02/01/10 [Clans #5] - Taun of the Clan Badass

Started by Sunblink, February 01, 2010, 09:24:55 PM

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Quote from: Mrs_A_ZeTavia on February 02, 2010, 06:42:30 PM
I concure that Crya is indeed alive and here's why:

1.) Dan's headwings main wings would not have heads, since only those who's leaders are alive have them
I believe that's what was meant.

Quote from: AmigaDragon on February 02, 2010, 09:51:46 PM
I haven't seen anyone's headwings with heads except for Dan one time.  :mowhappy
When I first read that strip, I couldn't stop laughing for half an hour :mowhappy. (I still can't read it without laughing)

Feather Dancer

You know staring at Taun some more (I'm an appreciater of cool designs) she does remind me a little of a Sneasel colouration wise and forehead gem, albeit on something she's wearing. Obviously a concidence but I guess this just proves that the colours DO work well together on springy little things and bad ass warrior women.
Notalope, making all worries as tasty as pineapples.


Quote from: Tapewolf on February 02, 2010, 09:53:46 AM
According to the FA version she has no specific species, she's described as a "Porcupine lion tail spikey-thing".

When I read that, I got Porcupion in mah head!


Quote from: RandomMetaphysics on February 03, 2010, 12:54:45 AM
I looked for that page where Fa'Lina said she couldn't toss Aniz back gift-wrapped. Something I would have loved to see, mind you. (http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Ab_009.php)

Be careful what you wish for.  I seem to recall people saying similar things about Devin when he first appeared as an adult.  And Abel as well when he first met Dan.
Aniz might be able to pull a rabbit out of a hat.  He might not of course, but dead, he's never going to get that chance.

Quote from: Tipod on February 03, 2010, 12:05:26 AM
Haha,  that has to be one of the more sensible fantasy armors I've ever seen on a female character.

According to the FA comments it's mostly ceremonial anyway.  She wears something more practical normally, though I wouldn't be very surprised if she could go to war in jeans and T-shirt and still win.  (The Matrix line about not needing to dodge bullets springs to mind)

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: RandomMetaphysics on February 03, 2010, 12:54:45 AM
But on this page: http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Ab_013.php
Who is the "them" Aniz is referring to?

I don't think we know as of yet.  I've been wondering that myself.  It's possible he strongly resembles another clan, and we'll perhaps see a resemblance to a clan leader.  But it's more probable that we'll have to wait 'til it comes up in comic. 


Quote from: Tipod on February 03, 2010, 12:05:26 AM
Haha,  that has to be one of the more sensible fantasy armors I've ever seen on a female character.

According to the FA comments it's mostly ceremonial anyway.  She wears something more practical normally, though I wouldn't be very surprised if she could go to war in jeans and T-shirt and still win.  (The Matrix line about not needing to dodge bullets springs to mind)

"Snicker" Well high heel's would be more painful for when you step on someone with your heel.

I could just see her on the side line of the battle field just before battle musing on what weapon catches her fancy.

Though on the subject of armor I would guess that she has to get whatever she wears clean after every battle.

As for the mentioning of the matrix, well it's kind of funny she probably could dodge a bullet and cubi's do in a way feed of the central nerves system.

Could there be a coincidence here?

Great now I see that commercial of Gatorade themed with the Matrix agent.

Curses Tape you got me thinking again. :P
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


The least practical aspect of her armor I see is the separate cups for each breast... not good to have armor contours that guide blows toward the center of one's chest... Even the lack of abdominal armor isn't as bad an armor fault because it frees up mobility and still has a significant wall of muscle protecting the more vital organs... But again, it's mostly ceremonial anyway. I wish I had photoshop... I only see one irritating aspect of the otherwise-awesome armor.

Also, Demo 101 says demons have diamond-hard skin. The Taun clan quirk is Nigh Invulnerable Wings at all times... and apparently, wings can be shapeshifted to form a protective casing over a 'cubus's body. And with three sets of wings to choose from, she can morph breastplate, greaves, and a helmet!

