
Started by Kasarn, April 26, 2007, 11:58:06 PM

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Amber Williams

Ye gods man! What have you been feeding that pet?

Currently amidst leveling of these days I should actually invest in some decent battledome weapons but I never know what to buy X_x


He got a special email offer for a V14-G124 ray and now he gets zapped every day :E

As for weapons, start here.
Honestly, unless you like 2-player battles, a generic line up of items should be more than enough.
If in doubt, save up for a Sword of Skarsden. 11 million neopoints is a bit steep though; I certainly don't have one :<

Kitsune Ascendant

Quote from: Amber Williams on May 03, 2007, 08:36:21 AM
Ye gods man! What have you been feeding that pet?

Currently amidst leveling of these days I should actually invest in some decent battledome weapons but I never know what to buy X_x

I'm quite happy with obsidian dagger, scarab ring, and leaf shield. I think I got each for under 10k.

This guide is great for building a cheap set for battledome. I found it very useful considering I made myself broke getting the lab map. Which reminds me, I need to start leveling up mia.

I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


Quote from: Boogeyman on April 30, 2007, 07:44:35 PM
I've had an account since 6th grade, and every couple months I lose or regain my addiction to it. Even so, from looking at my inventory you would think I'd been on for a month, tops. Feel free to pity me.
On the plus side, customization, yay. On the downside, now I have to spend money on pants. :rolleyes
Would you feel better if I gave you neo-moneys, Oogie? :<

I MEAN, IT'S NOT LIKE I HAVE 1,340,748 NP. And you know I wuv you, mean 'ol big bwother. :3 *Hugs Oog*

Also, Monthly freebiez! Free food for every pet you have and 2000 NPs. ALL FOR FREE, GUISE.

And the lab ray hates my pets. D: All of 'em (Except for my Grarrl, which hasn't been zapped yet) have been gender-switched. But they're guys now. Except for my Zafara. He looks better as a girl...or at least, I think he does. :<


Been there.  For a few years.  Eventually grew tired.

Might still be around if they'd stuck with the darker, cooler mythos/style a lot of their earlier material points toward.

...and I've forgotten what birthday I told them I had. x.x
Quote from: DamarisThis is the most freaking civil "flame war" I have ever seen in my life.
Yap yap.


Ah yes, neo pets, I remembered that just recently...  Of course I really don't care about it any more.  It was a thing I did primarily to satisfy many of my many female friends in highschool, but none my relationships ever got serious dangit!  May be it was because I insisted on trying to go with them one at a time.  Seriously, highschool is very much like being in a pride of lions.  Thats probably why I was so quick to forget about neopets.  Afterall, at that age if it didn't help me get in bed with a willing female, I instant scrapped the project.

Anyway, I've long since forgotten my name and password so it really doesn't matter.  Of course one of the main problems I had with the whole concept is this:  THE STORES ARE EMPTY!  Even if it looks like they have an item, it's just a blant ruse to waste your time as somebody will ALWAYS buy it before you.  Period, end of sentence.  You simply can't buy from the NPC's.  I found that the only place this wasn't true with was the player stores, but since I ALWAYS got one of those freakin' farie quests I could never use the search which also had the draw back of only finding the specific item you're looking for, which gets kind of difficult if you're just looking for reasonably priced food when you've gotten too rich for the soup kitchen.

In short, I quit it at the early age of thiteen(also the age I was refered to it), because quite frankly, it sucked.  Big time.

Of course the games you played to get monies were alright for flash games.
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)

Kitsune Ascendant

Quote from: Dakata on May 03, 2007, 05:25:37 PM
Quote from: Boogeyman on April 30, 2007, 07:44:35 PM
I've had an account since 6th grade, and every couple months I lose or regain my addiction to it. Even so, from looking at my inventory you would think I'd been on for a month, tops. Feel free to pity me.
On the plus side, customization, yay. On the downside, now I have to spend money on pants. :rolleyes
Would you feel better if I gave you neo-moneys, Oogie? :<

I MEAN, IT'S NOT LIKE I HAVE 1,340,748 NP. And you know I wuv you, mean 'ol big bwother. :3 *Hugs Oog*

Also, Monthly freebiez! Free food for every pet you have and 2000 NPs. ALL FOR FREE, GUISE.

And the lab ray hates my pets. D: All of 'em (Except for my Grarrl, which hasn't been zapped yet) have been gender-switched. But they're guys now. Except for my Zafara. He looks better as a girl...or at least, I think he does. :<

You might or might not know this, but the lab ray scientist has a special attack that switches the gender of your pet in the battledome. you can get him as a challenger by refreshing several times at the page of the lab ray where you select the pet to zap.
I may be a bit young to be worrying about it so much, but I'm not changing this sig until I find true love.
yappities by silverfoxr, and are awesome.  Thanks!


Well, that was a little frustrating (the plot puzzle, that is)
\\facestabs stupid puzzle of annoying

I mean, I'm not bad at that sort of game but a few extra moves would have been nice. I still got it though :)

Amber Williams

Yeah. I feel somewhat bad.  Last plot I was one of the big helpers on the Charter Boards when people had problems doing particular plot parts.  But so far all these things are pretty much "Do on your own" stuff.

I managed to get it.  The first two I actually got pretty lucky with. The last one took me a few tries though.

Either way, hoping to get at least some nice books or even a paintbrush with this plot.


That stupid stone puzzle annoyed me after a few tries...


