A rare hyrbid? (Dragon/cubi)

Started by Timeheart, October 07, 2012, 01:21:14 PM

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I just was re-reading through DMFA not so long ago, with everything from demonology 101, to the full comic start to back. As I was reading the demonology hybrids, I kinda got a bit curious about the possible Dragon and cubi hybrid. That would have to be pretty rare, considering cubi and dragons mostly do not get along. I'm also curious if it could make them one of the largest varieties of Cubi that could exist too, if they keep both dragon form, being form, and Cubi abilities. Not to mention, they'd have to deal with a large bit of discrimination from both sides, possibly putting them in a danger just for existing as such. As controversial as it might be, I find it a curious situation.
War under the cover of texts:<br />http://timeheart.minitroopers.com


It may well have never happened before. Remember Amber said the list represents only what is possible.


Well, you know there is a saying. "If it's possible, it's possibly been done."
War under the cover of texts:<br />http://timeheart.minitroopers.com


Also note that the more powerful of the two parents tends to be what the child becomes. Dragons tend to stomp anything else's traits out, but that's something that may have been covered elsewhere.

I support the demon race (usually with my hands)!   Also... LOOK A DISTRACTION! -->


possibly, but From what I've seen in the demonology, cubi traits seem more like an overlay over another race. You've seen the pict of what Dan and Matilda's kid could look like if they had a kid, right? That picture was pretty neat. :mowwink So I'd think it would turn out more like a dragon, with a cubi overlay.
War under the cover of texts:<br />http://timeheart.minitroopers.com


Quote from: Timeheart on October 07, 2012, 02:33:02 PM
possibly, but From what I've seen in the demonology, cubi traits seem more like an overlay over another race. You've seen the pict of what Dan and Matilda's kid could look like if they had a kid, right? That picture was pretty neat. :mowwink So I'd think it would turn out more like a dragon, with a cubi overlay.

Sort of.  Being 'Cubi doesn't change your base form into something else, but the traits don't seem to merge.  For example, the Demon/Angel traits kind of dilute when crossed with a Being - you can end up with a winged, horned Being who is not as strong as a pureblood Demon and doesn't live quite as long.

With 'Cubi, you're either a 'Cubi or not.  A 'Cubi-Being pairing will either result in a 'Cubi or it will fail and you'll normally end up with a Being.  Apparently it can also fail in strange ways (Being with wings, or a Being who has wings appear at adulthood and never gets their headwings) but these are very rare and there are none alive in present-day DMFA.  AFAIK even just ending up with a Being is pretty rare but does happen.

Likewise, a Demon-Cubi pairing will normally get you just a Demon.  Very occasionally it will fail and you'll get a 'Cubi instead but that doesn't happen much.  What you don't end up with AFAIK is a 'Cubi who has Demon strength and reflexes.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Hmm. I guess it's a bit more complex than I might of imagine then. Perhaps it's a question worthy of Amber and Fluffy? Not to mention the pretenses of what could come from a union between cubi and dragon.
War under the cover of texts:<br />http://timeheart.minitroopers.com

Amber Williams

What you would most likely get is a dragon.  A weaker dragon than a pureblood dragon, and thus a dragon who would be shunned and never truly accepted by the dragon race and never quite accepted by the Cubi race.  They would likely then grow up with a pressure to prove themselves to one side or another and thus end up being a pawn to a more powerful creature who sees them as an expendable resource.  Which would end up with them probably getting themselves killed by adventurers, other creatures, or their own reckless selves.

That isn't to say that a Cubi who has the base of a dragon is impossible.  But it would require the cubi to be from a fairly powerful clan. One that has a clan leader of considerable power, and at this time in DMFA the few leaders who likely would have the power to pull such a feat are not really the types who like dragons so they would not encourage such shenanigans or even react badly if one of their children were to try such a setup behind their backs.

So I guess the answer is it isn't an impossible hybrid, but a highly improbable one. Especially at this time in the DMFA storyline.


Quote from: Amber Williams on October 07, 2012, 08:28:39 PM
What you would most likely get is a dragon.  A weaker dragon than a pureblood dragon, and thus a dragon who would be shunned and never truly accepted by the dragon race and never quite accepted by the Cubi race.  They would likely then grow up with a pressure to prove themselves to one side or another and thus end up being a pawn to a more powerful creature who sees them as an expendable resource.  Which would end up with them probably getting themselves killed by adventurers, other creatures, or their own reckless selves.

That isn't to say that a Cubi who has the base of a dragon is impossible.  But it would require the cubi to be from a fairly powerful clan. One that has a clan leader of considerable power, and at this time in DMFA the few leaders who likely would have the power to pull such a feat are not really the types who like dragons so they would not encourage such shenanigans or even react badly if one of their children were to try such a setup behind their backs.

So I guess the answer is it isn't an impossible hybrid, but a highly improbable one. Especially at this time in the DMFA storyline.

anything to get out of drawing more wings.  :U

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Quote from: Turnsky on October 07, 2012, 11:33:46 PManything to get out of drawing more wings.  :U

"So, Bob, how do you fly with that many wings?"

:cry "I can't!"


