[Writings] Dannysaysnoo - I Blink

Started by Dannysaysnoo, August 30, 2008, 06:48:04 PM

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A short story about a young man.

I Blink

My chair.

This stupid chair. How much do they spend on these glorified chunks of plastic? About as much as they spend on the school meals. Fuck all.

The English teacher is wittering on about something I can't make out. Some about how to land a critical hit with a pen.

I blink.

My pen. It sits on my desk. Cold. Black. Unfeeling. It's taunting me. So quiet. So serene. I begin to find myself loathing it. Cursing it. Damning it. It begins to start hating me too. I pick it up, ts coldness corrupting my fingers. I throw it at the wall. It bursts in a magnificent burst of black.

I blink.

The heat of the classroom starts to get to me. A bead of sweat runs into my eye. I rub my eye, the sweat burning my eye. I look down to my shoes. The leather begins to crack, to bubble, to melt, it's blood red tone sweeping across the floor in seconds.

I blink.

That damn teacher. She starts going on about reading into the hidden meaning of a 2 letter poem. I curse her stupidity under my breath. She starts to draw some line on the board, interpreting their ties to middle class manners. I'm getting sick of you, you blond bimbo. She tells some fat retard how he could be a novelist, if he could only stop eating Mars bars. I stand up. I'm sick of this shit. I scream in her face. I tell her to shut her stupid gaping face. She barely notices me. Can she hear me? I scream for her attention.

I blink.

The clock strikes 4. All's well. The zombie students stand up and shuffle to the door. Blimbo makes hollow promises of enjoyable weekends. I shuffle along with them. They barely spare me a glance. I reach the top of the staircase, hopping over the barrier that stops us from leaving before 4. When my feet hit the granite stair, i feel... odd. Like I'm walking on air. On top of the world! Ha ha! I've never felt this care free in my life!

I blink.

With my euphoric grin remaining, i realise I'm falling. Down the centre of the spiral stairs. I laugh harder. Longer. Louder.

I touch the floor.

My legs are broken. Bleeding. Dying. I can't feel below my shoulder. I keep laughing weakly. Someone runs over to me. Blimbo. I cough blood in her face, laughing manically. It starts going black. Blimbo fades from existence, as do the crowd that have congregated.

I don't blink.

I never blink.


J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I love the atmospheric feel. I mean, I felt like I was going to passing out just reading the first three paragraphs. (Well, not including the "I blink"s as paragraphs.)
This is my pencil. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My pencil is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life...