Last Resort Twice a Week? Is this BIZZARO-WORLD?!

Started by Jigsaw Forte, October 16, 2007, 10:34:57 PM

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What would you do-o-o for an Extra Update?

Donate Money! (please?)
Buy a Commission! (Cool!)
Offer Sex and other goods!  (Yes!)
Hold you at gunpoint! (Noooo!)
Nothing, Your Comic Sucks (Well so do you!)

Jigsaw Forte

So many of you have been asking for faster Last Resort... I don't know if this is because you're all anxious to see my Buffer-Zilla die, or if you're just that hooked.

I'm nervous about jumping right into a twice-a-week or more schedule without the proper motivations, so I'm interested in seeing how many of you would be willing to put your money (or other incentives to work harder) where your mouths are.

Right now, I'm thinking one of the following:

  • Bump my schedule up to twice a week, starting Winter Break, and 'hope for the best'
  • Coerce you guys into donating, and for every [Insert Monetary Amount Here] or other useful milestone, I throw in an extra update that next Wednesday.
  • Keep my current schedule as is, and it takes five years or more to finish goddamn Season One, let alone the rest of the story  >:3

I'd like to speed things up, naturally, but most of my hesitation has been in my own speed + the fact that I still have a hard time feeling out how well the comic's doing. I realize that time has a lot to do with it, but hey, if the demand's already there...


Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


I would offer money, if I had any. Since I don't, I can't actually ask for a more frequent update. I've thought about the idea, and think it would be very nice, but I've been waiting until you get confidence and skill enough to do it on your own ;)

Jigsaw Forte

Quote from: techmaster-glitch on October 16, 2007, 10:39:39 PM
I would offer money, if I had any. Since I don't, I can't actually ask for a more frequent update. I've thought about the idea, and think it would be very nice, but I've been waiting until you get confidence and skill enough to do it on your own ;)

Confidence? Skill? Do these things even exist?!  :eager


Why yes, they do :3 the more you draw, thus giving to your fans, the more of both of these wonderful things you get back in return! :)


All I have is my body. But it comes with a side of mashed potatos.

lucas marcone

llearch n'n'daCorna

I would suggest that setting up a donation scheme, along with a listed "x amount per extra day" and see how much you get, would be a good start.

bear in mind that x would be subject to change, depending on how you manage it, and how you can deal with things, and also how much people cough up...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Well you do seem to be getting a lot of offers to donate, uh, services, but perhaps not the kind you're looking for. If you are, it looks like you'll be very rich in flesh. Perhaps you can use some of it to deliver us some Diamond Jigsaw?


This has been bugging me, actually.

If someone's offering sex to double your updates, who's getting the reward, and who's giving it?

I mean, unless Jiggy has the complexion of a horse with gum desease, which I imagine is quite far from the truth...


Quote from: Raist on October 18, 2007, 12:05:11 AMI mean, unless Jiggy has the complexion of a horse with gum desease

(I can't believe I'm doing this...)

Why say, Raist, just how would you know if a horse had gum disease?

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?

Jigsaw Forte

Quote from: Raist on October 18, 2007, 12:05:11 AM
This has been bugging me, actually.

If someone's offering sex to double your updates, who's getting the reward, and who's giving it?

I mean, unless Jiggy has the complexion of a horse with gum desease, which I imagine is quite far from the truth...

I may actually regret putting that option in. Were I serious, I just sorta assume they'd do all the work. ;)

(and if you really have to ask, I have pictures of RL me on facebook; I'm not hard to find, honest!)


Jigsaw Forte


Quote from: superluser on October 18, 2007, 12:33:12 AM
Quote from: Raist on October 18, 2007, 12:05:11 AMI mean, unless Jiggy has the complexion of a horse with gum desease

(I can't believe I'm doing this...)

Why say, Raist, just how would you know if a horse had gum disease?

First, you hope that it wasn't given to you as a gift...


Quote from: Raist on October 18, 2007, 11:07:53 AM
Quote from: superluser on October 18, 2007, 12:33:12 AM
Quote from: Raist on October 18, 2007, 12:05:11 AMI mean, unless Jiggy has the complexion of a horse with gum desease

(I can't believe I'm doing this...)

Why say, Raist, just how would you know if a horse had gum disease?

First, you hope that it wasn't given to you as a gift...

Okay, now that was bad. That was really bad. Bad! Hardy har.

And I don't see a sign of Jigsaw on Facebook, aside from being the admin of the Last Resort group. Even there you can't click on the name. Bah, I fail.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Try looking up, say, her real name. Which is in the copyright information on her website.

As she said - not hard to find.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I did try her first name, and several variations of it. Facebook just tells me there's no one there with that name. I wonder what I'm doing wrong.

Edit: Hm, she appears now that I told facebook I'm a student. Crazy technology.

