Sailor Steeler has Gone Crazy!

Started by Destina Faroda, April 01, 2006, 11:52:04 AM

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Destina Faroda

Hey, Clara!

(insert unintelligible rant)

April Fools!

And if you didn't see it, you don't need to. ;)
Sig coming...whenever...


Awww, you had it written so well until the end there. Shoulda let it play out until midnight as opposed to sucking out at the end.

Nice one though ;)


Wow you had me going, Damn good show *Throws money at Sailor steeler*



Alright, yeah, I admit that had me goin there for a sec ;) Good job. That was about as convincing as a "Twilight Princess is cancelled!" thread I read this morning, and that almost had me crying before I saw the two little magic words at the bottom.

One question though... Why me? O.o;


Because your name is clara..........?

Sin Ominous

Same here.

I was like, "Oh boy. This shit's going to hit the fan here..."


You had no idea the eye twitching that went on when I started reading this.  I had to be physically restrained. lol.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber

Sin Ominous


Usually there's an underlying funny in an April Fools joke, not a hair-raising moment.


Leave it to Sailor to Mix it up. *throws cat at Sailor Steeler*I ran out of money.

Jorge D. Fuentes

What, what happened?
Do what, now?
*throws money at Steeler anyway 'cuz she's cool like that*


I'm drunk on energy drinks, I can't stay still, I think that is why I picked up you road......... so how did you do it again? build the road Jorge?

Jorge D. Fuentes

I went to Able Sisters and designed eight 'road' tiles.  Each costed 350b.  So that's 2800.
Then just go to the Pencil Icon in your menu, and 'drop' the files into the floor.
Just lay it all out and it'll be alright.

Designing the tile takes a little of time.
