dumps.
    * Smoking can decrease your life expectancy by as much as 15-25 years.
    * Carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke can make your skin look wrinkled and gray.
    * A single, large cigar smoked in one hour can contain as much tobacco as a pack of cigarettes.
    * You might think smoking calms your nerves, but actually it can increase your anxiety.
    * Among high school seniors who smoke 1 - 5 cigarettes a day, 70% will still be smoking-and risking their health-5 years later.
    * Tobacco is the only legal substance that is lethal when used as intended by the manufacturer.
    * It takes 25 years for a cigarette butt to decompose.
    * Cigarettes contain over 4,000 chemicals.
    * Worldwide, 600 trillion cigarettes are sold each year.
    * Secondhand smoke is just as bad for pets as it is for people.
    * Studies show that smokers are more likely than non-smokers to go deaf as they grow older.
    * Chewing tobacco lessens a person's senses of taste and smell. As a result, users tend to eat more salty and sweet foods, both of which are harmful if consumed in excess.
    * 44% of teens say they didn't know bidi cigarettes could lead to cancer.
    * One bidi cigarette produces 3 times as much nicotine and carbon monoxide as a regular cigarette and 5 times as much tar.
    * Smoking just one cigarette is enough to impair the function of the heart so it has to work harder.
    * Each year in the U.S. there are more tobacco-related deaths than deaths from AIDS, car accidents, murders, suicide, drug overdoses and fires combined.
    * Teenagers who smoke have poorer general health than those who do not smoke.
    * Teenagers who smoke use more medications than those who do not smoke.
    * Teenagers who smoke have significantly more trouble sleeping than those who do not smoke.
    * Lung cancer has surpassed breast cancer as the leading cause of cancer deaths among females .
    * Tobacco companies spent more than $12.7 Billion each year on advertising.† That is 26 times the money NIKE made in 2003.
    * Smokers have about 10 times as many wrinkles as non-smokers.
    * Every 3 years, tobacco kills as many Americans as all our wars combined--over 1,000,000 people.
    * Nearly 1 in 5 deaths in the U.S. are related to smoking.
    * The most recent tobacco use figures for Virginia show that 4 of 5 High School students don't smoke.
    * 40% of teenagers who smoke daily have tried to quit and failed.
    * Nicotine is more addictive than so-called "harder" drugs. 1 in 3 users become addicted, compared to 1 in 9 for regular alcohol users and 1 in 4 for crack or cocaine users.
    * Teens who try to quit smoking suffer the same nicotine withdrawal symptoms as adults who try to quit.
    * About 2/3 of teen smokers say they want to quit smoking, and 70% say they would not have started if they could choose again.
    * An estimated 1 billion packs of cigarettes are sold to minors under the age of 18 every year.
    * Each cigarette you smoke cuts 11 minutes from your life expectancy.
    * 1 out of 3 young people who become regular smokers will die of a smoking related disease.
    * Young adult smokers are 43% more likely to suffer a stroke than their non-smoking peers.
    * Secondhand smoke may cause thousands of healthy kids to develop asthma each year.
    * Smoking as few as 5 cigarettes a day can reduce teens' lung function growth, with teenage girls being especially vulnerable.
    * Girls and women are significantly more likely than boys to report feeling dependent on cigarettes and are more likely to report feeling sad, blue or depressed during attempts to quit.
    * Studies rank secondhand smoke as the third leading cause of preventable death in the U.S., after active smoking and alcohol use, with 53,000 deaths annually.
    * Smokers are admitted to hospitals twice as often as nonsmokers.
    * A recent study showed that in households where both parents smoke, kids take in a nicotine equivalent of smoking 80 cigarettes a year.
    * In 2000, the largest single cause of fatal accidental house fires was the careless handling and disposal of smoking materials.
    * Smoking can cause gangrene in your leg because it makes you 16 times more likely to have blocked blood vessels in your legs and feet.
    * Smoking costs Virginians $1.92 billion a year in healthcare costs.
    * The tobacco industry spends $528 million each year marketing its products in Virginia.
    * Each year, the tobacco industry contributes over $2.5 Million to political parties and federal candidates.
    * Most Virginia kids who don't smoke say it's because they want to stay healthy.
    * If you smoke and you break a bone it can take longer to heal.
    * If you smoke when you're young it can stunt your lung growth.
    * Smokers are three times more likely to get out of breath when they play sports.
    * Smoking can make you look old when you're still young.
    * Kids in Virginia who smoke are more likely to say it's because they are addicted than any other reason.
    * Every day, 3,000 young people become regular tobacco users and 4,800 smoke their first cigarette.
    * Tobacco smoke makes your hair and clothes stink!
    * Tobacco stains teeth and causes bad breath.
    * Nicotine narrows your blood vessels and puts extra strain on your heart.
    * Kids who start smoking are more likely to get lower grades in school.
    * Smoking can wreck your lungs and reduce the amount of oxygen available to your muscles when you play sports.
    * Tobacco is the most widely grown non-food crop in 120 countries - 10 to 20 million people could be fed if food crop was grown in its place.
    * Burning tobacco is the main source of indoor pollution in the developed world.
    * One whole tree is needed to cure the tobacco for 300 cigarettes.
    * Smokers have more back pain than non-smokers.
    * By age 11, kids of mothers who smoked more than 10 cigarettes a day during pregnancy are shorter and below average in reading and math than kids of non-smoking mothers.
    * A person who uses 8-10 dips or chews a day receives the same amount of nicotine as a heavy smoker who smokes 30-40 cigarettes a day.

