The works of Banksy.

Started by Rowne, September 15, 2006, 04:59:00 PM

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I remembered the efforts of this fellow whilst lurking over on the NationStates forums (as I usually do) and observing how the truly large minds there work.  I was pleased to see him brought up because I've always been a fan of his efforts but for those who aren't aware of the things wot Banksy's done, here's his site.

I can't help but be curious of what our residents here would think of him, so what are your opinions?

Personally I think the man's a cultural icon though I could see why some might not hold him in such high regard.


Cultural icon of which culture?


The logical answer would be British since he was born here and his works have been well received by the people of just about every borough he's displayed his works in.  Further than that, I won't tread.


I've never heard of him, so I'm just going to assume he's more of a "look what the brit did on a wall in europe" sort of icon. He's a good artist, though.


Pretty much.  It's actually refreshing to hear someone say that.

Though he's had his prolific moments.

A few things to read up on would be his Paris Hilton stunt and how he frequently pulls one over on people.  For example, he embarrased the British Museum at one point by placing a cave-painting there of a man pushing a trolley, it wasn't noticed for three days.  He's also snuck his own art into galleries to see just how long it would take anyone to notice.  Not to mention the fake-ups he's done of famous pieces, with noteworthy inconsistencies.

He amuses me, to be honest.  He's a bit of a harmless rebel and I'll always htink highly of him for that.


I loved the " Warning: Hidden trap door in operation!" he put on the millennium bridge. :D

He's funny.  :P
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I've never had the chance to see his stuff for real, but I must admit I do like many of his ideas.  The rats sawing circles in the pavement, the leopard in the cage made from barcodes, that sort of thing.  He's got a good imagination.

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