Hero's League (OOC) - Last Call for Sign-Ups

Started by techmaster-glitch, August 23, 2007, 11:34:36 PM

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lucas marcone

i stated in that post that everyone saw it....i even left  a message ooc about playing with the all knowing voice but ah well what are ya gonna do bout it.




I can only say one thing for my no-posting periods and here it comes ... CURSE YOU PERSONAL LIFE *waves fist wild in the air*


Guys, I've been talking to Rammenstien, and I'm sorry to say, but I may have to write him off. He doesn't seem to want to post much, as he's to busy with Gaia. Thus, I have opened the Hero's League again, as we will need at least one more, maybe two, people to join.

So, anyone reading this (except for a Villain), the Heroes are opened again. A type of charcater we don't have is a supergenius (the Villains have two), that would be nice to have. But, you don't have to be if you don't want to, I encourage originality more.
So, step right up, and post a Hero! We have enough room for just one, maybe two, so hurry and be the first!


Just a note, Fex, the guy we are going to get was supposed to be Rammenstien, but as I said, he's been dropped. So we actually aren't going to find anything.

That being said, to anyone reading this (except a Villain), now would be a very good time to join if you want...please...we really need more heroes...


uhm guys I got some bad news. I gotta quit with the rp becouse of study, work and some other stuff. I can't find the time anymore to do so I am really REALLY sorry v.v''


That's ok, Fex. You have to do what you have to do.

And in that case, our need for new Heroes is critical. If ANYONE is reading this, please join. The Heroes can not go on with only two players.


If anyone's still reading this, I have added a char index to the first post as the other RPs are doing. If not to make things more convenient, then to make a point.

Still need some new recruits...very badly...the Hero's League is on the verge of collapse.

lucas marcone

tech see about takeing over as player for Ghentan indefinately. maybe he can join back up at a more convienient time

also anyone reading this Please sign up! it's actually a fun rp one you get past the intro.


Quote from: lucas marcone on January 13, 2008, 03:27:36 AM
tech see about takeing over as player for Ghentan indefinately. maybe he can join back up at a more convienient time
That's what I've been trying to think about, some way to remove Gentan for the time being. Whether by having him killed off, or simply temporarily disappear, I've having trouble coming up with a way to do that. I can't play Gentan myself, because I'm not Fex (Meaning, I don't know how to play Gentan because I'm not his player)


This is probably the final call for sign-ups I am going to make.

The Villain's League has been stagnating due to no activity whatsoever on the Hero's end. One of the Villains recently contacted me on this.

If either one is going to survive, the Heroes need more players, badly. We don't even need many, just two or three will do.

If we can re-start the Heroes, the Villains will almost certianly revitialized in responce. They currently only have tow of their players actually active.

So, if you want to be a Hero, and fight for the forces of Good (or at least Neutrality) then check the first post of this thread for a character skeleton, create a hero, and post them!

If you don't, then both the Heroes and the Villains RP will die off. Please, think of the Heroes and Villains!