Quote from: Anara on October 08, 2006, 12:47:52 AM
My sensei smoked but when he got married last month his wife forced him to stop. The poor guy went cold turkey and got really sick for a few days before starting to recover. Unfortunately he's feeling much better now and has a lot more energy which means that we all have to work twice as hard at training :U. Seriously though, I'm glad he quit and it's really great to see him doing so well :)
oh I'm sure his wife is also pleased with him having more energy... eh hem  :)


Quote from: Gornemant on October 08, 2006, 09:05:09 AM
QuoteCan Anybody Tell Us Why Smoking Isn't Stupid?

    * Girls who smoke are 7 times more likely to grow excess facial hair.
    * Teens who smoke produce twice as much phlegm as teens who don't.
    * Smoking causes "hairy tongues" from the tar.
    * Teenage smokers see shrinks more than other teens.
    * Cigarettes contain formaldehyde - the same stuff used to preserve dead frogs.
    * Teens who smoke are more likely to catch a cold than people who don't-and their symptoms will probably be worse and last longer.
    * Studies find nonsmoking women to be more physically attractive.
    * Smoking is known to cause impotence in men.
    * The Marlboro man died from emphysema.
    * Teen smokers are more likely to gain belly fat.
    * Male smokers are more likely to have mutated sperm.
    * Puppies can die from eating 2 cigarette butts.
    * Cigarette smoke causes asthma in cats.
    * Smokers earn 10% less money than non-smokers.
    * Over 7,000 companies do not hire smokers
    * Kids who smoke 2 or 3 cigarettes a day can get hooked in as short as two weeks.
    * Once they get hooked, the average smoker smokes for seventeen years.
    * A Canadian dies every 12 minutes from tobacco use.
    * 72% of high school seniors consider smoking a dirty habit, and say they'd rather date someone who doesn't smoke.
    * Smoking is more common among individuals with less education and lower income.
    * Smokers run slower and can't run as far as non-smokers.
    * Cigars and spit tobacco are not safe alternatives to smoking.
    * Even short-term use of spit tobacco can cause cracked lips, white spots, sores, and bleeding in your mouth.
    * Many kids start smoking (even though they know it's stupid) because they don't know how to say no to tobacco.
    * Smoking is the major cause of heart disease.
    * Operations to remove oral cancers caused by tobacco can permanently change the shape of your face.
    * People who try to quit chewing tobacco have the same symptoms as people trying to quit cigarettes.
    * Spit tobacco diminishes your sense of taste, so food doesn't taste as good.
    * Spit tobacco can cause tooth decay.
    * Smoking can lead to diseases that make your hair fall out.
    * Smokers are 1 1/2 times more likely than non-smokers to lose their teeth.
    * Cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide, the same poisonous gas in car exhaust.
    * Smoking a pack a day for a whole year will cost you about $1200.
    * Quitting smoking now can boost your energy and stamina within just a few days.
    * Secondhand smoke fills the air with many of the same poisons found in the air around toxic waste dumps.
    * Smoking can decrease your life expectancy by as much as 15-25 years.
    * Carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke can make your skin look wrinkled and gray.
    * A single, large cigar smoked in one hour can contain as much tobacco as a pack of cigarettes.
    * You might think smoking calms your nerves, but actually it can increase your anxiety.
    * Among high school seniors who smoke 1 - 5 cigarettes a day, 70% will still be smoking-and risking their health-5 years later.
    * Tobacco is the only legal substance that is lethal when used as intended by the manufacturer.
    * It takes 25 years for a cigarette butt to decompose.
    * Cigarettes contain over 4,000 chemicals.
    * Worldwide, 600 trillion cigarettes are sold each year.
    * Secondhand smoke is just as bad for pets as it is for people.
    * Studies show that smokers are more likely than non-smokers to go deaf as they grow older.
    * Chewing tobacco lessens a person's senses of taste and smell. As a result, users tend to eat more salty and sweet foods, both of which are harmful if consumed in excess.
    * 44% of teens say they didn't know bidi cigarettes could lead to cancer.
    * One bidi cigarette produces 3 times as much nicotine and carbon monoxide as a regular cigarette and 5 times as much tar.
    * Smoking just one cigarette is enough to impair the function of the heart so it has to work harder.
