Nintendo Wii: visuals criticsm. Let's hear it, and be civil.

Started by Paavo, September 25, 2006, 03:41:51 PM

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What do you think about the visuals?

All feedback (negative/positive/neutral) welcome.


The visuals look rather iffy, if you ask me. Not good enough to pass the "Graphics Don't Matter" threshold, but it does look like Nintendo's focused on making the remote control of Doom the selling point.

Jack McSlay

no offense, but I think you did a bad sampling. There's a buncha games listed I've never heard yet where's Red Steel and Excitetruck? And since when do anime-based games are a good example of graphics? Graphics of anime-based games have always been average at best.

regardless, we'll have to wait till developers are more confident of the concept before they believe more money put on Wii development is still sute money.
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i agree with sam, but the pics are just a rumor yet...
we should just wait to confirm ours opinions! ;)

but jack those polygons look like choped with an axe!!!! :O


::Buries everyone with a list of awesome Nintendo titles that will be available for emulation on the Wii::

Screw graphics, I want my Secret of Mana!


Not so much a "rumor" which would imply there isn't any evidence, but that you're looking at early versions of games for an unreleased console. There's room for problems. One problem though is that SOME of those screens you posted had no problems at all and looked exactly how they were supposed to. Nobody needs polygon counts and dazzling effects to have a good time. The Wii's goal is to put you into the game, not bring the game to you. It should work better that way.


Quote from: Manawolf on September 25, 2006, 04:00:43 PM
::Buries everyone with a list of awesome Nintendo titles that will be available for emulation on the Wii::

Screw graphics, I want my Secret of Mana!

i second this!!!!!! :O

The DS already released Seiken Densetsu but i don't have to money to import it... :< brazil sux! :[


I agree, I can life with these graphics if the gameplay becomes as good as predicted. Still a little smoother...


And what's with the lack of Twilight Princess?  You've been citing a lot of the second hand or still have a long way to go in production.


I obviously have failed, since every Wii screen I have found inside this universum is somehow unflattering, or something.

So could someone send a good looking Wii shot? Any representative shot will do. The machine is out in a few months, so it must have something that is fully criticizeable, right?  :rolleyes


Unfortunately, "good looking" is mostly a matter of personal opinion and expierience...


but gamers usually have almost the same taste (examples: Crono Trigger FF6 e 7, etc...) and those graphics are baaaaad...

btw: lol, what a cool yap...i always had this doubt so finally, WHO MAKES THESE? :3

btw2: sorry for going off-topic i had to ask this once and for all...


Quote from: Leafar on September 25, 2006, 05:41:31 PM
btw: lol, what a cool yap...i always had this doubt so finally, WHO MAKES THESE? :3

btw2: sorry for going off-topic i had to ask this once and for all...


Try to look before asking... *sigh* Whatever...


Screenshots of games... ah, how they tend to suck. I recall always seeing screenshots of PS2 games in magazines. Gah, those things looked so horrible, as if the whole game was made of pixels and no polygons. But when you actually play the games, they looked great. Same with some GC and XBOX game screens in magazines.
Given, there's always the set amount of graphical enhancement that is expected from one system to the newest one. But honestly, that little bit is all I need. If they don't go all out on graphics, that means that there's plenty and plenty and plenty of space to add more game. You know, gameplay? That stuff you buy games for? Yeah... As for those screenshots, please.
One system: GC
Games for that system? Paper Mario 2 and Resident Evil 4. Both same system. Both same graphical limitations when making the games, had the developers wished to use it all. Notice a difference here? I thought so. Just because a system has much possibility, doesn't mean that every developer is going to be using all of it.

Anyways, I'll still be quite happy with a launched Wii, thanks. Maybe someday with a PS3 when they decide to lower the price to no more than $300, and don't charge outrageous prices for the full purchasing of their games. >.>


Every self respecting gamer knows the full fledged limits and the artificial hights of the whole screen-shot rumble.

And still there isn't even God-forbid one near-flattering screen shot to be found on the system Wii.

Why? :zombiekun2


There are a couple of things I find interesting here and that's that these early shots don't actually look as good as some of the E3 shots and I think I know why that is.  It doesn't exactly look as good as it would on a TV, distance comes into it, as do items such as progressive scan, which made a lot of difference to games like Metroid.

Anyway, I find the even the Gamecube has a lot of games which look more impressive to me, personally than games for the X-Box 360 do.  This isn't a slur but elsewhere I talked about different kinds of graphics.  Sculpted graphics that were built on the tenets of style and graphics that were built by brute-forcing technology and adding layer upon layer of shaders to the endeavour.

So, as far as good screenshots go, in my personal opinion, I think that Twilight Princess looks really wonderful.  It has the aforementioned style.

Twilight Princess.


Quote from: Manawolf on September 25, 2006, 04:00:43 PM
::Buries everyone with a list of awesome Nintendo titles that will be available for emulation on the Wii::

Screw graphics, I want my Secret of Mana!