Now I want to write a fanfic about a Taun-clan incubus joining up with Merlitz and Aliyka for some awesome dungeon-crashing and generic adventuring...


Quote from: Scow2 on February 03, 2010, 11:59:11 AM
Also, Demo 101 says demons have diamond-hard skin. The Taun clan quirk is Nigh Invulnerable Wings at all times... and apparently, wings can be shapeshifted to form a protective casing over a 'cubus's body. And with three sets of wings to choose from, she can morph breastplate, greaves, and a helmet!

I'm not sure that Tri-wings are especially susceptible to normal damage, so it might not matter for her.  Her followers/children would find it dead useful though.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Techcubi on February 01, 2010, 11:32:24 PM
Then Clan Fa'Lina should have been first. From what we heard it has a size of 1.

Funny, I heard that the one is damn near omnipotent, residing in a pocket dimension.

Chakat Blackspots

While Seme was sexy, Taun is all baddass and "Don't touch me and I'll kill ya" type of leader.  Its that scowl she has that makes her so awesome.


Quote from: Tapewolf on February 02, 2010, 07:25:04 PM
Quote from: Lucheek on February 02, 2010, 06:19:36 PM
Are you implying Cyra is dead? I'm pretty sure she's alive.

She might count as inactive, if she is in hiding and has exactly two descendants (one of whom is also in hiding and the other has only just realised he's a 'Cubi at all).
I guess we'll probably find out - but if she's not in the lineup, that might be why.

But we don't really know the size of Cyra clan. I'm assumming that a clan expands and grows outside of the direct descendents of it's founder (especially with the inclusion of the 'Cubi-Ritual). Does it?


Quote from: Arcblade on February 03, 2010, 08:11:37 AM
Quote from: RandomMetaphysics on February 03, 2010, 12:54:45 AM
But on this page: http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Ab_013.php
Who is the "them" Aniz is referring to?

I don't think we know as of yet.  I've been wondering that myself.  It's possible he strongly resembles another clan, and we'll perhaps see a resemblance to a clan leader.  But it's more probable that we'll have to wait 'til it comes up in comic.  

Something tells me that looking like "them," isn't really natural for a Cubi...
Quote from: Lucheek on February 03, 2010, 08:28:47 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on February 02, 2010, 07:25:04 PM
Quote from: Lucheek on February 02, 2010, 06:19:36 PM
Are you implying Cyra is dead? I'm pretty sure she's alive.

She might count as inactive, if she is in hiding and has exactly two descendants (one of whom is also in hiding and the other has only just realised he's a 'Cubi at all).
I guess we'll probably find out - but if she's not in the lineup, that might be why.

But we don't really know the size of Cyra clan. I'm assumming that a clan expands and grows outside of the direct descendents of it's founder (especially with the inclusion of the 'Cubi-Ritual). Does it?

From what I've seen, when a Cubi creates a clan, it spreads as his or her children have children (and so forth). I'm not sure if this applies to a person turned Cubi, as they may not be an actual "child" of that clan leader.
Then again, the members of a clan all share a link towards their leader. From what we've seen, that link can also be used to regulate power as well. Maybe having that link with a clan leader is more important than actually being a descendant of said clan leader....
For now, I'm gonna file that particular question under "in the process of being answered."

Annnnnnnnnnnnd on another note about Clan Leaders, anyone wanna guess what the next clan's affinity will be?
I'm gonna guess Joy :3


Quote from: RandomMetaphysics on February 03, 2010, 10:36:03 PMFrom what I've seen, when a Cubi creates a clan, it spreads as his or her children have children (and so forth). I'm not sure if this applies to a person turned Cubi, as they may not be an actual "child" of that clan leader.
Then again, the members of a clan all share a link towards their leader. From what we've seen, that link can also be used to regulate power as well. Maybe having that link with a clan leader is more important than actually being a descendant of said clan leader....
For now, I'm gonna file that particular question under "in the process of being answered."