    * Each year in the U.S. there are more tobacco-related deaths than deaths from AIDS, car accidents, murders, suicide, drug overdoses and fires combined.
    * Teenagers who smoke have poorer general health than those who do not smoke.
    * Teenagers who smoke use more medications than those who do not smoke.
    * Teenagers who smoke have significantly more trouble sleeping than those who do not smoke.
    * Lung cancer has surpassed breast cancer as the leading cause of cancer deaths among females .
    * Tobacco companies spent more than $12.7 Billion each year on advertising.† That is 26 times the money NIKE made in 2003.
    * Smokers have about 10 times as many wrinkles as non-smokers.
    * Every 3 years, tobacco kills as many Americans as all our wars combined--over 1,000,000 people.
    * Nearly 1 in 5 deaths in the U.S. are related to smoking.
    * The most recent tobacco use figures for Virginia show that 4 of 5 High School students don't smoke.
    * 40% of teenagers who smoke daily have tried to quit and failed.
    * Nicotine is more addictive than so-called "harder" drugs. 1 in 3 users become addicted, compared to 1 in 9 for regular alcohol users and 1 in 4 for crack or cocaine users.
    * Teens who try to quit smoking suffer the same nicotine withdrawal symptoms as adults who try to quit.
    * About 2/3 of teen smokers say they want to quit smoking, and 70% say they would not have started if they could choose again.
    * An estimated 1 billion packs of cigarettes are sold to minors under the age of 18 every year.
    * Each cigarette you smoke cuts 11 minutes from your life expectancy.
    * 1 out of 3 young people who become regular smokers will die of a smoking related disease.
    * Young adult smokers are 43% more likely to suffer a stroke than their non-smoking peers.
    * Secondhand smoke may cause thousands of healthy kids to develop asthma each year.
    * Smoking as few as 5 cigarettes a day can reduce teens' lung function growth, with teenage girls being especially vulnerable.
    * Girls and women are significantly more likely than boys to report feeling dependent on cigarettes and are more likely to report feeling sad, blue or depressed during attempts to quit.
    * Studies rank secondhand smoke as the third leading cause of preventable death in the U.S., after active smoking and alcohol use, with 53,000 deaths annually.
    * Smokers are admitted to hospitals twice as often as nonsmokers.
    * A recent study showed that in households where both parents smoke, kids take in a nicotine equivalent of smoking 80 cigarettes a year.
    * In 2000, the largest single cause of fatal accidental house fires was the careless handling and disposal of smoking materials.
    * Smoking can cause gangrene in your leg because it makes you 16 times more likely to have blocked blood vessels in your legs and feet.
    * Smoking costs Virginians $1.92 billion a year in healthcare costs.
    * The tobacco industry spends $528 million each year marketing its products in Virginia.
    * Each year, the tobacco industry contributes over $2.5 Million to political parties and federal candidates.
    * Most Virginia kids who don't smoke say it's because they want to stay healthy.
    * If you smoke and you break a bone it can take longer to heal.
    * If you smoke when you're young it can stunt your lung growth.
    * Smokers are three times more likely to get out of breath when they play sports.
    * Smoking can make you look old when you're still young.
    * Kids in Virginia who smoke are more likely to say it's because they are addicted than any other reason.
    * Every day, 3,000 young people become regular tobacco users and 4,800 smoke their first cigarette.
    * Tobacco smoke makes your hair and clothes stink!
    * Tobacco stains teeth and causes bad breath.
    * Nicotine narrows your blood vessels and puts extra strain on your heart.
    * Kids who start smoking are more likely to get lower grades in school.
    * Smoking can wreck your lungs and reduce the amount of oxygen available to your muscles when you play sports.
    * Tobacco is the most widely grown non-food crop in 120 countries - 10 to 20 million people could be fed if food crop was grown in its place.
    * Burning tobacco is the main source of indoor pollution in the developed world.
    * One whole tree is needed to cure the tobacco for 300 cigarettes.
    * Smokers have more back pain than non-smokers.
    * By age 11, kids of mothers who smoked more than 10 cigarettes a day during pregnancy are shorter and below average in reading and math than kids of non-smoking mothers.
    * A person who uses 8-10 dips or chews a day receives the same amount of nicotine as a heavy smoker who smokes 30-40 cigarettes a day.