Oh yeah. Once I leveled up all my magics to level 9. Nothing like 3 huge flaming dragons to deal massive damage to a poor little ninja.  :mwaha
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Let's not forget the previously mentioned fact that Paavo didn't post any screens to any of the good upcoming games that would prove him wrong.

Amber Williams

Truthfully, the games I have the most fun on never had much to do with how amazingly photorealistic the water splashes or polygons are.  I realize that with the console wars and the multiple systems toting their majorly pimped out graphics that it seems like "oh snap Nintendo is not doing so well"

I didnt buy Mario Party 7 for the gamecube because of its amazing graphics.  Nor did I buy Legend of Mana, Thousand Arms, Chrono Trigger, etc.

If you want some examples of good graphics, why not step away from individual screenshots and look at sample demos of games in actual action.  When I saw the Mario Galaxy game being played not only did the graphics seem nice, but the method of gameplay felt fresh and original. 

But the issue is that this was a previously locked thread reposted. And while I understand you simply desire a fair discussion about the system and what you feel may be a major lacking are somewhat going around the admin's decision to lock it.   So I'm going to temp-lock it and if Dmoon/Damaris feel like its ok enough to give a second chance it will get unlocked.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Per Darkmoon's decision, we're going to reopen this one.  Thus far you've been mostly civil, but Darkmoon will be assigned to keep an eye on you.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber

Jack McSlay

if that's bad graphics you need glasses

and if you expect Wii to be on par with PS3 and X360 you need lessons on computing basics. it's like wanting a helicopter to go over 600mph
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The largest part of graphics are what the designers are capable of doing. If the ones who put the graphics and such in the game are crappy, of COURSE it's not going to look good. It's not the console creator's fault.


This goes especially for licensed games based off a recent movie.  Those are almost always half-assed.

Kitsune Ascendant

Quote from: Manawolf on September 25, 2006, 11:27:10 PM
This goes especially for licensed games based off a recent movie.  Those are almost always half-assed.

there's that. there's also the fact that 90% of movies have about a snowballs chance in hell of going from film to game cleanly.

but to stay on topic, I have to wonder if there's something about the jpg format. or possibly someone being lazy about the screens. I mean, look at this one. If you ask me, the screen of the game looks more realistic than the pic of the dude playing the game.
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


Quote from: Kitsune Ascendant on September 26, 2006, 12:41:03 PM
Quote from: Manawolf on September 25, 2006, 11:27:10 PM
This goes especially for licensed games based off a recent movie.  Those are almost always half-assed.
there's that. there's also the fact that 90% of movies have about a snowballs chance in hell of going from film to game cleanly.

The happy exception being Goldeneye.

Quote from: Kitsune Ascendant on September 26, 2006, 12:41:03 PM
Quote from: Manawolf on September 25, 2006, 11:27:10 PM
This goes especially for licensed games based off a recent movie. Those are almost always half-assed.
but to stay on topic, I have to wonder if there's something about the jpg format. or possibly someone being lazy about the screens. I mean, look at this one. If you ask me, the screen of the game looks more realistic than the pic of the dude playing the game.

The Metroid Prime series is of very high quality. I hope they got the wii controls as smooth as their graphics.
\^.^/ \O.O/ \¬.¬/ \O.^/ \o.o/ \-.-/' \O.o/ \0.0/ \>.</

Jack McSlay

Quote from: Vidar on September 26, 2006, 02:03:19 PM
Quote from: Kitsune Ascendant on September 26, 2006, 12:41:03 PM
Quote from: Manawolf on September 25, 2006, 11:27:10 PMThis goes especially for licensed games based off a recent movie.  Those are almost always half-assed.
there's that. there's also the fact that 90% of movies have about a snowballs chance in hell of going from film to game cleanly.
The happy exception being Goldeneye.
that's not an exception. the game came out several years after the movie, therefore it wasn't based o a recent movie. same goes for the Rogue Squadron series, which is pretty awesome.

but it's true, whenever you see a game that's based on a movie that came out shortly before the game (sometimes after), the first course of action is: run away!!
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Ohh, those are pretty.  Good find, Jack.  Is it just me or are they actually using anti-aliasing there?  Heavy anti-aliasing no less.  On the other images, one could see the pixels but on these, they just aren't present.  I wonder if it's the difference between the generational devkits that je was talking about.  It probably is and that would explain a lot.

Vidar: That goes for both of us.  I'm an unashamed fan of the Metroid Prime series because not only did it had great gameplay, it had beautiful graphical style.  I still remember looking up the first time under that waterfall in the first Prime, only to have Samus' visor splashed with droplets of water, the fact that one could see her eyes when the visor got steamed up.  Little things like that, they were neat and they proved the production values.

I've seen a video though of someone playing the Red Steel game and the controls for that actually seemed to be pretty nifty.  Actually, it was the controls (opposed to the graphics) that got me really excited about Red Steel.

I'll see if I can't dig that out ...

Ah, here it is!  I found that one over at nwiiizone, which seems to be a pretty good place for new Wii screenshots and gameplay videos.