My first puzzle was actually pretty easy. I failed a few times as I got used to the puzzle and then ended up with a combination that was all the same :rolleyes

In other news, I still haven't spent my Tale of Woe plot points :T
I was thinking about picking up a Spirit of Slumber Plushie and the Creeping Shadow Hammer because they look cool (yeah, I know the ToW weapons suck as weapons). Other than that, I feel a little overwhelmed by all the choices @_@

Amber Williams

I usually spend most my plot points on things like books or brushes...or things that have a 1-shot use to them.  Thats mainly cause I tend to porring items and put them in my SDB for a few years at a time.

Never underestimate the strategy of being forgetful and just outliving everything.  :ghosthouse


Monstrous Moach75 +222722322434

At this point, Mirshalyr is pretty much getting trounced :(

Amber Williams

Still better than me. I'm gonna call it quits at +5 I think.

I just lack the gear to really do a good battledome.


Well, my line up is currently
Scarab Ring (6 atk, def:3 fire, 3 phy)
Scarab Ring (6 atk, def:3 fire, 3 phy)
Stone Club (9 atk)
Ice Club (9 atk)
Patched Magic Hat (def: 5 earth, 5 light, + physical)
Greater Healing Scroll (+50hp before damage)
Downsize! (blocks 50% damage)
Snowglobe Staff (random weapon that may freeze)

I mostly just used the Stone and Ice Clubs to beat on it until it went down. That got me to 19 wins :B

With Thorganthicus's higher strength bonus (3x compared to my Mirshalyr's 2x) I'm sure you'd could use any of the "beginner" 6-9 iconers and win comfortably. Scarab Ring and Obsidian Dagger are usually the weapons of choice.

Other low end weapons, in no specific order
Von Roo Dice, Battle Ready Pencil Box, 17-pound Trout, Fighting Folder, Bone Sceptre, Jade Staff, Cobrall In A Can, Scroll Of Flame Strike and countless others

Also pick up 4 Bottled Earth Faerie for Burrow (blocks 97.5% of everything except dark/light)
Then you'll need 8 Bottled Dark Faerie for Drain Life (11% life steal) and Sink (blocks 97.5% of everything except earth/air)

In battle, use Buzz Zoom instead of Fierce/Berserk Attack. Unless you've got really good weapons or are using a bomb, using Fierce/Berserk Attack just means you take more damage without doing any more.

Finally, if you really wanted to, you could train Thorganthicus up to level 100 and strength 200. Then his damage bonus would increase to 4.5x

Amber Williams

I snub thee red-letters! :B

Looks like that plot was kind of...meh. XD
At least I got a little bit of stuff done, though wasnt able to take on the final rush of bugs.

But oooh! Rumour mill says the Altador cup is going to be starting up in June!  So hopefully this year I'll get to at least attempt for that delicious side-bar. :3


I managed 4 wins out of 8 fights against the Petpetpet Horde :)
And yeah, if it's the actual end, the plot was kind of sucky. I expect that the prizes will probably be somewhat ordinary.

As for the Altador Cup, I found the game played a little slow for my tastes. Of course, they may have a new version.
In any case, I wouldn't be terribly surprised if the Haunted Woods or Darigan Citadel win again. Evil will always triumph, because good is dumb.

Also, I am a cruel pet owner...

edit: changed the image so that it won't break if I change something


Wow people still play this? I poked around my account when I saw this thread but wow I haven't touched that in ages :mwaha
Once upon a time I actually posted here.

Amber Williams

I tend to notice they try to do one "big" plot a year, followed by around 4-5 smaller plots of varying degrees.

I was bummed I missed out on the cup last year mainly cause I really liked the site theme they offered.  Luckily I got back in time for the Haunted Woods plot.


Well, looks like they've added supporter games :)

Also, no team switching this time around... interesting... (edit: interesting as in "What about between rounds?" )
In any case, I picked Mystery Island.

Amber Williams

I chose Virtupets.  But honestly I suck hard at the game so I'm not sure how I'm going to hold up. :/


It took a bit to figure out the finer points, but scoring is pretty much done by running in at a 45 degree angle and shooting for the far corner of the goal. Of course, that doesn't work for faerie, mutant and darigan balls (it does work with the mutant ball... sometimes).

Amber Williams

Ugh...suck so hard at yooyoo ball.  Like black hole levels of suck. D:


Well, you earn points regardless of whether you win or lose (although, I assume that losing probably hurts the team as a whole) and I doubt the theme will require many.

Or you could just MAKE SOME NOISE!!!
Actually, don't do that; you'll just hurt your hands :U

Amber Williams

I think the way they do it is something like 1 point for every score submission, and 5 points for every win...or something like that. Cause last time they recommended people send in their scores even if they lost.

So even if you have a whole slew of sucky players, if they are dedicated enough they can still win against fewer but more skilled players.  At least thats how I think it works.


I just looked at the rules page.
QuoteYour contribution to your team's standings depends upon how well you play Yooyuball, with the calculation being based on the goal deficit for each game you play. If, for example, you send a winning score of 4 - 2, you will contribute 2 Yooyuball points to your team's daily score. If you send a winning score of 8 - 0, you will contribute 8 Yooyuball points to your team's daily score. Draws and losing scores are counted as zero Yooyuball points, so you definitely want to try to win.

Oh well, there's always Slushie Slinger...


ohman, I haven't even checked that since like... seventh grade.

My first account doesn't even exist anymore. XP