Quote from: Amber Williams on October 07, 2012, 08:28:39 PM
What you would most likely get is a dragon.  A weaker dragon than a pureblood dragon, and thus a dragon who would be shunned and never truly accepted by the dragon race and never quite accepted by the Cubi race.  They would likely then grow up with a pressure to prove themselves to one side or another and thus end up being a pawn to a more powerful creature who sees them as an expendable resource.  Which would end up with them probably getting themselves killed by adventurers, other creatures, or their own reckless selves.

That isn't to say that a Cubi who has the base of a dragon is impossible.  But it would require the cubi to be from a fairly powerful clan. One that has a clan leader of considerable power, and at this time in DMFA the few leaders who likely would have the power to pull such a feat are not really the types who like dragons so they would not encourage such shenanigans or even react badly if one of their children were to try such a setup behind their backs.

So I guess the answer is it isn't an impossible hybrid, but a highly improbable one. Especially at this time in the DMFA storyline.
So, what, Protagonist Fodder then?
Just think:
The "runt" hero, born from the product of Forbidden Love, ever hunted by the clan of both parents(possibly after one or both parents were killed), driven to succeed against a more powerful Evil Clan/Empire. Possibly also losing himself to one group or another for a good thirty minutes, before barely surviving, escaping and vowing revenge...
Yup, sounds like a perfect movie hero.

Pasteris.ttf <- Pasteris is the font used for text in DMFA.


Quote from: RobbieThe1st on October 09, 2012, 08:15:02 PM
Quote from: Amber Williams on October 07, 2012, 08:28:39 PM
What you would most likely get is a dragon.  A weaker dragon than a pureblood dragon, and thus a dragon who would be shunned and never truly accepted by the dragon race and never quite accepted by the Cubi race.  They would likely then grow up with a pressure to prove themselves to one side or another and thus end up being a pawn to a more powerful creature who sees them as an expendable resource.  Which would end up with them probably getting themselves killed by adventurers, other creatures, or their own reckless selves.

That isn't to say that a Cubi who has the base of a dragon is impossible.  But it would require the cubi to be from a fairly powerful clan. One that has a clan leader of considerable power, and at this time in DMFA the few leaders who likely would have the power to pull such a feat are not really the types who like dragons so they would not encourage such shenanigans or even react badly if one of their children were to try such a setup behind their backs.

So I guess the answer is it isn't an impossible hybrid, but a highly improbable one. Especially at this time in the DMFA storyline.
So, what, Protagonist Fodder then?
Just think:
The "runt" hero, born from the product of Forbidden Love, ever hunted by the clan of both parents(possibly after one or both parents were killed), driven to succeed against a more powerful Evil Clan/Empire. Possibly also losing himself to one group or another for a good thirty minutes, before barely surviving, escaping and vowing revenge...
Yup, sounds like a perfect movie hero.

'It'd be such an honour, to be personally smacked upside the head by the artist herself' - Bjalf


Remind me again, any pairing of a fae with another species will result in a soul dead shell that dies at the age of 21 am I right and depressing? If so I pity the pair.


Quote from: justacritic on October 09, 2012, 10:06:04 PM
Remind me again, any pairing of a fae with another species will result in a soul dead shell that dies at the age of 21 am I right and depressing? If so I pity the pair.

Correct. It was in a Demo. 101 page somewhere.


In the Hybrid Genetics arc. Specifically, this page.

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity


a dragon/cubi hybrid might explain the person in panel 3..


I dunno, I think that looks more like a particularly large Mythos. Or rather, a Cubi whose non-Cubi parent was a Mythos...

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: mithril on October 10, 2012, 06:40:09 AM
a dragon/cubi hybrid might explain the person in panel 3..

Amber has stated - several times - that that is a Mythos. Also that she wishes, in hindsight, that she'd done something to make it less draconic, or something.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Amber Williams

I forsee a question from the readers in the very near future where Fluffy is going to be waving around a sign stating its a mythos.   This marks the 10th + time I've gotten emailed or it mentioned so it's obvious I didn't draw him nearly mythosy enough and need to correct my mistake.  >:[

Not mad at anyone, only at myself for sucking at art and causing the confusion.


If you sucked at art, Amber, you probably wouldn't have enough fans for them to get confused.


Well that giant blue critter with the strange eyes does not have the cubi headwings that I can see... 

Without the context on Abel's tour of where they are, it's hard to determine what Blue's purpose is.  Might not even be a student, could be a teacher or some undetermined class.  Considering the colour and vaguely gill-ish structure on the nose it could even be the swimming instructor.
Lurkus Wallflowerus

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: YawnPB on October 10, 2012, 05:25:23 PM
Well that giant blue critter with the strange eyes does not have the cubi headwings that I can see... 

Without the context on Abel's tour of where they are, it's hard to determine what Blue's purpose is.  Might not even be a student, could be a teacher or some undetermined class.  Considering the colour and vaguely gill-ish structure on the nose it could even be the swimming instructor.

Knowing Mab, it's probably the teacher in Fire Elementals or something equally offbeat.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Really like to see a (Dragon/cu-bi) hybrid in future strips. :)


Quote from: Amber Williams on October 10, 2012, 04:55:25 PM
Not mad at anyone, only at myself for sucking at art and causing the confusion.

Your art does not suck! It is amazing!