Quote from: Anara on October 08, 2006, 12:47:52 AM
My sensei smoked but when he got married last month his wife forced him to stop. The poor guy went cold turkey and got really sick for a few days before starting to recover. Unfortunately he's feeling much better now and has a lot more energy which means that we all have to work twice as hard at training :U. Seriously though, I'm glad he quit and it's really great to see him doing so well :)
oh I'm sure his wife is also pleased with him having more energy... eh hem  :)

You forgot one major fact.



I'm watching Constantine right now. If I've ever considered smoking, that movie would be the one to make me stop.

John Constantine: [to a spider he's trapped under a cigarette-smoke filled glass] Welcome to my life.

Gabriel: You're going to die young because you smoked 30 cigarettes a day since you were 15... and you're going to go to hell because of the life you took. John... You're fucked.


Quote from: BillBuckner on October 08, 2006, 02:17:28 PM
You forgot one major fact.

that's consumerism propaganda  D:


Quote from: Slavkei on October 07, 2006, 01:03:00 AM
Quote from: Xze-Xze on October 07, 2006, 12:27:51 AM
>> i'm considering going with a few of my friend and trying out a bit of what they smoke.. >>

YOU'RE THIRTEEN. Wait a few years. Jesus christ.
;; do i seem 13?

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Quote from: Gornemant on October 08, 2006, 02:45:23 PM
Quote from: BillBuckner on October 08, 2006, 02:17:28 PM
You forgot one major fact.

that's consumerism propaganda  D:
You seem agitated. Wouldn't you like an ice-cold refreshing Coca-Cola?



Quote from: BillBuckner on October 08, 2006, 05:13:38 PM
You seem agitated. Wouldn't you like an ice-cold refreshing Coca-Cola?

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Gornemant on October 08, 2006, 05:26:35 PM
Quote from: BillBuckner on October 08, 2006, 05:13:38 PM
You seem agitated. Wouldn't you like an ice-cold refreshing Coca-Cola?

Oh? Would you prefer a Pepsi, then?
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How 'bout a delightfully bittersweet Moxie?

(moxie rules)


Quote from: Gornemant on October 08, 2006, 09:05:09 AM
Quote from: Anara on October 08, 2006, 12:47:52 AM
My sensei smoked but when he got married last month his wife forced him to stop. The poor guy went cold turkey and got really sick for a few days before starting to recover. Unfortunately he's feeling much better now and has a lot more energy which means that we all have to work twice as hard at training :U. Seriously though, I'm glad he quit and it's really great to see him doing so well :)
oh I'm sure his wife is also pleased with him having more energy... eh hem  :)

She's already pregnant  ;)


well all that much more to get back in shape after giving birth...  :U


Remember, if you stop smoking, you will get FAT.



All jokes aside, I'd never smoke. However, I do think that the restrictions on cigarette advertiesemt are absolutely stupid. I'm a big Formula 1 fan, and at any season since corporate sponsorship was allowed, about half the field were cig cars. The only influence this has had on me, is that if I were to start smoking, I would smoke West cigarettes. Mika FTW!


Becasue this thread needs a little pit of smoker pride!

Jim Halisstrad

Bout friggen time someone else stepped up XD

That brings the count (unless I lost the abillity to read correctly) to 2 out of four hundred and something.

Amber Williams

Only 2?

My forum is full of hippies!  D:
