New characters in CVRPG

Started by olroxshade, January 22, 2006, 03:50:18 PM

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how i see it is.... i am pretty amazed at how the sprites are made. i'm  more worried about the implemetation of mechanical beings in teh comic. lol.. like they made an army of Robo-Kys. or somethin like that. good stuff,though!


Robots don't really fit into the story. I dunno that I'd every really have them, just because of the time period.

Xuzaf D

Dracula has had a few robot types in his castle, right? Or were those all "armors."


Yes,in the inverted castle in SotN,you can found an enemy called  "thin Man"(I guess so) actually it is a robot,and the sprite,maybe I minimize the glasses,and I put i a comic,
and Darkmoon,here is a question,what program you use for the comic,I use paint,is rigth?

Xuzaf D

Not many in the Web comic world use MS paint.


Quote from: Joseph on February 16, 2006, 09:17:00 PM
Not many in the Web comic world use MS paint.

Yes I use ms paint,but change my colors


No, what he means, Orloxshade, is that not many webcomic people use MS Paint. It's an inferior program.


See I Minimize the glasses and it see like this:

and Darkmoon,what program I use?


JORGE, who is the OFFICIAL sprite artist, uses Paint Shop Pro.


Sorry,don´t anger with me....


Jorge,if you read this,Forgive me!!!

Jorge D. Fuentes

It's "Tin Man"
It's part of the "The Wizard of Oz" trio (Scarecrow, Tin Man, Lion).

Es el Hombre de Estaño, parte del trio del "Mago de Oz" (Espantapajaros, Hombre de Estaño, Leon Cobarde)

"Thin Man" es "Hombre flaco"


Sorry,Jorge,and again I say:
Si entiendo el Ingles,pero casi no lo se escribir


Quote from: olroxshade on February 16, 2006, 07:42:19 PM
Yes,in the inverted castle in SotN,you can found an enemy called  "thin Man"(i guess so) actually it is a robot



Not bad, actually, for a sprite hack. ^_^


Nimrods Son

Quote from: Count Olrox on February 27, 2006, 06:11:29 PM
Quote from: olroxshade on February 16, 2006, 07:42:19 PM
Yes,in the inverted castle in SotN,you can found an enemy called  "thin Man"(i guess so) actually it is a robot
It's not. It's Bob Dylan.


plase read more back.....................

Nimrods Son

I did. It was a joke of sorts... crap one, obviously.


Quote from: Dalmunda Jones on February 16, 2006, 05:51:26 PM
Dracula has had a few robot types in his castle, right? Or were those all "armors."

Angatyr,this is who we are about talking......................

Xuzaf D

It's almost fun watching these conversations, untill you realize it's turning this place into GameFAQs forums. Yay... :redrum


Well at least it's only a couple of people...

Destina Faroda



this is like so cool man so cool

I've contracted spamitis.  Kill me...
Sig coming...whenever...


This is not funny(I don´t know)

Nimrods Son

okay, it was a very bad joky one :tired
there's this Dylan song "Ballad of a Thin Man" aka "Balld of Mr. Jones", which I really like ..
Sorry: "Hah! The joke has come upon me!"