Jigsaw Forte

Quote from: stiletto on October 18, 2007, 01:27:23 PM
I did try her first name, and several variations of it. Facebook just tells me there's no one there with that name. I wonder what I'm doing wrong.

Edit: Hm, she appears now that I told facebook I'm a student. Crazy technology.

Try the Hideously Ethnic, Tragically Unique Last Name. Copy-paste if you have to.


I did use the unique last name, but until I told facebook I was a student, you wern't appearing under the search results. But I can see you now.

llearch n'n'daCorna

You need to log into facebook before you can search properly.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Jigsaw Forte

Quote from: stiletto on October 18, 2007, 05:52:19 PM
I did use the unique last name, but until I told facebook I was a student, you wern't appearing under the search results. But I can see you now.

Ah, my bad - it's a privacy filter. Basically you have to be listed in a college or high school network of some sort.

llearch n'n'daCorna

really? I'm not in any networks, and I still managed to search you out, once I logged in...

Maybe that's because you're friended... ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Eh. I would like to donate money. I hate saying this, but I don't because usually when I donate money to someone it ends up blar. I could always buy her a toy or something.


I would suggest avoiding doing comic for money if what you're looking to do is a normal increase to your update schedule. Any time it feels like you're holding updates hostage for money, you can end up with ill will from your fans.

That's not to say that bonus updates can't be "purchased" (I have a system like that on CVRPG), but you have to do it on the off days from your normal, regular schedule, and, personally, once a week doesn't feel to me like it qualifies. I update 6 days a week, so it's fairly obvious that the last day I wouldn't be likely to update otherwise.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

Jigsaw Forte

Quote from: Darkmoon on October 20, 2007, 07:31:12 PM
I would suggest avoiding doing comic for money if what you're looking to do is a normal increase to your update schedule. Any time it feels like you're holding updates hostage for money, you can end up with ill will from your fans.

That's not to say that bonus updates can't be "purchased" (I have a system like that on CVRPG), but you have to do it on the off days from your normal, regular schedule, and, personally, once a week doesn't feel to me like it qualifies. I update 6 days a week, so it's fairly obvious that the last day I wouldn't be likely to update otherwise.

My current idea is to do the bonus updates (when they occur) on Wednesdays, which is pretty off-schedule when I don't have weeks like this where I put it up extra early to get out of town. If and when I go to a more consistent schedule, I'll stop treating 'em as bonuses, which'll work out 'cause by then people will be in the habit of checking the page on both days.

Holding updates 'hostage' may be bad, but the absolute worst thing I could do is to try a twice-a-week regular schedule and then have to pull back to one a week. At least under the current system if I decide I don't like going to twice-a-week, I can tweak the system accordingly or hold off on bonus updates until a time when I can actually do them (like the summer) if I have to.

I'm curious as to what you mean by "Once a week doesn't qualify" though.


I understand that people's lives are busy, sure, but when a comic only updates once a week, any "donate to get bonus comics" always feels like holding comics (they could have done normally) hostage. I get that comics take a while to do...

When they aren't CVRPG. I do admit that my opinion is tinged slightly by the fact that my comic only take 15 to 30 minutes most days to do. Most artists can't do that, sure, but one comic a week feels slow... very slow.

I'd just think that trying to get up to two comics a week before offering a comic donation program would be preferable.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...

Jigsaw Forte

Quote from: Darkmoon on October 23, 2007, 11:43:10 PM
I understand that people's lives are busy, sure, but when a comic only updates once a week, any "donate to get bonus comics" always feels like holding comics (they could have done normally) hostage. I get that comics take a while to do...

When they aren't CVRPG. I do admit that my opinion is tinged slightly by the fact that my comic only take 15 to 30 minutes most days to do. Most artists can't do that, sure, but one comic a week feels slow... very slow.

I'd just think that trying to get up to two comics a week before offering a comic donation program would be preferable.

I'll be glad to walk you through my process, but either way I can assure you it takes a while. Even on my best days it still takes a day's effort (8-10 hours, easily) to do a page from sketch to finish. A lot of that is eaten up in coloring/shading, but I'm fairly sure It wouldn't be the same comic without it.

If it were my main 'thing' the way Amber seems to have her comic, that'd be one thing (and I might even be able to keep up with her and do MWF), but it isn't, and it seems a little silly to try and hold off from asking when I know that figuring out when it's 'time' to start posting more is a chicken-and-egg problem to begin with. This is the simplest way to test the waters and gear up to a twice-weekly schedule without the stress of preparing to jump to one and being concerned that it won't be worth the effort or that I can't keep up the schedule if I start at the wrong time.

The donation-less option is to stay at once-a-week for the remainder of the school year until I figure out if I can advance my efforts. That's a good eight months to be kept waiting, and quite frankly I'd rather at least offer an option to let people 'taste' twice-weekly than not offer it at all.


Eh, it's your call. I'm simply stating how it would look like to someone like me (even if they didn't run a crappy, 15 minute a day webcomic).
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...