Near death of a Razer mouse

Started by Talashar, December 06, 2010, 04:13:56 PM

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as the owner of a razer pro 1.6 gaming mouse for a number of years now, I just want to point out to Amber that the "every click is a double-click" issue is manageable.

Razer gaming mice usually come with software to help you twiddle the mouse settings. Among them there's a double-click sensitivity slider. playing around with the setting can usually minimize the effect to the point it's near unnoticeable.

and for the letting go while dragging problem, try the following: if you are used to holding the button near it's top, move your finger further down, and vice versa.

now back to lurking mode...

llearch n'n'daCorna

... Now, that's useful information.

May or may not be appreciated by Ambaargh herself, but definitely the sort of post we want to encourage. So consider yourself encouraged ;-]
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For Ambarrgh:

Razer recently released firmware dealing with the doubleclick issue. I had the problem, applied the update and I can verify that it does work.

And the doubleclick issue was ANNOYING.


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 07, 2010, 09:37:52 AM
... Now, that's useful information.

May or may not be appreciated by Ambaargh herself, but definitely the sort of post we want to encourage. So consider yourself encouraged ;-]

well from what i can gather, it might save her from having to buy a new mouse. ergo, no money spent further on it. Can't speak for Ambaargh, but I'd appreciate that.  :P

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..

Attic Rat

Now if somebody would release a similar application for laptop touch-pads, you run out of room on the pad while moving the pointer, pick up your finger, gently put it back down, and the computer thinks you've left-clicked on whatever the pointer happens to be over. Annoying, yes...

Windows has a built-in utility to change the speed of double-clicks that it accepts from mice, but it doesn't seem to help all that much.
Which would you like to be, ignorant or misled?


Go grab the latest Synaptics driver(Most laptops use touchpads from Synaptics corp).
They've added a feature that lets you hold your finger at the edge of the touch pad during drags, and it will continue to move in that direction at a constant rate, thereby allowing you to never have to run out of room.

Razer mouse wise, that tip's good. Fortunately, I haven't had any trouble with my left-handed Deathadder - but then again, I'm running Linux, so if the quirk is has something to do with the Windows driver, it doesn't affect me.

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