Annnnnnnnnnnnd on another note about Clan Leaders, anyone wanna guess what the next clan's affinity will be?
I'm gonna guess Joy :3

I'm gonna guess the next one's affinity will be Pleasure!  >:3 Heehee! *thinks naughty thoughts*

Proud member of the Dimanika Clan! >:3


Quote from: Mrs_A_ZeTavia on February 03, 2010, 11:17:11 PM
Quote from: RandomMetaphysics on February 03, 2010, 10:36:03 PMFrom what I've seen, when a Cubi creates a clan, it spreads as his or her children have children (and so forth). I'm not sure if this applies to a person turned Cubi, as they may not be an actual "child" of that clan leader.
Then again, the members of a clan all share a link towards their leader. From what we've seen, that link can also be used to regulate power as well. Maybe having that link with a clan leader is more important than actually being a descendant of said clan leader....
For now, I'm gonna file that particular question under "in the process of being answered."

Annnnnnnnnnnnd on another note about Clan Leaders, anyone wanna guess what the next clan's affinity will be?
I'm gonna guess Joy :3

I'm gonna guess the next one's affinity will be Pleasure!  >:3 Heehee! *thinks naughty thoughts*
Heck for all we know, it could be Fa'lina or Cyra.


Icon by Sunblink


Quote from: ChaosMageX on February 04, 2010, 02:53:23 AM
I'm hoping for a hope affinity clan. :3

LOL  :giggle this made me laugh a little while reading that! XD

I think a  shock or panic affinity clan would be interesting, too. Wonder what their clan leader would look like?! For me it'd probably look like my dentist, he always makes me panic.........*shifts/twitches nervously*

Proud member of the Dimanika Clan! >:3


Quote from: Mrs_A_ZeTavia on February 04, 2010, 04:58:37 PM
I'm hoping for a hope affinity clan. :3

Me too.   :)

Quote from: ChaosMageX on February 04, 2010, 02:53:23 AM

I think a  shock or panic affinity clan would be interesting, too. Wonder what their clan leader would look like?! For me it'd probably look like my dentist, he always makes me panic.........*shifts/twitches nervously*

I think anxiety 'Cubi would like you.  Dentistry is a very popular profession for them...


Quote from: Arcblade
Quote from: ChaosMageX on February 04, 2010, 02:53:23 AM

I think a  shock or panic affinity clan would be interesting, too. Wonder what their clan leader would look like?! For me it'd probably look like my dentist, he always makes me panic.........*shifts/twitches nervously*

I think anxiety 'Cubi would like you.  Dentistry is a very popular profession for them...

LOL!! XD Totally forgot about that from the comic! I wouldn't be surprised then if my Dentist turns out to be a cubi in disguise, rofl!  :giggle

Proud member of the Dimanika Clan! >:3


Quote from: RandomMetaphysics on February 03, 2010, 10:36:03 PM
Annnnnnnnnnnnd on another note about Clan Leaders, anyone wanna guess what the next clan's affinity will be?
I'm gonna guess Joy :3
"Cogito, ergo es. I think, therefore you is." Ray D. Tutto (King of the Moon) to Baron Munschaussen


Ew...  Not Ren and Stimpy!

I wonder if there's a "pride" clan.  That would be scary; a tri-wing who could get more and more powerful just by hanging around other cubi.

I just realised that "pride" as a cubi clan could be a self-expanding system like a nuclear bomb.  I'm...  uhhh...  gonna' go find a bomb shelter now.


Or maybe that's already happened.  Pride Triwing gathers cubi allies and gains power.  Pride clan manages to magically enhance "cubi pride" in all cubi and triwing gains more power.  Dragons see this and think it's a very bad thing.  Dragon-Cubi War begins when Dragons try to put a stop to Pride clan and their allies.

/tinfoil hat
            <-- #1 that is!


If that were the case, then the "pride" leader would most likely be one of the dead ones, so their would not be a page on him/her.

EDIT: Since this Sunday is Superbowl Sunday, it might be the "fanfiction" leader or something else related to the Superbowl.